The Once and Future Princess

By Namjoons_Pajamas

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On the edge of grief for the loss of her Father, Sha'ara -and her traveling comrades- continue the journey to... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Nine

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By Namjoons_Pajamas

The weeks flew by and soon Spring was handing Summer control of the earth. The days were now longer and the weather more balmy.

Sha'ara had indeed found some answers, and now she knew even more of what very few people in all of Sha'anae Doas knew; that Moy'rain had his friend slip something into the Princess's food or something in order to erase and completely morph her memories.

Tho'ora had kept well organized and complete records of letters and other correspondence between herself and Serephia. She did so because she began to suspect something had gone wrong, when in one of the letters, Serephia mentioned that Moy'rain had begun behaving differently. She also mentioned Gabri'el and how they had been conversing, without the Prince's knowledge.

Ma'agda was quite pleasantly surprised that her distant relative had had the foresight to keep them at Forest Claw. But then when she took in consideration that Tho'ora could see far into the future, it made much more sense that she would have done so. She became eager to learn more about Tho'ora now more than ever.

So, now the question was should Sha'ara still open The Doors at all? The more she thought on it, it seemed like maybe Lazarus had somehow known this and that he really did believe he was right in endeavoring to stop Sha'ara.

But no, that could not be right either, because she had plenty of evidence with which to support the idea that he was evil. Maybe he had the right belief, but went the wrong way about it. Either way, he remained an enemy.

Sha'ara also had learned a lot more about Serephia; her past self had indeed meant for the government she had set up to be only a temporary fix. So it seemed that Sha'ara would in fact be Princess over her country when they finally returned home.

"So how has it been, learning all this information about Serephia?" Jonah asked as they were walking around the outside border. They had been asked to take their turn as watchers, and Jonah had actually been assigned his sisters Protector, because of his impressive skills learned in such a short time.

"At times it is a little daunting! So much of what I thought, turns out to be wrong. I mean, Serephia still thinks good of Moy'rain, and because of that I did really think I loved him. But now..." her voice faded.

"Well, look at it this way Sis," Jonah began as they turned the corner. "You found out now, instead of later after you opened The Doors. He could have carried out his plan, and imprisoned you."

Sha'ara swept her gaze across the horizon. "Yeah, you are right." Just then she stopped mid-step as she thought she had seen movement in the far off distance.

Her brother squinted in the direction. "Do you suppose that could just be normal movement?"

"No. It definitely is not." She faced him and in a blink had sprinted toward the inner border patrol, grabbing his arm while passing by.

"Get as many Shia'din and Protectors here as we can right now!" Sha'ara shouted out.

"What is it?" Someone shouted back.

"I cannot be positive but it looks like a group of men on horses galloping this way. And they seem to advancing at a good pace. I think they are coming here! I have a bad feeling." She answered.

Another Shia'din took out what looked like a tube and held it to her eye. After a moment, she began stating that there were actually two groups; one was far ahead of the other. Sha'ara immediately knew who it was.

"It is Azul and his resistance. They are attempting to beat Lazarus here."

By that time, a crowd of people had come to where Sha'ara and her brother stood and settled in a formation, apparently at the ready for orders. Sha'ara gazed upon all the faces and was glad to see her friends there.

"We need to meet them; there is no reason to risk them coming here. If Lazarus wants a battle, then I am ready to give him one. Who is with me?"

With a mighty yell, the gathered Shia'din and Protectors produced shouts of agreement. Sha'ara felt her face break into a wide smile in pride and surprise at their loyalty.

"We need some horses—oh thank you Shay." The man had already been leading several horses over to her and Jonah.

The three mounted their steeds and then waited while the others followed suit. It had only been five minutes since Sha'ara had first seen movement from her post, but time seemed to be trickling through a hourglass with the tiniest point of entry.

Shay noticed Sha'ara wilting slightly at the prospect of imminent battle, so he took the lead and laid out a plan. They would ride out, meet Azul and the members of his resistance, and then stand in wait for Lazarus and his ever shrinking followers.

"Let's ride!" He yelled, and his horse reared up ready to go toward action. Sha'ara took her cue and let out a loud whoop while urging her horse forward with all speed.

Now as they approached Sha'ara could clearly see Azul, the other group still far behind them. She smiled, and nearly skidded to a halt 20 feet from him.

"Azul, I am so glad to see you! I wish it was in better circumstances, but I will take what I get." She dismounted and after a breath began to get ready.

"Sha'ara, my girl! My sentiments exactly, but we can share pleasantries later." With that he also dismounted.

She nodded and waited while the others arrived and prepared for whatever would be happening. Sha'ara felt as stone. Standing firmly at the ready; her gifts ready to be used at any given moment. Her shield already up, as was a few others.

They stood in a faint V–like formation across the sandy desert floor from Lazarus and his four members. Yes, he had succeeded in coercing two more to join his side, but it wouldn't matter.

Sha'ara looked at this Lazarus she had heard so much about, and reinforced the already stony and unemotional mask that was her face. He wore a perpetual sneer and power and affected authority like the finest of garments.

"So this is the Reborn Princess?" He even spoke with a sneer—if that is possible.

She felt bold.

"Yes," Sha'ara answered, "I am she. The question is, who are you and why do you endeavor to destroy me?"

Her voice had been steady, and full of authority as she held his gaze. Her skin felt electrified, the air surrounding them teeming with positive and negative ions as they considered one another.

His serpent-like grey eyes roamed the small army in front of him. "Such an army you've amassed here, just to fight against us?" He motioned to himself and his four companions. "Perhaps you are not nearly as powerful as I previously thought."

"Would you like a demonstration then?" She questioned with a growl. Her hands had come up in front of her, but she stalled just a moment to see if he would react.

"No need for that my dear," his hand raised, "not before we've had ourselves a chat."

Sha'ara was growing impatient ."So chat, then."

"Very well then; do you know for certain what would happen if you were to open The Doors?"

Sha'ara considered his question. "I only have so much information to go on and that is all. I do know that I am not trying to destroy our world. But that is exactly what you have made your followers believe! If you have any proof that The Doors should remain closed then feel free to disclose it now."

Lazarus became visibly surprised to hear anything but certainty that she was doing the right thing. He mulled over her words.

"I have reasons to believe that Moy'rain is not what Serephia believed of him and has a plot to take over our world when he claims the throne in his." He answered, with a thoughtful expression.

Sha'ara breathed. "I have actually come to believe similar things." She paused, "But that does not by any means make us allies! You raided my village and tried to steal The Horn of Greed! That would have destroyed our world just like it did once before."

His lips twitched.

"Oh," she began. "Let us not forget; you KILLED my FATHA!!" Her voice strained. "His name was Roux. Remember it!"

Bri'nna felt Sha'ara conjuring a Wind Orb so she covered the girl with an extra layer of protection. Within a blink, the Orb was whirling through the air towards Lazarus.

He actually stumbled in unpreparedness, but a shield rose in front of him. The whirling air inside the Orb though was stronger than he had planned for and soared right through his shield. Deep cuts appeared on his face, blood ready to ooze out of them.

The rage was immediate and fierce. Lazarus stood with eyes closed reciting words they could not hear. A force field sprang forth and immediately began moving towards Sha'ara and the other Shia'din.

But what Lazarus did not know was that Cryss and a couple of the Shia'din had talent for destroying the attacks of Mage's and in a matter of a few seconds, his started sustaining damage. Two feet from Sha'ara, the field busted apart in a spray of particles.

A collective sigh escaped.

"I see you are indeed as powerful as I had thought."

"I have loyal and brave friends." She motioned around her. "Can you say the same?"

He dismissed this question. "If we have the same beliefs about the Prince, then there is no need to be combative. Why don't we join forces?"

"Two reasons." Sha'ara returned. "One; I do not join murderers and liars. Two; you disgust me."

"I had hoped you would change your mind, but I see it was in vain." And with that he threw two small fire balls from his hands. They rebounded off several shields and arched back toward Lazarus.

He barely moved out of the way when the fire balls hit their mark. The man who stood to his left suddenly opened his eyes wide, and then looked down at himself.

Angry burns were pulsing and a hole had bored halfway though his chest. All eyes seemed to be on him for the time being. Flames licked his flesh. He looked back up and fell forward, knees buckling beneath him.

Time was a strange thing. Lightning-quick one moment and then as slow and endless as thick honey the next. Sha'ara stood watching the man hit the ground, felled by his own leader.

Lazarus murmured something, his face becoming a confusion of horror and anger. The man on his other side regarded his fallen comrades body as it lie crumpled, torn and bleeding flames.

No one seemingly paid any attention to Ma'agda. She had turned invisible and had been inching closer to Lazarus as the confusion happened. She had been learning so much here in the last few weeks and could actually siphon away a person's energy by touching them. That was her plan now.

Some of the other Shia'din present were getting ready to link talents and send a wave blast to their enemy which would knock them unconscious, but just then Sha'ara eyed the space her friend had occupied and found it empty.

She turned to face her friends and mouthed 'WAIT'.

Facing the enemy once again she reached for her shield and began to unveil precisely where Ma'agda stood. She could feel the girl now and attempted to send a signal in her mind. Ma'agda heard Sha'ara and immediately attempted to deploy her new gift. It succeeded and so the girl ran out of the way, giving Sha'ara the word.

Turning back around, Sha'ara gave the 'GO' to her allies. Soon she felt a humongous energy building in the air. Every Shia'din took a breath and as one let it out, releasing at the same time a wave blast of energy so thick and strong that even non-magical people could feel it.

Lazarus and the three remaining men were helpless to do anything against it, and because they were not aware it was coming, were caught completely off guard.

The tsunami like wave crashed over and pushed them all down and away. Their bodies landed several feet away in tangled and unconscious heaps. At that moment Ma'agda re-materialized and gave a triumphant smile.

      «────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»       «────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

Hey my lovely ones! I hope you are doing well. Remember; you are precious and no one else in this world can replace you. There never has been and never will be again the person that is you. Drink lots of water my babies and eat good things. You deserve the best!

NamjoonsPajamas xo

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