Opposites Attract

By fallenxroses

194K 6.3K 2.6K

In Khloe King's lame attempt to get over Hayden Ross, her neighbor, she agrees to move away with her mother t... More

opposites attract
01. secret crushes & surprises
02. dinners & discussions
03. apologies & disappointment
04. ex boyfriends & school projects
05. phone numbers & basketball teams
06. jealousy & shame
07. deep convos & decisions
08. parties & surprises
09. sisters & ice cream
10. skipped classes & long lasting smiles
11. hospitals & memories from the past
12. family & the truth
13. cheaters & photos
14. fast paced heart beats & fake smiles
15. drug tests & liars
16. trust issues & boy fights
17. secrets & confessions
19. love & despair
20. criminals & resentment
21. judgemental stares & denial
22. stomach butterflies & temptations
23. sweet nothings & large burgers
24. heartbreak & family arrangements
25. grandmothers & affection
26. hugs & kisses
27. hot boys & jail cells
28. first dates & spaghetti
29. court rooms & girl fights
30. business deals & basketball games
31. blackmail & broken marriages
32. passion & revenge
33. old secrets & new secrets
34. family dinners & stressful situations
35. engagement rings & realization
36. new beginnings & heartfelt moments
37. missing friends & unforeseen plans 

18. police stations & complete chaos

4.6K 187 127
By fallenxroses

One Sunny afternoon, an eleven year old boy was very bored. He was outside, playing basketball with his friends. This is usually how he spent his days.

"Hayden!" Another little boy called and Hayden turned his head around to look at him. "Your girlfriend is outside with her sister."

The little boy instantly felt his heart beat speed up. Luna King was strange to say the least. She almost scared him. "She isn't my girlfriend."

"Sure she is." All his friends laughed. "Aren't you guys going to be together forever?"

"Yeah!" Another one of his friends yelled. "You're lucky. Luna is the prettiest girl in this whole neighbourhood."

Hayden scrunched up his face in disgust. "Isn't it weird?" The little boy tugged on his curly hair. "She's fifteen, that's old."

"No!" One boy laughed. "Shut up."

Hayden was done with this conversation. He couldn't understand how blind his friends were. Then again they were only eleven years old.

But the little boy was different. Sure he was young, but he was smart. That's how he knew Luna was strange. Looks can be very deceiving.

"Hey Hayden!"

The little boy heard a high pitched voice and he turned his head around.

All his friends froze up, because they were in Luna King's presence, which didn't make any sense.

Luna walked up to Hayden with a wide smile on her lips. Her curly hair was tied up and her clothes were too tight. They looked like maybe they could fit Khloe.

Khloe was Luna's little sister. She was the complete opposite of Luna. Hayden often wondered why Luna was so mean to her.

Khloe was sweet, quiet, and pretty. The little boy definitely thought that she was pretty, maybe prettier than her sister.

"What are you doing?" Luna questioned, her eyes scanning everyone and everything.

"I'm just playing basketball with my friends, Luna." Hayden answered quickly because he wanted Luna to leave as quickly as possible.

He didn't have the guts to tell his friends that he hated Luna. She was weird.

"Luna," Khloe suddenly whispered and Luna looked over at her. "I want to go for a walk, can you come with me?"

Luna laughed loudly. "No way Khloe. Go by yourself."

The little girl looked hurt. Her lips turned downward into a frown and Hayden immediately felt bad.

"I'll go with you, Khloe." The little boy blurted out.

"What?" Luna questioned, and she looked furious. She looked more upset than she probably should have been. "Why would you want to go anywhere with her?"

Khloe looked hopeful. Her frown disappeared as she looked over at Hayden. "Really?"

"Yeah," Hayden shrugged his shoulders, ignoring Luna. "Let's go."

Hayden's friends were shocked, but they didn't say anything like usual.

Hayden waited for Khloe before they walked away.

"Thanks." Khloe mumbled quietly. "For going on a walk with me, I mean."

Hayden grinned. "You're welcome Khloe. Anytime you want to go for a walk you can ask me."

Khloe's cheeks turned a shade lighter. "I'm not sure my sister would like that very much."

Hayden didn't understand. He didn't like Luna at all. He liked Khloe. She was sweet, she even smelled like it too. "Don't worry about her right now."

While the little boy and girl walked, they laughed and talked about the most random things, but they mostly just laughed.

When they got home the little boy waved to the little girl before he walked away. They lived beside each other so it didn't take him much time to get home.

But as he walked closer towards his house, he noticed that someone was standing in front of him.

It was Luna.

"Luna?" He questioned quietly. "What are you doing?"

Luna walked closer towards the little boy. "Let me tell you something about my sister, Hayden."


"Yeah," Luna nodded her head. "You're like my little brother, I don't want to see you get hurt."

"What are you talking about?" The little boy had no idea what she was hinting at.

"After I tell you this, you won't want to go near Khloe again."

And Luna was right. Hayden never really went near Khloe King again, until he realized everything was a lie.

He felt so stupid. He knew Luna was evil, yet he still believed her. He desperately wanted to fix things but it was too late. She was already gone...

"Khloe! Khloe, wake up something very bad has happened!"

I almost immediately woke up from my sleep. I instantly sat up and rubbed my eyes harshly.

The last thing I could remember was going over to Kiera's house. Noah was there too and I told the both of them about the video Ashlynn took. Then I came home and passed out.

"Khloe? Can you hear what I'm saying?"

I looked up and all I could see was mom standing over me. Her eyes were wide and filled with tears.

My heart dropped, and I jumped up onto my feet. "Mom? What happened?"

Mom shook her head. "Alicia is gone."

My jaw practically dropped to the floor. "What do you mean? She's not gone."

Mom nodded her head quickly. "Yes she is, Khloe. Cadence took her!"

"Oh my god." I gasped in complete horror. "How do you guys know?"

"Come in the kitchen." Mom mumbled as she walked out of my room, and I followed behind her. "Andrew is in there."

Once I got to the kitchen, I saw Andrew. I had never seen him like this before in my life. He looked extremely upset and stressed out. His eyes were bloodshot red and his hair was sticking up in every direction.

Everything was starting to sink in and I was becoming more anxious by the second. Cadence actually kidnapped Alicia? That poor child. I was becoming crazy thinking about how scared Alicia must be.

"Andrew? What happened?" I questioned walking closer towards him. "Where is she?"

Andrew rubbed his face. "My sister was going to take Alicia out for ice cream and then bring her here. Alicia already missed a day of school, so we didn't want her to miss any other days."

"Okay," I nodded my head frantically. "What happened? How did Candace even find her?"

"I don't know." Andrew wiped away the tears that had fallen onto his cheeks. "My sister said that Alicia was waiting outside for her, and then in one second Alicia was gone."

I was walking in circles. "That's not possible. This must have been planned. How would Cadence know exactly when to take Alicia?"

"I have no idea sweetheart." Mom cried. "Andrew's sister called the police immediately. We need to go over there as soon as possible."

Mom and Andrew started to move around me, but I just sat there. There was only one way this could all make sense.

"Where's Luna?" I blurted out. "Someone tell me where she is!"

"That's another problem!" Andrew yelled. "After you got home, she was here. Your mother and I left the house for about an hour, and when we came back her car was gone. I went upstairs to the guest bedroom and the room was completely empty." Andrew explained running his hands through his hair. "Oh my god this is horrible."

Mom nodded her head. "I'm worried sick. Why would Luna leave without saying goodbye? It makes no sense."

I really wanted to believe that Luna didn't do it but she did. She would always be my sister, but I couldn't protect her forever. "Luna is working with Cadence." I blurted out.

Mom and Andrew both froze. Neither one of them said anything for a while, until I heard the sound of mom's soft voice. "What are you talking about, Khloe?"

"I'm sorry." I instantly bursted into tears. "There is something seriously wrong with Luna! I was talking with Hayden the other day, and he told me everything. Luna said that you cheated on dad and that's why you guys got a divorce." I was talking so fast, I could barely breathe. "Luna kept talking about how Cadence must still be on drugs, and it was strange. But what was even stranger is the fact that she didn't leave when she said she would. Now she goes missing the same time Alicia does?" I shook my head. "I'm not saying that Luna kidnapped Alicia herself, but I do think that she told Cadence exactly where Alicia would be and when to take her."

"I believe you, Khloe."

I looked over at Andrew in complete shock. "What?"

"Yeah," He nodded his head. "Your sister is seriously mentally ill."

I felt like I couldn't breathe at all. My hand went up to my chest. "She's what?" I looked over at my mom. "But... I thought no one else ever noticed but me?" My heart was beating out of my chest. "What are you talking about?"

Mom wrapped her arms around my body. "Khloe, I'm so sorry, we didn't want you to get involved. We already knew you were going through so much with the divorce."

"I don't understand anything. I'm so confused." I cried and mom rubbed my back slowly.

"I know baby, but I can't explain it right now."

"We need to leave immediately." Andrew said firmly.

✼ ✼ ✼

When my family and I arrived at the police station, saying I was nervous was an understatement. I have never been in a situation like this before in my whole entire life.

There were a million police cars all flashing blue and red. It was practically blinding.

One police officer told us that when a child is abducted and in immediate danger, they send out an amber alert. They said it was a faster way to find victims.

Suspects were Cadence Fox and Luna King.

"Cadence Fox is thirty nine years old. She is Caucasian, has a slim built, blue eyes, and long honey blonde hair. She is reported to be using drugs and could be extremely dangerous to this child."

"Luna King is twenty two years old. Her father is said to be Caucasian, while her mother is said to be African American. Slim built, hazel eyes, and she has curly light brown hair. Luna is suffering from a mental illness."

"The victim is described to be a sweet girl. Her name is Alicia Bryant, Caucasian, six years old. Four feet, long blonde hair, blue eyes, beautiful smile—"

"Can someone turn off the TV!'" I suddenly screamed and everyone turned their heads to look at me.

One police officer walked over to the TV and turned it off slowly.

I was currently in the waiting room. They were going to question me, for whatever reason. I didn't truly know anything. All I knew is that Cadence took Alicia and Luna helped her.

"Khloe King?"

I looked up and saw a police officer standing in front of me. He was tall and muscular. His black hair was slicked back and his face was clean, free of any hair.

"My name is Giovanni López. If you could follow me this way, I will start your questioning."

I stood up quickly and followed the officer around the corner and into a small room that was covered in mirrors. I knew that people could see us from the outside.

In the room there was a metal table and two chairs on each side. The officer sat on one side and I followed his actions by sitting on the other side.

He looked down at my phone because it was ringing nonstop. I had almost a million people calling me. Kiera and Noah were calling me the most, and then I had random people in my classes texting me about how sorry they were. I was actually disappointed to see that Hayden hadn't tried to call or text me. I knew he was mad, but I really needed him right now.

"I'm sorry, Officer López." I mumbled quickly, grabbing my phone. "My friends just want to know if I'm okay. I mean, everyone has seen the news."

"I understand." The officer chuckled. "You can call me Giovanni, to make things less intense. I know this is a hard time."

"Okay, Giovanni." I nodded my head. "Nothing like this has ever happened to me before."

This was embarrassing. I know it sounds selfish because Alicia is missing, but my own sister helped kidnap her. I didn't even know that Luna was actually mentally ill.

Giovanni looked sympathetic. His lips turned downward into a frown. "I promise after this you can call all your friends, okay?"

"Okay." I nodded my head. "Where are my parents?"

"They are being questioned." Giovanni answered. "Since you're older you can be questioned alone. Are you comfortable?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm fine. I just wanted to know where they were."

"Okay," Giovanni nodded his head. "I understand. Whenever you're ready, I will start to ask you questions."

"I'm ready." I took a deep breath because I felt like I was going to throw up any second now.

"You don't have to be nervous." Giovanni smiled. "Okay," He sighed heavily. "Your name is Khloe King, correct?"

"Correct." I nodded my head.

"Can you please explain your relation to Alicia Bryant?"

I cupped my face in my hands. "Alicia is my step sister. My parents got divorced when I was fourteen years old. I moved in with my mother and Luna went to live on campus. About a year later, closer to my sixteenth birthday, my mother married Andrew Bryant, who is Alicia's father. We moved in with them shortly after. That's how Andrew is my step father and Alicia is my step sister."

Giovanni raised his eyebrow. "You mentioned Luna?"

"Yes," I nodded my head. "Luna King is my biological sister. We share the same parents."

"Your parents said that you thought Luna had something to do with the kidnapping of Alicia Bryant. Why would you think that, Khloe?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I always knew there was something wrong with Luna. She lacks empathy." I sighed casting my eyes down. "I found out that she blames our mother for our parents divorce. When we were younger she acted as if it didn't affect her, but it did. She thinks that our mother cheated on our father, which is far from the truth."

Giovanni nodded his head slowly. "Did you know that your sister was struggling with a mental disorder? Did you know that she has a Narcissistic Personality Disorder?"

"No!" I shook my head. "I have no clue when she got diagnosed. My parents kept me completely in the dark."

"Don't you think that would have been something you should have known?"

I nodded my head quickly. "Absolutely, but I think my parents just wanted to protect me."

This explains Luna's behaviour completely. She's always had extreme high's and lows.

"What made you think that Luna had something to do with the kidnapping of Alicia Bryant?" Giovanni questioned as he scribbled words onto a sheet of paper.

"I don't know!" I practically yelled and Giovanni's head snapped up. "I just had a feeling based on things Luna would say."

"Can you give me an example?"

I shook my head. "I shouldn't have said anything. I don't even know if Luna was involved. It's just that she left without saying goodbye. It's strange, she's just gone. But the worst part about it, is that I know how she feels about Andrew and Alicia. She blames our mother because she apparently cheated on our father. Which means she must hate Andrew and Alicia. She just wants to get rid of them so that our father could come back into the picture."

Giovanni paused, "So what you're saying is that Luna wants to eliminate Andrew and Alicia? If she thinks that your mother cheated on your father, why does your mother deserve to live in a big house with a new husband while your father suffers?"

"Yeah...." I mumbled. "You understand what I'm saying? She wants to get rid of Alicia and Andrew. The first step was to get rid of Alicia because that's easy. Cadence already wanted her daughter back, but Andrew has full custody over her. That's why Luna helped Cadence take Alicia." I gasped. "Who knows what she'll do to Andrew next!"

"Nothing else is going to happen to your family, Khloe." Giovanni stated. "This is already all over the news."

"Oh no..."

"We know for sure Luna helped Cadence take Alicia."

My eyes widened. "Really? How?"

Giovanni shrugged his shoulders. "I was speaking to Andrew and he told me some important details about Luna that I think you should know." My heart dropped because I was scared. I was scared of the truth. "When Luna was eighteen years old she did not get accepted into a college program to become a doctor. She got accepted into a hospital for the mentally disturbed."

"What?" I practically screamed. "This can't be true."

"It is true, Khloe. I know it's hard to understand but it's true."

"But I saw her dorm room! What are you talking about?"

There was no way any of this could be true. I went to visit Luna years ago. I saw her dorm room.

"Luna was diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder at the age of eighteen. She was in the hospital for several months, until she was released. That's when she got accepted into college."

That was true. I didn't see Luna's dorm room for months after she supposedly moved in because my mom wouldn't let me go. Now I truly know why. I would only get to see Luna during holidays. "This is all making some sense now."

Giovanni nodded his head. "Someone who lives across from you said that they saw a women who looked like Cadence, get into a car with Luna."

That must have been after my parents left the house today. After I came home from Kiera's house, I went upstairs into my room. Before I passed out mom told me that she was going to go see a friend with Andrew. Luna must have packed all her things and told Cadence to come over, all while I was asleep. Andrew told Luna everything. He told her that Cadence failed the drug test, and he had told her where Alicia was staying.

They must have drove over there together and taken Alicia.

"I know Luna wouldn't hurt Alicia." My eyes widened. "She wouldn't."

"I don't believe she would." Giovanni reassured me. "Cadence just doesn't realize that she is in no position to take care of a child while she is on drugs. I know she doesn't want to hurt her own child."

"Okay." I nodded my head. "So did you guys find her yet? Where is Alicia?"

I was freaking out thinking about Alicia. Was she okay? She was probably so scared.

"The police force is doing the best they can." Giovanni suddenly stood up. "Let me promise you this, it won't be hard to find Alicia. You're free to go now, your family is outside."

I quickly got up and walked out of the room.

Once I walked back into the waiting room Andrew, mom, and even my dad was there. But I was the most shocked to see Hayden sitting on a chair beside Andrew, with his face buried in his hands.

"Hayden?" I questioned and his green eyes met my hazel eyes.

• • •
oop do y'all think they'll find alicia?
ALSO THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 10K on this story. come back next week! ❤️love you.

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