Dear Diary, Am I even good en...

By -M4R1-

1K 43 38

[sorry for the lack of updates recently!!] "Just friends... right?" Y/n Ro'meave the second youngest Ro'meave... More

Dear Diary, Is this the beginning of something new..?
Chapter 1. Obnoxious Alarm Clock
Chapter 2. Nothing More Than Just Friends...
Chapter 4. Failing To Keep The Secret
Chapter 5. At that one party
Chapter 6. Laurance's deal
Chapter 7. Love Consequences
Chapter 8. In love with Mr. Casanova
chapter 9. Never going back to him
Chapter 10. Looking For Answers
Chapter 11. Off The Hook
Chapter 12. Valuable Moments
Chapter 13. Expressing my love for you
Chapter 14. All Girls Day
Chapter 15. Gathering Eggs

Chapter 3. This Can't Be So Bad....Right...?

84 3 3
By -M4R1-

Your POV

"So Y/n, don't you think you and Laurance would be cute together~?"

I spit out the water I HAD in my mouth.

"WHAT?!?" I heard my brothers say.

"CADENZA!!!" Laurance said while blushing bright red. At this point I'm also blushing too.


The rest of the dinner wasn't as awkward as I thought it would, mom kept asking us questions about our day, achool, ect. Garroth, Vylad and Cadenza told a few jokes, Laurance didn't talk as much but more than Zane and I. It was weird, I'm usually the oposite from Zane, I'm outgoing and a people person, while Zane is the introvert emo fat little nugget. For the whole dinner, I was like Zane and by that I meant that I kept quiet unless someone asked a question while Zane did the same, that's what he always has done. You see, Zane and I are the middle kids, we stick together, our mom loves my brothers and I equally, unlike my father. The only one he cares about is Garroth, and Garroth ONLY. Mom always acts like everything is fine, and so does Garroth. We all grew up knowing that Garroth was the favorite child and always will. That's why Zane and I don't even try, Vylad was always smart so him getting good grades was enough for our father to not hate him but, dislike him. Life is tough, and it keeps getting tougher...

<<{The next day}>>

I wake up to see Cadenza was already ready for school, I stand up and walk to the bathroom. I take a shower and put on my uniform. I walk back to my room with my hair in a towel, I was walking into my room when I looked at Cadenza that had grin on her face.


"Y/n, sweetheart can I do you hair~?" She asked.

"Umm, sure?"


After what it seemed like FOREVER Cadenza was finally finished doing my hair. It looked really nice to be honest.

I thanked Cadenza then we walked downstairs to eat breakfast. We approach the dinning table and start eating the food my mom had made. A few moments after Cadenza and I started eating, my brothers and Laurance walked downstairs and did the same as us. Laurance and Cadenza were sitting next to me while Vylad was sitting next to Laurance, next to Vylad was Garroth, then Zane, then my mom next to Cadenza. (That's important to the story!!)

"Hey Y/n, you look beautiful today, I like you're hair" I heard Laurance whisper to me.

I blush. "Thanks, You kno-" (you whispered that btw!)

"Glad you liked how I did Y/n's hair Laurance!" Cadenza whispered .

(She whispered loud enough for Laurance to hear her but not any of your siblings!)


We are now all walking to school, this time I'm myself! We were all talking about memes this time, (except Zane) we finally got to school after what it seemed like a minute. I guess talking with your friends/family makes times go fast quicker, eh? I looked around at the students outside of the school to notice a familiar light blue haired girl. I decide to walk over and talk.

"Hey Katelyn!"

"Oh hi Y/n, do you wanna meet some of my friends? I was just about to go talk to them!" She said/asked.

"Sure I don't mind!" I said, we started approaching a group of people, there was a brown haired girl, a blue haired boy, a red haired girl which seemed a bit upset at the blue haired boy, a brown haired guy, Cadenza, Laurance, and garroth. I knew half of them so this should be simple.

"Hey guys, this is y/n!" Katelyn introduced me to them. The all said hi to me and I found out their names, we exchanged numbers and talk for a while until the bell rang.


I walk to science class and realized I'm the first one there. I looked at the clock in the classroom and notice I'm 7 minutes early, I sit down in the desk at sat at yesterday and started reading a book. After I was done reading the page I realize that someone sat next to me. I look beside me and see Laurance.

"So what are you reading?" He asked.

"Oh it's just this book I've had since middle school, it's called "Drama"!" (Ok so I totally recomended that book, I literally love it and it has lgbtq+ characters in it and it's just an amazing book overall!! Also, I never really find books that have gay characters so seeing one makes me happy)

"Ah, it looks like a good book, could I borrow it sometime?"

"Sure!" I blushed.

After that more students started coming in which means that some of Laurance's fangirl did as well. It was really uncomfortable since they were giving me death glares, (is that the correct grammar???) but I tried my best to ignore them. The teacher said that we could work on our project during the class since he didn't had planned anything.


Science class was finally over so now it's lunch, I walk towards the door to exit the classroom but someone opens the door for me. It was laurance, I smile at him and walk outside the classroom. I walk over to my locker which was close to since class, and put some stuff I no longer need in it. I turn around to see the one and only, Laurance Zvahl. We walk to the cafeteria together and talk about our science project.

"Hey Y/n, Laurance, come sit at our table!" I heard Katelyn's voice say.

I look around the cafeteria and finally spot Katelyn, I get my lunch and sit at the table she was sitting at. Once I sit down I notice some familiar faces, Garroth, Dante, Cadenza, Laurance, Jeffery, Nicole and Katelyn of course. We all talk about our day so far until someone interrupted the conversation.

"Hey is it okay if we sit with you guys?" I turn around to see Aphmau and Travis. I smile at them.

"Of course you can- I mean, if that's okay with everyone else!"

"I'm fine with it, after all Travis and I have been friends for a while now!" Dante said.

We all continue talking but now with Aphmau and Travis.


Lunch was now over sadly. Next i had Music. I begin walking to my next class, when I get there I sit down and just think to myself. After just thinking to myself for a bit someone taps my shoulder. I turn around to see Mr. Casanova, Laurance.

"WHA- Do we have the same classes or what?!?"

"Heh I don't know about that what classes do you have?"

"Art, Free Period, science, lunch, Music, Gym, Creative writting. You?" I look at Laurance.


"Laurance you okay?"

"... We have all the same classes...."

Well I guess that can't be that bad, now can it?

Words: 1163

Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter becuase it might be the last one until I go back to school! School starts in two weeks for me (August 26th) so I don't think I'll be able to upload a new chapter before then so wish me good luck!

Also here's a question! Who are your top 3 favorite Aphmau characters?
Mine are Gene, Laurance, and Zane! (Yes, I do know I have thing for shadow knights XD)


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