The Gaming Hero: Dekiru

By EndiusVoid

16.3K 609 1.2K

Waking up in his All Might room? Normal. Shuffling to take a shower? Normal. Greeting his mother and eating b... More

Blaze On!
Till My Last Breath!
Forming the Chaotic Dekusquad pt.1
Ten Months of IRL D&D Grinding

One Step for Man, One Bigger Step for Weebs

6.1K 165 610
By EndiusVoid

Endius: Have you ever looked into your mirror while eating a pop tart wondering, who the fuck ate the other pop tart? Well that's has nothing to do with the story so please enjoy. I don't own anything~ 😐

Izuku groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. He laid their as he slowly took in his room again. It really reflects on his personality. It was covered in poster of video games he loves, anime action figures and a few hero merchandise here and there but mostly video games. Now in another life he might of dedicated his life in being a hero but after a lifetime, or in his short life time, he realized how illogical it was.

No one supported him, he was quirkless, no friends, quirkless, bullied every day, still quirkless, no fighting experience, quirkless, no gym takes his kind, quirkless,Quirkless, QUIRKLESS, FUCKING QUIRKLESS.

Izuku smiled.

It was fine.

He got up and went to do his daily ritual. Getting ready for another day of being dead inside. He got into the shower and sighed as he felt his muscles loosen a bit from the hot water. He got dry and dress for another day of school. As he was eating breakfast he felt a tingle in the back of his head but chose to ignore it. He sighed as he finished and went to wash his plate when he looked up and saw a glowing blue screen.

Inko hummed as she finished her plate and saw Izuku frozen and staring at something. " Izu? Are you okay?" He gave her a nod. " Oh um yeah. I was just thinking. Got to go mom. School is starting soon." He rushed off and went through the door. Once outside he looked at the glowing screen in front of him.

You had a refreshing morning! Max Health increased for 3 hours!

" WHAT...WHAT THE FUCK!?" He swiped at the screen and it disappeared. " What the hell. Before another screen popped up.

Hello GAMER! Thank you for participating in unlocking your new ability: GAMER WORLD. You have been chosen from 7,200,475,000 people on this planet to wield this power. This is not a quirk but a power even greater!

Izuku jaw dropped as he stared at the screen. He read it about a hundred times when it finally hit him that this was legit. " B-But why me!?"

Would you like a tutorial? [Yes]/ [No]

He hummed and pressed yes. The screen blinked before it turned into tabs.

-Skill Tree

" That's...this is too much. A power that's greater than a quirk? Welp. Seeing as I don't have much to lose... give me the breakdown."


When the age of quirks was born a great influx of energy created by the quirks were collected and contained into a single point. Quirks are created when the Alpha Gene was developed into humans but the energy that created the Alpha Genes were made by a machine. A single machine that absorbed about 200,000,000 Kilograms of radiation from every type as well as 200,000,000 kilograms of every type of electromagnetic waves. The machine was destroyed once releasing all the build up energy but what no one knew was the energy mutated the radiation and electromagnetic waves to fuse together and create a sentient form of the Alpha Gene known as the Anima. The Anima sought out a vessel to call home only to end up trapped into a game console trapped into a time capsule send into space as a anniversary event in the year 20XX. In the console the Anima learned and absorbed all form of data and energy in the console thus creating the RPG like system in the Anima. Finally after the vacuum of space eroded away the capsule it went back to Earth with a new 'mindset'. With this new view it sought out a vessel to create a game out of their life. After trying multiple times it discovered that the quirkless were the only compatible vessels as infusing it self with a vessel with a quirk will only make them...brutally imploded until their nothing but a pile of flesh, muscle, bone and blood. The other issue is the ability to handle the mental strain the system with breaking their minds into powder glass. Then comes you, Midoriya Izuku. The quirkless with the mentally of a hero, mentality of a professor and also a closet case weeb. You are 99.9998% compatible with the Anima. The reason for not being 100% is due too your age, which is a month less then the Anima wanted.


A pause is what Izuku went through that moment. So to make it short. The Anima became a rpg quirk. And chose him. A weeb. A gamer. A quirkless kid. Well shit. " Okay next."


Like most RPGs you level up. Let's do this step by step. Open your status tab by saying STATUS.

"Status-OH, ok that weird."

Name: Midoriya Izuku
Title: No F***k Master
Level: 1 0/1000
Hp: 100/100
Mp: 0/0 (Must learn a spell/martial art)
Stamina: 75/75
Vitality: 3
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Intelligence: 40
Wisdom: 10
Agility: 3
Endurance: 3
Luck: U̶N̞̫̘̯̬ͅK͖͇̹̦N̳̼O͔̞͕̳̠ͅW͖̥̟̦̫͡N


Gamer Mind: Your mind is part of you and you are part of your mind. Always keep a calm mind and any mental affecting status affects are negated. Takes time the stronger the status effect is.
Lvl: MAX

Gamer Body: Your body is part of you and you are part of your body. Your body is more resilient to life inflicting injuries and effects. Resting fully recovers Hp, Mp, Stamina. Recovery is reduce the more poor the sleeping arrangement is.
Lvl: MAX

Nerd: Your greatest tool is your mind and intellect. 10% EXP gain to Intelligence and Wisdom.
Lvl: : 8 EXP: 230/550

Izuku made a face as if he just licked a lemon. " I can't really be this weak right? My intelligence is higher than normal though. And what happened to my luck!?"

As you can see, each stat is what makes you! Your Hp is your health. Once hit zero you die. Once hit 10%, you'll gain the fatigue effect and might fall unconscious. Mp is your mana.  To obtain mana you must learn a spell or martial art. Don't worry about hitting zero for Mp. You'll only obtain a mental fatigue effect but won't die. Stamina is...well your stamina. Stamina recovers faster out of the three and will only be drained when pushing your body to dodge, fight or train. Stamina is the easiest to increase.

Moving on to your stats. Due to your past your stats are bellow average in your age group. Each stat will instantly take affect once increased.

VITALITY: Affects your natural health and growth as well as your mana pool.

STRENGTH: Affects your bulk, physical power in basic attacks, martial arts and weight. Most martial arts require strength.

DEXTERITY: Affects your joints, tendons and bones to be more resilient and flexible. Also controls your body mass Incase you want to be more mobile.

INTELLIGENCE: Affects your mental resistances, general thought and mental power in spells.

WISDOM: Affects your creativity and  instincts. Most spells will require wisdom.

AGILITY: Affects your natural speed, reaction time and evasion.

ENDURANCE: Affects your defense, stamina and resistances.

LUCK: Affects your item drop, critical hit ratio, karma and enemy spawn rate. Due to unknown origin, your luck was always a disarray and the Anima will try to fix it.

The boy let out a sigh. " I'm too tired for this shit. Anything else?"

TITLES: Titles gives you buffs depending on how it's used. Your [No F***k Master] was given to you when you stop caring about other peoples opinions making you immune to insults and discrimination against YOU. But still will irk you when someone else is.

PERKS: are buffs that will affect your stats or skills. Depending on your actions can change or evolve the perks in the future. Sometimes items can give you temporary perks unless removed.

INVENTORY: By saying [Inventory] you'll be access to your pocket space. It contains no limit and anything that is put in it will be in a stasis. They would neither erode, affected by time or spoil/rot away.

EQUIPMENT: Your can access your equipment in [Inventory]. Equipment can affect your stats, give you buffs or perks but lose them once replace and changed. Every equipment has durability and can be repaired by a professional, yourself or simply can be replaced. Weapons must also go through maintenance that can be done yourself, a professional or can be replaced.

"I'm getting Dark souls vibes and I already went through that cancer. Can I upgrade anything?"

Equipment can be upgraded once you gain the material to upgrade them. This can be done at a tailor or blacksmith. Also yes, there's blacksmiths In the city. It's a world of quirks. What do you expect?


Finally RARITY: Each item has a rarity. The higher the rarity the more powerful the item is.

Common- Everyone can get it.

Rare- Harder to find but still achievable.

Epic- You won't find this in the middle of a street that's for sure. Can only be obtained through quests, item drop, or events.

Legendary- Harder to get. Can be achieved through high level quests and events. Can be dropped by a enemy but they will most likely be bosses and unique enemies.

Godlike- Almost impossible to achieve. ALMOST impossible. Can be gain from events only!

" Holy crap baskets! I can have a god tier item!? That's fucking cool!"

Rarity also affects enemies! The higher then enemy the higher and stronger level they are.

" Makes sense. Now what's the skill tree."

[Skill Tree]

The Skill Tree is where you go to upgrade skills and martial arts. You can choose how they evolve and how you want them to work. You can also purchase the same skills and Martial arts once unlocked at dojo's or libraries. That way you can have multiple evolutions of the same skill but be warned. You can only use the same skill at a time not all together. Only with different skills can you use with others. You can also fuse skills together in creating more unique and powerful skills. Though be warned once fused you can't unfuse them. The skill tree can only be access in your room.

" That's fucking wicked. Potentially having a whole variety of skills can really give me options in future fights."


Class is how you want to go on with the game. Choosing your class can also affect your stats, perks, and skills. Every class will give you basic equipment, starting spells/martial arts depending on what you choose. You can change your class later on but you must wait until your birthday.

"Yep. Definitely Dark Souls. I'll choose a class after the tutorial."


Relationships can be seen in your [Credability]. To access your relationships go to your [inventory] and you'll see a green heart. There you'll see your relations.

" Inventory. Where's...oh found it."


Inko Midoriya (mom) (10,000/10,000) Loved

Bakugo Katsuki (Bully) (-100/1,000) Disliked

School (High achieving student) (100/1,000)

School Populace ('superior beings') (-200/5,000) Hated

Relationships are affected depending on your actions. It goes:

•LOVED/HONORED (0/10,000)


•LIKED (0/1,000)

•NEUTRAL (0/100)

• DISLIKED (0/-1,000)

• HATED/DISPISE (0/-5,000)

• WAR/KILL TARGET (0/-10,000)

When they reached LOVED/HONORED or WAR/KILL TARGET it will affect your daily life. Those that love you or is a honor to be around will give you a option to be in a Romantic relationship and/or become practically siblings in everything but blood. Family in short terms. For those who is at a war with you or has you as a kill target, you'll be attacked by enemies sent by them or attacked by themselves. Be careful. They can and will hire enemies that will be out of your league.

"......WELL FUCK ME! I really need to be careful. The last thing I need is for a army of supervillains marching to me with the intent to absolutely killing me."


From a fire breathing goldfish to a reality bending yokai. You'll be able to gain a companion from quests or events. Familiars can be a great help by providing supports, heals, perks and more! Don't worry about gaining more then one. You can switch them out but you'll have to provide room space for each familiar. They can also level up and gain skills as they help you through battle. Or can be simply a house pet that can shoot laser from there eyes. The possibilities are endless.

"That's cool but scary at the same time. Then again...that fire breathing goldfish sounds tempting."


Events are your main source of outwardly shenanigans. Events can be accessed in your menu. Events such as catching cats to fighting a god of destruction. Thankfully that won't happen for a while as events is connected to your level. Events have time limits as well and can be repeated if failed but the time limit will be reduced. Every week all events will refresh into new ones.

That's all for now. Future tutorials will appear when you reach the subject. Let your game BEGIN!

Izuku gasp as the Anima settle in. His mind felt clear and his body felt stronger...even though his stats are as high as a baby. Looking around he saw the time and notice no time has passed since breakfast. " Did the Anima freeze time? That would explain why the explanation took no time away. Oh! I need to choose. a class."

Opening the tab his eyes blew open when thousands of options appeared. Looking around he notices filters. "This is gonna take a while huh? Um how do I actually want to go." Having no quirk made it so he was a clean slate. He can't really choose how he want to go about this. Thinking back he always looked up to be All Might but he didn't want to be a bodybuilder. Looking at the other heroes, everyone's either scrawny, stupid brawn or, for the females, sexy and curvy. He did wanted to be a great hero. Maybe the best hero. He wants to be someone everyone could look up too. A hero that can save everyone. But does he really have the conviction like before?

He blinked when the page shifted and soon classes were pooping away until five remained.

Mystic Swordsman

To be a witch to some and a warrior to others. Using a balance of sword play and magic you shall leave everyone in a daze.

+5 points in all stats

Gain: Basic swordsmanship Lvl 1
[You can swing a sword.] EXP: 0/50

Gain: Mana Skin Lvl 1
[A thin coat of magic to increase your endurance.] EXP: 0/75

That is a good class. A perfect mix in close to long range combat. And he can gets to make his stats a little better.


No villain or foe can ever escape from your sharp eyes. Being the quickest hand, sharpest eye and greater sherif that ever lived!

+5 points into all Stats

Gain: Basic Gun Wielder
[You can shoot and hold the most basic of guns.] Lvl 1 EXP: 0/50

Gain: Eagle Eye
[Your eyes are sharper than any average human.] range: 10m
EXP: 0/75

So he can potentially be a better version of GunHead. That could work and who knows, he might learn under GunHead too if he can some how convince him.


No matter how big the beast or how sharp there fangs are you always can make a friend out of them. Let the all father grant you protection in battle.

+5 points in all Stats

Gain: Beast Charmer
[Your voice is like a soft drizzly rain. Only working on small/baby monsters.]
Lvl 1 EXP: 0/75

Gain: All Father Blessing
[Let the All Father give you strength.] Duration: 3 minutes Cooldown: 5 minutes
Lvl: 1 EXP: 0/125

So he can practically have a army of monsters to fight for him. I mean it's not bad, he can make it so he have a whole system of monster to be his police force. That's more tempting now that he said that.

Spirit Arts

Ancient martial arts to mixes with the forces of magic. With only a palm you can part the ocean and shatter mountains. All while keeping a calm mind.

+5 stats in all stats

Gain: Basic Martial Arts
[You can throw a punch and Kick.]
Lvl 1 EXP: 0/50

Gain: Mana Argumentation
[You can enhance you skills with small bursts of mana.] Duration: 5 minutes cooldown: 2 minutes
Lvl 1 EXP: 0/75

That's really awesome. He can the next All Might if he wanted too! Maybe better if he can upgrade the argumentation skill.

Star Blazer

You were always a blessed child. The stars has chosen you to be its champion under the cosmos. Wielding the power to shatter reality and bend time itself but comes with the cost of your own life energy.

+5 points in all Stats

Gain: Star burst
[Enhance yourself with the power of the stars.] Duration: infinite cost: 5 HP per second.
Lvl 1 EXP: 0/75

Gain: Star Pulse
[Release a dome of energy around your body.] cost: 25% HP
Lvl 1 EXP: 0/50

He can see how that one will play out. If he does choose that one his vitality will be through the roof. He can honestly say he can last practically forever in battle. Who knows, he can get a regeneration boost at one point.

Honesty all of them sounds amazing. He can see each one being a great choice and was struggling to see which would work. He want to be the best hero in the whole world and save people with no reward. A hero that can make everyone smile. With this power he might actually become one too. But the problem is...

Which one should he choose~

Endius: That is up to you guys and gals! That's right I want you all to vote on which class Izuku should choose. I trust you all to pick the right one, which is any to be honest with you, and see which one you want to see Izuku have.

Hope y'all enjoy and have a good life~

Love this movie 💗

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