Enchanted (Jeffmads)

By 8catqueen8

6.2K 311 223

James was going to a magic school after receiving a rather unusual power before learning that there were othe... More



186 10 12
By 8catqueen8

Everyone sneaked through the hallways, though it was hard to stay hidden because there was 7 of them all at once bumping into things. Hercules couldn't stop flexing his muscles, using his super strength to smash things.

"I love vandalism" he chuckled.

The principals office was empty, but that wasn't what they were looking for. Peggy knew there was a secret tunnel. Everyone searched around before Eliza picked at a painting and the wall sunk under the ground it was on.

"There!" She pointed before walking in, Peggy as well as everyone else following.

"Ah shit-" Hercules fell over a potted plant.
"Alexander I got an boo boo.." he whined.
"I miss laaafff" he started crying like a dork, Alexander joined in.

Everyone else stared at the two crying men on the floor. Peggy face palmed.

"Look the door is further down the hallway, you'll find them soon enough!" She whisper yelled.

The two nodded, wiping off their tears.
Thomas rolled his eyes at Alexander.
"What a baby" he chuckled over to James, but he didn't seem amused.

Alexander shoved him on the wall.
"What did you say?!" He snapped.

"Aw look how tiny you are, just like a whiny lil baby!" Thomas snapped back.

The two started fighting, in the middle of the hallways.

James and Hercules did their best to hold their men back.
"Thomas stop it!" He called out, making Thomas loosen his grip on Alexander before letting go, realizing it wasn't worth it.

"Whatever. Look at you! You haven't even lost anything, anyone and you're still here causing trouble!" Alexander hissed, as Hercules was still holding him back.

"Guys!? Stop acting like children!"

"I'm not acting like a child! May I get a reward now?" George asked.

Peggy looked over her shoulder, glaring at him. The male quickly shut up.

"Do you want to get what was stolen from you, back?" She asked.

Everyone nodded, except James and Thomas.
"We follow the plan and go our separate ways." She announced before walking once more.

"So what exactly is going to happen?" James asked, walking up near Peggy.

"Your magic combined with mine, Thomas', and Eliza's. We can restrain her, get back what she stole from us and lock her away just like she did with-" she stopped feeling a tear roll down her cheek. She didn't realize how angry she got during her sentence.

"It's okay, this'll work" James comforted.

"It has to..because if it doesn't..I don't know what else to do.." she sighed.

The door came into view, guards at the ready.

Peggy looked instinctively at Hercules. He smirked, cracking his knuckles before yeeting to the guards and punching them with his beefy muscles.

"Let's go!" She called, Alexander went in front of the door trying to figure out how to unlock it.

He used his power to unlock the door, which was just basically melting the metal door down.
"Guard the doors!" She demanded before leaving off with the others.

A guard was in the center of the hallway, seemingly waiting for them.
"We finally meet." The guard faced peggy.

"George?" Peggy asked, but he was too busy looking at his nails.

"George!" She asked for once again, which got his attention and went to the guards side, using his own powers as he rushed there.

"Why hello there~" he smirked, the guard seemingly wasn't having it.

"You've been here for an awfully long time haven't you? Won't you rest with me for a while? I can see how tired you are.." he led gus fingers across the mans chest, before going close to his lips.
"I can tell you've been waiting for something~"

While he was distracting the guard everyone left off into the basement. It was dark and cold, light was barely illuminating the room.

"P-please..don't hurt me.." someone whispered from the background.

"Who's there..?" Eliza asked.

"Y-youre not maggie..a-are you..?" The person weakly said.

"No we're here to save you!" Peggy announced.
"But tell us, who are you?"

"My-my name is Samuel.."

"How long have you been trapped here?"

"Only 2 days...but Maggie is awful.. she's taken my magic.." he explained.

Eliza illuminated the room with a light spell. There were cages filled with people, asleep, awake, and dead.

Thomas looked over at a cage with Lafayette in it. James set his eyes on one with John in it.

Peggy looked frustrated.
"How do we open the cages? Theres no lock..there's not even a door!?" She grumbled angrily.

There were footsteps coming from behind them all before they stopped. There was a thud and then silence.

"Pitiful little children"

Sorry this is short I'm dying of uwu's rn
I wuv youuuu
Have a nice day
And tell me if there are any typos

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