In Her Embrace

By Kamaru_chan

118K 3.1K 553

***** If the Justice League have Diana Prince, why not the Avengers? Meet Layla Prince, older sister of Dian... More

2. Unforgivable
3. Unexpected Encounter
4. Don't Underestimate
5. Codename: Saber
6. Forget Me Not
7. Déjà vu
8. Rescue
9. Bad feeling
10. Grief
11. Not Alone
12. Between Two Men
13. Serenity
14. Do I know You?
15. To Change
16. In Order To Protect...
17. Nothing Is Safe
18. Anguish
19. Home
20. Stay
21. Tony Stark
22. Mysterious Man
23. Decision
24. Missed
25. Green
26. Red And Wolve
27. Reindeer Game
28. Reunion..?

1. Not Everyone Likes Her

7.6K 156 21
By Kamaru_chan

A/N- Warning for those who haven't watch Thor Ragnarok!

Once Layla entered the portal, the atmosphere is lively fills beautiful scenery. The asgardian are friendly and some knew her because she is the Princess of Amazon. They greets her, smile happily at the sight of the princess and the children are walking towards her, wanting to hug her.

She wear her brown cloak to cover herself and avoid any one of her sharp weapons from hurting the little children.

"Hello Princess Layla!"

"Good morning, princess"

"Greeting, Princess Layla."

"Hello." Layla waved at them with a smile.

She truly is a beauty. Reaching her hand to ruffles one of the children heads causing them to laughed and giggle at receiving her affection. After that, she make her way towards the kingdom, the only one with the tall building and when she arrived, she saw her mother's best friend, the mother of all and queen, who are waiting for her and give her a welcoming hug.

"Welcome, dear. I am glad you arrived here safely."

Layla smile, "Thank you."

The reason why Layla wanting to go to Asgard, is because she want to learn few healing magic from the Queen, Frigga. Hippolyta's best friend, Frigga, had agreed to teach Layla how to wield magic and learn new healing magic.

The brunette princess glance beside the Queen to see one of her servant carry a baby. She smile, looking at Frigga who had already smile joyful as if she can't wait to tell the princess about the good news.

"Is that..."

The queen nodded her head, reaching her arms to hold the baby as her servant bowed before leaving the two ladies and they slowly make their way in the huge living room. Frigga secure the baby in her arms to show Layla with proud and loving smile. "This is my son, Thor."

She gently hand her baby to Layla, who seems hesitate to touch the little asgardian, not just a normal asgard but also a prince. "Go on. I promise he won't cry." Frigga encourage her.

Her arms slowly reach for the baby and once he is in her arms, she stares at him in curious. The baby blinked his eyes when his adorable face look up at her, he giggles as his tiny hand trying to touch her face causing her smile widen at the sight of him. He is cute... His blonde haired. His adorable eyes. She know one day he will look like his father.

"He likes you, Layla." The queen cooed.

"I think so." Layla murmurs, glance at her with a smirk, "I bet Hela will be so thrilled if she saw her little brother is blond. She is the only one with black haired. Thor looks so much like All-Father." She laughed humorously at the thought of her rival priceless reaction but slowly her laugh dead down when she see Frigga is not laughing or smile.

Layla frowned, seeing her looking down with sad expression. 'Something is wrong...' "Frigga... If I may ask, where is Hela?" Usually upon her arrival, Hela will always be the one who stood in front of the entrance either to greet her or insult her like always but now she noticed a certain goddess is absence today.

Still no word come from Frigga. Layla cuddle little Thor to her, tighten slightly, her eyes narrowed in worried. "Where is she?" She gulp, a hint of anxious and fear in her voice.

Frigga looked at her, her expression as if she was about to cry when she uttered few words that will soon ruin today's happy moment. "Layla... Odin—he—sealed her away... forever."

Hearing this news, Layla's brain stopped working, eyes widen in disbelieve at the thought of Odin would dare to do that to his own daughter. Why? She knows Hela was ambitious and powerful but to sealed her away was outrageous. Hela will think that her family will never love her anymore and felt being replace by the new born Thor. Layla suddenly have a flashback..


Hippolyta and Layla went to Asgard to visit a certain friend of hers. Layla at that time was around teen age. She was amazed by the scenery, far different than the island she was living with her sisters. In the massive living room where her mother having a conversation with the queen, Frigga, she told Layla to play with Hela at the garden.

Layla was curious but nevertheless she went to the garden to met a certain raven haired child. The two princess were in the same age. Their first meeting was... a bit violent.

Hela stared at her, eyeing her up and down as she scoffed in annoyed, "Did mother want us to bonding or something?"

"Uhh... What?" The dumbest reply she could say.

The raven haired scoffed again, rolling her eyes, "Oh wow, so now I'm force to befriend an idiot? Really, mother?"

Layla felt offended, she crossed her arms and frowned, "Hey! I'm not an idiot!"

"Oh really now? She talks too?" Placing one of her hand at her hips, "What can you do, little princess?" She mocked.

"Shut up, ugly!"

Her eyes twitched irritated, "What did you called me?"





"Dirty hair!"



"Spoil princess!!"

"Oh that's it!!" Immediately the both of them pulling each other hairs and shouting curses while fighting until their mothers came in view at the sight of them, stopped them from hurting any further.

"Stop! The two of you!" Frigga shouted, grabbing Hela away.

Hippolyta hold Layla, sighing in distressed, "Why are you fighting?" Layla immediately pointed her finger at the Raven hair with a pout. "She called me an idiot, Mother. She thinks I am weak!"

Frigga looked down at her daughter in scolding way, "Hela, what did I told you not to start at fight?"

Hela scoffed, "She is not worthy of my time, Mother."

The queen sighed before looked back at Hippolyta in apologized, "I apologize for my daughter's behavior. She is not fond making friend."

She shook her head, "It's fine, Frigga. I too apologize for my daughter's behavior. Now we are even."

"Of course." The two mothers smile at each other while their daughters glaring at one another.

Even though the two princesses hates each other so much, unknowingly to them it slowly formed an inseparable bonds of their friendship once they finally acknowledged each other's strength and respects.

Flashback end

Layla give Thor back to Frigga who stares at her with knowing gaze and sadness. "I'm sorry, dear. I wish I could reason him but we both know Odin won't be easily."

She shook her head, "It is not your fault, Frigga." Before they could continue their conversation, the sound of the door opened to reveal Odin as he walked forward until he stopped in front of them and he was holding something in his arms. They were curious of what is he was holding when Frigga ask, "My king, what are you holding?"

It was black blanket that covers something inside it as if not wanting to reveal the world...yet. He tugged the blanket down slightly causing Layla and the queen to gasps in shocked. In the blanket reveals a baby... might be younger than Thor.

Frigga quickly look back at her husband in shock, "Where... did you find him? Whose child? Why?"

Odin glance at Layla a bit before facing his wife in hesitation. He can't lie to his wife. He would never yet he was hesitate to tell her the truth. Taking a deep breath, he speaks, "I found him at the Frost giant... I took him from Laufey ... for peace..."

"Odin!" Frigga gasps, tighten her hold at Thor who is now sleeping.

The baby in his arms start to cry, he doesn't know what to do. Slightly panic. Before the queen or the king could do anything, Layla ask if she can hold the child and he was hesitate at her before give her the baby in her arms.

Once the baby is in her embrace, he slowly quite down from crying... sobbing... slowly his emerald eyes open to meet her dark brown eyes. Her embrace is warmth and soothing, the baby blink his eyes in wonder at the sight of the beautiful woman who hold him before he cooed and reaching his tiny hand for her. Layla smile when the baby has stopped crying.

Unknown to her, Frigga and Odin stares at her in surprised. One moment the baby was crying then the next he stopped crying as if the baby finally found something comfortable. Frigga chuckle, 'It seems Layla will be an amazing person in the future.'

Odin of the other hand, doesn't like it one bit. He fear she will be a bad influence for his son and the soon-to-be-son. He aware of her friendship with Hela including his bad history of conquered, he must aware and be caution around Layla whenever she near. Layla knows more than she should never know, he fears she will tell the princes about his history in the future.

"What is his name?"



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