Silent Love ~a Lauren Cimorel...

By ItsCamiz

148K 3.3K 418

Jocelyn is a 16 year old deaf girl who moved in California and fell in love with her new neighbor. That perso... More

Silent Love ~a Lauren Cimorelli love story~
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Author's note
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chatper 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Not Update/New Story
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Good new about Jocelyn
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
New Story! (:
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 *LAST CHAPTER*
It can wait
New story?
Apology Note
New Camren Story everybodyyy

Chapter 22

3K 82 8
By ItsCamiz

Lauren's POV

"I miss you too" Jocelyn said.

*beep beep*

I fluttered my eyes open slow, realizing it was only a dream. I grabbed nearly pillow and screamed into it.

"Lauren! What's wrong!" Lisa said, threw a pillow at me. "A stupid dream. that's what's wrong." I got off my bed and walked over to the closet.

"What are you doing?" Dani said, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. I must woken her up.

"What? we have school." I took my tie dye tshirt and faded blue high waisted short."

"Lauren? today is Saturday." Lisa said.

I mentally slapped myself. "Really?" I threw my clothing away and crawled on Lisa's bed and laid down on Lisa's body.

"Get off me." lisa groaned and tried to push me off. Tried.

"No one can." I said, wrapped my arm around her body.

We heard door opened. "It's breakfa- Lauren what are you doing?" I heard my mom asked.

"Cuddling with my sister." I nuzzled my head into Lisa's stomach. "she's comfy." I realized she was very comfy.

"Help me." I heard Lisa whispered. I tightly my arms around her. "Lauren, get off and come downstairs. I'll expecting you all be there in 5 minute." Mom said and closed the door.

After few minute of cuddling with Lisa, we all got up and walked to the kitchen.

"What was dream about?"

"Jocelyn and I got back together." I gave her a sad look. I can't let her go.

Lisa gave me an amused look. "You will." she grabbed a plate of bacons and eggs.

I slightly nodded, doubting it. I slumped sat down on the chair and laid my head down on the kitchen table.

"What's wrong, Laur." Alex asked.

"A dream." he gave me a nod, understanding. "don't worry bud. it'll take time." he ruffed my head and sneakily grabbed one of my bacons but I don't care. I wasn't hungry.

Dani walked into the kitchen. "hey guys! want hear a funny story?"

We all looked at her. "Lauren thought we had a school like she got up and was getting ready." They looked at me and some of them laughed and I groaned. "Whatever."

"Are anyone excited for next week?" Christina said. I was confused until I realized we were going to Spain!

"Oh my god, time went fast. I was so busying with my thoughts." I said, shocking but exciting.

"Yeah you were." Katherine said, gave me a look and sad smile. I got up and walked out of the kitchen to backyard. I found Chris sitting on the swing, looking sad. I walked over to him and took a swing next to him. "What's wrong Chris?"

"Luis don't like me, he has a girlfriend." I didn't know he actually liked him but I knew they were hanging out often almost as much as Jocelyn and I used to.

"Who?" I asked.

"This girl in our class. Her name is Madison. I saw her kissed him under the slide." he frowned, remembering the scene. "Aw, I'm sorry but you'll find someone else." He shook no.

"No, it's okay. I'm still young. Maybe I am not gay."

I didn't say anything, just rubbing his back. "Oh I am sorry about you and Jocelyn. I should tell you earlier about this. Jocelyn was telling you the truth. I was about leave the bathroom but I saw Teala pushed Jocelyn against the wall in the hallway and she kissed her and Jocelyn was shocked but pushed her away. She didn't kissed her back at all." Luis said, looked down at the grass.

I sighed, already knew the truth. "Thanks for telling me. Let's go inside?" he nodded and we walked back inside.


Elli texted me, "Now I remembered her, the girl who you bumped and fell on. Her name was Jocelyn and she was your ex girlfriend. OMG how did I forget her? Maybe it is because I met her once."

I texted her back, "Yeah, it was her." I went Twitter and tweeted.

"@LaurenCimorelli: A smooth never made a skilled sailor." I putted my phone on the lamp table.

I felt the couch shifted down as someone sat next to me.

"I fully accept you." I smiled, no needing at look her. "Thanks."

"I'm truly apologizing two month ago, I was too blind to see you being happy with her. Your family and I are positive you and Jocelyn will be back together in no time."

What's up with my family with those comments about me and Jocelyn? Something is up.

"Hey? is it true Christian like Luis?" I nodded. "That's what I thought. Anyway, don't doubt it about you and her." I faked a smile. Christina can tell it was fake. She sighed and left me alone.

Alex's POV

"Kayla, Lauren's moping around the house and I hate to see her in that state. When ever Jocelyn make her mind?" I really hated to see my sister being sad and quiet. Really quiet.

"Alex. Let Jocelyn take her time. She's still recovering."

"Recovering?! It's been over two month." she sighed. "I'm sorry for overreacting. I'll do anything for Lauren to see her smile again. You and I know Jocelyn can able do that. We all know."

Kayla laid her hand on my shoulder. "Relationships have ups and downs. Without those, we wouldn't learn to deal with it. They're learning their lessons and will moving on from it. You told Lauren that they'll get back together in no time, right?"

I sighed, "Yeah, I only said that to make her feel better and give her hope."

I heard someone walking down the stairs. I turned my head around and found Jocelyn, in her boxer with pandas and grey T-shirt, her short dyed light brown hair were messy and had black bags under her eyes. I almost didn't recognized her at first.

"Hey, Joce." I said. I learned signs from Kayla. I've been here often. She gave me a slightly nod and went to the yard, letting Mia get in. She ran to us and jumped between me and Kayla. I ruffed her head. she laid her head down on my lap.

"Where's Dad? He supposed to take me to the doctor for daily check up on my diabetes." Jocelyn said, rubbing her eyes and picked Mia up.

"He's bringing IHOP for breakfast lunch." She nodded and left to the kitchen for feeding Mia.

"Is she okay?" I noticed her strange behavior. Her eyes were dull and grey.

She sighed. "She told me she had those dreams. Remembered she was twin." I nodded, waiting for her to continuing. "she had those dreams about her brother dying in her arms. She barely got any sleep. And her diabetes isn't doing well. Her blood sugar got low often because she doesn't eat a lot."

"Id say the same thing as Lauren but she still eat but not as much as she used to." I said, noticing her appetite for eating. I sighed, "Lauren's in love with her, she don't see that she is."

"Jocelyn too. She didn't threw the stuffs from Lauren and the pictures they took away."

We heard a stump. We looked at each other with worried look. We ran to the kitchen and found Jocelyn on the floor.

"I'm okay. I slipped." I heard Kayla sighed in relieved. I shook my head.

"You scared shit out of us." She gave us a sheepishly smile and got up.

"Sorry." She apologized.

We all went back to the living room and found Jayden laid down on the stair along Ashley, they did everything together. I laughed and Kayla shook her head. I looked at Jocelyn, staring out of the window and was in deep thoughts. I patted her to out of her thoughts and saw them. She lightly chuckled.

Jocelyn's POV

Am I ready to give myself and Lauren a new fresh start? I'm still afraid to risking to get myself hurt. It's been two week the last time we talked about ourselves.


Hey! Who's back?!

I'm doing more than better but I only write add few thing at end of chapter that Camille wrote and I'm giving Camille this story until I feel better and able to think. It's hard for me thinking ideas. Anyway I miss y'all. Who's birthday today? Camille! Give her wishes birthday! She's 16 pst she's old.

I'll leave TROUBLED discontinued until I get better. Hope you can understand the reasons.

I wanted to thank you all for 15k read and almost 600 votes! Amazing! Last time I was on Wattpad it was under 9k read. Impression! I'm so lucky to have y'all as my readers and supporters. Also I wanted to thanks for your prayers. Thank you. Thank you! Stay strong for me and yourself. (: I'll be back later.

Don't forget vote! Comment if you like to!

-Jocelyn 🐼🐼🐼

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