A Psycho Type of Love

By Tae-ionysus

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A god with nothing but time on his hands. A werewolf with nothing but murder on his mind. What if they never... More

T i m e - l e s s
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter fifteen

43 3 0
By Tae-ionysus

Taehyung was infuriated. He had been too fucking vulnerable with this boy. He'd let him in too far-

"ARGHHH!" He yells-

He's making his way down the street and his eyes go red.

It was nighttime but everything went impossibly darker- everything was stained red. The living dead all around him.

Yes- this is one of the boys powers- one of the many-

He could see dead people. He could basically toggle into the underground. Making his way down this street on the outskirts of Seoul- the boy looked crazy because he was still in the middle realm- he was still on earth- and anyone who passed by would see him this way.

He laughed at all the misery around him- hysterical laughter. He looked at some people- there because of him.

That's something else-

He loved to kill someone and then see them in this world- suffering for eternity. Beautiful- it truly was beautiful.

A deranged smile took over his face as he stepped over dead bodies, "time to add to my collection. Don't forget yourself- haha!" His head twitched "you are Kim Taehyung- you're crazy- remember? Might as well keep it going. Fuck anyone who tries to get in the way." He growls and his eyes flicker back to brown.

He had business to attend anyway-

This little gang had the nerve to try and tell The boy he owed them money.

He'd bought a couple fucking bags of weed and paid on the spot. You see- their problem was that they thought they'd have a hunch over this boy- because he's young- alone-

He turned onto the street and walked, now more calmly and lazily to a familiar garage. He knocked on the garage door and stepped back. The metal began to slowly roll up and it revealed two guys. They weren't visibly armed- but Tae knew better.

He walked into the garage, hands of his pockets and heard the rusty metal door roll back down.

The guys- were visibly bigger and taller than Tae. Honestly, Tae didn't come off as the most intimidating guy- his body type on the softer side.

He smiled up at them- however they cut to the chase.

"Money kid- you owe 200," the short hair guy gruffed.

That wasn't the last price either Tae thought. But he nodded. He stuck his hands in his pocket and tsked. He pulled out a packet of mint gum.

"Oh no- I left my wallet in my other pants it seems, but," he says putting up a finger then opens up the packet of gum, "I do have a piece of gum you two can split."

He pulled out the piece and offered it to one of them.

He had to hold back a laugh when he saw one of the men's jaw clenches and was suddenly pinned to the brick wall, blade to his throat.

"Look fellas, if you kill me- how will you get the 200," Taehyung ask, playing into the situation a bit.

"Seems like your not gonna pay up kid- so you'll pay, with your life," the other guy said, getting into Tae's face. They got a hum in response.

"Oh?" He asked. "Go on- try. I dare you." He says through his teeth.

The man with the knife scoffs- "you're one cocky kid. Ima just kill him man- he's annoying," and just like that- the blade sliced across Taehyung's throat. He dropped the boy who landed on his hands and knees, coughing.

"Suffer, prick," the other says and kicks the blonde model straight in the rib cage- make him fall onto his side.

They turned, and went to leave the coughing boy- who was seemingly gasping for air. But- if you listened closely...he was...laughing.

Soon his laughter got clearer and clearer-

The two men turned on their heels and jumped-

The blonde was right there- throat bloodied but no injury was there.

"Lookie there. I'm still alive- you lose," he laughs.


"Stop fucking moving!" He yelled- his voice echoing the abandoned garage. His fist came in contact with the man who had slit his throats jaw. It was a heavy punch and he basically heard the shattering of the bone.

He was straddling the man, his wrist tied tightly and mercilessly above his head and his ankles tightly tied together.

He grabbed the man's throat, tightly wrapping his long fingers around it- watching as the skin around them turned white and faded into red.

"Name- give me your name."

"G-gee-o," he barely coughed out. His face was struck with pure fear.

"Dumbass one. Okay. Well- i want you to watch Dumbass two okay?"

Taehyung let go of the man's throat and his jaw, which was so broken it had even a green bruising to it, and forced his gaze to his partner who was on the wall against his will- thanks to Taehyung's telekinesis.

Taehyung stood, dumbass one was visibly shaking, "stop being such a little bitch." He scoffed. He walked over to the gum he dropped and retrieved it.

He went back to the man and squat- unwrapping the piece he held it up to his mouth. "Today's your lucky day- you don't have to share. Have the whole piece."

He got a whine in response which made him punch the ground near the man's head, "OPEN YOUR DAMN MOUTH!"

He grabbed his cheeks- forcing his mouth open.

"Don't stop chewing and you better not look away," he growled and strode up- looking down at the man who gingerly chewed- Because of the pain.


At that the man finally broke and began to cry and chew faster.

Taehyung giggles and turns to the other man. "Hi dumbass two," he says with a sweet smile and skips over to the man on the wall.

"My names Tae Tae~"

The man looked at him- fearful, "please man- we won't tell the authorities- please let us go." The man begged and shook his head.

Taehyung tilted his head, "You won't huh? But- you were letting your partner kill lil ol' Tae Tae. Right?" Tae looked back at the man whose face was dirty- the tear marks clearing paths. He was however lacking on his chewing-

"What'd I say dumbass?" he asked through his teeth- instantly the man cried louder and chewed faster- his jaw most likely breaking more and more.

Tae snapped his gaze to the man on the wall, "Anyway... I'm bored mister-" he says taking a step towards the man, his hand going to gently touch his shoulder and he gets on his tippy toes to whisper.

"Bad things happen when I'm bored. You know- my boredom never last too long," he says silky.

He watches as the boy shivers and he giggles. He takes the guy off the wall and forces him on his hands and knees, and climbs on his back. He can now see dumbass one and smiles.

He grabs the man's hair who is under him and makes him look at the other man, "keep chewing babe- don't look away," he growls and laughs.

His free hand reaches into his sweater pocket and pulls out the knife that was used against him.

"I've always wondered what death was like," he said.

"No- no- no- please- please- we'll do anything," the man under him begs- tears running down his face now.

"You fucking humans have nothing that I want!" He yells and brings the blade to one side of his throat.

He used his powers to make 'Dumbass one' watch and he leaned down, and bit the crying mans ear, "tell me- what deaths like love," he said and swiftly slide the knife across his throat, making sure it cut deep. He stood up before his body fell completely. He looked down at the man who's pool of blood slowly grew, then he cursed.

"God damn it! I got blood on my Jordan's," he tsked and looks at the man who was thrashing around on the side of the room.

He casually made his way over to the man- who began yelling- while checking his shoes for more blood, "Bro- Shut the fuck up already damn." He said annoyed and kicked him in his face- almost knocking him out.

He squatted and looked at him lazily. "Bet you wished you took the gum, ey?" He asked before lodging the knife straight into his throat, pulling it out and stabbing it into his throat once more- watching the color drain out his face and a permanent look of terror take over his face.

Taehyung stood, leaving the knife in his throat and throwing his hoodie back on, stretching.

He walked back to the metal door and pressed the button that would make it ascend up, which it did.

He walked under it and made his way out. He wiped his hands on his sweater and sighed, making his way down the street.

He'd gotten out his anger- even got some coke out of Dumbass two's pocket.

But- his mind now lingered on this boy that claimed...was his mate


I feel bad for the Jordan's no cap 😔

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