Reader x Yandere various

By Dabi100

370K 2.7K 3.3K

Waifu's gone mad. Damn son, they are everywhere! *also* Most of the images are not owned by me, it belongs t... More

Requests Open
Yandere fem Izuku x male reader
Yandere mafia girl x male reader
Yandere Momo x female reader
Yandere loli x male reader
Yandere She Venom x Spider Man reader
Yandere! Fem! Dabi x Male vigilante reader
Yandere princess x Male advanturer reader
Yandere! Cheater! RWBY x Depressed! Male reader
Yandere Fem! Police enforcer x Male Swat rookie member x Fem! Mafia leader
Yandere! Bloody mary x Reader
Yandere! Bloody Mary x Reader Pt.2
Yandere! Fem! Slender man x Male Reader
Jess The Killer x Insane! Female Reader
Yandere! Cheater RWBY x Depressed Male reader Pt.2
Yandere! Cheater RWBY x Depressed Male reader Pt.3
Psycho Mother
Cheater RWBY Part 4

Yandere Psychopath Mother x Son reader (Part one)

22.4K 215 381
By Dabi100

Warning: focuses more on the story. Also for mature readers only.

Ellen: "I swear to god! I'm gonna jump!"
Yelled a blond haired girl, Standing on the edge of rooftop.

There was currently an uproar in your school.

Your bully ,Known as Ellen, due to few few circumstances on her house has been driven to suicide.

Ryan: "Ellen, Get down! Think about what you are doing!"
Yelled one of her friends from down the ground. The look of concern evident on his face.

Mark: "Yeah buddy, This isn't you!"
Yelled another one of her friends, With a look of regret on his eyes.

Ellen just stood there, with her eyes shadowed by her hair ,balling her fists and gritting her teeth.

She had her legs trembling which no one could notice, her heart beating so fast it was almost hurting.
Deep down, she didn't wanna die, she didn't wanna kill herself, but she felt so hopeless she saw it as a solution. The only solution.

All the people standing on the ground looking up at her couldn't see it, but she was crying.
She couldn't think straight. If she died, she would lose everything. If she lived ,she would continue being a bother to others.

She clenched her fists and took a deep breath.
Ellen: "Goodbye, cruel worl-"

"Quite a distance, isn't it?"
Her last words where cut off by your voice.

Ellen: "H-huh?"
She looked baffled as you casually stood right next to her on the roof top. Eyeing the people standing on the ground. Now all silent and just staring at you both.

You were wearing a plain dark grey T-shirt, black skin tight jeans and grey sneakers.

You were neither ripped nor skinny, You had an attractive slim and fairly tall figure.
The one normal for a high schooler.

Ellen: "(Y-Y/N)...... H-how.....? Why.....?"
She struggled to bring her words out. Because this was her first time seeing you in a month. Thanks to you being absent.

"Yep! Missed me or what?"
You asked smiling, as if you couldn't see that she was going to kill herself.

Ellen: "You...... Can't stop me"
She said looking down to the ground.

"Of course not, I'm just here to take a last look at my bully."
You said shrugging.

Ellen was taken back by your tone. You never ever sounded like a 'Don't give a shit' person before, But you were now.

But what caught her attention the most was your cool demeanour.
Your expressions clearly indicated that you knew what was going on ,but couldn't care less about it.

"But, you know......"

You started as you looked at her with a cool expression.

"I would like to know. Why are you doing this?"
You asked burying your hands in your pocket.

Ellen: "Like hell am i gonna say it to you!"
She yelled while breaking down in tears.

"Whoa! Chill Blondie. Do you seriously wish to disappear without a reason?"

Ellen: "Yes! And it has nothing to do with you!"

"Oh? Then why is that you look so hesitant about this? Deep down, you want someone to change your mind, don't you?"

Ellen: "I..... No! Please leave me alone!"

"Well ,this is sad..."
You said closing one eye.

"To think that...... You decided to be a liar even on your last moments...."
You said looking at her with petty. Which was fake of course.

Ellen: "S-shut up....! Please....! What do you want?"

"Hmm.... What i want ,huh....?"
You said keeping your hand underneath your chin.

"Well..... How about some burger?"

Ellen: "W-what......?"

"Well ,we've known each other for 2 years now. So it would be a shame if we just end it off like this. So, why not spend your last few hours being a friend of mine?"

Ellen: "What are you....."

"You too want to get few things off your chest don't you? Actually, you have a lot to get off ,don't you?"
You asked with a smug look.

Ellen: "I.............. Ahhh! Why are you so annoying!?"
She yelled while she stepped down from the edge.

You looked down at Ryan and Mark ,and gave them a thumbs up. They put up a thankful smile on their faces.

Though they used to bully you a lot, they were thankful you were there at the right moment.

You stepped away from the edge and turned your attention to Ellen, who was just looking at you with her tear stained eyes.

You raised your arm and checked your watch, which said 10 am.

"Hmm... The nearest Mc.D should be open by now, Shall we head there?"
You asked while walking towards her.

She just remained silent.
"I'll take that a yes"
You said walking off, With her slowly following up behind you.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The walk to the Mc Donalds was silent and peaceful. None of you spoke a word.

Then when you finally arrived, You both took a table and Ellen sat in front of you.

You brought your tray with two 'McChicken' burgers and few packets of sauce placed on it, along with a cup of 'McCafe Coffee'.

"Since, I'm feeling awfully Generous today, Consider it my treat........ Or a parting gift."
You said placing the tray on the table.

You sat back on your chair and took the coffee in your hands. You started blowing off the steam and when you were about to take a sip, you noticed Ellen staring at you.

As soon as she realized you were looking at her, she shifted her attention to outside the window.

"A burger is at its best when its hot, So you should start biting"
You said taking a sip from your coffee.

Ellen: "What .......about you?"
She asked eyeing her meal and you.

"Hmm? Oh, I rarely eat any junk food. besides ,I had my breakfast already"

Ellen: "I..... See...."
She said as she slowly started eating it, and her pace increased by every bite.

"Hmm..... If i'm not wrong, you haven't eaten anything since yesterday, have you?"
You asked lightly stirring your cup.

Ellen: "How do you kn-"
Her words were cut off by her stomach growling.

She put her head down in embarrassment.

"Yeah............... That was weird"

You finished your coffee, and waited for her to finish her little meal.

And once she was done, you spoke up.

"I would definitely love ask you few things, but before that, you have questions don't you? So you go first."

She wiped her mouth with a tissue and straightened up.
Ellen: "First off, Where have you been? You've been gone for a month."

"well.... Had few problems within the family ,so i had to stay at my grandparent's place for a while"

Ellen: "I..... See...."

"Is that it?"

Ellen: "M-mind telling me what the problem was?"

"Hmm? Well, Dad committed suicide"

Ellen: "oh..... W-why? What happened?"

"Hmm? Well..... It was my mom."

Ellen: "Huh?"

"You could say she drove him to suicide. Just for fun"

Ellen: "No way...... How can you tell it was just for fun?"

"Well, Its not the first time actually. She steals, she manipulates others and she lies a lot. You could say that our family broke apart because she was feeling too bored"

Ellen: "You're joking..... There's no way someone can be....."

"Hmm? Ever heard of the term 'Psychopath'?"

Ellen: "Yeah.... I have..."

"Well, my mom is one. She's been mentally breaking everyone around her for a long time now. Well, everyone except me."

Ellen: "M-mind.......... Telling me from the start?"
She asked ,a little hesitant thinking if she was meddling with your personal life.

"Hmm..... Well, my mom was.... Normal.... Till last 2 year. And then it started. Dad once caught her taking drugs , and He beat her up in anger."

Ellen's brow furrowed ,indicating that she was listening carefully.
You continued.

"After that, she started breaking apart the family. She first started with my uncle, i mean, My dads little brother. She first recommended him a high paying job, a job that would allow him to stay off home for days due to work. You see, My uncle was a good man, he thought that if he could earn more and keep his wife happy, staying off home would be worth it.
Poor guy didn't know what was in store for him"

Ellen: "What happened?"
She asked placing her arms on the table and leaning on the table lightly. Listening carefully.

"Well.... While my uncle accepted the job and started staying off home for days, his wife 'Elizabeth' started becoming more and more......... Deprived. Just like my mom predicted.
Then, mom made her second move. She approached Elizabeth and asked her to take her mind off things. She suggested going to a pub and dancing away all that stress off would make her feel better, aaaand Elizabeth agreed."

You stopped and took a last sip from your coffee and placed the empty cup on the table.
Ellen was just sitting silently and listening.
And you continued.

"Yeah, so Elizabeth agreed with her. At this point, she was already a pawn for my mom's pleasure.
On a Saturday night, when her husband was at work, she headed to a local pub. My mom stalked her along the way, only that she wasn't alone. You see, she had hired a certain man to..... You know, to do the dirty work.
As my mom planed, Elizabeth got drunk, the dude hit on her, and..... By the end of the night, Elizabeth ended up cheating on her dear husband"

You stopped and asked Ellen.
"The story is gonna get a lot more disturbing. You sure you want me to keep going?"
She sweat dropped and nodded.

"Well then, like i said, she cheated on her husband. But that wasn't all. You see, the man my mom hired was a pimp. He had recorded the entire thing.
Sure, Elizabeth realised what she had done when she woke up the next day. She went home and spent an entire day feeling guilty and..... I think she cried the entire day.
But her day got worse.
By the time of noon, the pimp came to her house. This time with 2 other men. He showed her the video, blackmailed her, and......... The three shared that women.
She thought it would be over, but it was just the beginning.
He kept on recording her and days would go by.
The amount of men she slept with, both at a time and in order, increased day by day.
In the end, she couldn't be satisfied by her husband anymore.
You stopped and glanced at Ellen.

Ellen: "D-don't tell me......"
She said with wide eyes.

"Indeed" You continued "She started to willingly cheat and...... She got addicted to all sorts of drugs and.... Now as we speak, She is somewhere, doing her job as a prostitute."
You said. And Ellen put her hand over her mouth.

"And my uncle? Well....... He and Elizabeth loved each since their highschool years and........ Seeing the videos of his Wife being turned into a bitch, quite literally, He........ Well he killed himself... And my dad got depressed of loosing his brother"

Ellen: "T-that's horrible......"

"But the worst part, was that my mom did all this just to make dad suffer for laying his hand on her."

You slightly leaned back on the chair with an arm on the table.

"And then..... After an year, my dad figured it out."
You continued.

"Of course, He beat her up again. Big mistake. You see, Months passed and..... He forgave her. But she didn't forgive him."
A look of fear came over Ellen's face as you said this.

"She got pregnant again, with my dad's child. My dad was very happy about this. Everyone in the family were........ Except me and mom"
Ellen looked at you confused as you mentioned yourself.

"For my mom, it was all just a part of her plan. As for me, I didn't see it as much of a big deal."
Ellen's expression softened a little when you said that.

"Anyway, One day, my dad came home drunk, which was exactly what my mom needed. She took complete advantage of it.
I don't know how she did it, but she managed to have a miscarriage the day after.
And she blamed it on dad, saying that this happened because he came home drunk and beat her up. And....."
You stayed silent after saying this.

Ellen: "And what happened?"

"Well...... Everyone in the family started blaming my dad, claiming he was a monster.
Well, this all went on until..... The burden got too much and... My old man hung himself.
And then...... This caused a lot of fights and problems within the family and..... Well, most of them split up.
After that, I stayed at my grandparent's home and my mom just.... Disappeared.
And a month ago, I found out that my dad has left a little money for me before he passed, so I collected the money and moved out.
I brought a flat with the money and.... Well there were few procedures and things to do. So, I took a month off college and focused on moving out."
You sighed as you finished.

"Well, there you have it, the answer to your question."
You said.

Ellen: "That was........... You've been through a lot, huh?"

"Yeah. Now you tell me, Why did you do it?"
You asked, switching the topic.

Ellen: "Well.... Mom got addicted to drugs and....... Everyone were blaming me that i caused her so much stress! In the family, nobody ever stood by my side. I felt so lonely..........."

"I see...."

Ellen: "But now I don't....."


Ellen: "I don't feel like..... Ending my life....."

"Figures. Suicide is just a fleeting thought after all."
You said with a smile. And she smiled back.

Ellen: "But i wanna know..... Why?"
She asked.

"Hmm? Why what?"

Ellen: "I..... Bullied you..... Yet why did you?"
She asked feeling guilty for the past.

"you just.... Seemed like a person... I could save."
You said.

Ellen: "I see..."
Was all Ellen could say.
She felt guilty for bullying such a gentle person like yourself (Lmao)

Ellen: "Hey......"


Ellen: "I'm sorry........"

"..... I see...."

Ellen: "So you forgive me?"

"Well...... No..."

Ellen: "I...... See...."

"Pffft! HAHAHAHA! Just kidding! Of course i forgive you!"

Ellen: "Geez! You're a meanie!"

"Look who's talking!"

The time went on as you both spent it reconsidering.
And by the time you were done, it was 1 pm.

Ellen: "Well then, it was a nice talk. But, now what ?"
She asked looking at her wrist watch.

"Well. Its too late to go back to school anyway. Classes might have started long ago. Say, wanna take a look at my flat?"
You suggested.

Ellen: "Hmm. That sounds fun."
She smiled back.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

After taking a little walk, you arrived to your apartment.

You both used the elevator to get to 30th floor.

Once arrived ,you went and opened the door to your apartment and Ellen marvelled at the sight of your own flat.

Ellen: "Wow........ It looks so....... Cozy"
She said eyeing each and every corner of the flat.

"I know right....... But the best part..."
You said as you walked to the balcony's door and opened it.

As you opened it, cold city breeze came rushing and filled the room.
You and Ellen walked to the balcony and Ellen was awestruck by the view.

Ellen: "Oh my god...... Its amazing up here!"
She said with wide eyes and mouth hung wide open.

"I know right......."

You took a look at her as she was taking in the scenery.

"Hey, Ellen......"

Ellen: "Hmm?"
She turned her head to face you.

"Whenever you feel uncomfortable in your home, You can come over"
You announced smiling.

Ellen: "R-really?"
She asked while slightly blushing.

"Yeah....... I mean, There's nothing wrong with it."

Ellen: "Geez.... You picked a fine time to become cool, you know?"

"Hahaha.... I know right"
You said whiling rubbing the bridge of you nose.

Ellen: "Very well, i accept your offer"
She said smiling.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

After some time of chatting, You decided to drop her home.

Right now, you were sitting on your bike with a foot on the ground ,as Ellen got down and took a look at her house.

You could see the look of sadness taking over her pretty face.

"Hey..... I'm just a phone call away ,you know?"
You said placing a hand on her shoulders.

She turned around and smiled.
Ellen: "I know."

And after that, she ran off to her home while waving. You kept waving back she got in and shut the door.

"I have a feeling she's gonna be back home by tonight."
You said to yourself before starting your bike and heading back home.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(Y/N)'s pov.

After a while of roaming the city, I came back to my apartment.
Like usual, I entered the elevator and like usual, i walked to my flat.
But then, something unusual happened.

The door..... Was open..

If i'm getting robed, I swear to Satan I'm gonna burn down the entire apartment!

I walked to the door and slowly creaked it open.

As i stepped in, I could hear someone humming a song from the kitchen.
Worst part, I have a vague idea of who it might be.

I walked to the kitchen and was greeted with a very much expected sight.

There was the brunette haired women. She was preparing coffee with her back against me.

I for a 90% already know that its Carrie.... But i route for the other 10%.

"Carrie....." I called out and she turned, confirming my suspicions.

"Hmm? Is it okay to call your mom by her name?"
She asked folding her arms and smiling.

I sighed.
Guess a part of me knew this would eventually happen....
That begs the question:
'Why is she here?'

"I thought I locked the door"
I said while passing her the sugar box from the shelf.

"Well, the receptionist girl gave me a spare when I asked."
She said adding sugar to the coffee cups.

Seriously? Isn't that careless?
You don't just hand over the key to someone like that!

I stayed silent as i watched her pour the coffee onto the cups, filling the room with a rather pleasant aroma.

She handed me a cup and i just accepted it. Her coffee's always tasted the best.

Maybe she's the reason why i love coffee's to begin with.
Well whatever...

After the silent session of having some rather strong coffee, i decided to throw some questions.

"So, How come you know my address?"
I asked while we both went to the living room and sat on the sofa.

Carrie: "All i had to do was sweet talk your Grandparents"
She said as she leaned back on the sofa and pulled out a piece of cigarette and lighter.


Carrie: "Yup"
She said as she lit up the cigarette.


I should have never shared my address to those dry bags!

I sighed and leaned back on the sofa. Leaning all my weight against it.
I closed my eyes and rubbed my forehead in frustration.

"All right I'll cut the chase."
I said as i looked back at her.
"Why are you here?"
I asked slightly glaring at her.

She let out a puff and rolled her eyes before answering.
Carrie: "'Why'? What kind of question is that? I'm just here to visit my son."

"Mom........ You know better than anyone, I'm the last person you can manipulate."
I said with a suspicious look.

Carrie: "Okay! You got me. I'm looking to buy a new house and i would like it to be in this city. So I'll just be here till i settle on"

"Well, why did you choose to be MY guest?"

Carrie: "Well well, isn't that just rude?"
She said before taking a puff.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance. I for sure know that i can't tell her away.

"Whatever. So how long are you gonna stay?"
I asked not wanting to speak much.

Carrie: "Hmm. A week? Or two"

"You're joking right?"

Carrie: "Relax mister, Finding your Ideal home needs patience and time. Besides, you should be thankful that someone is taking care of you."
She said rolling the cigar in her fingers.  

I sighed.

I calmed down and said to myself 'Okay, just a week, and I'll be done with this'

"Fine.......... Make yourself home"
I said as I got up and walked to the front door.

Carrie: "See, it wasn't that hard, was it?"
She said crushing her secret.

"Yeah yeah whatever."
I said as i was about to walk out. But she called me again.

Carrie: "Where are you going?"

"Got a little shopping to do"

Carrie: "Mind if i tag along?"

"Yeah i do mind. But i care about the flat a bit too much"

Carrie: "Ok ,let me get my purse real quick."
She said walking to my room.

'She already made herself home......'
I thought to myself.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Carrie: "Heeeey! Go faster!"
Yelled Carrie sitting behind me on the bike, grabbing on to me tightly while her hair was flailing backwards due to the wind.

"If I go any faster than this, I'm damn sure I'll get pulled over by a thirsty cop!"
I yelled back while trying to keep my speed in check.

Carrie: "You're no fun!"

"I don't care!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

After a while of distressful shopping, We came back home.

Surprising the whole hassle took 3 hours. Being as tired as I was, i went to bed to take a nap.

I wonder how long I'll have to bear with this.....

Just when I was about to drift to sleep, I got a pop sound from pocket, Indicating i had a message.

I checked the message and it was Ellen.

Seeing how tired I was, I wanted to just get over this quickly and take my nap.
So, i Texted back.

Hey, Is it okay if i come over later tonight?

Sure, no probs.

After that I threw my phone to the other side of bed and closed my eyes........

End of Part one.

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