You Don't Have To Say Anything

By hey_imagine_this

1.7K 45 10


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 4

185 5 4
By hey_imagine_this

The rest of the week continues on without much incident. Patch, Lewis, and Gray keep their distance from you. They only talk to you when necessary during practice. It doesn't seem like Dean said anything to coach or something would have happened to them. You're fine with that. The less attention put on you, the better. You have slowly become some sort of celebrity at school and you aren't really enjoying all the attention. Dean seems to revel in it, so you try to put the spotlight on him when you can and slip back quietly into the shadows.
You asked your mom to take you in early Friday morning because you wanted to work on a few things. It was just easier when you weren't in a group. However, when you get to the field you see there is already equipment out. You don't see anyone right away and look around confused.
"Y/l/n, you're here early."
Dean. You turn around to find him with a big smile on his face. "Oh... hey Dean. I just thought I would work on a couple things, but I don't have to..."
"It's a pretty big field. I think we can both use it."
"Well, if you don't mind."
"Besides... I don't think you need much practice."
"Practice makes perfect, right?"

You go the opposite end of the field and set up your stand. You just want to work on a couple different distances. You are trying to think game time situations. As you set up your last ball, a ball suddenly hits the ground just to your right. Then one hits just to your left. You turn around with your hands on your hips. "What are--"
But there is ball coming right at you. You catch it without much difficulty. It's as if Dean put them exactly where he wanted. Which, knowing how good he is, that's probably exactly what he did. Even at the 40 yards he is standing from you.
He jogs over to you. "Nice catch."
"Well you put it right in my hands, hard not to."
"You'd be surprised," he says with a laugh.
"What are you doing? I thought you were workings on things on your side of the field."
"I couldn't resist. I wanted to see how close I could get them without hitting you."
"Well, thank you for not drilling me in the back of the head."
"No problem. I could have if I wanted to."
"I don't doubt that," you say handing the football back to him. His fingers brush yours and a shock goes through your body. As you look up, you notice it doesn't seem to affect him in any way.
"Well, I'll go back to my side of the field now."
"I never got to thank you for the other day... With Patch and his goons."
"Don't mention it. They were being a bunch of idiots."
"I know that, but thank you."
He looks into your eyes for a few seconds and the stare is so intense, you aren't sure what to do. "Like I said, don't mention it. Well, I should probably get my stuff put away, gotta meet Heather."
"Right... Can't make her wait."
He doesn't say anything, just turns to go with a smirk on his face.

After you put your stuff away and take a quick shower, you find Sam standing at your locker.
"Morning y/n."
"Hey Sam."
"What are you doing tonight?"
"Umm... I haven't really thought about it, why?"
"Well, some of the other players are going to a party tonight. Would you want to go?"
"Oh... I don't know. Is it just freshman? Like people I know?"
"No. Well, yes, but there will be upperclassmen too."
You hesitate, chewing the inside of your cheek. "I don't know Sam. I'm not much of a party girl. Are you going?"
"I don't know. I don't think I'm gonna go unless you go. Although Dean is going. We could do something else?"
"Do you want to go Sam?"
"Kind of."
"Then I'll go. I don't want you to miss it," you say with a smile. You try not to let it show that Dean may have influenced your decision.
"Really? I'll talk to Dean and see if we can ride with him and Heather."
Oh great, Heather. "Okay, just let me know."
"Will do. See you in chemistry."
"See ya Sam."

You text your mom at lunch to see if it's okay to go to the party. She agrees after knowing you will be going to with Sam and Dean. You tell Sam the news and you get one of his dimpled smiles. He asked Dean about riding with him and Heather and Dean said it was fine. They would pick you up at 7:30.
At 6:45, you're standing in front of your closest still trying to figure out what to wear. You've never been to a high school party and you have no idea what to wear. At 7:12, all you've decided on is your favorite pair of jeans. You work on your hair and makeup for a few minutes before going back to the closet. You rarely do makeup or anything with your hair and you look so different. You finally decide on your go-to black top.
There is a knock on your door just as you're putting on a little perfume.
"Come in, mom."
She opens the door slightly and sticks her head in. "Oh, y/n, you look so pretty."
"Thanks mom."
"I'm so used to seeing your hair in a messy bun and wearing football gear. I can't believe how much you've grown up..."
"Mom... I'm just 15, stop."
"I can't help it. You're my baby girl."
"I know, mom, I know."
"I just wanted to ask you about tonight again."
"Mom I'm going with Sam and Dean, oh and Heather, I'll be fine."
"I know. I know. I just want you to know if at any time you want to come home, you can call me. You know that, right?"
You can't help but smile at her. "I know, mom." You walk over and give her a hug. "Thanks. I'll see you later."
"Bye sweetie."

You walk outside just as Sam is walking up to the door. He stops short and looks at you for a second.
"What is it Sam?" You look down at yourself. "Did I get something on me?"
"Oh, no. I just didn't recognize you at first. You look so different."
"You sound like my mom," you say with a laugh. "Maybe I should dress up more often."
"Yeah... maybe you should..."
Why is Sam acting so weird? "Whatever Sam."
As you get to the car, you don't see Heather. We must be picking her up next. You slide into the backseat and Sam gets in on the other side.
"Hey Dean."
"Hey y/n. You look nice."
"Oh thanks," you say as your cheeks warm slightly.
You get to Heather's house and Dean goes into get her. You and Sam are left in the car for 15 minutes before they come out.
"Oh good, Dean, we're taking freshman," Heather says getting into the car.
"Nice to see you too, Heather," Sam says.
"Hi Sam," she says with a sweet smile. "Y/n." But the smile is gone when she looks at you.
"Heather," you reply curtly. What is her problem with you?

You get to the party and it's already crowded. It's at Wesson's house because his parents are out of town. Dean and Heather almost instantly disappear into the crowd as soon as you get there.
"Wanna get something to drink?" Sam asks.
"Yeah... sure."
The two of you wander through the crowd to the kitchen. You reach for a glass to get some punch.
"I wouldn't drink that if I was you," you hear from behind you.
You turn around to see Wesson. "Why?"
"Do you want to get drunk?"
Your eyes go wide and you sit the cup back down. "No, not really."
He lets out a small laugh. "Then I would stick to that cooler over there."
"Happy to help," he says slapping a hand on your shoulder. "Glad you could make it y/l/n. Have fun. You too little Winchester."
You watch as he makes his way through the crowd, talking to almost everyone.
"I hate when they call me little Winchester. I'm almost as tall as Dean now."
You can't help but laugh. "But you will always be his little brother, Sam."
"I don't care," he says handing you a drink.
"Oh, Sam... You poor thing."

The two of you move through the crowd looking for your friends. Along the way a few people say something to you about playing football. Everything seems to be positive. You try to take the compliments and keep moving. Finally you find the rest of the freshman players and hang out with them.
After about an hour, you excuse yourself to use the restroom. Sam gives you directions and you do your best to remember them as you push through people. Where did all these people come from? It got so packed. After a little while, you realize you must have turned the wrong way and turn around. Then someone steps into the hallway. Patch. You try to turn around before he sees you.
"Y/l/n, I didn't know you were at this party."
"Yeah... I came with Sam, Dean, and Heather."
"Oh, like a double date? How cute."
"What? No. Sam and I are just friends."
"Ahh, we've been wondering about that." He takes a few steps closer to you, but his steps are wobbly. He must be drunk.
"Well, I should get back to my friends," you say as you try to walk around him.
But he puts his hand on the wall to block your way. "I wasn't done talking to you yet though, y/n."
"I think you are Patch."
He pushes you against the wall. "Come on, y/n. It's a party."
"Patch, let me go."
He leans in closer to you and you can smell the alcohol on his breath. "Let's have some fun," he whispers in your ear.
"Okay, Patch..." you say as flirty as you can.
He pulls back. "Thatta girl, y/n."
You put your hands on his shoulders and push him back slightly. You smile at him sweetly. Then you kick him in the crotch as hard as you can. He doubles over and grabs himself.
"You better get used to holding balls in front of me."

He stands up, but keeps one hand on a crotch. "You bitch!" He raises a hand to hit you. Then someone catches his wrist before he can swing. Sam.
"What do you think you're doing Patch?"
"Mind your business little Winchester."
You see Sam's jaw tighten and before you or Patch can react Sam punches him. Blood starts pouring from his nose.
"What the fuck Sam?" Patch yells.
Sam shoves him against the wall. "I don't want to see you bothering y/n again. Don't touch her. Don't look at her. Don't talk to her. Unless it's a practice or game."
Patch doesn't answer Sam. Just looks at him with wide eyes.
"Do you understand me?" Sam yells as he shakes him.

You notice there is a crowd gathering around. Then you see Dean pushing his way through. He reaches Sam's side and puts his hand on Sam's shoulder. "Sammy, what's going on?"
"Patch was bothering y/n again. He was going to hit her."
"But he didn't, right?" Dean asks looking between Sam, Patch, and you.
"No, Dean, he didn't," you say quietly. "Sam caught him just before he did. "He... he was... Well, he was trying to get me to have some fun as he put it."
Now you see Dean's jaw tighten. And he glares at Patch. "Are you kidding me Patch? I know you're drunk but she's only 14."
"Umm... I'm 15."
Dean just shoots you a look that tells you to shut up. "Patch?"
"Okay... Yes. I'm drunk. It was dumb."
You reach over and grab Sam's arm and pull him back. You've never seen him so mad and it is kind of scary. Dean steps into Sam's place and stares Patch down.
"Patch, what is your problem? This is the second time I've caught you harassing y/n. I thought we had an understanding after the first time."
"We did... We do..."
"Then why are you doing it again?"
"I... I don't know."
He turns to look at you. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah... Yeah. I kind of kicked him in the crotch. That might have been why he was going to hit me."
Sam and Dean both laugh. You hear some laughter in the small crowd around too.
"Patch? Is that true?"
"Yes," he says glaring at you.
"Coming from her, I'm sure that hurt."
Patch doesn't say anything just looks at Dean.
"Since you got what you deserved this time, I'll leave it alone. But this better be the last time. Do you understand that?"
"Good. Now we are all going to be a happy team."
He doesn't wait for a reply before he turns to you and Sam. "We're going," he says pushing the two of you through the crowd. "Go to the car, I'll find Heather."

You and Sam walk quietly to the car. He grabs the door for you but you don't get in. You look up and meet his eyes. "Sam..."
"You don't have to say anything."
So you don't. You just throw your arms around him.

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