Walking in the Dark [Down Dra...

By SMakenzieJ

10.1K 139 15

Schuyler and her best frined Kay don't know what they're in for when Schuyler walks in on the person murderin... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty-One - End

Part Seven

551 11 0
By SMakenzieJ

Hey, here's the next part!

NOTE: The* means a silent conversation, speaking inside one another's mind.

You will come across it soon enough.

Kay's POV

I looked at him. And looked.

He knew where Schuyler was.


"Yes, her parents were murdered, as her sibling. And I am almost positive that you know..."

"Yes. And they...they killed my parents too." At least I believe that whoever killed her parents killed my own.I began to cry uncontrollably. But Markus surprised me by bringing me into a tight hug. But I would be lying if I said that I didn't like it a little, and I felt something. But it was something that made me feel extremely odd. Something that I wasn't used to feeling. He moved down and looked me in the eyes.

"Do you wish to live with her and her brother?" He asked.

I stared at him. Brother? I thought that Seth was dead now...wasn't he?

"Ah, yes, you do not know. She has an older brother that of which is her kin. Now I ask you once more. Do you wish to live with her and her brother?" I felt myself nod. Where else was I to go?

He seemed to be relieved by this. "Good. Are you alright? We must leave as soon as possible."

"Can't I get a few things from my house?"

He shook his head. "I've already gotten them." Now...are you well enough to leave this place?"

I didn't know. I had to be, right? Yes, I was. I nodded and pulled the covers from my legs, swinging them over the edge of the bed. I was almost instantly embarrassed though. My legs were bare and the hospital gown was not only short, but it was messed up in a way that it made the side of my hip and leg show. I pulled it down and stood up.

Then all of a sudden he pushed his hands forward. In his hands, he was holding a pair of blue jeans and a black turtle neck with, embarrassingly enough, a bra and panties. He smiled at me and turned to leave. The other guy, whose name I have already forgotten, was still standing there, staring at me. It was a silent conversation but Markus looked at the guy and they both turned to leave. I thought, while I got dressed, Oh hell! What have we gotten ourselves into? What in the world were we going to do? Why was Schuyler with a brother that I've never even heard of? Why did she disappear right after the murders?

We'd been through so much together. So I decided that no matter what she did or didn't do, I would always stick by her. There was no way I could turn her down now, no possible freakin' way! I knocked on the door to let them know that they could come in. I didn't trust these people, but if there was even a slight chance that they could bring me to Sky, then I wasn't going to argue about anything. Sky was, and still is the sister that I was never allowed to have by my parents. And they did so on purpose, not having another child except me. I couldn't stand them sometimes. But even so, they were my parents and I missed them gravely. It was torture not being able to see them. And don't get me wrong, they loved me, they did, and they always told me that it wasn't their intention as to not have any more children. They just couldn't. And so I have gone by that for a while. But Schuyler, she was the one and only person that made me feel like it didn't matter that I didn't have any brothers or sister, because she was the replacement.

Oh, God.

Is that the only reason I love her? Because SHE was the replacement for my parents mistakes?

I guess, when it comes down to it, it was...at first. But now it isn't.

"Are you ready to leave, then?" Markus asked, coming into the room.

"I am," I said, determined to find Sky.

Markus's POV

Damn. Damn it. Damn her!

As soon as I saw her, I had this feeling. A feeling that, despite the effort I put into it, I will never forget. Because, this feeling, the feeling that I had, was the feeling. It was the feeling of being with your other half. A human! Can you believe this? A human! And then I had to go andhug her! But...when she said that her parents had been murdered too, even though I already knew it, when she said it, and I saw her sad, sad face, I couldn't help but make her want to feel better...


But this girl is needed by the Prince, and so I will comply with his orders of finding Schuyler a friend. I must be nice, or at least try, or she might complain to the Prince once they meet.

"Come then," I said. "We will leave now."

She had shock on her face, but she did not say one single word. She nodded and walked ahead of me.

*Since we haven't brought a car, I thought one of us must carry her, Sol,* I said to Solent.

And the answering reply I got in return?

*Not just no, Mak, but HELL NO. I am not going to carry this girl. You do it. I'm just the tracker,* he said back.

*I don't like your tone of voice.* We walked out of the hospital, without even signing the girl out. *Besides, if I tell you to do it, then do it. Don't be such a baby.*

*And what the hell do you think you are? You're the one who brought the fu-the stupid Idea up!*

*Fine, idiot, I'll carry the girl. But I'm taking all the credit for finding her!* And I broke the line that lets us speak telepathically. I hurried to the girl, who was still ahead of us, oblivious to our silent conversation.

"Hey," I said to her. "We didn't bring a car. I'm going to have to carry you." Her only response was to nod. Either she was really intent on being with Schuyler, or she was scared out of her mind. Or, I thought, with a sad feeling coming to me, she doesn't trust us, which would be the logical answer. Or maybe it was a combination of the sort.

But when my skin brushed her skin, even the slightest way, I felt shock. Complete, utter shock. It was the weirdest feeling, because it didn't hurt at all. It was apleasant feeling. But I shook myself out of that trance. When I noticed her expression, I realized she'd felt it to. I shook my head and took her into my arms. Then I ran, Solent not far behind.

I looked at her, as she stared silently into the night ahead of her. She was so innocent, so lovely...

No! Not again!

I would definitely have to speak to His Majesty about this. I mean, after all, this feeling, the one I have when I look at her, could mean one thing only: she was supposedly my "other Half". I would not stand for this! I mean, c'mon, a Human! A freaking...human. As I thought this, I felt my face slowly move toward her delicate face, looking ahead, not aware that my eyes were on her.

Andbesides...he is the only person still alive that is said to have felt that. And while we ran, I felt the familiar wind, the familiar sensation of flying, and I had the feeling that she got that too. Solent was behind me, I could tell.

The bad thing about the feeling I just had? Someone else was behind him, running at the same speed... Back to talking telepathically! Yay...

*Do you hear it, Sol?* I asked him.

A second later I got his reply. *Yes. We need to hurry. They're gaining, and they're not following us to invite us to a tea party...They're trackers, like me. But something is off.*

*I know what you mean...I feel it too. Do you think they're...*

*Maybe. Possibly. I can't be sure, though. Shit, they're catching up, and quick! Okay, it is them, Mak. RUN!*

I repositioned the girl in my arms, with complete delicacy. Then I ran like hell. Like I have never, ever ran before, after all the years I have been a vampire, never, ever have I had to run like I did then. Solent was soon far behind me. Well, not far for me, but for most, he most definitely was. I pressed the girl's head to my chest, letting her hear my heartbeat. Then, I thought she would fall asleep, like all others.

But she didn't.

And that's what scared me. For I had asked what it felt like to be with your other half. And what he said was: "It is very frustrating, because if you have a certain ability, like you do yourself, or like I, they are immune to it, unless they give you permission in which to do whatever it is that you wanted to in the first place. I'm not really sure why, and I have done extensive research on this topic, but, nothing came up." Then he smiled at me, and put his hand on my head, like he didn't expect this to happen to me at all. And back then, I had wished it wouldn't. I did, at this moment, too,but I felt myself doubting...

Kay's POV

After he had picked me up, he started to run. Really fast. Extremely fast! I had to closemy eyes at first, but then after I had gotten used to it, I opened them to see the trees, bushes, andeven the ground was flying past us!And I felt his eyes on me, but I made no move to look up at him. I felt that, somehow, he and his friend were communicating without using words. After a couple minutes of their quiet chatter, I sensed that, for some reason, (somehow), he was getting panicked. And not the, Oh, man, I lost my pen, panicked. I mean the Dear, God, my son is about to jump off a twenty story building! panicked. Then he ran like hell. I had to close my eyes, it was so painful! I then felt him move my head against his chest. I felt a little sleepy, but not so much that I wanted to go to sleep.

He ran and ran, and all the while, my head is against his chest, eyes closed, and my hands are glued around his upper body, for I did not want to let go. I felt I would fall!

Then I heard him whisper in my ear. "Shh...it's alright. Don't panick, please, please, calm down. You're in no danger at all when I'm here. Shh...." It wasn't that I was scared...well, no, it was just the fear of running in to something! I was terrified that he'd eventually hit something, and that would suck for me, because I would be the pillow for him. I looked up into his eyes.

When he moved his eyes to mine, I freaked! "Dear, God, please don't look at me! Look where you're going!" A slight smile came to his mouth, his eyes, and for once Idecided that I liked his smile. Soft and sweet and gentle.

Stupid! No time to think about stuff like that! Focus, girl, focus! Somehow, I need to mask the feeling of flying. I don't like this feeling! I felt insecure, unsafe flying, even in his arms. I soon found one, even though it was one I didn't like all that well.

I covered my ears and burried my face in his chest, him still running. He was still stressed and still very anxious and pissed. But I didn't care. I felt him place his hand on my hand, and right then I was willing to go to sleep, to escape, to run away from the danger I felt I was in.

"Why can't I just go to sleep?" I asked to myself.

"Would you like to?" I heard him ask, very surprised. I nodded, though I wasn't sure if I should. "Then why don't you?"

"I'm too scared..."

"Are you willing to? To go to sleep?" I nodded again. His hand lingered on the back of my head. "Then wish it..." And so I did. As I did, I felt the sudden urge to sleep. So I closed my eyes and fell into a deep, dreamless, stresslesssleep.

Markus's POV

Finally, I'd been able to get her to go to sleep! But only because she'd wished it herself. Which was news to me, for I'd just always forced the people to go to sleep. Easier that way. I never did ask,because it was pointless. But the girl! And she looked so much more at peace like this than she did when she was awake to hear, and see it all. And that was basically the only motivataion I had to keep running, keep on, keep on running, run some more, and more, and more, faster, faster, faster! I no longer heard or saw Solent behind me, and that alone made me worry about him. But I knew he could take care of himself. Besides, I didn't have the room nor time in my brain to worry about a vampire. However, a human, ont he other hand, was a different story.

And I can't even explain to you how happy I felt when I saw thesilhouette of the mansion in sight! At a window, on the far right, I saw our Prince, waiting, watching...smiling. I had accomplished my mission: Bring back a friend by sunrise. And I could see, even from this far, that he was proud. I'm glad.

That was another strong motivation. I ran until I could not possibly run any faster. I was so tired, and I didn't even think vampires could get sleepy! But I kept running because he needed me to...because she needed me to!

And quicker than you could possibly blink, I flew in the door, making it give a loud bang! Up the stairs I went, down and down the halls, and finally into the dull, study of my Prince. I placed the girl, so gently and with such care on the desk of the enormous room, that he looked at me with a question, but at the same time, it was of understanding.

I told the Prince: "While we were running, Solent and I sensed that someone was following. And Solent told me that he was a tracker like himself. So I ran and ran, and soon enough, I couldn't hear or sense Solent behind me, I was running so fast! My Lord, might I tell you that I felt the sudden urge, a sudden feeling inside me that wanted to protect her, that girl. It was...strnage to feel that, Sire. And this feeling was so strong, it gave me the motivation to run like I had never ran before!" A couple silent minutes later, while My Lord was still thinking to this, Solent came bursting in the room.

"Lord, I am terribly sorry for the disturbance, but the trackers, I couldn't get rid of them! They're coming, Sir, and they'll be here soon, lest we do something!"

And our Sire, after finally finding his very only real relative left, his close sister, he would not stand to let them take her from him.

His back straightened, his eyes narrowed. "Very well. If they so wish to fight me, then I grant that wish true!" He picked the girl up, with gentle care, probablyrespecting what I had felt for her. He didn't want to hurt her, because he respected that I'd probably found my other half, my soul mate, even if that soul mate be a human. "Come, Markus, Solent. Follow." And so we did, not protesting a single word. When we reached the room Schuyler was in, he handed the other girl to me. "Solent," he said in a hard, grim tone. "Gather my best warriors. I hope that afterour enimiessee them, they will bluff and flee. If not, I want you to warn my men, tell them there is a possibility that we shall fight tonight...Go!" He ran off in a split second.

Then he took one look at me and opened the door.

Kay's POV

As I started to wake up, I could only think of one thing: Schuyler was missing and the rest ofher family was dead. I sat up and opened my sleepy eyes. Maybe I would find her some time soon, right?

The thing was, I couldn't remember any of what happened last night. Nothing at all. The last thing I remember was passing out in front of a cop and waking up in a hospital. Then another policewoman was asking me questions, and something....something else. Something about her expression, the way she was looking at me funny...Oh, why couldn't I remember!

I sat up and rubbed the sleepy from my eyes.

And was comlpetely confused when I didn't see my light purple walls, my black and purple bed spread spread over me, my white vanity, and my dressers, for I had a couple. No, I was in an extremely large room, a Presian rug underneath the king sized bed and many, many dressers and vanitys and doors and pictures of always the same people. Was...was that Schuyler on there? On that one in front of the bed. And on another above a vanity! This isn't her room! She went missing what--two, three days ago!

I felt rustling in the space next to me. Very slowly I turned my head, afraid of what I might see next.

Oh, Schuyler!

My best friend, my sister, my worst enemy, my favorite person in the world left alive! She was here--wherever "here" was--she was with me!

Silent tears escaped my eyes and as she lay, still asleep, oblivious to me in her state of unconsciousness. The thing I wanted to do most was hug her 'till she could breathe no more, oh, how happy I was!

I got up out of bed and sat in the chair closest to me and stared at her. She looked so peaceful, so happy in her dreams. I was wondering what she was dreaming about when a faint and quiet sound, one word escaped her lips. "Kay..."

Oh, I'm here, Sky! What is it? Are you well? You don't look sick, what is it? Her eyes fluttered opened and she stared at the ceiling, bewildered.

"I miss you so much, Kay," she said aloud, but quiet. More tears escaped my eyes.

"Sky?" Her eyes widened and she turned her head, ever so slowly as I had done not a moment ago. Wider they became when she saw who it was sitting in a chair next to the bed she was on.

"K-Kay? I-is that you? I'm not dreaming, am I?" I shook my head.

"I missed you a lot, Sky. I wondered where you were, when the cops said there were no survivors. I was so glad to hear, though as selfish as it sounds, that at least you survived whatever happened to your family. I was so happy to hear that you were alive. Because now I don't have anyone left, either. I think...I think we're all we've got now, Sky..."

Her eyes seemed so sad, so knowing, I almost cried.

"They harmed your family, too, didn't they?" I didn't know who "they" was, but I knew for sure that I didn't want to find out.

"Harmed? No, Sky, they didn't just harm my family...they've killed my family, whoever 'they' is."

Her eyes went so wide, so sad, so sunken and sullen that I wanted to hurt myself for hurting her! I didn't want her to feel that way! These people, whoever they were, kidnapped her, I'm sure, and now she doesn't know what to do! Is she sad? Is she? Is she?

"Tell me, Kay, was there a person that you saw afterwards, his name Markus, very beautiful, but weirdly so?"

"Yes," I said. "He brought me here. He said that you wanted me here, needed me here, and who was I, a girl that had been your best friend since the second grade, to falter, to tell him no? If there was a chance that I could find you, Sky, I was going to take it. And I did, and since I have no one else to go to, and you have no one else to go to, why don't we just stay here? Markus had said that the guy in charge of this place was your only relative left living. I believed him. How could I not? Is it true, Sky, what he told me? Do you have an older brother, as Markus had told me?"

She looked at me, so startled, so frightened, but, yes! her eyes told me. Yes I do! they told me.

She smiled, sweetly, happily. "Yes, I do. I didn't know until I came to this place, but yes, I do have a brother, Kay! An older brother, a real brother!" Then her eyes became sad, although she was still smiling. "And I once had a real mother and father, too. But now I only have my brother left, and you Kay. All I have now is my brother and you. I suppose I'm happy with what I have," she said sadly. "And it's sad, it is...but not as sad as other things," she said. I got up from the chair and sat on the bed next to her, holding her close, like she used to do me, in the old days, when we were younger, when I was still being made fun of.

"Kattie-laness? What kind of name is that?"

"A stupid name, that's what!"

"Look at how big her forehead is!"

"She's so ugly!"

"Let's beat her like the mut she is!"

And so on and on I was beat, till I could move no more. I sat and cried, cried myself to sleep in the dark, silent park. And when I woke up, I saw a girl there in front of me. A beautiful girl, with dark hair that went to her waist, and large, doe eyes, staring at me with such curiosity.I was in the second grade, the first day of school was hell.

"Go ahead!" I cried. "Beat me like the others! I won't care!"

But she looked at me and looked at me. Then she laughed, a beautiful, melodic sound. "Beat you? I'm not going to beat you! I came over here becasue I saw you alone, and you were asleep, so I thought I'd protect you from whatever there is out there while you were sleeping so soundly!" Then she smiled at me. "I'm Schuyler, by the way." She reached out a hand for me. And when I took it, I felt such warmth, such happiness from one girl. My lips quivered.

"Are you going to cry? Please don't cry. I hate to see people cry. It makes me sad when people cry, becasue they're sad." She moved close to me, and helt me tight, fearful I might break.I shook me head.

"My...my name's Kattie-laness. But people think that name is weird..."

"Do you like your name? Because I do! I think it's so pretty!"

"No, I don't like my name."

"Then , I'll tell you what! We'll give you a new name...Kay! How 'bout that? I like that name, too, don't you?"

"Y-yes, I like that name."

"Alright, then, Kay! Why don't you come with me? It's so cold outside. You're going to get sick, Kay. C'mon!" And she smiled at me again, as she doctored me up ather house.

When the next day came, at the second day of second grade, again I was met by the hateful, sneering eyes of others.

"Kattie-laness," they sang, a circle of people around me. While they were, again, getting ready to pound hard things at me, rocks, sticks, their feet and hands, I crouched small on the ground.

"Hey! Leave her alone, you bullies!" Heaven, that sound was heaven!

"Yeah, and what are you gonna do about it?"

As the first round of rocks and such came at me, I could hear her voice, tight with anger. "I said leave her alone!" She screamed. Then, oh God, they started to throw things at her! But, oh no, she wouldn't allow that.

She threw her legs at them, very skillfully, and arms and hands in just the same manner. They flew around her, into other people's stomachs and chests, their hands and feet, their backs and butts.

"I said leave her alone! And her name isn't Kattie-laness, it's Kay!"

That was the first time she held me close. And I felt so safe, so secure then. She never let anyone pick on me ever again. If she caught them, or if I told her it was happening, she gave the perpitrator a good, hard beating, like they used to do me. Over the years, she became my best friend, my sister. And I loved her as one. She needs me now, like I needed her then. I'll protect her the way she used to do me, I will, I swear I will!!

So?? What do ya think?? I would love to hear ALL opinions! I would also love it if someone voted, or fanned, or commented, or liked, or tweet! Just suggestions, can't control your brain. Lol. Well, anyway, I hope all you like what I wrote, cause I wrote it just for you, even though it took forever and I'm sorry about that, I just had a major writer's block. Anyway, I'm glad you liked it if you did, and if you didn't tell me what you want me to do to fix it! Please, and thank you! -♥Aphrodite♥

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