My Love My Life [I.NY & P.JY]

By La-Belle_

17.7K 873 146

From a cheerful person to a cold hearted person. From an optimist to a pessimist. *my ceo ruined my life* ... More

@40 Ending


318 25 1
By La-Belle_

No one's POV

After witnessing such a disgusting scene, nayeon runs as fast as she can to nowhere. She feels extremely hurt. She's hurt by the person she loves the most once again.
She has never thought that what happened a few moment ago would happen in her life.

How dumb you are to think he really loves you, nayeon "she blamed herself"

She keeps running until she arrived at a park. She bends down to sit on a bench and cries miserably. At the same time, the rain starts to pour. The sound of the thunder echoes, but it doesn't scare her anymore because she is already dead inside.

She has nowhere to go.
She doesn't know what to do.
She feels like she lost everything right now.

She keeps sitting on the bench while crying hopelessly under the rain. Suddenly, the rain stopped.

She moves her head up to look at the sky but she sees a guy trying to cover her from the rain with an umbrella instead.

Calm down and stop crying ! I don't want any explanation now "that guy said"

Nayeon stands up and hug the man in front of her tightly.
Thank you for always show up when I have no one, JB "she said"

**time skipped**

Nayeon's POV

You should drink this first "Jb handed me a hot cup of tea"
Thanks "I said"
Feel better now ? "He asked"
I don't know "I replied..."
He did something that hurt you again ! Am I right ? "He asked looking very serious"
......... "I replied nothing"
I guess I was right ! "Jb added after getting no response from me"

JB, i need your help ! "I blurted"
Hmm ? What's it ? You want me to beat him up ?? "He asked"
No ! Take me to the airport now "I said"
What ? Why ? You're all soaked right now "he said"
Lend me your t-shirt and take me there please "I pleaded"
Where do you plan to go ? " He asked"
Switzerland. "I replied shortly"
But how about the flight ticket ??? "He asked"
I already bought one. I was supposed to leave tomorrow but I guess I'll have to buy a new one and leave immediately. "I said"
But your passport isn't with you.... "he added"
It's with my brother. I left it at his place. I texted him a moment ago and he probably got everything done already. "I said"
Ugh. Fine. Don't do anything stupid there. I'll go to find you once I finish my work here. I'll take you to the airport now. Let's go. "He handed me his shirt and took me to the airport"

**time skipped**

Goodbye. Have fun there. Don't think a lot. Don't do stupid thing ... "JB hugged me and bid goodbye"
Thank you for everything. Bye bye "I said and left"

No one's POV

Jinyoung left his house trying to find Nayeon after he settled down his issue with Jennie. Unfortunately, his dearest wife is nowhere to be found.

Nayeon please comeback. Please forgive me "he shouted to the sky under the rain"

**time skipped**

Nayeon's POV

This place gave me happiness before. I hope it'll give me happiness from now on as well.

I'll start my new life here "I said and left the airport"

I decided to walk since I didn't bring any heavy thing with me. While walking, I observe every single thing on the street. The city where I used to live in hasn't changed much. It's still a peaceful city. It's still beautiful. It's still a city which can make me feel happy..........

I keep waking while observing random things around me without noticing that I'm now in the middle of the street.

Beep Beep... BANG........

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