A Psycho Type of Love

By Tae-ionysus

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A god with nothing but time on his hands. A werewolf with nothing but murder on his mind. What if they never... More

T i m e - l e s s
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eleven

42 4 0
By Tae-ionysus

Jungkook was talking to these other men. From the close proximity of two; one being the purple haired man Tae remembered as namjoon, kinda looked like a couple but Jungkook didn't exactly look amused by anything and Taehyung was quite hesitant to approach him.

I mean- they didn't have ill intentions- well- sexual intentions with each other yesterday...

It was all friendly-...till that god damn kiss. Then everything was awkward.

But- he kinda wanted to be near Jungkook again ...he was nice to be around...

So with that in mind, Taehyung made his way a little reluctant over to where the younger sat.

Jungkook let out a groan, he's been pestering the two eldest to spill what they know, yet they refused, telling him its "better to find out yourself" which he honestly just scoffed at.

He sighs and looks out towards the crowd, his eyes instantly locking on the blonde male that he, well- hung out with yesterday. He cocks an eyebrow, watching as he approaches. He didn't realize the other three fell silent and were staring in the exact place he was. It was a surprise to see him, his eyes widened when they did land on the familiar figure but quickly went back to normal, acting unbothered.

As Taehyung made his way over to the younger, he couldn't ignore his fast beating heart. He took a deep, unnoticeable breath through his nose and smiled when he walked up to Jungkook.

"Hey man, didn't expect to see you here haha," he said and looked at the others he assumed were his friends and bowed slightly.

Jungkook nods slightly, glancing at his friend's before turning his full attention to the blonde. "Yeah- what a coincidence, huh?" he agreed before nodding his head towards the three figures. "You remember Namjoon hyung I assume? The shorter one is Jimin and the one with Namjoon is his boyfriend, Seokjin." he informed, stealing Jimin's beer out of his hand, earning a smack on the arm and a mischievous smile from Jungkook.

Taehyung giggles slightly at perhaps- his new friends- childish antics.

"Nice to meet you," he bows once more, "I'm Taehyung- I urm...I got a tattoo from your friend yesterday. Yeah-"

Taehyung slipped over the part of hanging out- not sure how to put it.

The look on Jimin's and Seokjin's face were nothing short of confused. Jungkook rolled his eyes and takes a sip of Jimin's beer. "He's the one I mentioned," he mumbled, watching as realization washes over their expressions, them nodding in understanding.

Taehyung's eyebrows furrow at Jungkook's word and how everyone's facial expression changed. He didn't appreciate his ignorance to the situation and smacked his lips.

"Well I should get going my bro- "

"Taeeeeeeee," he heard his brothers voice not to far behind, whining. This made Tae close his eyes and turn.

"Brother." He waved his brother over along with his friend and they introduced themselves once more.

"Sit, sit. We weren't talking about anything important," Jin says and shifts over.

"And for the love of god- get your own beer you hooligan!" Jimin scold the younger, snatching his drink back which only resulted in a pout from Jungkook.

"Fiiiiine, I'll be back- whenever I guess, you guys know how this usually goes." He sighs and climbs out of the booth, stretching his arms above his head and turning on his heel to head over to the bar.

The three newcomers sit, yoongi next to Jin, and Hobi in between Yoongi and Jimin.

Tae sits down on the couch that Jungkook had been sitting and tried to think of what to say.

With the youngest's departure, a semi uncomfortable silence settled among the men. Jimin looks between them, his lips pressed together as he squirms slightly at the uncomfortableness, it was really awkward.

Jungkook on the other hand, as he made his way to the bar he had quite a few people reach out for him and some even attempted to grind on him. He avoids them the best he can before arriving at the bar, ordering a drink and playfully flirting with some of the people who sat there, an attractive smirk on his lips which never failed to make people blush.

"So like- jungkook was talking about me?" Taehyung ask, breaking the silence. He was never one to be okay with a long lived silence and was quite straightforward. He was actually quite annoyed that the younger disappeared when he came by and honestly- he didn't like to waste his time- so if he didn't come back soon-

Tae was heading home.

"Well- he didn't say any name really, just told us some snippets of his day yesterday." Namjoon said in at attempt to not make it obvious that, yes, they did indeed know about the game and how they ended up kissing.

A few minutes of awkward silence passes and Jungkook soon got his drink, he didn't particularly see anyone that caught his interest. Any other time he'd sit down somewhere with a random female or male sitting on his lap, his tongue down their throat. Now, however he just head straight back to the table and takes a seat by Taehyung, huffing before taking a long sip of his drink. "What are we talking about?" he asks, pushing back his hair from his forehead.

"Nothing-" Taehyung blurted out- making it obvious that it wasn't nothing. He turned and smiled awkwardly at jungkook and scratched his neck.

Yoongi on the other hand was nose deep into phone and Hobi looked around curiously, his legs together and fingers tapping his knees; he was visibly happy to be with his friends though so Tae wasn't worried about the other two anymore.

Jungkook simply blinked and nodded, shrugging it off, knowing it couldn't have been too important. "How's your tattoo? Any visible ink falling out? I think I forgot to mention that we do free touch ups when it's fully healed,"

"I haven't moved the wrap- I don't wanna mess it up," he mumbled through a small pout- examining the wrap around his wrist then looking up at Jungkook, "that's okay- right?"

Jungkook nods, smiling lightly. "That's completely fine, you're not really supposed to move it- you technically can't unless your physically peel it off. Let me see," he sets down his drink, holding his hand out for his wrist.

Taehyung raises his arm and places it in the youngers hand.

His heart.

He watched as Jungkook carefully studied his wrist, thumb lightly brushing over the artwork. "a little bit of ink fell out, that's only a simple fix though," he mumbled, more to himself than the other male.

"Oh-..how long does it take to heal?" He asked. Then he wondered if he had healed already, "how will I know."

Looking at his wrist through the wrap- it didn't look discolored or anything.

"You'll know when your tattoo looks like it's flaking, that's completely normal. Small tattoos don't usually take as much time- maybe around two to three weeks? I doesn't have to be completely healed, ink discharge is normal, for all we know you might not even need a touch up. Another way to tell is, your skins rough during the healing process- you can feel the outline. When you can't and it feels smooth, that's how you know it's healed." Jungkook explains, all while absentmindedly running his thumb over the plastic wrap.

"Oh- okay. I'll look at it tomorrow," Taehyung says, pulling his arm away slowly. He didn't want Jungkook to notice how abnormally fast his tattoo healed, he didn't like question but, Jungkook didn't seem like he had very many questions.

Jungkook simply hummed and relaxed, slouching in his seat as he picks up his drink again, taking a bigger gulp. He gazed around at everyone and he notices they're doing their own thing. "It's simple, but your tattoo is probably one of my favorites. To me, simplicity is beautiful."

"I- really like it. You did a really good job. You're quite a talented fella huh? First it's the tattoo, then your voice and you kiss like no oth..." Taehyung was spewing out- as he usually did. Speaking before giving his mind a chance to catch up.

Jungkook coughed, his eyes widening as he forces himself to swallow the alcohol he was in the middle of drinking. A blush took over this cheeks as he continued to cough and splutter in surprise. "W-What?" he managed to squeak out when he settles down.

"I- urm.." Taehyung cleared his throat. He wasn't one to be shy and he couldn't stand how annoyingly timid he

himself was being. What made Jungkook so different? Nothing- gosh! He was attractive- that's. All. "Look- you're a good kisser- okay? If you want to again- fine by me." He huffed- but he instantly regretted it and saying it, "I- mean- I-...fuck. It- was different." He stammered and felt stupid for being so flustered over a damn kiss. The latter probably thought nothing of it and "ugh!" Taehyung grumbled and stood up. Walking away quickly.

All the others had actually started talking but they stopped and looked at the blonde boy walking in another direction. Yoongi looked at Jungkook with a raised eyebrow.

Jungkook blinked continuously in confusion, shrugging his shoulders when he catches Yoongi's eye. "I-I don't know-" he says, voice low and laced in confusion, his blush cooling down. "Uh- should someone go after him?" he asks, raising his own eyebrows.

Jin and Namjoon looked at each other, smiling slightly. Seeing that Jin had been paying semi attention- however Yoongi wasn't and stood up straight away, following his brother to what seemed to be the bathroom- Hobi- following, bowing to the couple, Jimin and Jungkook.


Yo- @ Jungkook and how he wouldn't let poor jiminie drink his damn beer bro 😔🙏

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