Sinister Payback (Larry Styli...

By StrongxLarry

330K 14K 10.2K

Being forced is one of the worst things ever. [WARNINGS: Physical abuse, mentioned rape, foul language] All R... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 23

8K 398 260
By StrongxLarry

A day after, Harry was being released. Since Harry had no one as his legal guardian, and given the fact that he was under the age of eighteen, Louis was asked to sign his release form. Well, all the three men were told about this situation and anyone of them were asked to fill it up, Louis just happened to stand forward within a second, not giving others a chance to volunteer.

After it was all filled, he came back to Harry's room, seeing him sitting on the hospital bed with his shirt and baggy trousers on, that Paul had brought from their home earlier. Zayn was sitting on the chair, as per usual, and talking to Harry, saying something about getting something on the ride home for Harry if he wanted. Louis saw Harry shake his head, keeping his lips closed.

He sighed and entered the room and had Harry glance up at him, that had Zayn turn around and see who came in as well.

"Filled the papers. You're free to go now." Louis said, looking at Harry. Harry just nodded and looked at his lap. Louis took notice but didn't say anything, just suppressed a small frown reaching his own face.

Even though the latest conversation with Louis was rather pleasant, Harry still felt the need to stay quiet in front of him.

"Ready to go?" Zayn asked while getting up from the chair.

"Yeah." Harry said, nodding at him.

Oh sure, talk to him. Louis thought.

Harry pushed himself off of the bed and landed on his feet. Only, his weak legs, not being used for the past two days, couldn't hold his weight properly and he was about stumble down. Zayn quickly grabbed his sides before he could reach the floor.

"Woah. Easy there. You'll need help till the car, huh?" Zayn spoke, having a tight grip around Harry's body while Harry grabbed him with one hand and had the other one grabbing the corner of the bed.

"Y-yeah. I guess." Harry said, shyly.

"Alright." Zayn flung Harry's arm around the back of his neck, holding the hand, and had his own arm around Harry's waist.

Louis was eyeing them, not uttering a word. He knew Harry's legs were weak, it was damn obvious that he wouldn't be able to walk all the way to the car, having or not having Zayn's strong support.

"Come on." Zayn muttered, having Harry's foot take a small step forward before the other. Zayn had to keep his pace slow for the lad.

"I thought you were able to walk now." Zayn said once they were out of the room, Louis following them silently.

"Able to walk, yes. Without support, no. Sorry." Harry chuckled lightly, giving Zayn an apologetic look.

You laugh too, huh? Louis thought again.

Zayn only chuckled back, shaking his head. "Naw man, it's alright."

They made it to the main door, having Harry tugging his arm from behind Zayn's neck.

"Can I-Can I walk on my own? I wanna try."

"You sure?" Zayn raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. Please?"

"Alright." Zayn carefully let go of Harry, being alert of his actions because he could stumble any second. Louis, after seeing this, had himself prepared too to catch Harry if he tumbles as well.

Surprising everyone, including himself, he walked all the way to Zayn's car, Paul had taken his own car back to their house to have food made before the guys reach.

Harry was really glad, proud even, that he had walked all by himself, even if it meant taking small steps and pauses here and there. But he did. He placed his hand on the car bonnet for support and smiled to himself before turning his head to face the others. Zayn was smiling at him and Louis had some unknown look on his face and had a corner of his lip slightly tugged upwards.

"Way to go, curly! You did it!" Zayn said to Harry, patting his back. Harry just rolled his eyes at him when he fished out his car keys from his pocket and pressed the button to unlock the doors. Harry was quite surprised that he could act as a 'friend' with Zayn, even after the whole kidnapping thing and all.

"Come on, now. Climb in, gotta get something healthy in you, it's been two days." Zayn focused on the word 'healthy' because considering the fact that they were in a hospital, the food was suppose to be healthy, but sadly it neither was nor looked.

Louis was already by the passenger door when Harry nodded and walked to the backseat door.

Suddenly, a blue coloured van stopped near them with a screech. That had Harry scream out and grabbed onto Louis for dear life, shocking Louis is the act. The door opened to it immendiately, having a boy around his twenties carrying a small girl inside. Harry was still holding onto Louis and he didn't notice the tears falling from his eyes, neither did he care if it was Louis he was clinged to, he just didn't want anything to happen again.

''Harry, you alright? Calm down.'' Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's trembling state.

''What happened?'' Zayn rushed to there side.

''The van.'' Louis motioned to it before turning back to Harry. ''It's okay, Harry. It's okay. Nothing's gonna happen to you, they weren't here for you. They won't hurt you.''

But Harry was having none of it and he continued, literally, bawling into Louis' chest. ''No! H-Help me! They'll take me again, Louis! D-Don't let them! Please''

''They won't. Harry. They won't. Ther'ye in jail, remember? They're in jail. They can't get out.'' Louis tried assuring him but he was being unsuccessful.

''Poor thing. Get him in the car now, we'll head off before something like that happens again.'' Zayn said, going back to his side quickly and climbing in.

Louis kept his hold on Harry and opened the backseat door for him. He helped him in, eventhough he wasn't letting go. Louis clambered in with Harry, giving him a sense on satisfaction. Zayn started the engine and drove off.

''It's alright, calm down, Harry. They're gone. They won't hurt you.'' Louis said in a really soft voice, rubbing Harry's arm. He was still shaking and wasn't uttering a word. He even flinched when Louis had touched his arm first but after seeing it was him, he didn't object.

The rest of the drive back to Louis' and Zayn's house was quiet, only being surrounded by the traffic noise from outside. No one uttered a word. Louis continued rubbing Harry's arm to have him stay calm and surprisingly, Louis' touch had him feel safe. It gave him a feeling that someone was there with him who will not let anything hurt him.

Once reaching to the destination, Louis helped Harry out of the car and inside the house as Zayn unlocked the door for them. They stepped in and Louis could already tell that the food was made.

''Do you want to eat now or later? Whenever you feel like it.'' Louis asked Harry.

Harry was hungry, really hungry, but he was also shy. He wanted to say yes so bad but he felt extremely shy when answering the question so he just answered, ''Um... I- um-''

''Get Paul to bring his food up to his room, will ya?'' Louis asked Zayn.

''Sure.'' Zayn went away to the kitchen.

"Come on, now." Louis held Harry tightly walking towards the stairs. It was getting hard for Harry to maintain his balance and weight so Louis did what he thought would be easier for the both of them. He picked him up bridal style. Harry did shriek at the unexpected lift and held tightly onto Louis, and after realizing what Louis was doing, he gave him a questioning look.

"It's easier this way." Louis shrugged.

He climbed the stairs and went straight to Harry's room. Harry turned the knob and pushed the door open with his hand and Louis walked in. He gently placed Harry on his bed, making sure not to hurt him in anyway.

"You alright?" Louis asked.


"Okay. Paul will be here with your food soon. Eat everything." Louis sternly spoke, making Harry nod. He hated being here honestly but the food here was so good because back at his flat, he barely got anything like here.

"Do you want anything?"

"No." Harry mumbled shyly.

Louis sighed, "Alright. I'll get Paul to be here quick."

With that he left the room, leaving Harry alone. He laid back, getting himself comfortable. This time here, he actually didn't feel scared or in danger. The bed was comfortable and he snuggled into the sheets, curling himself in. He sighed and closed his eyes because he hadn't felt so relaxed in years.

Soon the door opened and Harry waited for Paul to speak up. Harry kept his eyes closed and kept himself snuggled in the sheets. He didn't know it but the relaxed and content facial expression he had was really obvious to anyone who saw him.

Then he heard a light chuckle and his eyes snapped open.

"Thought you had enough sleep in the hospital." Louis said with a slight smile on his face.

"Um... n-no, I... I mean-"

"Easy there, no need to get all nervous." Louis walked forward, closing the door behind him with his foot and placed the tray of food on the side table for Harry.

"You hungry, yeah?"

"Kinda..." Harry mumbled.

"Figured. Now come on then, sit up. We can't have you eat while laying down, can we?"

"Uh... no. I guess." Harry mumbled again, pulling himself up with Louis' help. Louis had Harry's back rested on the headboard and brought the tray onto his lap.

"Thank you." Harry said, looking down. It seemed like the confident Harry vanished the second they stepped out of the hospital.

"We have the apples here, chopped into small enough pieces for you to easily eat them. Paul made some soup for you so make sure you get that in yourself. And here's fresh juice, also water." Louis said, pointing at the respective items placed on Harry's lap and Harry kept nodding slightly. "We're not giving you anything heavy because the doctors said not to put pressure on your body. Alright?"

"Yeah." Harry nodded.

"Want anything else?"

"No." Harry shook his head.

"Alright, then. Eat up, take however much time you want but just finish the soup while it's still hot."

Harry nodded again. Somehow, he seemed to fear Louis once again. As if all the confidence he had grown in himself simply shattered and now he was back to the old vulnerable self of his again. But only this time, the feeling was mixed up with another. It being a sense of safety.

It was quite weird to think that while Harry was inside the four walls that were of Louis' house, he was actually feeling safe. Somehow, he knew Louis wouldn't hurt him again. He might be proven wrong, but just believed that way.

"Why the long face? Don't like anything here?" Louis asked, pointing at the tray.

"It's not that..."


Harry stayed quiet for three seconds before saying, "Nothing."

Louis snorted, "It surely is something."

Harry contemplated on meeting Louis' eyes or not. Deciding to just give them a glance, he looked up and asked weakly.

"You won't... you won't hit me again, will you?"

And damn, did the look in his eyes literally killed Louis inside. He looked down, and shook his head while eyes closed. Tilting it back up, he opened his eyes again and looked into Harry's green ones.

"No, I'm not. I promise, I won't."

Harry looked down at the apple pieces and stayed silent, not knowing what to say. Because, literally, what would he say? He didn't have a clue.

He heard Louis sigh. "If I ever lay a hand on you, feel free to tell Zayn or Paul about it. Or even if you wanna fight back, do it. Alright? Just knock some senses into my head."

"I'm shit at self-defense." Harry mumbled, still looking down.

"Ha! Well, that I know of." Even though Harry knew it was true, it still hurt. It was like Louis was making fun of him, mocking him, and obviously it stung his heart. He was just getting told that he sucked at something really important because, yeah, self-defense is really important.

Louis noticed Harry's frown growing bigger and he didn't want that to happen. "Maybe sometime in the future, Zayn could maybe give you lessons on it. I would myself, but it seems like... you're still afraid of me."

Harry just shrugged his shoulders, head still bowed down and Louis sighed again.

"Once you get well, you'll be free to go, you know? I mean, back to your home and stuff."

That caught Harry's attention. He looked up at Louis and asked, "Really?"

Life at home sucked, but it still somehow got him excited. He realized that he will be free again. Sure he will find it hard to pay the bills again, and how he will have to skip his meals because he wouldn't be able to afford it, and how he will have only so little clothes to wear and repeat, and how he will have to live the first few days limiting everything to zero because he would have to find a job first. Even after all of these problems that will arise once he's set free from this captivity, he still looked forward to it all.

"Yeah." Louis nodded.

Maybe, just maybe, that was the first time Louis had actually got to see Harry smile widely. Wide enough and real enough to reach up to his eyes. The sudden sparkle in his eyes didn't go unnoticed by Louis and he saw how the deep dimples dug on his cheeks. Harry genuinely looked happy, not like the time he chuckled a little at the hospital, no. He was actually, really, genuinely happy.

And for some unknown reason, Louis liked knowing that Harry was being cheerful and joyous. The glowing face was something completely new for Louis to see and it was no doubt a great thing to have seen.



Okayyyy two or three chapters left, including the epilogue. The epilogue will be short (like the prologue was or something) but yeah I hope you like the ending.

I have seen numerous comments asking about if louis and harry will get together or not and let me just say that you'll find out soon enough. I'm trying to make this as realistic as I can.

As this book is ending, im starting a new one. Its Larry (obviously!!) and it's called "Dear Diary". It'll be entries in a diary on each chapter and yeah I haven't written anything like that before so I'm gonna need support. Would you please?? EXTERNAL LINK! 

AND WE REACHED 1K VOTES HERE!! This is the first time any of my books got this much so thank you so much *kisses everyone of you* I love you all...xx

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