Jojo's Bizzare Adventure X re...

By eemapso

4.5K 126 36

Things are about to get bizarre~ As of writing this, IT'S COMING! Next month begins the newest season for the... More

Happy White Day! (Josuke Higashikata x Classmate! Reader) Part 1/2
(Yandere! Phantom Blood Dio x Ex-Prostitute! Reader) I've waited so long (1/?)
(Yandere! Phantom Blood Dio x Ex-Prostitute! Reader) I've waited so long (3/?)

(Yandere! Phantom Blood Dio x Ex-Prostitute! Reader) I've waited so long (2/?)

685 30 8
By eemapso


1880, Y/N is currently 12 years of age, Dio is 14

Y/N Waited in their old secret sewer hiding place. Out of the blue,  it seemed, that Dio had slipped a letter under her door. The letter instructing her to meet him here at the crack of dawn.  The unkempt state of the spot brought a cold feeling on her skin. The feeling of a bleary grey overcame the general area. A lamp, would certainly liven the place up a bit. But what would be the point. No one ever came here to experience it. Dio had stopped coming to the spot a few years back, and y/n simply followed suit. She was certain that with the death of his mother, he would be even more busy fending off his father. Life was not treating her so well either. Her mother had contracted a sort of illness in her line of work. Work that she was now old enough to understand was of the more...unsavory sort. The money it provided was enough to make her mother continue on, without worrying about consequence. No. That's no right. She did worry, but she had to ignore these concerns and keep going for her child. She had been trying to think of ways to make money to take care of the both of them. But her options were dwindling. There was not much she could do.

Falling into repetition of negative thought, her hand mindlessly reached up and held her princess pendent in-between her thumb and forefinger. She fiddled with it gently, allowing the cold metal to slowly bring her back to her reality around her. This gift that she received all those years always succeeded in calming her down. It was one of the most dearest possessions that she owned. When she held it, it would remind her of a more simpler time when she'd meet Dio in that exact spot. When he'd read to her and fill her mind with wonders and dreams of being a princess.  A princess in a luxurious castle, one that would that of the queen herself! She'd drink tea and eat cakes anytime she wanted. She would never be hungry. She would never be cold. She would never be tired. Her only burden, would be her swollen cheeks from smiling so much. And of course, mother would be there as well. She would be a queen wearing the finest silks from the finest fibers. The best of everything, she'd earned from working so hard. And Dio... Dio would be there by her side. A prince and princess ruling the land in happiness and harmony...

Dio...Dio....Where was he right now?

The sound of hastened foot steps coming towards the sewer alerted her. Turning her head, she saw a glimpse of gold illuminated by the now rising sun. It was him. 

At the opening of the sewer he made a wide leap inside. Seeing him in person again was certainly a shock for y/n. However long it had been since she'd seen him last,  it was long enough for his soft childish appearance to begin the transition to a more hardened teen aged one. He was like a handsome little prince.  And he was certainly in a good mood.

Dio looked down at y/n with a smile that she had never seen before. His eyes sparkled with happiness. But he smiled in a way that was somewhat twisted. Once his breathing stabilized from the run he spoke. 

"It's happened."

"..what's happened?" She asked cautiously. 

His smile stretched farther.

"He's dead. The bastard finally died last night."

Y/n gasped. An involuntary one. She was not sure how she was to react to this news. "Dio I'm s-," Dio let out a sudden laugh.

"Sorry? Where you going to apologize? For what? This is time for a celebration, y/n! My father was a garbage human. Lower than the lowest shit that swims through these sewers. The only good thing he's ever done is die and leave room for the rest of us!" 

He laughed even harder and began to cheer to the city. "He's gone!" 

After Dio had let out his pent up frustrations to the heavens above in a hearty yell, he calmed down to a softer voice again.

"He's gone, and left me with my ticket out of this hell hole." He held up a letter in his hand looking back down to y/n.

"What is that?"

"It is a letter the explains my connection with the Joestars. My father, saved the head of the household 12 years ago after his carriage crashed and killed his wife. In return, he was indebted to us. And now I am to go and live with them in their manor! Is it not wonderful?! Finally, out of these rags! Out of the dirt! I'll never want for money again! I'll never crawl about like a rat looking for food! I will finally be able to live my life the way I deserve!"

Dio's eyes twinkled like stars. His future, had been handed to him. In a single letter, her dear friend, had just become a prince. 

They could not speak long, as Dio had to hurry home and prepare. The carriage that was to bring him the Joestar Manner  was fast approaching and would soon be there to pick him up. He only wanted to tell her goodbye without disappearing quietly.  Y/N congratulated him with tears in her eyes. Happy that her friend was going to a better place. But sad that she would likely not see him again for a long time. Dio wiped her tears and promised that he would visit her soon. As she was the best thing that came out of this place.

"As long as you have the pendant that i gave you, rest assured, I will come back."


1884, Y/N is currently 16, Dio is 18.

 Y/n was standing on her front doorstep, spilling the contents of last night's waste bucket onto the floor. Her mind was absent as she thought over the offer she received. A fool she would be if she were to refuse such pay. It didn't matter what this particular job offered. It would be enough to feed her. Besides, it wasn't like she'd need to do it all the time. Just every so often to pay for her meals. And she would definitely make money. They told her when they last spoke. She had the perfect body for this line of work.

The sound of someone approaching hadn't registered as she was so deep in the repetitious scenario. She was only brought out of it when she heard the sound of someone clearing their throat. Deeply and Gruffly. Her eyes followed the long trek up this tall wall of a man that stood before her. At first, she hadn't recognized him. Not until, he smiled. That same smile she remembered from all those years ago. A mischievous little smirk. His orange eyes glinted with that same shade of darkness.  His short chuckle, though much deeper, was still the same.  It was truly him. Dio kept his promise.

y/n dropped her bucket as she scrambled over to him and embraced him in a hug. "Dio! I barely recogni-" Her words cut off abruptly by him suddenly pulling her away from himself. He kept her at arms length away as his face was flustered. Surprised at first, she looked down and remembered the waste bucket. She realized, she could've dirtied him with the waste she had just emptied. Y/N and Dio were no longer in the same social class. Whereas she had grown accustomed to doing this,  Dio more than likely never had to. Hell, he probably hadn't seen his waste since he'd moved in with the Joestars. 

She quickly hugged her arms close to herself instead. "Oh. Oh. I apologize."

Dio turned his head to the side and cleared his throat. "You've no reason to apologize."

Dio couldn't have cared less about the waste. He had barely even remembered that that's what she was doing. He was so caught up in her sudden embrace. Her small soft form squeezing around his. She had grown. He could feel it on himself. As a gentleman, he had to distance her, before he disgraced himself. It was strange, he had simply come to see her, as he had been thinking about her repeatedly recently. So much so, it was getting in the way of his other plans for the Joestars. To ease his mind and himself, decided to see her on whim. He hadn't realized it would just cause him more unrest instead.

Silence cascaded between the two of them before dio cleared his throat again. "Won't you invite me inside?"

Y/N raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Of course, You're always welcome to come in Dio. ..if it's good enough for you of course."

Dio laughed and walked behind her to open the door and motioned for her to enter.  He was truly behaving like a gentleman. Y/N giggle slightly, not used to this sort of treatment and did a crude courtesy.  "Thank you my dear sir" She sang trying to replicate a posh higher-class accent.

Once he was inside, he found his eyes wandering about the interior slowly. This place hadn't changed at all. The same tiny crack in the ceiling that kept the home at a constant chill on windy days.  The same table now on 3 legs. The rotting wooden walls and floors which always creaked but never settled.  Many years back he lived in a similar condition, but now, after the luxury he'd grown used to, this place. It was a dead end home. He estimated that the house would not stand for much longer. Perhaps a few more months if he was being generous with estimation.

 Y/n returned from the other room with a plate and a loaf of bread and a  few slices of beef. she sat the tray in front of him and took the adjacent seat.  "Eat your fill Dio~ Dont be shy." She smiled.

He glanced up from the plate to look her in the face.

"Have you nothing else?" He asked rather blatantly.

Y/N's smile wavered. "..I apologize Dio. My cook should be here shortly along with my maid and my butlers." She made to jest, but it still came out a tad bitter.

"I did not mean to offend, Y/N." Dio put his elbow on the table and leaned in a bit further. His head rested on his hand. "I meant it in concern. I know how scarce food can be around here. Would you have enough to eat for yourself if i gorged myself on this plate right now?"

"..Hospitality is not always convenient for the host." y/n sighed glancing away from his stare. 

Something pulled at dio on the inside, which made him pull away slowly.

"Well, if its all the same with you, i'd rather not eat any of this." Dio crossed his arm.  Under her breath, Dio could hear a silent sigh of relief.

Dio looked around the house once again, thinking of how to bring up his concern.

"I happen to be in the process of picking a new place to live." She said following his line of sight. His gaze returned to hers. This old house isn't  my responsibility anymore."

Hearing her say this confirmed another thought he'd had. "Then your mother-"

"Last year. She went in her sleep after a long night fighting an infection" Y/n stared absently into her cup of water lazily swirling it around. Dio could sympathize. He had not met her mother often. But from what he could recall, she was a kind woman who just worked in a unkind profession. And odds are, y/n had to deal with it alone, just as he did. 

Without looking up from her cup she smiled. "But you know. I like to believe that i am over it. Having solace in the fact that she is in a better place than she was before. Besides, i cant afford to mourn any longer. I have to make it by." 

Dio's gaze narrowed. "..By chance y/n. What job were you thinking of?What job will pay you enough to..move out off this place?"

She set her cup of the table and took a steadying breath. "I'm going to become a whore Dio." 

No sooner had these words left her mouth, Dio shot up from his seat.

"No!" His volume spiked.

She jolted but kept her gaze down to her hands. "I must. If i want to survive, then i must. "

Dio's expressions became erratic as his arms and hands animated violently. "No! No! Don't be an idiot! Whoring yourself out to these common slum dogs on these streets! Hold yourself in a higher regard! Where is your pride? Where are your brains?!  Have you forgotten, that that profession is the same that took your mother!?"

Y/n's eyes now met dio's. His were aflame. Hers were drowned in frustration and desperation. "She did what she had to do to provide. And now i must do the same! Noone will hire me. And those who will are willing to pay me to comfort for what ill do for them. I'd be an idiot not to! To allow myself to either freeze or starve on the street. Im at risk that way anyhow. So i may as well be payed for it."

Dio's hairs raised on ends. His friend. His dearest y/n was succumbing. Lowering herself down.. to this?! He spoke in a quiet but clear rumble. "And what of your dream. Your dream of becoming a princess-"

Y/N let out a laugh. "A princess? I am not a child anymore Dio.  I know who the world chooses as royal and who it chooses to beg. I am not nor will  i ever be any fraction of a princess-"

Dio suddenly slammed his palms into the table. This sudden action caused the table to concave on itself and sent her food sailing then crashing to the floor. She gasped then dove to the floor to quickly pick the food back up onto the plate. Her hands trembled as she picked up all of the pieces and slices she could. From the corner of her eyes, she could see dio leaving quickly out the door. Her Once he was gone, her tears feel freely. She sat on the floor and cried for the first time in a long time.

A little while later, a knock sounded on the door. Upon opening it she looked down. What she found made her breath catch in her throat. A basket, full of meats fruits. Vegetables. bread. And a small roll of bills. She looked about quickly, searching for the gifter, before she just retreated back inside, basket in her arms. She slid down the closed door and sat upright on the floor just staring into the bouquet of all these delicious food. They were of a higher quality. As she recognized them from the premium markets. Next to the bills, something else caught her eye. 

A note. 

Thankfully, she had learned to read a bit. She was not as much of a literary mastermind as dio. But she was able to read, the words in her hands.

"Wait for me y/n. For just  a little while longer. Wait for me." -Dio

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