Fauna ❋T'Challa

By BoosCorner

27.8K 670 113

Welcome to the romantic story of T'Challa and Fauna. Fauna is the woman that every mother warn their sons to... More

Seeing Her
Another Encounter
Goodbye For Now
Needing a Friend
Hanging Out
Black Panther
The Party
Fauna Story
Feelings Arise
Royal Disagreement
Pre-Meeting Game
Welcome to Wakanda
Be With Me
Touring Wakanda
Shuri Celebration
Wakanda is Home
A Night to Remember
First Mission
Forever Changed
Sexy Panther
King T'Challa
Research Purposes
Mystery Man
Before the Storm
He Lives
Challenge Continues

South Korea

594 15 0
By BoosCorner

"Hold still Okoye." Fauna commanded for what felt like the 100th time to the Dora Milaje General, "Why must I wear this rag on my head!?" Okoye argued to the woman, "Because no can know that you are from Wakanda silly. I think your tattoo will tip some people off." Fauna answered as she finally finished the wig. "There! You look so beautiful!" Fauna said excitedly smiling at the warrior, "It's even better then when you met me in the city for the first time." Fauna said as she moved to put on her finishing touches, Okoye frown at the wig and at the young woman. "This is not worthy." Okoye mumbled as she put on her shoes, Fauna smiled and laugh a little bit, "Don't worry, just remember it's only temporary. Plus it goes good with that dress." Fauna smiled. Okoye looked at herself and smiled, "You do have talent sister Fauna, this dress is amazing." Okoye commented loving the dress, Fauna blushed, "Thank you Okoye, i'm just happy you like it." Fauna stood up finished with her look, "Come on, can't keep the King waiting." Fauna opened the door for Okoye, Okoye gestured for her to go first, Fauna and Okoye walked down to the car seeing T'Challa standing there waiting talking with Shuri who handed him all the things they will need for Korea. Fauna smiled as she skipped to her boyfriend, she jumped on him kissing his cheek, T'Challa laugh grabbing her wrists kissing them, "Wow, don't you two look beautiful." T'Challa said smiling at the women, "Thank you my King." Okoye said moving the wig, "Thank you handsome." Fauna said spinning around showing off her dress, "Good luck everyone, you will find the cars ready for you." Shuri said waving at the group as they departed.

Fauna barely blinked as she was driving in Busan, South Korea. This was her first A-Class mission, a lot was going through her head that she even forget to breath, "The number one rule when it comes to missions, is don't die before they even start." Okoye said smirking at the obvious stressed out woman, Fauna let out a breath, "Sorry, just have butterflies that's all." Fauna said smiling at Okoye and T'Challa. T'Challa smiled at her from the backseat, "Don't think to hard about it, you have me and Okoye with you. Nothing bad will happen." T'Challa reassured placing his hand on her shoulder, "I know, i'm still nervous and if i'm honest a little excited. I'm driving in South Korea!" Fauna explained with excitement  jumping in her seat. "We're here." Okoye said. Fauna parked the car close to the fish market casino. "Ok let's go." Fauna said jumping out the car, fixing herself up before going into mission mode. "It's over here." Okoye said leading them to a Korean woman, "Oh Sophia!" Fauna shouted walking over the woman, T'Challa and Okoye looked at one another in confusion, "Did you know she speak Korean?" Okoye asked frozen at the new development, T'Challa shook his head before following his girlfriend over to the woman, Sophia looked at the young woman in surprise with a smile. She then notice the two individual behind her, "Who are these two?" Sophia asked with suspension, Fauna smiled at them, than back to Sophia, "My boyfriend and friend from Kenya. Very deep prockets, their good." Fauna waved off with a smile, Sophia looked to Okoye and T'Challa then back to her old friend, "Good for trouble, like you?" Sophia asked with a smile, the ladies shared a small laugh when Sophia told her son to let them in. "Thank you mama." Fauna said walking forward with T'Challa and Okoye following behind.

The guards smiled at Fauna as she walked past, T'Challa raised his hands as the two guards looked at him and Okoye. The opened the door for them allowing them entrance, T'Challa walked in first followed by Fauna and Okoye, "Spread out, the buyer must already be here." T'Challa commanded. Okoye walked her separate way while T'Challa offered his arm to his girlfriend as they took the bottom half, "So you know Korean? What else are you hiding?" T'Challa asked with a smile looking at his beautiful girlfriend, "A girl never tell all her secrets love." Fauna said mysteriously squeezing his arm, "That woman outside, are some of your secrets the trouble she's talking bout?" T'Challa asked giving his girlfriend a sly look, Fauna bashfully looked away then back at him, "Sometimes strippers have to do what they have to do." Fauna said with a sly smile of her own. T'Challa chuckled as he kissed her hand,"Will there be any trouble tonight, my love?" T'Challa asked, "It depends, on how long it take for us to complete the mission sexy." Fauna sultry said as she departed from T'Challa, giving him a confident sexy show as she walks away, T'Challa looked on distracted until Okoye broke his stupa, "Can we please focus." T'Challa gave his girlfriend one more look before walking off to do his part of the mission, "Thank you." Okoye said as she bucked her eyes at the couple down below. Fauna giggled as she took a seat at the bar ordering a drink, that was on the house thanks to the bartender admiring her.

Fauna was taking very small sips of her drink like how Nakia showed her before she recognize some Americans, "Eyes up, Americans. I spot three." Fauna said taking a sip of her drink smiling at the bartender who was flirting with her, "Five, how could you miss Greased Lighting right behind you." Okoye said causing Fauna to chuckled right on cue after the bartender joke. "Six, just spotted an old friend who works for the CIA." T'Challa husky said, Fauna glanced over seeing the Agent that T'Challa told her about from German. Fauna was listening to what the Agent and T'Challa was saying while entertaining the bartender, "Didn't I keep it under wraps, the King of a third world country running around in a bullet proof cat suit. I say we're even." Fauna heard Agent Ross say to T'Challa, Fauna let out a giggle covering her mouth to keep from spitting out her drink. T'Challa mentally rolled his eyes at his girlfriend and the Agent, once T'Challa warned Ross that Klaue was leaving with him, he spotted the bartender leaning just a little to closely to Fauna for T'Challa liking. Fauna was giggling while running her finger along the glass top listening to what ever the man was saying, T'Challa glared at the man as he grab Fauna hand, who moved it as she grab her drink with it. Fauna turned to see her Black Panther glaring and gave him a sexy wink while sipping her drink, T'Challa stopped his glare smiling at his beautiful love when Agent Ross came over explaining to him to just let the deal go though without a hitch.

All to soon the man of the hour made his appearance along with a huge entourage, "Klaue plus eight." Fauna said placing her drink down walking away from a disappointed bartender, "General." T'Challa asked keeping his back to Klaue, "In position to secure our exit." Okoye said as she too kept her attention on the men entering the casino, "And the Vibranium?" T'Challa asked keeping Fauna in his sights as she moved around, "I don't see it yet." Fauna answered as she kept her eyes on the men moving closer to T'Challa. "I though there were no weapons allowed in here." Okoye said with confusion, Fauna raised her eyebrow knowing places like this, some people don't have to care about rules, "There's not suppose to be." Fauna said with sass. "Well, they are definitely armed." Okoye whispered. T'Challa didn't like to hear that, especially since this was Fauna first real Mission, 'I have to have faith in her.' T'Challa reminded himself as he was listening to Klaue and Agent Ross conversation. Fauna stayed as close as she can without putting herself in danger, just then more men appeared right behind her, Fauna went back to looking at the craps table, "Six more, it's a setup." Okoye said keeping an eye on the rookie of the group, T'Challa looked over his shoulder seeing the men, next to Fauna. Fauna gave him a look of reassurance, T'Challa nod his head at her still keeping her in his sights for his own peace of mind.

"We need to move on Klaue." Fauna whispered as the diamonds were making there appearance from the American woman she spotted earlier, "Stand down, we can't afford a shootout." T'Challa said not wanting anyone getting hurt, Fauna watched on as Klaue pulled out the Vibranium from his pants. "Oh Bast." Fauna whispered to herself looking away feeling sorry for the Agent, "Ok, it's now or never." Fauna said her patience finally wearing thin, "Stand Down!" Okoye said blowing her cover, "Hey!" one of Klaue men said to her, "Ive been made." Okoye said taking down the men from above, she threw one man over the railing causing him to land on a poker table, the shootout begins. T'Challa flipped the poker table bring Ross with him for protection, he looked around trying to find Fauna, but he couldn't see her, he stopped one of Klaue men while fighting two more that came his way. He spotted Fauna taking care of some men on her own like she was taught, he backed her by taking down anyone who got to close to her, Fauna was doing well taking down her men, she even saved T'Challa once or thirty times depending on who you ask. Next she saw Okoye flying down looking like a beautiful red Phenix, "Wow" Fauna said seeing Okoye fight, "Focus Fauna!" T'Challa hollered, "Ok sorry." Fauna said going back to business.

While fighting along side Okoye, Fauna notice T'Challa jumping on top of the banister catching Klaue before he escapes, next then she knew T'Challa was flying back down thanks to a blast from Klaue arm. "Oh Bast!" Fauna cried out, she was going to run over to T'Challa when Okoye grab her arm, "Come, our mission is Klaue." Okoye said as she was running Fauna looked back to T'Challa, "But." Fauna begin, "Don't worry Fauna, he's going to be ok. He'll catch up." Okoye then threw an EMD Bead on one of their cars as they ran pass, "I'm driving!" Fauna said with excitement hopping in the driving seat, Okoye smiled at her ready for action as well. Fauna then spotted T'Challa changing into his new suit then flipping onto the car Shuri must have taken over, "My Panther man." Fauna purred into the communication device, T'Challa shook his head at his girlfriend, "Fauna, please I can hear now." Shuri whined. Fauna smiled to herself when Klaue cars jumped in front of them, "Which one is he in now?" Fauna asked Okoye who didn't really have an answer, Klaue men begin to go their separate ways, "They're trying to lose us." Okoye said with worry. "Then we will take the right." Fauna said turning right, "Then we will take the left, I see a shortcut." Shuri said turning left.

The men continue to shoot at Fauna and Okoye, Fauna was smiling seeing that she was driving a real bulletproof car, "I feel like James Bond." Fauna said while dodging cars and people on the road, "Guns are so primitives." Okoye said lazily as the men study wasting fire arms, she then decided she was tired of them. Okoye opened the window causing Fauna to look at her with worry, "What are you doing?" Fauna asked, "Just drive." Okoye simple said leaning out the window, she then stab her spear into the car, "Okoye!" Fauna cried seeing the beautiful car get damage. "The King have plenty stop whining." Okoye said to the woman, "I was hoping to keep this one." Fauna whined to herself as she then heard Okoye leave a dent on the roof, she then spoted a spear fly in front of Klaue men suv causing it to crash. "Whoo!" Fauna cried in excitement causing Okoye to smile as she was showing off for the woman. "Ok, one to go!" Fauna hollered gaining speed on Klaue, as they were coming over a hill she saw him leaning out his own vehicle aiming at them, "Okoye!" Fauna hollered in fear as Klaue blasted their car. Okoye reached reached for her trusted spear, stabbing the hood of the car to slide down the hill, she then looked in fear thinking Fauna have been hurt, only see her sliding down in the seat with the wheel attachment. Both ladies looked at each other deadpan, then shared a laugh, "Ok, I think that have to be my last lucky star." Fauna said standing up dusting herself off, Okoye smiled at her feeling happy that she wasn't hurt, 'Bast know the King would have my head.' Okoye thought as she patted the girl on the shoulder. Agent Ross spotted the two ladies, "Hey, climb in." Ross said to them as he pulled over.

Fauna and Okoye looked surprise to see him, Fauna smiled at him skipping over to the vehicle, "Thank you Agent Ross." Fauna said taking shotgun, Ross smiled at her then frowned at Okoye, "Make sure that spear goes in the back." Ross quietly said to the warrior, he than blinked as Okoye shrunk her spear so it can fit in her bosom. Fauna smiled at the Agent, causing him to get back into action, "Right, let's go find the King." Ross said to the ladies. The group spotted him, as he was about to take Klaue life in front of everyone, "My King!" Okoye yelled, T'Challa looked at them as they run to him, "The world is watching." Fauna said gesturing to the crowed that was stupid enough to record everything. T'Challa looked around him, then back to Klaue who smirked at him knowing he will live another day.

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