Playing With Fire

By Paulinemartin100

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What if it was the other way around? If Beth had met Mark first? Beth is married to Mark, one of America's r... More

Part 2 The lie's begin
Part 3 Are you spying on me?
Part 4 Duracell Bunny!
Part 5 Future mother in law!
Part 6 If i can't have you (I don't want nobody baby)
Part 7 Hickie
Part 8 Funny how things turn out!

Part 1 Hotter than sin!

642 22 12
By Paulinemartin100

BETH: Mark! (shouting) Are you up yet?

Beth was standing in the bathroom of her huge mansion.  Her husband Mark was still lying in bed after a late night out.  She thought she heard him mumble something under his breath

BETH: I heard that!

MARK: You heard nothing! (laughing)

She walked into the bedroom.  Mark was lying in bed smiling at her.  Beth and Mark had been married nearly a year after meeting in New York in Macy's of all places. They got married in St Lucia exactly a year after meeting

BETH:  Oh my god, i need to get out of here

MARK: Why?

BETH: You know why!

He laughed

MARK:  Come give me a good morning kiss!

BETH: Nope, I'm going to the gym.

MARK: I'll give you a workout right now!

BETH:  I'm going now! I need to look good for our anniversary party!

MARK: You always look good!

BETH:  Haven't you got any records to produce?

MARK: Yeah, I'm flying to New York later.  You coming with me?

She walked over to the bed and sat next to him.

BETH: I get bored when you're in the studio.

MARK: Go to Macy's!

BETH:  I still get bored!

She bent down and gave him a kiss.

MARK:  Come back to bed, let's make a baby!

BETH: We've already talked about this.  No babies just yet, i want us to be married a few years before we have kids.

MARK:  So we need to wait another year?

BETH:  Let's just enjoy us first, yeah?

MARK:  I suppose, i don't want us to be old parents!

BETH: Were twenty six Mark, that's not old.

Beth kissed him

BETH:  I'm going to the gym now.  Will you be here when i get home ?

MARK: I should be. Nobu for lunch?

BETH: Can't we just go to Micky D's?

MARK: I'm ignoring that! Get your ass to the gym, I'll see you when you get back.

BETH: I love you

MARK: I know! (smiling)

Twenty minutes late Beth was at her usual gym. Austin the owner smiled at her as she walked through the door.

BETH: Hey Austin

AUSTIN: How are you doing Beth?

BETH: I'm good thanks!

AUSTIN: What are you working on today?

BETH: This stomach!

AUSTIN: What stomach?

Beth pulled at it

BETH: Can't you see!

Austin shook his head

AUSTIN: You look fine! (laughing)

BETH: I'll start on the running machine then go onto the rowing machine.

AUSTIN: I'll come and speak to you in a bit

BETH: Okay!

Beth's head was everywhere trying to plan a party for her and Mark's one year wedding anniversary.  She was miles away as she ran on the running machine, she hardly broke a sweat.  Austin walked back over to her.

BETH:  Are you seeing anyone yet?

AUSTIN:  Nope!

BETH: I don't understand why? Look at you! Your hot and rich, what else does a woman need?

AUSTIN:  i don't want anyone old woman!  I need a strong woman, with her own mind!

BETH: I know someone?

AUSTIN:  I'm not getting hooked up with any of your dumb ass friends!

BETH:  That's not very nice!

AUSTIN: I actually met someone the other day!

BETH:  Who is she?

Just then Beth's phone rang

BETH:  I need to take this

AUSTIN:  I need to go anyway! Hey Adam!

Austin walked away to speak to his friend leaving Beth answering the phone.

BETH:  Hey honey!

MARK: I'm heading to the office to do a load of conference calls, so i might not be in when you get home!

BETH:  Oh Mark!

MARK:  Sorry! Then i'll be flying to New York tonight

BETH: How long are you away for ?

MARK:  Three or four days

BETH:  That's a long time! I have meetings tomorrow

MARK:  Cancel them

BETH:  I can't

MARK: i need to go, i have a call coming through.  I love you, I'll give you a call later

BETH: I love you too

Beth hung up as Austin and Adam were on their way out of the gym

BETH:  Austin, what were you saying about you met someone?

AUSTIN:  I need to go Beth, I'll talk to you next time about it.  I need to make some plans to go to Bali

BETH: Oh it's alright for some!

Austin laughed

AUSTIN: I'll see you later Beth!

Beth got back to an empty house.  The huge white building was tastefully decorated.  She came face to face with a huge bouquet of flowers in the living room with a note from Mark.

"I love you so much" Mark

BETH: Aww, love you too baby!

After taking a long shower she made some lunch then spent a few hours in her office before Mark turned up.

MARK: Beth! (shouting)

Beth came out of her office

BETH: Hey! (smiling)

MARK:  Come over here!

He grabbed a hold of her and pushed her against the wall.

BETH:  Oh my god, I'm gonna miss you!

They started kissing, Beth wrapped her legs around his waist.

MARK:  I love you!

They ended up in bed where they spent the next 6 hours! They were disturbed by someone ringing the front doorbell.

BETH: You must've left the front gate open if the doorbell is being rung.

MARK:  I'll go see who it is.

BETH: I'll get dressed too.

As soon as Beth got dressed she could hear her cousin Shaylynn shouting on her.

SHAYLYNN: Beth! (shouting)

Beth walked towards her bedroom door

BETH: Why are you yelling?

SHAYLYNN: I need your help!

BETH: With what?

SHAYLYNN: Hair, nails, makeup!

Shaylynn looked desperate

BETH:  Oh my god, you're going on a date! But why didn't you make an appointment to get your hair and nails done?

SHAYLYNN: I've been so busy with work, I never had a chance to.

Beth grabbed a hold of her and dragged her into the bathroom.

BETH:  I can't wait to get loose on that hair and face! (laughing)

Shaylynn looked worried

SHAYLYNN:  Beth if i end up looking like coco the fucking clown i'll rip your arms out!

Beth laughed

BETH: You know i'm joking!

SHAYLYNN: You'd better be!  How are you and Mark? Is he still trying to get you pregnant?

BETH: Yeah, he was on about it again this morning.  I told him I wanted to wait another year.

SHAYLYNN:  Beth, you know how i feel about him.

BETH: I don't know why you don't like him.  He's always good to me.

SHAYLYNN:  The fact that you want to wait before having kids with him, doesn't that say anything?

BETH:  Well, no.

SHAYLYNN: You should be wanting kids now if you really loved him.

BETH: I do really love him, I don't get you sometimes!

SHAYLYNN:  You will!

After finishing her hair and make up Beth made a start on her nails. Holding Shaylynn's hand she can feel them shake.

BETH: Are you alright?

SHAYLYNN: I'm nervous

BETH: Why are you nervous?

SHAYLYNN:  This guy is like, I don't know how to describe him! Close I can get is perfect!

BETH: Wow! Where did you meet him?

SHAYLYNN:  At the gym, Kelly goes to.  I was dragged there.  Now i'm glad I was or I would never have met him.

BETH:  What's his name?

SHAYLYNN: Austin Jameson

BETH: Austin?

Shaylynn gave Beth a look

SHAYLYNN:  You know him?

BETH: Yeah, Mark and I know him from his gym.  Well, one of his gyms.  What do you know about him?

Beth began to tidy away the nail polish.

SHAYLYNN: Not much.  Just his name and that he owns a couple of gyms around Chicago.

BETH: He also owns his own supplement company.  As well as a company that makes energy drinks.  He is also a fitness model.

Shaylynn began to look a little distant.

BETH: Shaylynn, you okay?

SHAYLYNN: Yeah, fine.  A fitness model? Shouldn't he be with one of those women who have a hard time buying clothes because they don't make below a zero? What the hell does he see in me?

Beth smiled at her then took a hold of her hand and taking her to a full length mirror

BETH: He sees a gorgeous woman with a beautiful smile and knows he would have been a fool not to ask her out

Shaylynn smiled at Beth in the mirror


Shaylynn looked at her watch

SHAYLYNN: I'd better hurry up! He's picking me up at my place at eight.

Beth and Shaylynn walked down the stairs after Shaylynn got changed into the clothes she was wearing for the date.

BETH: You look perfect!

SHAYLYNN: Thanks Bethy!  Thanks for all the help!

She gave Beth a hug.

BETH: You're welcome! Make sure you let me  know how things go afterwards.

Beth opened the door letting Shaylynn out.

SHAYLYNN:  I will!

Shaylynn got into her car and drove off.

Mark was stood right behind her when she closed the door.

MARK: What was that all about?

BETH: Shaylynn has a date, I was helping her with her hair and make up

They started kissing again.

MARK:  I can't get enough of you!

Beth smiled at him

BETH: Love you

MARK: Love you too.  I need to make a few more conference calls then i need to be going

BETH: Okay, you want some dinner?

MARK: I'm not really hungry.

BETH:  I was just going to have some tuna steaks with vegetables if you want any?

MARK: Go on then

A few hours later Mark was still in the office so Beth gave Shaylynn a call


BETH:  Are you still on your date?

SHAYLYNN: No, Austin just dropped me off.  He had to go home because he has a client coming into the gym at five in the morning

BETH: Tell me about your date?

SHAYLYNN:  If you're not busy right now, go to Molly's.  Kelly want's to know how the date went also.  This way i only have to say it once and not repeat myself two different times.

BETH:  Alright! Finally I get to meet this Kelly you're always talking about! I'll be there in fifteen minutes!

Beth hung up then went to Marks office.  He was just coming off a call.

BETH:  Baby i'm gong to meet up with Shaylynn so we can gossip about her date!

Mark laughed

MARK:  Okay, come over here and kiss me goodbye.  I'm heading to the airport


MARK:  It's only for a few days!

BETH: I know!

They kissed each other then mark left five minutes later leaving Beth getting herself ready. 

She reached Molly's bar about twenty minutes later.  Beth saw Shaylyjn get up from the bar and walk over to her.

SHAYLYNN: Mark didn't get onto you about coming here did he?

BETH: No, He was on some business calls overseas and now he's on his way to New York for a few days.

They walked back to the bar and sat down.

BETH:  Are you waiting on Kelly?

SHAYLYNN:  No, Kelly's here

BETH: Then where is she?

Beth looked around as Shaylynn laughed

BETH: What's so funny?

SHAYLYNN:  This is Kelly!

Shaylynn sat back on the bar stool to reveal Kelly sitting next to her  She leaned back in .

SHAYLYNN:  All this time i've talked about Kelly, you thought i was talking about a woman?

BETH: Well, yeah! I've never heard of a man being named Kelly until now.

Shaylynn sat back again.

SHAYLYNN:  Kelly, this is my cousin, Beth Hunter.  Beth, this is my friend, Kelly Severide

Kelly turned to look at Beth, who nearly had a heart attack when she looked into his blue eyes

KELLY:  Pleasure to meet you! (smiling)

Shaylynn noticed Beth going all googly eyed at Kelly

SHAYLYNN: I'm going to make a long story short.  I had a wonderful time with Austin.  There you go! That was the date!

Shaylynn stood up

SHAYLYNN: I have to be at work early so i'm heading home.

She leaned in towards Beth and whispered into her ear.

SHAYLYNN:  Don't do anything I wouldn't do!

Shaylynn began to walk towards the door leaving Kelly and Beth at the bar.

BETH: I'm going to kill her!

KELLY:  Why?

Beth turned to look at Kelly.  Her stomach was doing backflips.  Kelly smiled at her.

BETH:  What the fuck!

KELLY: What? (smiling)

BETH:  I need to go the to bathroom

KELLY: You want a drink?

BETH: Yeah! A whole bottle of wine!

Kelly laughed then Beth headed to the bathroom.  Kelly was watching her.  As soon as she reached the bathroom she called Shaylynn

SHAYLYNN:  Hey! (laughing)

BETH: Don't you hey me! What are you playing at? I'm married and you're leaving me here with a guy hotter than sin! I wanna have ten kids with this guy!

Beth went quiet

BETH:  What did i just say?

SHAYLYNN:  Now you get it?

BETH:  I love Mark, I can't be doing this to him! Who even is this guy?

SHAYLYNN:  Luetenatnt Kelly Severide, he's a firefighter!

BETH: He'll be a dead Firefighter if Mark gets a hold of him!

SHAYLYNN: Nobody's asking you to have sex with the guy!

BETH: How long have you known him?

SHAYLYNN: SInce before you got married!

BETH: Why didn't you introduce me then! Oh my god!

SHAYLYNN: I don't know, i need to go. Call me later, if you have time! (laughing)

Shaylynn hung up leaving Beth staring down at her phone.

BETH: Bitch!

She put her phone away, brushed her hair and put on some lip gloss before heading back out to Kelly. She looked across to the bar but she couldn't see him. Thinking he had deserted her she got a little upset, then all of a sudden she was grabbed from behind. When she turned her mouth was inches away from Kelly's

BETH: What's going on? It's not just me, is it?

Kelly shook his head

KELLY: No, it's not just you. I swear i know you from somewhere.

BETH: If we'd met before we'd be together!

They just stared at each other.

BETH: I'm shit scared right now, all I can think about is getting you into bed!

Kelly's eyes shone then he smiled at her

KELLY: Who need's a bed?

BETH: Oh i'm pretty classy, i need a bed!

Kelly laughed

KELLY: Your place or mine?

Shaylynn belongs to RonnaSweeney

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