Can You Hear Me?

Galing kay Anime_is_addictive

13.9K 511 139

Everyone around you was finding their soulmate but you hadn't yet. Your friends were concerned but you weren'... Higit pa

Can You Hear Me? Pt.1
Can You Hear Me? Pt. 2
Can You Hear Me? Pt.3
Can You Hear Me? Pt.4
Can You Hear Me? Pt.5
Can You Hear Me? Pt.6
Can You Hear Me? Pt.8
Can You Hear Me? Pt. 9

Can You Hear Me? Pt.7

1.4K 54 15
Galing kay Anime_is_addictive

Your comment makes him laugh, white teeth glinting in the lamplights as he glances over at you. "Sure baby we can."

You smile back at him. "I have a sudden craving for a Matcha Latte. And it's Chicago. Aren't the Starbucks supposed to be like super good?" 

Johnny laughs again and shakes his head. "My god you're adorable," which sends a fresh blush to your cheeks, "I guess they're okay, I mean I've never really compared Starbucks." 

"Ahh..."  You hum in response and resume your place at the window, happy to be getting Starbucks soon. 

Soon Johnny pulls into the Starbucks parking lot and puts the car in park. "Come on babe. You should walk some more because of the flight." 

You unbuckle your seat belt and reach for the door handle but then the door was already opened with Johnny waiting patiently for you. 

"After you my love." He bows like a butler and gestures with his hand. You get out of the car and hit him softly. 

"I didn't realize you were such a dork. But thank you kind sir."  You say with a soft light. "And he's a gentleman. Mom will like that, extra brownie points for him."  You think to yourself. 

Johnny just smiles at you, very proud of himself. He grabs your hand and you two go into Starbucks. 

"Ummm... I'll have a tall Matcha Latte, iced please."  You tell the tired barista. You dig around in your bag for your wallet. When you finally retrieve it from the depths of your purse, the barista already has a card in hand and then hands the card back to Johnny. 

"Johnny! You didn't have to do that!"  You scold him. 

He just shrugs. 

"What type of person am I if I can't even buy my soulmate a drink from Starbucks her first night here?" He says with that cheeky smile of his.

Huffing and rolling your eyes, you wrap your arms around him. "Thank you, I appreciate it. But you're not paying for me always on this trip. Got it? You're still a college student too." 

Johnny wraps his arms around you and squeezes lightly. "Just let me spoil you a little. You deserve it." Then he kisses you softly on the top of your head and nuzzles your hair. 

You're pretty sure by the end of this trip you won't be solid anymore. You'll just be a pile of mush from the amount Johnny has made you melt. 

"Iced Americano for Johnny! Matcha Latte for Y/N!" The barista calls out, setting your drinks down on the counter.

Johnny untangles himself from you and grabs your drinks. He gestures to the door and you walk out, heading to his car. 

Back in the car and on the road, you wrap your hands around your latte and take a sip. 

"Oh my god, I needed this."  You moan."It's so good."

Johnny chuckles at your reaction, cheeks growing a little pink. "It's that good? Well, I'm glad we got one for you then." 

You look over at him. One hand on the wheel and the other on his drink, as he brings it up to his lips and takes a sip. Oh my god, those plump lips. He's driving you crazy at how effortlessly hot he is being. Add the slight smile and crinkled eyes and you're a goner. 

"I can feel you burning holes into my head. Do you like what you see?" He teases and looks at you, those brown eyes sparkling before going back to the road. 

You jump, startled that you were caught. A familiar heat creeps back into your cheeks and you look away. "You tease..." You mumble. 

"I'm sorry Y/N, I didn't hear that. What did you say?" He flashes another cheeky smile at you. 

"I called you a tease."  You say louder, looking back at him. 

He laughs again, "Only for you." 


A little bit later, Johnny pulls into his driveway and shuts off the car. "Welcome to my home." You smile up at the cute little house. Johnny's house. Where he grew up. Where he lives with his mom and dad when he's not at school. His mom... his dad....

Your stomach crawls into your throat. You forgot about meeting his parents. You begin to nervous sweat again. Sometimes you weren't the best with new people but especially your soulmates parents. 

Your future in-laws.

 Before you can freak out anymore, your car door opens. Johnny had gotten out your luggage for you and was waiting.

"Ready?" He lends you a hand. You get out of the car and shut the door, the sound echoing into the night. He looks at you in the moonlight. "You okay Y/N? You look a little pale." Taking your face into his hands, he looks at you closely. 

"I-i'm just nervous."  You admit. 

"Nervous about what?" Concern shows in his eyes.

"Meeting your parents..." Your voice gets small and you shift your eyes to the ground. 

Johnny pulls you in for a hug and strokes your hair. "It'll be alright, I promise. It's scary but they're pretty cool people. Really inviting I've been told by my friends. They'll love you. I have no doubt of that." He makes you look up at him, your chin propped up on his chest. 

"You sure?"  Your heart thuds a little softer now and your stomach goes back in its place. 

He nods and shows you that radiant smile. "I'm sure." 

Burying your face into his chest one more time, you take a deep breath and let him lead you up to the front door.

Johnny opens up the door quietly and ushers you inside. Leaving your suitcase and backpack near the door, he grabs your hand and gives it a quick squeeze. 

You step into the living room light, trying to hide yourself behind Johnny's height. Peeking around his arm you see his parents. They were this cute old Korean couple, who to your relief seemed to be sound asleep. 

"They must have fallen asleep waiting for us..." Johnny says softly. He goes over to his parents and nudges their shoulders. "Eomma...Appa..Y/N is here..." 

The couple rouses slightly, finally seeing you. His mom rubs her eyes and stands up. 

"Ahhh! This is the girl who has my Johnny's heart. How was your flight? Are you hungry? I can make you something?" Your heart melts at how kind she is. 

You shake your head. "Oh no it's alright, I'm not that hungry. But thank you! My flight was good, I slept the whole time."  You smile at his mom. She returns the gesture. 

"Okay then, it was nice to meet you Y/N. I wish I could talk to you more but I think it is time for me and Johnny's appa to go to bed. We will see you tomorrow. Anything you want special for breakfast? French toast? Blueberry pancakes?" His mom asked, making your heart melt even more. 

You think for a minute. "Umm blueberry pancakes please. And that's alright, you two go sleep and it was nice meeting you too!"  She gives you another smile while Johnny's father follows her and flashes you a tired smile and a small wave. You wave and smile back.

With his parents out of the room, your heart rate finally goes back to normal. You let out a breath and pull your scarf off from around your neck since it was warm in the house.

Then from behind you, Johnny wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you flush to his hips. He rests his chin on your head before bending down to move it to the crook of your neck. 

His breath ghosts across the sensitive skin there and his nose tickles you oh so slightly. 

So much for your heart rate going back to normal.

Your scarf slips from your fingers and onto the floor.

"I think that went well." He murmurs softly into your neck. "See, nothing to worry about."

You squirm a little in his arms, afraid his mom would come out at any moment and see you two. 

Johnny tightens his hold on you, pinning you against him, making your cheeks heat up. He places soft kisses on the side of your neck, so light you almost don't feel them.

 You absentmindedly tilt your head so your neck is more exposed, closing your eyes in the process. Johnny groans deep in his throat, the sound vibrating slightly against your neck. 

Then your neck gets cold as he pulls away and releases you. He pushes back his hair with one hand, letting out a tight breath. Those black locks fall onto his forehead, no longer styled. 

He gives you a cheeky smile. "Just checking that you're really here." His cheeks were flushed a bit. You look back at him with equally flushed cheeks. 

"Oh I'm here."  You step closer, the urge to kiss him almost unbearable. 

Then he gets a look on his face.

"Hey babe it's not too late still. Do you want to go for a little night walk? We can see if we can see the stars and I want you to move around some more so you don't get any blood clots because of the flight." He is still like a doting mother in person. "My mom was telling me all about it before you showed up."

You're a bit surprised by the quick change in the mood. but you shrug it off. "Sure, that sounds nice."  You give him a soft smile.

He gives you a quick peck on the cheek, "Let me go change into some sweats and a sweatshirt then real quick." Then he bounds up the stairs to where you assume his room is. 

You bend down and pick up your scarf, wrapping it back around your neck. Looking around Johnny's house something catches your eye. A book on a side table. You walk over and pick up the book. 

It's a scrapbook, filled with pictures of baby Johnny. 

You are flipping through the pages, gushing at the progression of baby Johnny to awkward middle school Johnny to high school graduation. 

"Oh my god she left that out?" A voice startles you and makes you jump. Johnny chuckles a little. "Sorry babe, didn't mean to scare you." He puts his head on your shoulder, looking over it at the scrapbook. 

"You were so cute Johnny..." You said in a low voice, leafing through more pages.

"Um excuse me? Was?" He said in an offended whisper.

"I meant when you were younger! You're still cute now but like a different cute ya know?" You laugh at him and pat his cheek that's on your shoulder. 

You finish looking through it and set it back down on the side table. Turning around to your soulmate, you see he changed into black sweats and a black hoodie zipped up to the dip of his collarbone. It was all paired with a black baseball cap with his equally inky black hair sticking out on his forehead. He looked really good.

Like really good in casual clothes.

"Ready now?" He tilts his head as he bites his Starbucks straw. He must have picked up his drink off the side table.

Damn him and wanting to wait to make your first kiss special. 

You nodded. "Yeah."

He grabs your hand and steps back out into the night with you. 

"So like I don't have a plan on where to walk to... I just kinda wanted to hold your hand as we walked around and it be quiet." He admits as he softly swings your connected hands. 

You shrug and give him a smile. "That sounds perfect." 

Johnny smiles back at you. "God you're so amazing." 

You're lucky it's dark out and the street lights are dim so Johnny couldn't see you blush for the hundred millionth time.

After some time walking you see a park close by. Letting go of Johnny's hand, you take off for the park heading for the swings. 

Finding the swing you want, you plop down on it and look for your soulmate. He eventually makes it there a bit after you and has his phone pulled out. 

"I want to take a picture of you." He says from behind his phone. You pose and smile big for the camera. Johnny doesn't lower his phone after a few pictures so you start to make different faces at him. You stick your tongue out, go cross eyed, throw out a peace sign, puff your cheeks out, etc.

Laughing, he finally lowers his phone, satisfied. "It's going to be hard for me to pick one for my phone background." He says while falling into the swing next to you. 

"I have an idea to make it easier. Can I borrow your phone?" You hold out your hand.

Johnny quirks up an eyebrow curious. "Sure." And he hands over his phone. 

You swing sideways to him and catch his swing chains, pulling yourself over to him so your swings are together. 

"Come here."  You move your face close to his and hold the phone up. 

Turning your head, you plant a kiss on his cheek. You feel Johnny's breath hitch a little in surprise.

 You press the camera button a few times, hoping there was a good one. Pulling back from Johnny, you click open his gallery to look at the pictures. 

You were kissing Johnny's cheek while he had his huge, eye-crinkling smile. Your favorite smile. The one that was infectious and made your heart stutter.

There was just enough light from the street lights but the picture was still a bit dark and grainy from the night. 

It was perfect. 

"I love it." Johnny took his phone back into his hands to get a closer look. "And I love you Y/N." He looked up at you with eyes that liquefied your heart. His soft brown eyes were so full of love and shining in the night. You could see the stars in them and it tugged at your heart.

"I love you too Johnny."  You leaned into his shoulder, placing your head on it. "I want to kiss you so bad."  You mumbled. 

"I know, I do too. But it will be worth it I promise. Then you can kiss me however much you want to." He winks at you. "We'll make up for the lost kisses, don't worry." 

You laugh and hit his chest before letting go of his swing so your swing goes back to its spot. 

A shiver runs through your body, making your swings chains rattle. 

"Are you cold baby? Do you want to go back home?" Johnny leans over, putting his face in front of yours. 

"Home..."  You liked the way that sounded coming off of Johnny's tongue. "Yeah let's go home."

The walk home was cold but not too bad. You blew warm air out making "smoke clouds" and Johnny did the same, teasing when his were bigger than yours. 

"That's because you're so full of hot air." You tease him back.

After that comment he grabs you by the waist and lifts you up threatening to throw you in a snow bank. You kick and squirm until he sets you down laughing more. "Payback." 

You hit his arm and take off running when you see his house so he won't try to throw you again. 

Inside, Johnny helps you carry up your stuff to his room. It's a normal guy room, kind of bare since he lives mostly at school. But it was cute. Very Johnny. 

You shower first and then Johnny does. Exhausted, you almost fell asleep waiting for him to get done.

He comes in the room drying his hair with a towel. As his arms lift up, his t-shirt pulls up a little, revealing a strip of tan, toned skin. Even unintentionally this kid teases you relentlessly. 

After deeming his hair dry enough, he slides into bed next to you. You are curled up on one side in the fetal position, barely able to keep your eyes open.

You hear Johnny softly chuckle and then feel him kiss your nose. You crack open your eyes to see him settling back on his phone looking through something. 

Moving closer to him, you lay your head on his chest which gives you a view of his phone. 

He's scrolling through pictures from today. You didn't realize it but he was taking candid pictures of you all day. There were pictures of you ordering your drink at Starbucks, a few of you looking out the window at the lights when he was at a stoplight, ones of you walking in front of him on your walk, the pictures from you guys on the swings,  and ones of you on your way home from the park. 

You had no makeup on, hair all frizzy from a day of travel and your red nose peeking out from your scarf but you loved how they looked. Johnny really had a knack for photography. 

"You're good at this Johnny..." You mutter softly. 

"You think?" His answer rumbles in the ear that's pressed to his chest. 

You nod, too tired to answer. 

He glances down at you on his chest and sees your eyes are closed. Your thick eyelashes flutter every once in a while and your lips part slightly in soft breaths. It was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen. He took a few pictures of you to document then shut his phone off and set it on his nightstand. 

Johnny gently brushed your hair with one hand while the other wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You roused a little and sleepily buried your face into his chest and wrapped a leg around one of his before going still again. 

Closing his eyes, he planted a soft kiss on your head. "Goodnight Y/N, I love you so much." 

Then he followed you to sleep. 

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