The Octonauts and the Overfis...

By nekrossprincess

28.8K 476 366

The Octonauts are dealing with a new issue - overfishing. Where are all the fish disappearing to? And what is... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Twelve

1.3K 23 17
By nekrossprincess

The Captain laughed as best he could from his position. "That's rubbish. No black market will ever take people."

"You'd be surprised," said Hawkeye with a tone of menace.

Barnacles wondered what he meant by that, but brushed it away. Hawkeye grinned at the Captain's expression.

"No-one tampers with my fishing operations. I rule the sea doing this, don't forget. Not you stupid Octonauts."

"We don't rule the sea," argued Kwazii from under the net. Hawkeye flashed him a look and gestured to Tweak in a swift motion that only the cat could see and Kwazii shut up fast.

"Soon we'll have you all up here, ready to - dispose of at the port," Hawkeye said in a satisfied voice. He checked a radio on his belt, frowning down at it briefly. Kwazii knew better than to jibe him, asking what was wrong, as Tweak could suffer the consequences, as Hawkeye knew only too well.

"They'll be here soon," Hawkeye continued. Kwazii wondered what that meant. Were they already captured, which meant there was no hope left for them? Or was Hawkeye just saying that to demoralize them?

Dashi hung on grimly to the other side of the boat, her fingers clamped onto a thin ledge. Her other hand was stretched out, holding the combined weight of Tunip and Barrot. It had been the only way to escape notice. And falling directly into the water from that height would hurt. Tunip was clinging on to Barrot and her hand too.

Dashi searched around with her eyes for a place to reenter the ship. The only entrance she could see was a porthole five or so metres to her right. It looked like she could open it, though that was more Tweak's area than hers really. The question was how to get to it...

"Tunip! Barrot!" Dashi hissed down to the two Vegimals. They stared up at her, Tunips eyes were bright and determined. "We need to get to that porthole. Think you can swing?"

Tunip chattered in response. "Does that mean yes or no?" Dashi asked, wishing she had Shellington's expertise in Vegimalese. Tunip gave an exaggerated nod and Dashi smiled despite herself. "Okay got it now."

Dashi began to flex her arms, swinging her legs slowly left and right. Barrot would be the first to jump. As she set up a swing, the Vegimals below were getting dizzy. Both were ready and determined though.

"Okay - go!" Dashi grunted, the weight under her feeling like she could tear apart. Barrot leapt through the air, grabbing onto the porthole with one hand and chattering in delight. Next Tunip leapt, making it look easy as he flew through the air and hit Barrot. Neither Vegimal seemed bothered by the collision as they waited for Dashi to join them.

"Okay..." Dashi muttered to herself. "One, two, three...." And she let go of the ledge and propelled herself with all her energy towards the port hole. She nearly missed it, she could feel her fingers brushing it as she started to fall, crying out in shock, but then she felt warm Vegimal hands on her arm and she was pulled up, grabbing onto the porthole. She thanked the Vegimals before trying to prise off the cover to the porthole with the Vegimals' help.

Peso had followed Shellington up the corridor for another five minutes when suddenly there were voices behind them and Peso pulled Shellington out of sight quickly behind a pile of crates. Both Octonauts crouched nervously, waiting to be found...

Their search party wasn't very adept at looking for their targets as they passed without even coming close to the crates.Shellington breathed a sigh of relief before gasping again. Peso spun around fearing the worst, then saw -

The fish tanks! There were hundreds of fish in just one tank, and there had to be at least six of them. Shellington saw the Professor floating in one, looking very unhappy. Shellington wished he could get him out straight away, but there was a bored looking guard standing right in front of the Professor's tank.

"We need a diversion," Shellington muttered to Peso from behind the corner. Just then, there was a rattling on the wall next to Peso and Peso jumped in shock. The pothole seemed to be - moving? Shellington backed away with Peso behind him, wondering if this was another search party. It rattled and turned, then Shellington saw a very familiar looking hand squeeze through the gap, followed by another.

"Dashi! Tunip!" He muttered to Peso, not wanting to be overheard. They both rushed forwards and helped prise the porthole cover off. He could hear worried voices from the other side and realised that Dashi could think they were sailors.

"Dashi! It's me!" he whispered. There was a silence then Dashi whispered with joy in her tone.

"Shellington?! Oh thank goodness, let us in! Please!" Shellington and Peso prised the cover off with the combined force of Dashi and the Vegimals pushing it from the other side. There would be no way that they could have got through on their own.

As Dashi squeezed through the gap Shellington hugged her tightly. "How on earth did you get outside?"

"Escape, hanging - oh long story," Dashi explained, before seeing the fish tanks in front of them. "Yes! We found them!"

"It's guarded," Peso said worriedly. Dashi peeked around and saw the bored looking guard.

"We need a diversion," she decided.

"That's what I just said!" Shellington told her. Peso frowned.

"But what?"

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