What If?

By BeccaSavory

23.6K 713 40

What if Lilly had asked Weevil to look over Veronica? How would things change? More

Prologue part 2
Credit Where Credit is Due
Meet John Smith
The Wrath of Con
You Think You Know Somebody
Return of Kane
The Girl Next Door
Like A Virgin
Drinking the Kool Aid
An Echolls Family Christmas
Silence of the Lamb
Clash of Tritons
Lord of the Bling
Mars vs Mars
Ruskie Business
Betty and Veronica
Kanes and Abel's
Weapons of Class Destruction
Eli's Birthday
Hot Dogs
A Trip to the Dentist
Leave it to Beaver
Normal is the Watchword
Driver Ed
Green-Eyed Monster
Blast from the Past
Rat Saw God
Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner
Ahoy, Mateys!
My Mother, the Fiend
One Angry Veronica
Donut Run
Rashard and Wallace Go to White Castle
Ain't No Magic Mountain High Enough
Versatile Toppings
The Quick and the Wed
The Rapes of Graff
Plan B
I am God
Nevermind the Buttocks
Look Who's Stalking
Happy Go Lucky
Not Pictured

Cheatty Cheatty Bang Bang

400 12 1
By BeccaSavory

"Blondie, why the hell are you joining FBLA?" Felix asks as she grabs something to eat before heading to class.

"One, it looks good on those college applications that the guidance counselor suggested it would help if I looked well rounded. Two, Duncan is there and until we know what the hell is going with Meg, I feel like I need to watch out for him."

"Isn't Letty checking out for him enough?" Felix asks.

"Use your head vato." Thumper says knocking Felix upside the head.

"She's making sure her friend's boyfriend stays sane." Hector says.

"Thank you, boys. Felix, Meg is my friend and I want Duncan to be healthy enough to be with her when she wakes up."

Eli pulls her to him and wraps his arms around her. Kisses her neck when she pulls out of his hold and heads to class.

The class is already going when she gets there. She slips into her seat between Duncan and Cassidy.

She sits and listens to Dick and Cassidy's dad give them a lecture.


"Hey, Ronnie hold up a second." Cassidy calls as she joins Eli in the hallway.

"Beaver." Eli says.

She elbows him in the stomach. "It's Cassidy."

"Thanks...um are you still looking into things for people?" he asks as they walk.

"Yeah what's up?"

"My dad got remarried this summer."

"I know this, I helped Meg pick out her dress for the wedding."

"Yeah, well she is a total gold-digger but my dad doesn't seem to see it. I think she's already cheating."

"Your dad is smart, there's a prenup right?"

"Yeah, think you could find proof of her violating the prenup. I'll pay."

"How much we talking here?" Eli asks. 

She's saving for school, kid. Make it a good amount.

"A thousand for a picture of her violating it." Cassidy states.

"Done. I'm going to need a copy of her schedule."

He hands her a folded piece of paper and walks off.


She's on Thumper's back, joking with the guys, waiting for Eli when Sacks shows up.

"Veronica, I need you to come with me." Sacks says looking uneasy about who she is with, he knew that she was dating the leader of the PCHers but didn't realize how close she was to the rest of the boys.

"What does Lamb want this time?" she snarks getting off Thumper to grab her bag.

"Veronica..." Sacks says.

"We'll let him know where you are." one of the boys says. She gives Felix, Thumper, Hector and the rest quick one-armed hugs before going off with Sacks.


She sits in an interview room, doing her homework while she waits for Lamb to show up. She knows that he is trying to show dominance by making her wait so she, of course, refuses to give it to him.

Lamb enters and sits across for her. "Might be easier now if you just confess."

"Oh, you got me. All that fine police work has finally paid off. Confess to what?"

"You have no idea why you are here."

"None what so freaking ever. Care to share with the class." she snarks.

He throws a folder on the table. "David 'Curly' Moran. That name ring a bell."

"Should it?" she opens the folder and recognizes the guy that she helped light a candle for at the crash site.

"Know him?"

"Wasn't introduced. Only saw him for a few minutes at the bus crash site. What's this guy have to do with me."

He slides a photo over to her. It's Curly, dead, with her name written on his hand.

"Lose an earring?" he asks showing her a diamond stud in an evidence bag.

"Not really a diamond kind of girls." she tries to breathe evenly. 

Fuck, fuck, fuck that Eli's. Well, now I know why he has been wearing hoops.

"We found this at the Road Hog. A known biker bar on PCH. The last place he was seen."

"I repeat, what does this have to do with me? I have no clue why this guy has my name written on him."

"Really? A guy is beaten to death, near a known biker bar. One that your boyfriend and friends have been known to hang out at and this has nothing to do with you. I find that hard to believe."

She ignores all his threats and walks out when he is done.


She is not surprised to find Eli and his boys waiting for her when she leaves the station.

"This is a change, querida. Usually, it's you picking me up." he says with a laugh when she gets on the bike.

"Laugh it up. We need to talk. Private like.." she whispers in his ear. He nods and they drive off.

He pulls into his driveway and while she goes inside, he sends the boys off. Claiming some alone time with V.

He finds her in his room and she looks pissed.

"Where's your earring?" she asks looking up at him.


"You know the one that you always wear. Well before you started wearing the hoops."

"Not sure, V. Maybe in the backseat of your car, somewhere in one of our rooms..."

"Or in an evidence bag at the station. Lamb showed it off to me. Do you have any idea how hard it was not to react."

"V, what are you talking about?"

"David 'Curly' Moran. That name ring a bell."

"Shit, what's he saying I did to him."

"Nothing, he's kinda dead."

"Whoa. V. He was alive the last time I saw him. Beaten up but alive."


"While you were dealing with the bus driver's daughter, I got this phone call from some unknown number. This guy tells me that Curly was behind the crash. Being all helpful, lets me know that Curly was hired by the Fitzpatricks to get back at Cervondo."

"Why would they go after him?" she asks.

"Seem he was bragging about hustling Liam Fitzpatrick out around three grande."

"Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"It was bullshit. Even without taking Felix into the equation, they are nothing but meth head lunatics. There was no way in hell I was letting you near them at all."

"So you kept this from me because you were.."

"Querida..." he walked forward and pulled her into his arms.

"If you knew the call was bull why did you attack him."

"The boys wanted his head on a platter. I figured beating the man up kept him alive."

"I get it. I don't like it but I get it. Eli, he had my name on his hand."


"That's why Lamb called me in. Curly had my name on him. I need to look into this."

"Fine, but I will be there the entire time."

"You still have the number?" he reached into his pocket and pulls his phone out. Taking it from his hands she put the number into her phone to look up later.


Overhearing her dad invite Alicia on a trip.

She asks him if he is going to propose to Alicia, and he says no.


She tracks Kendall.

Making sure to take photos when she meets up with some random guy.

They go to a cheap motel, and she takes a picture.


Jackie, who has been hanging out with Wallace joins him and the blond from the coffee shop during lunch.

"No matter how many schools I go to. I can't seem to escape this." she tells them, throwing Pride and Prejudice on the table.

"You know you could join Duncan, Weevil and I at the Grande. We are going to be watching the BBC adaption of it. Just let me know." Veronica says getting up and heads over to the PCHer table.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea." Wallace says looking hopeful.

"Duncan and Weevil?" Jackie asks. She watches the guys move out of the way so that she can sit down. The guy from the shop wraps his arms around her waist and even from here she can see the love on both of their faces.

"Duncan is a friend that going through a tough time right now. That's him right there." Wallace points out the dark-haired boy that collapsed.

"What's going on with him?" she asks.

"His girlfriend, Meg, is the only one that survived the bus crash. She in the hospital, unfortunately, her parents have barred him from seeing her."

"That's cold. I remember him, I was at the Hut when he came in. He looked so heartbroken. Is that Weevil?" she asks pointing the guy wrapped around Veronica.

"Yeah, they've been together for a while now. He's the leader of the PCHers but he loves V."

"You can tell. You know what, watching Pride and Prejudice with you and them don't sound too bad."


At work that night she shows Cassidy what she has so far.

It's not what he is looking for.

With an idea, she gives him a blank iPod and asks him to load it with Kendall's music and asks for an advance for expenses.


With Eli, they go to Curly's work.

Pretending to be his niece she gains access to his possessions.

That includes a picture of him with Aaron Echolls.


"Why am I hosting this?" Duncan asks as Weevil orders room service.

"One, Wallace is trying to impress her so I doubt his place or either of ours would work. Two, you need to watch this as well. Three, I said so." Ronnie tells him ticking her reasons off with her fingers.

"Fine, make sure Weevil orders extra everything." he remembers how much Ronnie can eat. Add Weevil to the mix and he knows they are going to need a lot of food.

The three of them set up the food on the table and are figuring out seating when Wallace and Jackie get there.

"I so feel like a fifth wheel." Duncan mumbles halfway through the movie.

Wallace and Jackie aren't cuddling but sitting close.

While Ronnie is nearly in Weevil's lap.

"Your girl will be home soon." Weevil tells him.

Wallace pauses the movie.

"I hope so." he whispers.

Ronnie gets up for Weevil's lap and wraps her arms around him.

"I think we should head out. I'll call you later, Supafly." Wallace says to her as he and Jackie leave.

She helps him to his room and gives him his pill that will hopefully help him sleep.

He is not surprised when he wakes up around three to find the two of them passed out on his couch.


At the gym, she talks to Kendall and switches out the iPod.

Noticing the hotel that they went to.

She talks to her business teacher about real estate fraud.

She informs him that Mr. Casablancas is inflating his stock and tel sell quickly.

He refuses, he can't do that to another person.


She has Cassidy meet her at work with the iPod she placed on Kendall.

"I can't even tell that there is a camera." he says handing it to her.

"That's the point." she says plugging it into her laptop.

"That's a lot of photos." he says.

"I set it up to talk a photo every fifteen seconds." she debates telling him what she found out when she sees that someone is waiting for a table.

She finds Jackie out on a date with some random guy.

"Umm hold a minute. Veronica..." Jackie says catching her after she turns around.


"I want you to know that I do like Wallace, okay but I just moved here. I'm not sure if I'm ready for a relationship yet."

"Does Wallace know you are out on a date with someone else?"

"Yes, I think he understood."

"Then we have no problems, just don't mess with my friend's heart. Deal?"

"No problem." Jackie says with a grin before going back to her date.

Hurt Wallace and we will have a problem.

She goes back to the table she left Cassidy at to find him gone.

Turning the computer she finds Kendall in the process of undressing in front of a shirtless Logan, who is working on his pants.



She starts to get a little nervous when neither Logan or Cassidy shows up at school.

She and Eli head over to see Logan.

Making Eli stay with the bike, she goes around back and finds an open door.

Heading to Logan's room, she's not sure if it's a good sign that he isn't there with the bed looking very clear that someone has been having sex.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your company, Ronnie." he asks coming out of the bathroom in only a towel.

"Dammit, Logan. Next time I call, answer." she says throwing a pair of his pants at him.

"What is so important?"

"Oh maybe the fact that Mr. Casablancas knows about you playing house with his wife." she says.

Unfazed, "Oh and how would he pray tell know."

"It was a job, Logan. God, what if I had been..."

"I'm not Duncan, Ronnie. you don't need to look out for me."

"I was more worried that I signed your death warrant." she said leaving him there.

As she leaves she notices that Curly Moran did the stunts on an Aaron Echolls film, The Long Haul.


Walking outside on unsteady legs, she barely makes it to Eli.

"It's all my fault."


"The crash. It was meant for me. Cervando, Meg and everyone else. It's all because of me." she cried. He wrapped his arms around her and held her as she cried.

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