Boys Boys and more Boys Harry...

By bbybunnyxxx

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Boys, Boys and more boys (Harry Potter fanfic) going to Hogwarts is going to be a journey full of adventure m... More

FIRST YEAR (Chapter 1)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chatper 7
Chapter 8
Merry/Happy Christmas
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
SECOND YEAR (Chapter 11)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
A/n Thank You!!!!!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chpater 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Shout out! To little_cxtie
Chapter 26 (Has abuse in it)
THIRD YEAR (Chapter 27)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Just wanted to say Thanks!
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
FOURTH YEAR (Chapter 41)
Chapter 42
Well i did this...
Chapter 43
Chpater 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 54
⚠️ A/n Please Read ⚠️
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
A/n ( Your Decision)
Chapter 58
Quick A/n
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 (Yule Ball Part 1)
Chapter 61 (Yule Ball Part 2)
Chapter 63 (Yule Ball Part 3)
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
A/n about rude comments (ill update a chapter soon)
Chapter 66 (Im Back!!!!)
Oneshot Request 💘
Chapter 67
Im sorry for everything :/
New book ideas :)

Chapter 53

2.1K 53 35
By bbybunnyxxx

Next morning 🌤☀️⛅️ (I haven't done one of those in ages)

Y/Ns PoV
You, Cho and Luna sat and ate your breakfast chatting and having fun as you's usually do when not one person but two familiar faces came up behind you and one of them asked.

"Hey Y/n, Do you want to go down too the Lake with me and Neville?" Harry ask's

You glanced at Neville who was goofily smiling at yourself

You nodded and walked out The Great Hall but of course you first said goodbye too your bffs before you left it.

You sat beside Harry both of you leaning your backs against a tree looking through books too help Harry find out what the first task was.

While Neville was nearly knee length into the river looking at stuff that you weren't familiar with.

"Amazing, Amazing!" Neville shouted with happiness

"Neville! Your doing it again" Harry says looking at him while you just sat there not bothering what Neville and Harry where saying.

"Oh... Right, Sorry?" He says looking back at something in his hands (WHICH I CANT MAKE OUT BECAUSE THE QUALITY OF THE MOVIE IM ILEGLY STREAMING IS SOOO BAD)

(Sorry got angry at myself back too the story)

"Magical waters plants of the highland lochs?" I say out loud confused

"Moody gave it too me that day we had tea" Neville says looking at me before noticing someone in front of us.

He then quickly waved at them too catch their attention that we where here

As the footsteps got closer

Hermione's groans of irritation grew louder and stronger.

Harry grabbed my arm as he got up which made me shoot up beside his as he walked in front of Hermione but it wasn't her by herself Oh no Ron and Ginny followed closely beside her or behind her.

Ron started whispering in Hermione's ear

I gave Harry an odd look

Hermione then starts walking closer too us and starts saying "Ronald would like me too tell you that Shamus told him that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid's looking for you."

"Is that right, Well......" Harry then stopped himself mind sentence and said "What!?!?"

Hermione groans a bit from being flustered and goes back over too Ron

"Dean was told by Parvati that.... Don't make me say it again Hagrid's looking for you." Hermione says started too get annoyed

"Well you can tell Ronald-" Harry was cut off by Hermione screaming


Everyone was in shock at Hermione's out burst of anger

You look too see tears in Harry's eyes

You looked at Ron and Hermione (you left out Ginny because she just stood there saying nothing)

You gave them the 'get out of my swap' look and not too mention but your eye where watering a bit as well.

Ron and Hermione noticed and started walking away but Ron kept glancing back at you and Harry until you hugged him then he looked as red as a tomato.

You hugged Harry tightly

He did the same back and asked

"Hey, Y/n. Could you come with me too meet Hagrid tonight?"


You, Harry and Neville went back into the castle a couple minutes after what happened at the lake.

"Bye Guys!" You call out as they went too the Gryffindor common room

You didn't even take three steps,




"So Y/n, You actually believe that your boyfriend Potter didn't put his name into The Goblet?" Draco said strolling up too you like a mother fucker with an apple in hand. ( 😉)

"Yeah. So?" You say trying too sound confident

"Interesting.." He says humming in your ear

You let out an annoyed sigh "He's not my boyfriend unless.."

You then leaned close into his ear "It makes you jealous?"

Draco's whole face turned bright pink and so did his ears

While he was distracted you grabbed the apple out of his hands and stared walking away taking a bite out of it.

You could hear him stammer as you walked away

But before you could turn the corner you quickly turned back round and flung his apple back at him which now had a bite mark in to.

He caught the apple in is hands and gave me a questioning look

"Nice chit chat Dracy, Hope too see you at the first task. Bye~" You say putting on your best Pansy voice ever

Draco's PoV

'Fuck, why does she have too be so god damn adorable.'
Outside with Harry and Hagrid

Y/Ns PoV
"Thanks for allowing myself too join you both Hagrid" I say smiling as we continued down deeper into the forest.

"It's no problem Y/n. As long as you don't say a word about this too anyone" Hagrid says

"Wouldn't tell a soul" I say happily

"Anyways did you bring your fathers cloak like I asked you?" Hagrid asked Harry

"Yeah I brought the cloak, Hagrid. Where are we going?" Harry says sounding inpatient

"You'll see soon enough now pay attention this is important" Hagrid said sounding a bit bothered .

Harry and I looked up at Hagrid and noticed he had combed his hair and tidied himself up more also he held a flower in his hands.

Me and Harry then have each other looks of confusion

You turned back too Hagrid with confusion and asked "What's with the flower?..."

Hagrid tried too move the flower out of our sight and tucked it closer into his chest.

"Hagrid have you combed your hair?" Harry then suddenly asked after You question with the same about of confusion.

"Matter of fact I have, You might wanna try the exact same thing now and again." Hagrid said annoyed

Harry looked a bit offended while you slightly giggled which made Harry playfully push you smiling.

But the playfulness soon went away when you heard a creature screeched out in pain?

It made all of you stop moving and turn facing the direction from where the screech came from.


We suddenly hear close by it sounded like Madam Maxime?

Hagrid smiled and walked a bit away from us then quickly turned back and shouted not too loudly

"The cloak! Put the cloak on!!!"

Harry and I did what he instructed an lifted the cloak over our heads too turn us invisible

Hagrid walked up towards Madam Maxime and she gave out a loud "Oh Hagrid!"

Not too mention a her French accent

"I thought perhaps you weren't coming.." She says looking into his eyes

Harry stared moving closer making me nearly stumble and fall.

"I thought perhaps you could have forgotten me..." She says sounding upset

"I couldn't forget you Madam~" Hagrid said trying too sound flirty

Harry made disgusting noises sticking out his tongue while I gagged.

"So what was it that you wanted too show me? When we spoke earlier you sounded so... Accelerated!" She says

"You'll be glad that you came, Trust me!" Hagrid says happily taking her hand closer towards the noises

"Magnificent!" She squealed out in amazement

You and Harry got closer behind them and would you look at that

"Dragons.." I whisper my eyes going wide

You noticed Harry's body tensed up and eyes widened

"Can we got closer" She says getting a bit closer while Hagrid stayed back.

Harry then suddenly flipped the top off the cloak off too revel our heads floating.

"Dragons!.." Harry whisper shouted making Hagrid turn round

"That's the first task!" Harry says in shock

"Your joking..!" He says making us both get closer

"Come on Harry, Dragons are seriously misunderstood creatures!" As Hagrid finished his sentence one of the Dragons blowed Fire shooting right toward us.

We all jumped back in surprise

You noticed that Harry stepped in front of you so you couldn't get injured by the Dragons flame which you thought was a bit but cute.

You blushed slightly at your own thoughts

"All though... I have too admit that Horntail is a right nasty piece of work" Hagrid says shaking his head in disapproval.

"Poor Ron nearly fainted seeing him you know" Hagrid says smiling slightly

'Wait Ron was here?' You thought

You gave Harry a questionable look he did the same back

"Ron was here?" You both says confused

"Oh sure, His brother Charlie took the  from Romania and brought it here" Hagrid says turning towards us.

"Didn't Ron tell you that?" Hagrid asked

"No he didn't... He didn't tell me a thing Harry" said bitterly  

"Of course he wouldn't have that git" You breath out angrily.

Hagrid gave you and Harry a worrisome looks

While you both just kept staring at the Dragons in front of you's.

'What a prick Ronald is!'

Word count 1,459

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