Baby Witch| Baby Wanda Maximo...

By life_with_M

221K 4.5K 2.5K

After having a snack and having an argument with Tony Stark, Wanda decides to leave, believing she is a burde... More

The Burrito
His Girl
Finding her
Shocking News
Baby Wanda
Some Introductions
Cookies? Part 1
Cookies? Part 2
My Two Favorite People
Bath Time
If Shes Hurt, It Hurts Me
Does he come back?
Tickle Monster and Movies
No Boyfriends
Real Life from Nightmares
Missing Pietro
Please Help
Ice cream and Strawberries
The meeting
i love you
oh gods
project red
babysitting with the gods
a new mission?
just the begining
day one
day two-> sneak peek
day two
day 3
last day
new babysitter
little witch
uh oh
new team
authors note

Breakfast and Pepper

5.6K 127 21
By life_with_M

Natasha POV

"Can I have more waffle pweasee" Wanda asks adorably, but you don't understand how adorable.

Her green eyes were wide and glossy with a tint of eagerness, but yet at the same time, her eyes lit with happiness and amazement, which was kinda rare for the older Wanda, who would've probably would've been too shy to ask for another waffle. Wanda had also pucked out her bottom lip as well as clasp her hands together to add on top of her adorable face.

All the guys seem to have trouble into not looking into her eyes, trying to occupy themselves awkwardly. I as well try to busy myself by fiddling with my fork.

"pweasee" She ask once again, this time looking at Clint.

I hear a sigh coming from Clint who started to reach for a napkin. He then uses the napkin to wipe the syrup at the corners of her lips.

"Of course sweetie." He smiled.

I sigh right about to softly scowl at Clint, but then when I take a look Wanda's happy face, I knew I wouldn't have said no to that cute face either. But we need to have limits with this adorably cute baby. That's was her 8th waffle and I think every time, it was one of us to let her have another waffle.

Wanda squealed with delight as she happily smiled when Clint put a new and full waffle onto her plate.

"So, how was your call with Pepper Tony?" Bruce ask as a small smirk slowly got wider as Tony's glare and silence continued on.


"She scared the hell out of me. She got so mad over the phone that it wasn't on speaker but it was as loud as if being speaker." Tony exclaims.

"Language Stark. Seriously this time, we have a baby here with innocent ears." Steve scowls.

Wanda was oblivious to the situation as she was happily munching on the small pieces of waffle Clint has cut up.

"it was only hell.." Tony grumbled, by the look I sent to him shut him up.

"So when is Pepper going to be here?" I ask.

Pepper and I have created some sort of friendship bond shortly after meeting Tony. We usually have a girls late night chat with wine, meaning no kids allowed, Wanda. We also usually take Wanda shopping considering it would be weird for the guys to take a teenage girl shopping at Victoria Secret for some undergarments.

"Didn't you see he was bullying me Nat?" Tony gasp dramatically.

I roll my eyes and give him a 'are you serious' look.

"Fine you don't care about me, only my girlfriend hmph. And for your information she should be here in like 10 minutes." Tony huffed.

"Bullying my ass" Sam obnoxiously replied.

This time Sam's words got Wanda intrigued, which didn't go unnoticed by anybody. I inwardly groan groan. Everybody looks visually upset and Sam looks like- no he knows he's in it bad.

"Language. Wilson." Steve said sternly.

"Oh god.." Bruce and Rhode sighs.

A piece of my semi warm waffle neared my mouth but just as I'm about to take a bite, I feel a small tug at my shirt. It was baby Wanda of course.

"Hey sweetie." I say gently as I pull her onto my lap.

Wanda was squashed in between me and Clint since we didn't have a high chair or anything to prevent her from falling and so this was the best choice.

"'Asha? I have q-que-quesh.." her face scrunches as she tries to pronounce the words.

"Question?" I suggest. She nods.

"Well what's the question?" I ask knowing where this is headed.

"What Sam say? It sound funny." She ask with a tilted head.

Oh god.
Save me.

All of us give a look to Sam who just puts on an awkward smile through the death looks.

"Well uh.." I'm lost for words which was rare, but what do I say to a 4 year old what ass means?

"Sam said bullying is bad." Steve filled in.

"Bwuling ? what bwuling ?" Wanda asks oh so innocently.

"Bullying is when you be very mean to someone, whether you're calling them mean names or hitting them, and you hurt another person's feeling. That's why Sam says it's bad." Bruce explains. Wanda's mouth formed an 'o' shape in understandment.

"Wanda we don't like bullying here around and we don't want you to be mean to anyone. Is that alright sweetie?" Steve ask.

"okie because bwuling mean?" Wanda agrees.

"Yes bullying is very mean." I clarify.

"Okie I no bwuling."

"Bully sweetie." Clint corrects.

"Okie I no bully." Wanda says with a cheeky smile.

"Oh my god she is adorable" Tony whisper screams.

"Sam you're going to be in a big time out." Bucky smirks towards Sam.

"Oh shut it soldier."

"he's not wrong though.." Steve glared.

"Mr.Stark, Pepper has entered the building and is headed straight to the kitchen. She entered the building yelling 'I leave Tony Stark for 3 days and this is what happens!' and it appears to be she's is highly upset towards you." Friday informed.

I snickered.

Pepper's pissed. Fast footsteps seem to be coming towards the kitchen.

"hide me." Tony whispers looking scared.

She entered the kitchen looking for a specific person, and when her eyes landed on a small pair of eyes, Pepper's eyes softened.

"Is that Wanda?" Peppered ask looking towards me.

I nodded.

Wanda looks a bit frightened, as she clutched onto my shirt and Clint's hand.

"She's scared of new people." I mouth and Pepper seemed to understand. She kneeled down a couple steps away from Wanda.

"Hi Wanda, I'm Pepper, Tony's girlfriend." Pepper says softly.

Wanda head perk up when she said her name was Pepper.

"yous pepper?" Wanda ask softly.

"Yes sweetie." Pepper smiles.

"tony say you no hit. he say yous nice."

Pepper's face seems to sadden.

"I promise I will not hit you. Absolutely not."

"pinky pwomise?" Wanda ask holing her pinky out. Pepper accepts her pinky and says "promise."

"Hey Pepper. Would you like some waffles?" I ask kindly.

"No thanks Nat. I'm going to have a long and good talk with Anthony Stark. Anthony. I see you hiding behind the counter." She informs. Tony slowly crawled under the counter and whimper.

I look at Wanda who was happily stuffing her mouth with syrup and waffles, getting a mess on her clothes and hair. God, that's gonna be hard to wash off.

"I guess I'm gonna do bath duty. Hey Pepper? Do you think you have some baby clothes Wanda can use for now? We can go shopping for her later." I ask, still holding a sticky Wanda in my lap.

"Yeah, I have some clothes she can use. I'll put it in your bathroom. Anthony, come with me." Pepper glared at Tony. Damn she's mad. Tony slowly followed her and gave Rhode a look.

Well he turned Wanda to fragile baby. He deserves it.

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