Something to Smile About

By Marvinlover99

78.1K 1.2K 365

Cassandra Charlotte Cat, aka Cass, is the Cheshire Cat's daughter. Cass was always a cheery, mischievous, evi... More

All About Me
In the Beginning . . .
Rotten to the Core
Saying Goodbye and Limo ride
First Meetings and Dorm room
Plan A . . . Fail!
Classes. . .*yawn*
I'm friends with. . . . A DOG!?
Magic in the Kitchen & Some Sauce in a Shoe
Did I Mention that Bennyboo loves Pixie?
Sniffles and Purring
Parents and Pictures
Defend the Kingdom!
A Little Too Much Catnip and An Awesome Concert
I Crown Thee King Pupper!
Something To Smile About
New Story Out Now!

Let's Blow This Popscile Stand

2.1K 52 18
By Marvinlover99

Ben's POV

Okay today has definatly taken a turn for the worst. Queen Leah had just confused Mal with her mother and then Chad jumped in the mix. Now the VK's are running away as I turn to my parents.

"This isn't their fault." I defend for Dad to sigh.

"No son, it's-"

"Pupper!" I hear Cass scream. I turn around to see her running up to me and changing into human form. Good greif she looks high on something.

"Hey Cass, you okay?"

"Well, to be honest, before I seen you, I couldn't remember if I had taken my catnip today. So I took some. Well, then I remembered that I had taken some. Actually, I took a lot. So anyway- Oh hey!" She smiles at my parents before stepping around me.

"You must be Pupper's Dad, King Dogman right?" She sticks out her hand for Dad to shake.

"Um, I perfer Adam." Dad says for Cass to blink twice. 

"So Dogman, tell me, you and Pupper, you two play fetch on the weekends? Cause if ya don't, you need to. I hear from Dude it's a great way to destress." She then turns to Mom, "And you must be. . ." She pauses, "Don't tell me. I know this. Ummmmm, Libraian right? Bella?"

"Belle." Mom corrects.

"Well I was close enough." Cass pauses as she wraps an arm around Mom's shoulders, "Anyways, I see you're a big fan of dogs, and that's great, but you gotta admit they're a bit of a hassle to deal with. I mean they're always chewing on your shoes, or digging holes in the yard, or chasing a squirrle when you're trying to talk to them, and let's not mention that they are totally dependent on you for basically everything, but have you ever thought of getting a cat?"

"Seriously?" Dad asks as I chuckle.

"I mean a cat is the absolute perfect pet. They can clean themselves. They can catch their own food, and if it wasn't for cats in tribal times, the entire human population would cease to exsit, cause it was the cats that taught them to hunt. I am telling you now, a cat will do you some good." Cass finishes for Mom to giggle.

"Well, Cassandra, I actually do have a cat. His name is Harmony."

"Really!?" Cass smiles, "Well, I'll have to come and meet him sometime."

"Well, I'm sure he would love having you, and I'm sure Chef Bouche can whip up some tuna or salmon for you two." Mom chuckles.

"Ooh, I like this one." Cass smiles at me while tapping Mom's shoulder for us to laugh before Queen Leah and Fairy Godmother comes up to us. Oh no.

"Oh tell me this isn't another villian's kid that you've brought over."

"Actually-" I start.

"Oh hey!" Cass smiles, unwrapping her arm from Mom and extending her hand to Queen Leah, "Pleased to meet ya! The names Cassandra Cat, Queen of the Cardboard Castle of Catlantis."

"Uh, pleasure." Queen Leah says shaking Cass's hand. Only when Cass went to pull away from the handshake, her hand fell off!

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Cass and everyone except FG screams.

"Cassandra." Fairy Godmother says, amusement in her voice. Cass starts laughing.

"Just kidding! Just kidding. That happens all the time." The cat smiles before picking up her hand and reattaching it, "You sane people are too easy for pranks. I mean it's as if you," She chuckles before her head falls into her hands, "lose your heads at the simplest things."

"Excuse me, but when exactly did you lose your mind!?" Queen Leah asks, half confused, half disgusted.

"Eight years ago really." Cass pauses, reattaching her head, "I woke up one morning married to a rutabaga." She looks at us, "An ugly rutabaga," She sighs, "but I loved him. However our marriage didn't last too long."

"Why not?" I ask, ignoring the confused look my Dad was giving me.

"Well, we were jumping through the jello hills, on our way to the last rhino ballet of the season, when suddenly Micheal Jackson, the most dangerous, fire breathing, armadillo that lives there came after us. Rootie pushed me into Kareoke Crater, but he go toasted in the process." She pins her ears down, "I still miss him to this day. . ." She pauses before perking up, "But that was the past. This is now, and I need to get back to my humans, because they probably miss me dearly." She turns to me, "You know where they are?"

"I think they went to the courtyard with the picinic tables." I state for her to nod her thanks and start walking away, only she needed to turn left.

"The way there is to your left." I call for her to turn right. "Your other left." She turns and looks at me.

"Pupper if you can't remember," She pauses, multiplying her arms so there was twenty of them, "I have ten lefts." I walk over to her.

"Then how 'bout I lead the way?"

"Sure thing! You sniff 'em out and I'll follow." She agrees turning back to normal. I grab her hand and head to the courtyard but not without hearing the end of my parent's conversation.

"Is she always like that?" Mom asks for FG to nod

"Yes, and believe me, she is quite a character to have in class."

"And you're sure she's not evil too?" Queen Leah steps in.

"The cat once married a vegetable, and that's what you're questioning!?" Dad says for Mom and Fairy Godmother to laugh. Well, at least Cass made a good impression on them.

Mal's POV

Me and the others were at the picnic tables, still upset about what happened with Audrey's grandmother when Ben shows up carrying Cass, who was in Cat form, on his shoulder.

"🎶 It's a small world after all! It's a small world after all! It's a small world after all! It's a small, small world!🎶" Cass sings as they finally get to us.

"Hey guys, I brought you your cat." He pauses setting Cass on the table, "Hey, listen. Forget about it. All right? It was nothing. Forget about it. Let it go. Tomorrow, after the coronation, I promise everything will be okay. I have to go. I'll see you guys later." He then runs off as Cass rolls onto her back and looks at me.

"Heya Pixie." She smiles for me to chuckle.

"That catnip hasn't worn off has it?"

"Well, it did." She pauses, "but I forgot that I had taken some, so I took some more, and now I feel great." She giggles before turning to Carlos, "Oh and Ms. Duchess Cat wanted to talk with Doggo Dude." Carlos nods before he tells Dude to go find this Duchess Cat. Doug then runs up to us.

"Listen, Evie, I wanna talk about earlier today. I just..."

"Doug!" Chad scolds for Doug to hesitate with talking to E.

"It's my fault, Doug. I'm sorry." Evie apologizes as I see Cass start eating the rest of Carlos's hot dog.

"No, It's mine." Doug argues.

"Doug!" Chad yells.

"Doug..." Evie sighs, really wanting to talk.

"Sorry, I can't." He says before going to sit with Snake Charming.

"What was all that with bow tie?" Cass asks before slapping her head, "Bow Tie! That's the nickname he needs!" We chuckle.

"It was nothing important Kitty."

"If you speak so Ribbion." Cass says before looking at Carlos' hot dog, "Hey this is not bad. What is it?"

"It's a hot d- I mean," Jay pauses, knowing if he had said 'hot dog' Cass would be terrified, "It's a sausage. A hot sausage. Like it?"

"Mm hm." She hums for us to chuckle, that is till Audrey and Jane come up to us.

"How long does she think that's gonna last? Mal is just the bad girl infatuation." I hear Audrey say.

"Yeah." I hear Jane agree. "I mean, he's never gonna make a villain a queen." The two then laugh while walking over to the other girls.

"Beware, forswear, undo Jane's hair." I say before standing up ant turning to the snobs. "There's a lot more where that came from."

"Excuse me who do you think you are?!" Audrey asks, trying my patience.

"Do I look like I'm joking!?" I snap before opening up my spell book for the entire group to take off. I close my book and turn back to my friends.

"I excited about coronation tomorrow. Let's grab that wand and blow this popsicle stand."

"There's a popsicle stand here!? Why didn't anyone tell me!?" Cass screams for me to roll my eyes but chuckle with the others as I pick up Cass and we head to the dorms. Let's hope tomorrow will go off without a hitch.

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