As It Is

ArvaleeKnight tarafından

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Shay Cormac x Reader Warnings: violence, hinted abuse, overcoming trauma You were sold and traded years ago... Daha Fazla

A Wolf


388 19 6
ArvaleeKnight tarafından

You watched over Shay. Even when the doctor urged you to rest. You never left your post. Anytime they tried to remove you from Shay's room, you drew your dagger and warned them to focus on the real patient, the real task at hand. Monro wasn't phased by your actions. After drawing your dagger on him at the beach, he didn't seem quite as bothered by you. Perhaps he understood your desire to protect Shay, your loyalty to him.

And truth be told, the general had a good sort of air about him. He went out of his way to find Shay a comfortable place to rest, the safety of someone's home. An elderly couple named Cassidy and Barry, old friends of his. Monro lied to them, however, explained that the two of you had been thrown off your ship during a recent storm.

He also ensured the doctor stopped by to check in. Oftentimes Monro was there every day, just to have a look and give a nod. He rarely spoke. He understood your need for silence. There was no point in making small talk and you appreciated that. You didn't want to talk. You were still too angry, still too stunned with how things had turned out.

Monro stopped by that afternoon to check in, casually looking over his condition before stating smoothly, "I've a task that needs done and I think perhaps... you would be perfect for it." He looked over at you in the corner of the room, the same chair you had been sitting in for countless days. Perhaps weeks.

Your eyes remained locked on Shay. He hadn't broken through his fever yet. The wound was closed and bandaged and the doctor had high hopes for his recovery... but your stomach still felt knotted. You couldn't stop thinking back to that moment on the cliff. If you had just been a little faster...

If you hadn't let Liam convince you to leave Shay in the first place...

Liam... that bastard...

"No matter how long you stare, he won't awaken." Monro stepped closer to you and sat down in the wooden chair near the bed. "He is healing. There is nothing more you can do for him right now. The more you wait the more tense you will become."

You crossed your arms and leaned back in your seat. "No. I have no reason to leave."

"I need someone to deliver a missive for me and..." He gave an abrupt sigh, somewhat regretful about his next words, "I am the one who got a doctor to care for your friend... and a home for him to safely recover."

You glared from the corner of your eye, chin rising as you took in his words.

He slowly stood up and stepped forward, but he was wise in keeping his distance, turning his attention to the window instead. "It's highly important and... since you are skilled--"

"What makes you think I'm skilled?"

"I know a soldier when I see one." Monro tucked his hands behind his back, eagerly awaiting your approval. "You seem like a good soul. You care a great deal for this man. You're willing to die for him. I need someone like that. I need someone honorable and loyal."

You smirked. You were far from 'honorable'. But Monro... had saved Shay's life and if he needed you to deliver some stupid letter... you supposed it wouldn't be too much work. You pressed your lips thin and reached your hand out. "Where?"

He handed over the folded and sealed paper. "Two days ride north of here. You'll be riding through a battlefield so it will be dangerous." His eyes softened a bit, trying to be kinder than he was, "Please ensure that the commander gets it."

You clutched it in your grasp, wrinkling a bit of the parchment but Monro was wise in not saying anything about it. You stuffed it into your jacket and marched out of the room. "If he dies while I'm gone, I will murder everyone you know."

The elderly couple froze in what they were doing, wide-eyed and stunned. But they quickly darted their attention elsewhere. They had been sweet and doting, especially the wife, but you imagined after your latest comment they would be a little more reluctant.

Monro hadn't specified about what horse to take so you took the one he had tied up outside the house. His horse. You raced the mare through the dusty streets of New York and along the dirt path into the woodlands. You navigated through the landscape like you had been taught to do, keeping your trek as north as possible. You avoided the soldiers along the main road and kept mostly to the streams.

When the horse tired, you walked. You only stopped long enough to let the mare drink and eat. And when the night was too dark to travel, you hunkered down until the break of dawn. You didn't bother setting up a camp or a fire because it would have wasted precious time.

You pulled the letter out of your jacket and stared at the wax seal. "Better be worth it," you muttered, glaring over at the mare as she eagerly drunk after the hard ride. You stuffed it back into your jacket. You wanted to leave as soon as possible. Shay could be up and walking around or worse... dying. Would he even realize you had watched over him? Would he think you abandoned him?

When the sun rose the next morning you started off again. Monro had been right. It did take you two days to finally reach the battlefield, the scarred and torn earth, the scattered fragments of leftover debris. You rode quickly yet carefully to the encampment. You marched between tents and stares before being stopped by aimed rifles.

You pulled out the wrinkled letter and showed its seal to the weary men.

They gave each other hesitant glances before leading you to the commander's tent. You trudged forward and pushed the crumpled missive into the man's chest.

He was wide-eyed and stunned, barely catching hold of it. He cleared his throat and peeked at the seal. "This is from... Monro?"

You clenched your teeth. "Obviously."

The older man peeled apart the wax and unfolded the parchment. He must have read it twice before calling one of his charges over and stuffing the orders into his jacket. "Get the boys ready to pull up camp. We're moving." He turned his attention back to you, perhaps a little hesitant. "You are... more than welcomed to grab a meal while you're here. We have supplies..."

"I'm needed elsewhere." You didn't want to rest. You didn't want to eat. You wanted to get back to Shay. A part of you wanted to be the first person he saw when he woke. Another part just wanted him to be alright. You didn't care who he saw so long as he was alive and well.

You eagerly left the encampment but not before snagging some provisions that were lying out on the table. A few soldiers blurted out protests but no one dared to chase after you. You returned to your mount and rode a bit slower back towards New York. A twinge of guilt made you somewhat regretful after having been so harsh to her.

Your arrival to the city was bittersweet. The sun was setting, the sky set aflame with red. Your heart was racing and fingers trembling with adrenaline. You left the horse at the stables and walked briskly through the darkening cobblestone streets. Every person that brushed shoulders with you or stood in your way only fueled your frustration. Thoughts raced quicker than your heart beat. You couldn't imagine the state that Shay might be in when you arrived.

You threw open the front door and took long strides through the house to the bedroom on the second floor. You had to make sure he was alright. But when your eyes found the bed empty, the bed neatly made, your breath tangled tightly inside of your chest. "Shay..." You spun on your heels and hurried out of the room. You could hear someone downstairs. The elderly couple perhaps and you hoped they would have answers for you.

If something had happened to him while you were gone, you swore, you were going to rip out Monro's eyes and feed them to him.

But your steps stumbled when you found his figure standing in front of the fireplace, his back to you as he leaned over the amber flames. Shay gripped the wooden mantle, tension coiled tightly in his shoulders. He had tied back his hair and the suit of clothes he wore were unrecognizable. He must have finally sensed you as he took a step back and swept his curious gaze towards you.

The serious scowl slid into a smirk and his eyes lit up. "Lass..."

Your breath stilled as you stared into the warm cinnamon of his eyes. Your throat was closed shut as your heart leapt up into it. You didn't trust yourself to speak. You weren't certain you could even manage a whisper.

Shay chuckled, his hand slipping away from the mantle. "Don't tell me you've forgotten how to speak while I was gone."

You swallowed, lips stretching slightly into a smile. You wanted to confess how much you had missed him. You had been so worried about him. Your eyes burned and you wanted more than anything to cry. But you muttered weakly, "How long have you been awake?"

"A couple days." He peered down at his body, perhaps considering the wounds he had endured. "Monro told me how he'd found me and you... He's a good man." Shay rolled his eyes shut and shook his head. "Not like Achilles or the Assassins... Lisbon was a disaster... so many people died because of their orders... And Liam..."

"I'm sorry," you blurted, taking a step forward without even considering what you were doing.

Shay grinned. "You've nothing to be sorry for."

"I have everything to be sorry for!" Your eyes fluttered and your jaw clenched. "I never should have listened to Liam. I should have stayed with you and--"

Shay chuckled then cringed at the pain in his chest. His smile remained, lopsided and sweet. Even his voice was a soothing comfort, "You couldn't have done anything, lass."

Your rage flared as you thought back to that moment on the cliff. "He tried to kill you!" You paced heavily through the room as your hand reached up and tugged messily at your hair. "I trusted him! I thought he cared about you. I spent months learning from him and the whole time..."

"I've known Liam my whole life, lass... we grew up together on the streets... Not even I saw this coming." Shay stepped towards you, gentle hands pulling your rageful march to a stop. "Look at me, lass..."

You squared your shoulders to him, ready to glower fiercely, but whatever anger you had melted away. He always softened your rage so easily. His eyes were too soft and his grasp too gentle. Shay pulled you closer, his arms wrapping tenderly around you.

"Don't let this bother you, lass. I don't like seeing your anger."

You muttered it, eager to bury your face into his chest, "I never should have left you." You nervously hugged him in return and gripped tightly onto the thick leather of his jacket. You were so afraid that at any moment you would wake up from a dream.

Shay moaned in delight as his arms tightened around your figure. "God, have I missed these moments with you." He buried his face into the bend of your neck, his hot breath billowing across your skin.

Your face burned hotly, a strange feeling washing over you. "I... missed you as well." Your words stammered, "I will never leave your side again, I swear it."

"We'll have each other's backs, eh, lass?" His hold loosened just as he stepped back, smile fading and his attention turning to the fireplace. His face was so stern and cold that he had to be remembering something that darkened his features. Shay stiffly sat down into the closest chair and leaned forward. "I trusted in the brotherhood... I spoke out against them but... I trusted in them." He tossed his head and thinned his lips. "They're not who I thought they were."

You sat down in the chair adjacent to him. You couldn't find the words that might have comforted him. "I don't understand. You said Achilles sent you to kill people? To Assassinate them?"

He breathed the word, "No. Nothing like that. It was worse, lass. Far worse."

"Tell me. I need to know."

Shay swept his gaze to you and then to the fire. "That artifact. It sent the whole city into an earthquake. Buildings collapsed around me. There were fires everywhere. So many people suffered. So many died..." His brows arched as he stared into the fireplace, as if he could remember every detail of that day. "I spent weeks in Lisbon trying to help people rebuild their homes but their lives were ruined because of me. Their loved ones are dead."

"You didn't know." You leaned towards him, stern as ever. "If you had known, you wouldn't have gone there."

Shay lowered his eyes to the floor. He nodded weakly as if he weren't entirely sure how to respond. He explained more. He talked about his return home and how Achilles dismissed his claims. He had to stop the brotherhood from killing more people. If that labeled him a traitor then he had no problem committing treason. So he stole from the brotherhood. It was a small crime to the one they were planning to commit.

"It's getting late..." He sighed. His slumped shoulders showed plainly how weary he was. "We should talk more in the morning." Shay awkwardly got to his feet, his wound still bothering him.

"I understand." You hesitated and he did the same. "You need your rest."

"You've a bed for the night?"

You gave him a small nod, watching as his eyes lingered with yours.

He slowly nodded his head for a moment, almost waiting for you to say something. But then he added timidly, "Goodnight then, lass. Don't stay up for much longer." He shuffled through the space towards the stairs. You could hear the door hushing shut behind him and then suddenly everything grew deathly silent, only the cracks and hisses of the fireplace to fill the void.

It felt as if you'd been carrying an unbearable weight for years that had just now been removed. Shay was safe and you weren't the same dawdling pup following him around. To say you didn't miss the way he'd doted on you, would have been a lie. You slid your eyes shut and dropped your chin onto your curled hand.

There were so many things you didn't understand. How could Liam betray his closest childhood friend? How could Achilles allow so much death to occur? None of it made sense but you had seen their attack with your own eyes. Shay almost died. For now, you were at peace because Shay was alive. Tonight, you felt as if you could sleep unhindered. You slid your eyes shut and sighed heavily.

You must have dozed off because Shay was whispering quietly, fingers taking in the softness of your hair. Your eyes fluttered, meeting his soft expression. Your brows pinched as you sat up and swallowed the dryness in your throat. "Hm?"

He whispered it again, this time allowing you to process it, "I couldn't sleep." Shay licked his lips and bowed his head. "Lass, you wouldn't mind sleeping in my room. For old time's sake?"

Your lips parted. A delight sped through your heart. You were still half asleep when you nodded. Shay slowly got to his feet, uncharacteristically waiting for you to take the first steps. You walked with him anxiously towards the stairs. There were countless times when you had shared a bed with Shay but for some reason this time felt different. You felt different.

He closed the door behind him, mumbling under his breath, "It's hard closing my eyes these past few nights. I still see them, lass." He shuffled towards the bed and sat down. "You don't mind, do you?" He grinned but he couldn't quite look at you. "Strange how things have changed. Like you don't need me anymore."

When Shay didn't look up to see your expression, you softly replied, "I don't mind." You stepped towards the bed and sat down beside him. There were so many things you wanted to confess. You wanted more than anything to have never listened to Liam. You would have never left Shay alone like that.

He laid down onto the bed, moving over so that there was enough space for you. He stretched out his arm and motioned for you to lay down beside him. You smiled, remembering all those nights on the ship when you fell asleep in his arms. You laid down next to him but Shay wasn't happy with how far away you were. His arms slid around you and gathered you into his chest.

He nestled his chin onto the top of your head and sighed, "I missed those nights together. I missed this feeling."

You hummed in agreement, fingers tugging against the cloth of his shirt. "I missed this too."

"Let's promise to never leave each other again." Shay held his breath, perhaps shocked that he spoke those words aloud.

"Promise." You pressed your body into his warmth and took down the familiar scent you loved. "Good night, Shay."

His voice was so low and nervous, "Good night."

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