Can Dreams Come True?

By itssubu

847 40 8

what happens when your life suddenly takes a wrong turn ? what happens when you find out the people you love... More

Hello !
Not Again !
My Family
Let's Celebrate
The one with Negativity
Blurry days
Rays of sunshine
Moved on
Old is Gold
Welcome to Capital
Dancing ,Puking and confessing
Good things
It's a Yes!
Something New
Bitter sweet good bye

The Storm

24 2 0
By itssubu

It was pouring heavily since last night. I love rains especially Mumbai rains. One of the reasons I love them is because we get a holiday and also the smell of first rains and overall weather. Rains are fun to watch. The cozy feeling , feelings of snuggling into blanket and reading a book or binge a series or a movie or just listening soft songs is awesome. Well like I said all fun until you have to go out to work. Oh yes work. I was in office and it was 4 in the evening one hour to go. Just then I received a call from Aarushi.

"Hello Trish, where are you? Still in office?"

"Yeah I am still in office I will leave in an hour. Why what happened? "

"Nothing it's pouring heavily. I watched the news there is water in the tracks even there is lot off traffic. Please just leave as soon as possible"

"Really!! Okay I will just pack my things and will leave okay don't worry I will be back "

I looked outside the window it was getting dark and its only 4.15 in the evening and there is no sign of rain to stop. Yeah, I should leave. See what I said about Mumbai rains all fun untill such things happens.

I packed my things and was ready to leave. Today Karan was on leave. He had that eye appointment thing again. Every day I go home by train or sometime taxi. But today I had borrowed Aditya's car. Well thanx to Mr. Spoiler who thought me how to drive.

Today was first time that I was driving alone. I took a deep breath and started the car and was out of office parking lot. I put some songs and memories of last week after party came crashing to me and I couldn't stop smiling. Well yes that was cute but not now Trisha focus on driving. I retrieve from my blissful memory and started to concentrate on road. Still there was no sign of rain to stop. Well half an hour to driving and I was already stuck in the traffic. Great! just great!.

I checked the time it was 5 and it was really getting dark. My phone started to ring and it was again Aarushi

"Hello did you leave yet? I forgot that you took Aadi's car today. I think it will be better if you come by train. They are late but still they are moving"

"Well it's too late for that now. I am already on highway and I am stuck in traffic let's see, I will be late, I guess. Don't wait for dinn......"

With that my call got cut. It was my phone that died. Stupid phone. I don't even have my charger with me. Cursing to myself I kept driving. I was getting frustrated with all the traffic and those stupid people honking. The rain was not stopping and water on the road was starting to rise. I just hope my car won't stop. Adi is going to kill me if anything ever happened to his precious baby. My head was starting to throb by just looking at the car wipers going left and right. Also I was feeling really hungry. Also, I wanted too pee. And people say they like rains. Uggghhh I hate this.

I checked the time it was quarter to 8 and I was still in Andheri area... Ooh now I really want to go home. Just then it clicked me this where Karan stays. I don't know exactly where and my phone is dead too. I am really fucked up. Then I thought maybe if I get down the flyover bridge and I can find a store open and I can call Aarushi. Thank God I can recall Aarushi phone number. She had made me memorize it. Love you Aari.

I got down the flyover bridge but like I said my luck is fucked up. As soon as I was under the bridge, the water level down was more than that on bridge. There were no street lights. Somehow, I managed to pull the car on the sideway and got down. I started to walk hopping there is no open sewer out there. Finally, fully drenched I found some local medical open. Hasssh thank God! I went in and the lady from the store saw me and then gave me big smile but that smile disappeared when she saw me fully drenched and shivering.

"Hello umm I don't need anything but can I use the bathroom please its really urgent and also can I use the phone my phone just died please!".

At first she started laughing. My face was all red. I couldn't help I really needed to pee so bad.

"Of course dear ! Bathroom is on the right and phone is on the counter. I will make you some hot coffee"

"Ohhh no no it's okay I am good. Just need to make some calls and use bathroom. And I will be on my way."

"What! it's raining out there and look at you, you are shivering. You are like my daughter let me help you"

"I don't know what to say but thank you" with that that lady went inside. I went to bathroom. Aaahhhhh everything on one side and the feeling of peeing after long time on one side. After that I grab the phone and dialled Aarushis number. Please pick up pick up pick up

"Hello!! Aari it's me Trisha thank god you picked it up. "

"OH MY GOD Trisha, where are you? are you okay? is everything fine? I was so worried. Your phone is switched off I couldn't contact you. The news is all about how many people died and water and where are you......"

"Aarushi chill it's okay I am fine right now I am in Andheri in some medical shop. There is lot of traffic and even water level is rising. I don't think I can get home. Karan also lives in Andheri can you ask him to call me on this number. So, he can pick me up"

"Yes, that's a good idea I will call him but take care of yourself okay. Just hang on "

I cut the call the shop lady came in with two cups of coffee. "Thank you so much there was no need of this my friend is on his way to pick me up"

"Just shut up and take it you are like my daughter." she said with a smile. I was watching news on TV and My God it's really bad out there. I was sipping my hot coffee and this really made me feel better. Just than phone rang. It must be Karan. I picked up.

"Hello Trisha?" Karan spoke

"Heyyy Karan thank God you called I need your help"

"Hey! Are you okay! Where are you? I will pick you up?"

I gave him the address of the shop he said he will be there in half an hour. I just wished Karan don't get stuck in traffic. After chatting with that good old lady Karan came it was 9.30. Even he was fully drenched. As soon as he saw me, he hugged me. "Oh my god I was so worried. Thank GOD you are okay!"

I patted his back "yes I am okay! Thanks for coming and sorry you had to do this for me "

"Oh, come on now am I stranger to you?"

I just laughed. I thanked the old lady for hospitality. I also insisted to give her money for the calls and coffee but she refused. I said goodbye and we were out of the shop. Karan had brought his two-wheeler. I didn't know he was bike rider. Cool. Thankfully the way to his house was not flooded.  We reached his house around 10. His apartment was on 12th floor. We took an elevator. I was totally drenched and shivering.

"Oh no Trisha are you okay, you are shivering. "

I just nodded at him still shivering

We were in apartment umm sorry not apartment but it was some kind off hotel suite. I whistled while we entered.

"Someone's rich!!! I didn't know that!"

He just laughed "this is my parents actually but they don't stay here and so its mine. Welcomes to suite miss Tondon. This is the living room. Right side of the hallway is bathroom and adjacent to it is a guest room in which you can stay. To your left is my room and that's the beautiful balcony" he said like some hotel staff!

"Umm nice. Now go get me some dinner go shoo shoo" 

I took a hot shower and changed in one of old t-shirt and sweat pants that he gave me. I have never worn any boy's clothes before. Well except for Aditya's but were kids back than. Now I really don't have any option so I let it go. My inner negative feeling was back. It was saying something bad was going to happen.  I tried to shook it off.

I came out in leaving room wiping my hairs. Karan was setting up the dining table for me. Something smelt good. I was really hungry.

"Ummm something  smells good" I said while taking a seat.

Karan looked at me and was about to say something but paused and started to stare at me. I myself looked down and started to wonder if my t-shirt transparent or something is something weird. Oh no but then to let go of awkwardness I clear my throat and wiggle my eyebrows at him. He just smiled and scratched his back of the neck like Rahul used to do. What is it with boys and scratching the neck?

"You look beautiful in my shirt!! I mean in a good way not in pervert way I am sorry I didn't mean to make this awkward. You look good. I should just stop talking. "

I started to laugh after all boys will be boys. "Yeah its better you stop"

 "OH My God you didn't have to make it I would have even liked Maggie. "I said while he placed all the delicious food in front of me.

"Come on Trisha really!  You came to my house for the first time. All though even it is for bad reason here you are so it is my duty. Now will you please start" he said

I gave him soft smile and started eat.  I must tell as delicious it smells it even tasted good.

"You know you may not be good at keeping audit files in serial order but you are really good chef. It tastes delicious thank you so much Karan like I really owe you one"

After having dinner and helping Karan to clean the table. We both sat on the couch watching TV. We were watching a movie Ted and I was laughing like crazy. My laughter was interrupted by Karan saying something. He said something like I wanted to tell you something but I didn't quit get it.

"Umm sorry did you said something? " I asked him

"Yeah I always wanted to tell you. But didn't know how to. "He took pause a really long pause.

Oh NO !! Those negative vibes they were back. I tried to push them aside and concentrate on what he was saying.

"What?" Why is he acting all weird today? I caught him like two three times staring at me. It's not that I look all good today. I am wearing a guy's shirt which is hella loose and a guys track pants. My hairs are still wet and I don't know but something is not right.

"I ... I... Umm I ... You look beautiful today... I mean you always look good but today you look really beautiful. My ummm T-shirt suits you know. Ummm sorry if it was really straight forward umm I ...I ...was..."

He was all stuttering... and I couldn't control my laughter. So I burst out laughing. He was staring at me like I was some maniac. Later on, he gave up and joined me.

"You don't have to make me look beautiful ...I don't. I am not being modest here but really. Also I am really thankful that you allowed me here. So please don't do this "I said to him. I was really confused as to what he was saying.

"See this is your problem. You just don't get it. You are so oblivious. I just wanted to say that you are kind and sweetest girl I have met. Okay I wanted to tell you something long back but I was afraid. I like you Trisha I really like you. I mean you are all that I am looking for. I think I am falling for you. Will you give me chance to prove it?"

Did he just propose me? What I mean WHATTTTTTT I don't know what to say. I never looked at him like that before he was always my friend and great listener. What is going on? At that moment all I wanted was to vanish. But here I was sitting on the couch with the guy that just proposed me. Now it all dawned on me. Today's his weirdness. His helping nature, his all ears to what I was saying. All this time he liked me.

"Ummm Karan I really don't know what to say. I ... I am speechless. Look you are great okay any girl will like you.  I don't know ...I mean I really don't know." I told him

"What if it was Rahul Trisha? Huh? what if he had proposed you today. Would you say yes? Tell me. What is that he has and not me. I mean is it because I am not a freaking manager of some company but still??

"What? what does Rahul has to do with all this?" what is wrong with him?

Karan stood up from the couch "I know you like him and he likes you back. I have seen the way you both look at each other. But hey I really like you Trisha."

At this point he was on his knees near my legs and holding my hand. I shrugged his hands and stood up. I was going to say I am sorry, But our conversation was interrupted by Karan's phone ringing. Ahhh Thank GOD. He took the phone and gave me unbelievable look. He than passed the phone to me. I looked at caller ID it was Rahul. Really Thank GOD!

"Ummm. Hello! "

"Hello Trisha!! OMG are you okay. Is everything alright"

"Yes yes I am good. I am at Karan's place. I will explain you everything later okay. Are you oaky? You are at home right?" I asked him

"Yes, I am okay and I am at home. Oh okay Aarushi told me the whole thing. I hope karan is okay too. Just take care. we will talk later" Rahul said

"Sure bye." I turned to give his phone back, but Karan was not there. Maybe he went to his room.

I need to clear this out this is not good. As I was walking towards his room, my clumsy self-stumbled upon the desk "OUCH FUCK" On which Karan laptop was placed. To balance myself I grabbed the table, but in doing so my hand brushed the keyboard of laptop. To my surprise I was really shocked to see what his background photo was. It was me. I don't even remember clicking it. Oh my god this is out off hands. I really should talk.

So I went near the hallway but there were three doors and I didn't know which one was his. GOD. So I selected the 1st one on my right side.  I knocked but no noise came. So I tried open it and it opened, okay good. The room was dark.  I switched on the light. I was about to scream to horrific scene that was in front of me. There were Polaroid of me. Hundreds of polaroid's pasted all over the wall. Small, big different sizes, different poses which I don't even remember taking it in the first place. Some of them were of me walking on the road or in my office or in my freaking house. What is he? is he insane? It looks like he is stalker. I saw one photo that was taken in Pune. The one where we had gone for that drive near lake, but he was not there. He said he had an appointment. What is going on? Next photo was me sleeping in my bed. Not just one but from different angle too. What! I felt violated. Tears were running down my cheeks. All my strength was gone I was on ground sobbing.

I felt someone's hand on my back. I looked up it was Karan. Horror all over his face.

"Trisha, I swear I can explain. This is not what you think"

"Get OFF ME YOU FREAK. DON'T TOUCH ME" I said while still sobbing. I jerked his hand and moved backwards. As I moved backwards, I knocked the cupboard and some more photos fell on top of me. One of which caught my attention. I looked at it and as I did, I felt like my soul leaving my body. The photo was of my parents. It was taken on that awful day. They were laying  in ground life less. I looked at him. I couldn't control my anger. I tightened my fist but in doing so my right hand palm stinged. "Ouch!" and something slipped from my hand fell on the floor. I couldn't care less. I guess it was mobile phone.

"YOU!! YOU KILLED MY PARENTS" I said as I walked towards him and caught him by his collar.

"NO TRISHA I didn't. That was not me" he said while freeing himself from my hands from his collar. My grip became stronger. He was starting to choke.

"Sto...pp I...t Tri... Tri..sha it was not me. I swea....rrrr bu....utt I know who did it"

"YOU KNEW AND YOU DINT SAID ANYTHING...HOW DARE YOU ... "I said and slapped him hard. My hand was red and was hurting. I bet even his cheek was hurting. I didn't care. I raised my hand once again to slap him, but he caught it in mid-air.

"Please Trisha please stop. Let me explain everything. I didn't kill any one please."

He said still holding my hand. It was now hurting like hell. I tried to free myself but longer I struggle the more it hurt. Finally, he let go of my hand. It had red marks on it. More tears started to irrupt form my eyes. He started to walk towards me, and I started move backwards. There was no more place to move back. My back hit the wall and he placed both the hands on s the wall trapping me in. I wanted to run from that place but I couldn't.

"Please listen to me Trisha please" he said and let go off me.

"So, it all started when you first stepped into office. The way you walked, talked, introduced yourself, it all flattered me. Our friendship was building and I didn't want to risk anything by going too fast. One day we had a small celebration in office I was taking pictures and I took one of yours too and then I became so obsessed over your pictures that I started taking it every time".

"Yes, I stalked you, but I swear I had no intension to harm you. I really loved you. I was going to express my feelings on that day in Pune, but then came Rahul and that's where all went wrong. So when you all went on your trip the next Sunday I thought of giving a small surprise. So I faked my appointment thing and came back with flowers and chocolate. But when I entered in, I heard loud noises of quarrelling. It was yours parents and Aditya's parents. I didn't know what to do so I stood near the safety door. The fight was on some property thing. "

He took a deep breath and continued.

" After that I thought of leaving, there was no way anything good was happening. So, I left. I didn't know what happen after that, but when I heard loud scream so I went inside. That was your mom's scream. That's when I saw Aditya's father had a knife in his hand and your dad was on ground. So I took a picture of that and your mom was so scared. Then I decided to go in and help your mom or call police. As I was about to go in Aditya's mom threw a flower pot in her head and she felt down. I was so scared. I thought that they will also kill me. So I ran. I didn't kill them I swear. But the point is I love you. I love you so much. I promise to keep you safe and happy. I promise"

He was looking at me, With tears in his eyes. I didn't know what to say or do. All I wanted to do was run. So, I did I was about to go, but he caught me "please don't go. Just stay" he was pleading "please".


Tears were streaming. I was sobbing. I didn't know what happen to him but suddenly he came towards me and hugged me. He whispered in my ear

" No you don't hate me. I will make sure you will love me."

It send shiver down my spine. A disgusting feeling "LET GO OF ME YOU BASTARD" I pushed him and went running in hall. He was faster than me. He caught me again by my hand.

"please stay"

"NO! JUST LEAVE ME" I was struggling.

"NO I won't! If you are not mine you cannot be of others too"

He caught me by my throat. His grip was tight. More tears were coming. I was struggling to breathe. I was feeling unconscious. Than somehow I managed to kick him in his groin. I was about to run but he caught my leg and I fell down. My head hit the glass table. I felt blood flowing down. It was stinging like hell.

"NO NO No not like this. Nooo" he kept on repeating.

It was hard for me to keep my eyes open. Slowly everything around me disappeared. I could only see the darkness. After a while I heard a loud noise. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't see. Everything was moving in circular motion. Finally, I gave up to the darkness.


What do you guys think of Karan ?

Was it a shock or you already had a hunch ?

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