RonRon Aaronica

By merrell_twiner

2.5K 63 11

A boy named Aaron burriss moved from North Carolina with his brother Alex Wassabi to start there YouTube care... More

Chapter 1-First day in L.A.
chapter2-more than friends
chapter3-First Kiss
chapter 5 - hospital
chapter6- I have to say something
chapter7-What do we tell Roni and Aaron
chapter 8- caught
chapter 9- hang out
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263 7 3
By merrell_twiner

Roni's P.O.V

I got a text saying "I want you back I'm sorry for what I have done" and it was from Ethan my ex he cheated on me before I thought maybe his girlfriend broke up with him or maybe he got sick of her so he can came back to me.

In the text

Ethan:I want you back I'm sorry for what I have done

Roni: after you cheated on me no, no way

Ethan:please Roni or is there someone else

Roni: actually there is and he cares about me and he won't cheat on me like you did

Ethan:if you go with him I will hurt him and you,who is he I will hurt him for

Roni: Ethan you never loved me not even like me you just wanted my body all you wanted to do was have sex with me

Ethan:of course who wouldn't want you but who is he I will hurt him

Roni:No Ethan I did love you once but I should of known that you wanted my body not me

Ethan: I'm going to find you see what happens if I find you Roni and your boyfriend won't even protect you watch

End of text still Ronis P.O.V

What am I going to do I love Aaron so much but I'm to scared to tell him. What if he doesn't say it back.Oh yeah back to the Ethan thing.I hate him so much for cheating on me.All he wanted was my body not me and Aaron is different though.I have to tell Aaron about Ethan and show him the texts that he sent me and the story when we were together and how he cheated on me and treated me.I called Aaron to tell him to come over and nobody was home Nessa was spending the night with Kian and my parents were staying the night at a hotel for a few days Aaron answered.

Phone call

Roni: Aaron can you come over it's something very important I need to tell

Aaron:ok beautiful I'm coming but what do we need to talk about

Roni: I'll tell you when you get here please hurry

Aaron:ok beautiful I'm coming

Roni:ok bye


Aaron P.O.V

I got a call from Roni.She needs me over to her house fast but she needs to tell me something important.I hope she is not breaking up with me.I love her so much more than I loved anything in my in my life but, I am scared to tell her what if she doesn't say it back.I would never let anyone hurt her.When I got to Roni's house and knock on the door.I saw her,her eyes were red because she was crying.I just hugged her without hesitation and she hugged back.We went upstairs to her room and was explaining everything.

Roni's P.O.V

I was crying because of what Ethan said and then I hear a knock on the door. I went to the door and opened it was Aaron he saw me and just hugged me I hugged back.I felt so safe in his arms.We went upstairs to my room I started to tell him "Aaron I have a ex his name is Ethan and he cheated on me and abused me he told me if I did have sex with him he will hurt me but I never did and he texted me today and said that he wanted me back and if I didn't go with him he will hurt me and you"I said "Roni I promise he won't hurt you and if he ever tried he will go to the hospital I promise he won't hurt you I love you so much more than anything" he said I started to blushing a little and said "I love you to more than you could ever imagine"I said then he stood up and so did I he kissed me and he put his arms around my waist and my hands around his neck I  pulled away and stopped kissing him and jumped on him and kissed him again I put my legs around his butt and my hands around his neck his arms were around me waist he sat down on the bed and I lean on my bed with out breaking the kiss he was on top of me he started to unbutton his shirt I saw his abs I wanted to touch them so bad he told me to touch them and I did I run my fingers all over he started kissing my neck and I started to moan a little and he gave me a hickey he then started to take off my shirt until... BOOM Then I hear my house door open Aaron started to button up his shirt and I put on my shirt"Roni hide in the closet and call 911 and tell then to come"he said I was so scared and started to cry he told me not to cry and hugged me and left out of my room. I went inside my closet.

Aaron's P.O.V

BOOM I hear and I started to button up my shirt and I see Roni put her shirt back on I tell Roni to go to her closet and hid and to call 911 I saw he crying I told her not to cry and hugged her I went downstairs to see a guy with a knife and think it's Ethan and he told me to tell him where was Roni or he would kill me he looked drunk to but wasn't he was walking straight I told him I was not going to tell him he came closer with the knife I dogged it but it cut me a little I got a chair next to me and throw it at him it hit him but he got back up but with blood on his head and he stuck the knife in to me and cut my neck and arm alitte I punch him and he fell then I see a cop and he said put your hands up Ethan put his hands up but I fell I see Roni run to me and saw her crying and she told me to say awake but I couldn't...

Please vote and comment and no hate on Ethan but I needed a bad person in this story and he was the best fit so I chose him please don't hate on me

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