You Don't Have To Say Anything

By hey_imagine_this

1.7K 45 10


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 5

161 6 0
By hey_imagine_this

"Thanks Sam," you say pulling out of his arms.
"Don't mention it. I wasn't going to let him hit you. I'm just sorry I wasn't there to stop him sooner."
"So you didn't see me kick him?"
"No, I heard him yell 'you bitch' from around the corner. And came running."
"Well, thanks. I really do appreciate it."
"Ehh... I was just glad I could do it. Patch is a dick."
You don't know what to say. So, with a small smile, you slip into the back seat.
Sam walks around and slides into the other side. "Well, hopefully we don't have to deal with him again."
"Yeah..." you say sliding down in the seat.
The two of you sit in silence waiting for Dean. It isn't uncomfortable at all. It's enough to just sit with Sam. After a few minutes you see Dean walking towards the car, but no Heather.
Sam sits up. "Uh oh. No Heather. That probably isn't good."
Dean slides in behind the wheel but doesn't say anything. You look at Sam because you aren't sure what to say.
"Where's Heather?" Sam asks.
"She wasn't ready to go. And was really drunk. So I left her with Nicole," he says starting the car.
"Oh. Okay."

You can sense Dean is upset, but don't say anything. He isn't one to share his feelings. In fact, no one speaks on the drive back to your house. Deans pulls up to the curb and you start to get out, but you turn back to the guys.
"Thanks again, guys. You saved me twice in one week. It's like you guys were made for this."
"I really hope this is the last time, y/n," Dean says.
"Me too."
"Let us know if he bothers you again."
"Will do. Thanks for taking me to the party, Dean."
"Sorry it was crappy for you."
"There's always next time," you say getting out of the car. Sam gets out with you and walks over to get in the passenger seat.
"Y/n, I'm sorry about tonight. You wouldn't have gone if it wasn't for me."
It's all right Sam." You know that your decision maker was really Dean, so you hate to see Sam blame himself.
"Can I make it up to you tomorrow? What about a movie?"
"Sure. Text me tomorrow and we'll figure it out."
"Okay. Goodnight y/n."
"Night Sam."

Instead of going to a movie, Sam came over to watch some of your favorites. You even made him watch a girly romance. It wasn't even one of your favorites, but he sat through it all anyway. On Sunday, he came over to help you with chemistry homework. By that evening, Friday night was pretty much forgotten.

Monday morning you walk to your locker still half asleep. Someone is standing by your locker and you assume it's Sam. But as you get closer, you realize it's Patch. You freeze for a second, but then you tell yourself you aren't going to let him get to you. As he turns to face you completely, you see his nose is bandaged. Did Sam break it?
"Patch, wh--"
"Y/n, just let me explain. I want to apologize for Friday night. And last Monday. I was being a total asshole."
"No argument there," you say crossing your arms over your chest.
"I know my behavior was inexcusable, but I hope that you can forgive me. And if you think you could, I was hoping you could help me with my kick."
You aren't really sure what to say. You want to trust him, but he really was a dick. Yet if you help him, maybe the team would accept you more. Especially since the first game is on Friday. "Okay."
"Really?" he says as his eyes light up.
"But I have some conditions..."
"I just want to say I don't completely forgive you. But I'm willing to work on that. And you should understand why I really don't want to workout with you alone. And I would prefer to do the workouts in the morning."
"Yeah, yeah. I can get Lewis or Gr--"
"No. I want Sam or Dean or one of my friends."
"If we can't find someone, we don't do it."
"Listen, Patch, since we're both kickers, I would love for us to get along. I think we could both teach each other."
"I hope so, y/n."

There is suddenly a hand on your shoulder and you turn around to see Sam. You can see his jaw is tense. "What's going on?"
"Sam... Before you get upset, Patch was just apologizing."
"He should be."
You look over to see a slight alarm in Patch's eyes.
"Sam, it's ok. Please relax," you say touching his arm.
He finally looks at you and his face softens. "You're okay?"
"Yes. In fact, Patch asked me to help with his kick."
You see a smile tug at Sam's mouth. "And what did you say?"
"That I would help. Bu--"
"You what?"
"Just listen Sam. I told him I would only help if someone else were there. I was hoping it would be you," you say with a smile.
He looks between you and Patch. "Yeah. I could do that."
"Thanks Sam." You turn to Patch. "We can start tomorrow?"
"That sounds good. Thanks so much y/n. And you too Sam."
"See ya at practice."
"See ya later," he says backing up. You are pretty sure he can't get away from Sam fast enough.

Of course, as soon as Patch walks away, Sam argues with you. But you tell him you knew what you were doing. Practices with Patch go well. And Sam kept his word and came with you. He even helped with a few things.

It's Friday morning - game day - and you are a ball of nerves. You and Patch decided on a light workout this morning. You and Sam stand waiting for Patch at the fence to the football field. Patch shows up and the two of you work on a few things. You think you are starting to see a small improvement in him. There is only one other kicker on the team and he's much worse than Patch. Sometimes you aren't sure how he made the team.

School goes by in a blur. You aren't sure you caught half of what you should have in your classes. You go home and try to relax before the game, but it doesn't really happen. Sam and Dean said they would pick you up for the game. You're packing your bag when there is a knock at the door.
"Come in."
"I just wanted to tell you good luck before your game."
"Thanks, mom. Are you coming?"
"Of course. I wouldn't miss your first game. I just..."
"What's the matter mom?"
"I just wish your dad was here to see you. He would be so proud of you."
"Ohhh mom..." Then you rush over and hug her. "I know. Me too. But I know he's been watching over me."
"I'm sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to make you cry."
"You're fine," you say with a small laugh. "I'd rather do it now than in front of the guys."
"Right. And I'm sure Sam and Dean will be here soon, you better finish getting ready."
"Yeah. But I'll see you later."
"Ok. Good luck."
"Thanks mom."

Sam and Dean pick you up a little while later. They both look very serious. It's a very quiet ride to the school. You wonder if they are as nervous as you are. You can understand if Sam is, it's his first game too. But Dean has played varsity the last two years. He always seems so calm.

Before you know it, it's almost game time. You're in your uniform and waiting until you get the okay to go into the guys' locker room. Finally, Sam pops his head out and motions you to come in. You follow him and listen to Coach MacKenzie's pre-game speech. He's pretty good at this, by the end you all are pretty pumped to go.

You run out with the team to the field and begin warm ups. After what only seems like a few minutes, it's time for the kick off. Coach decided to have the punter, Thomas, do kick offs instead of you or Patch. But you were perfectly fine with that.

The defense starts off incredibly and goes three and out. You watch as the offense takes the field. Dean takes command of the team like a true captain. On the first play he throws a beautiful pass to Wesson, but he drops it. The next play is for the running back, O'Brien. He only gains 2 yards. The third play is another dropped pass.

The defense continues to play great and only gives up a field goal in the first quarter. However, the offense continues to play pretty bad. Halfway thru the second quarter coach pulls most of the starters and Sam gets to play. You're excited and nervous for him. The first play goes to Smith and he gains 15 yards on the play. A few runs and another 25 yards. Before long they are in the red zone. O'Brien gets it to the 6 yard line. Then it happens, Sam breaks away from his man and is wide open in the back of the end zone. Dean hits him right in the numbers. And you're on the board. And Sam has first touchdown.

You're so lost in your excitement that Patch has to come get you. "Y/l/n! Come on! You're up!"
You follow him out on the field and try to calm yourself. This is what you've wanted to do. But you've also never done it in front of so many people. It all happens in slow motion, the snapper gets it to Patch and he gets it down for you. You kick it and watch it go through the middle of the uprights. And suddenly you are getting high fives and slaps on the helmet from everyone as you all leave the field.

As you hit the sidelines you look around for Sam. Finally you spot him with a huge smile on his face. You resist the urge to hug him, but give him a smirk. "What did I tell you?" you ask.
"About what?"
"That I would only be kicking extra points after you scored touchdowns."
The game turned around after that. Sam scored another touchdown in the second half. And you easily won 34-6. After you shower and change, you go look for your mom. You see her talking to Mr. and Mrs. Winchester.

"There she is. Great game honey," your mom says giving you a hug.
"Thanks mom."
"Hi y/n. Nice game," Mr. Winchester says.
"Thank you Mr. Winchester. Hi Mrs. Winchester."
"Oh, please, call me Mary."
"Sorry. Hi Mary."
You spend a few minutes talking before you see Sam and Dean coming.
"Look who it is, Mr. Two Touchdowns in his first game," Mr. Winchester says grabbing Sam by the shoulders.
"Hey. Who threw him those passes?"
"You had a great game, too, sweetie."
"Thanks mom," Dean says throwing an arm around her shoulders and kissing her on the top of the head.
Is Dean a momma's boy? How cute. Your group spends a few minutes talking while a few people come up and congratulate you all.

"Well, I'm going out to eat with Heather. I'll see you all later."
"Don't be too late, Dean."
"Okay, dad."
You watch him walk away and feel that familiar pang of jealousy. You turn back to the group and the jealousy fades as you listen to Sam talk about the game. He's so excited about it.
"See you tomorrow y/n?" Sam asks as you all are walking to the parking lot.
"Yeah. Text me and we'll do something."
"Ok. Oh, and if I didn't tell you, great game."
"Thanks Sam. You too."
"Hope you're ready to do it again next week."
"Oh, we're just getting started."

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