Ville Valo Hates Me

By kissthego-goat

5.1K 127 32

I wrote this story a long time ago out of boredom. It was just for fun but it's not a good story, so I'm eith... More



678 18 2
By kissthego-goat

The day following Ville's outburst, Tom had assigned someone else to do sound check while I was now assigned to helping unpack the equipment from the bus. If I'm honest, I preferred this over sound check and the cool thing was I got to work with Tobias now. I worked along side him and three others, Ryan, Justin and Bill.

After all the equipment was inside the venue we were all able to take a break.

I sat next to Tobias and took a drink from my water bottle.

"Hey Tobbe, so what's up with Ville? I kinda get the feeling he doesn't like me."

"Kinda?" He chuckled.

"Well it could've just been him having a bad day, Y'know?"

"uhh, sure." Tobias scratched the back of his head.

"Oh come on I've barley even spoken to the guy, what could I have possibly done to make him dislike me?"

"I don't know but he just really doesn't like you." Tobias shrugged.

"Oh geez..."

"Sorry I didn't mean to make it sound harsh. But don't worry about it, you don't have to deal with him anymore." He tried to reassure me and patted me on the back.

"Well I'm gonna go head inside and see if they need anything, I'll see ya later (Y/N)" Tobias said before leaving.

A few moments later someone else had taken a seat where Tobias once sat.

I looked over to see Bill.

(Yeah, it's Bill Skarsgård)

"Hey (Y/N)"

"Hey Bill, what's up?"

"Ah nothin' much just wanted to take the opportunity to sit down and talk to you since I don't really know you too well."

Bill and I began a conversation and we ended up having a lot in common. Bill had made a joke about something and we both started laughing.

I looked up towards the tour busses to see Ville staring at both of us, cigarette in his mouth. I'm not sure what was up with him but he did not look happy.

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