Two Football Stars and a Baby...

By TaylorSmith533

83.2K 2.9K 839

The description for this story is in the book, so you'll just have to read it to find out what happens :) More

Two Football Stars and a Baby - Narry Mpreg
Goodbye Gorgeous
Really Don't Care
Last Year Of School
Birthday Wishes and The Big House Party Part 1
The Big House Party Part 2
Weird Changes
We're Having a Baby
One Month
Happy Halloween
Questions for TFSAAB!
Man-Period Probs and Some Bathroom Lovin'
Thanksgiving Blues
All About That Leeroy
Hey :(
Christmas Road Trip
Guess Who's Back?

You're My Everything

3.1K 149 25
By TaylorSmith533

[Harry's P.O.V]

"Niall!" Harry yelled looking for Niall to explain things.

Harry absolutely didn't mean any of those words he said about Niall. And Niall needed to know that.

He finally saw him in the school's parking lot. Niall was crying to Liam as Leeroy and Zayn looked concerned and confused.

Harry's heart broke, knowing that he caused Niall's tears.

He quickly walked to where they were standing.

"Niall!" Harry called again.

Niall turned around, but quickly looked away when he saw Harry. Leeroy walked up and lead Niall into Zayn's car.

"Harry it's not the best time-" Zayn said waking up to Harry but Liam pushed Zayn out of the way.

"You ass!" Liam said, pulling his arm back to hit Harry. He was aiming for Harry's face but Harry ducked and he hit Harry's shoulder instead.

"I hope that hurt" Liam grumbled.

"It didn't" Harry said.

"Well it hurt me!" Liam said clutching his hand.

"Liam, why don't you just go to the car" Zayn said leading Liam to the car.

"Zayn just let me talk to him, please" Harry pleaded to Zayn.

"Harry I'd love to, but if I did, Liam would kill me so I really can't. I'm sorry" Zayn said shrugging his shoulders.

Zayn got into the car and started it up.

Niall looked out his window and the two boys shared a painful, sad stare.

Harry stepped forward to touch the glass of Niall's window, but Zayn drove the car away, leaving Harry in the empty parking lot.

[Niall's P.O.V]

Niall was now at Liam's house with Liam and Leeroy. Zayn dropped them off, leaving them to talk.

"You know who needs Harry right?" Liam said to Niall who still had tears running down his face.

Niall didn't want to cry that much but with the all the hormones in his system wasn't helping him stop.

"B-but I need h-him!" Niall sniffled, pointing to himself.

"Aww Niall" Leeroy said pulling Niall into a hug.

"Niall, he doesn't deserve you, if he's not willing to come out to you." Liam said rubbing Niall's back.

"I know, I know..but I-I love him.." Niall said looking at Liam.

"..At least I know what he actually thinks of me" Niall said breaking down even more, crying into his hands as he friends tried to comfort him.

[Harry's P.O.V]

Harry has tried everything to talk to Niall. The two boys haven't talked since the incident. The only way Harry knew how Niall was doing, was from Leeroy giving him updates time to time.

Harry has been thinking, and thinking about what he could say or do to get Niall back. Until he got a great idea.

He planned on going to hang out with Luke and the other three of his friends. And then he was going to tell them about him and Niall. After that, he'd try to talk to Niall and tell him what he did.

Now in the car, Harry was driving to meet them to play football, plan going smoothly.

That is until his phone started ringing.

He picked up his phone and saw Niall's picture on the screen.

Harry quickly answered the phone, relived Niall was going to finally talk to him.

"Niall! Baby I'm so sorry! I-"

"Harry! Its Leeroy!"

"Leeroy? Why are you on Niall's phone?" Harry asked.

"Niall's in the hospital!" Leeroy screeched through the speaker.

Harry stomped on the brakes.

"What hospital?" Harry said.

Leeroy told him the name of the hospital, which was the hospital where Dr. Minnard is and so Harry had to do a U-turn. This caused a lot of people to honk at Harry.

"Harry!" Liam yelled in the waiting room of the hospital once Harry walked through doors.

"What room is Niall Horan in?" Harry asked one of the nurses at the counter.

"Umm 254" the nurse said.

Harry mumbled a thanks, forgetting about Liam and Leeroy and went to see Niall.

[Niall's P.O.V]

Niall was sitting on the examination table, gown in all, waiting for Dr. Minnard when Harry walked in.

"Harry-" Niall said surprised.

"Niall, oh god, are you ok?" Harry said stepping forward and cupping Niall's face.

"Y-yea, why are you here?" Niall said taking Harry's hands off his face.

"Leeroy called me and told me you were in the hospital, can you please tell me why?" Harry said pleading, crossing his arms.

"Well I was at Liam and Leeroy's house and I was starting to have cramps. I know Dr. Minnard told me I'd have cramps during the pregnancy, so I wasn't scared about the cramps. And so I brushed them off at first, but then they became a little bit more painful so I thought about trying to go to the bathroom." Niall said looking at his hands.

"But when did...I saw blood." Niall said his voice shaking.

Harry's face paled, dropping his arms.

"S-so I told Liam to take me to the hospital because of the cramps and now I'm just waiting Dr. Minnard to d-do an ultrasound." Niall said looking up to Harry with tears welling up in his eyes.

"H-Harry...I'm so s-scared, we just got this b-baby..I-I don't want to lose it" Niall said tears falling.

Harry scooped Niall into a hug, him standing between Niall's legs as his arms were wrapped around Niall's waist and Niall's arms were around Harry's shoulders.

"It's gonna be ok..I promise you baby" Harry said pulling back to look at Niall, wiping his tears, and kissing his forehead.

"Hello boys, I came as fast as I can when I heard you here Niall" Dr. Minnard said coming into the room.

She had Niall pull the back of his gown forward so show his chest and belly, and got the ultrasound machine working.

Niall grabbed Harry's hands in one hand as the other one gripped the bedding under him.

Dr. Minnard moved the wand around Niall's belly, looking for the baby.

"Alright around this time in the pregnancy we won't be able to hear the heartbeat yet, but we can see the heartbeat on the screen. So let's pray we see that little heartbeat. " She said.

The boys held their breaths as they waited to see if their child was still alive.

"Well boys..."

"We have a heartbeat" Dr. Minnard smiled.

Niall let out a teary laugh as Harry dropped his head onto Niall's shoulder, breathing out his held breath.

"If you look right here, you can see it" Dr. Minnard said pointing to the screen.

Niall and Harry looked up to the screen to see something fluttering, the baby's heartbeat, making them smile.

"Now Niall the cramps, I've told you are normal, they'll be more frequent as the pregnancy progresses. But the bleeding is also normal. It happens six to twelve days after you conceive." Dr. Minnard said wiping off the gel on Niall's stomach.

"Is it gonna happen again?" Niall asked the doctor as Harry kissed his belly, whispering to the baby on how he's happy it was still with them.

"Mostly likely, but you shouldn't worry the next time." She said turning off the machine.

"Soooo, basically I'm having an actual man-period?" Niall said, Harry chuckled at that.

"Ha, you could kinda say that" Dr. Minnard said.

"Alright my boys, I'll will see you guys for our next appointment ok?" She said standing by the door.

The boys said goodbye to the doctor and she then walked out.

"Ok you can go now" Niall said getting up, holding up the front half of his gown.

"Niall-" Harry tried.

"Harry, I need to get dressed" Niall said.

Harry sighed and walked out.

[Harry's P.O.V]

Harry walked out to the waiting room where the Payne brothers were still sitting.

"Hey Harry! Is Niall ok?" Liam said standing up and walking to Harry, Leeroy following.

"Yea, yea he's fine, just had some bad cramps." Harry said brushing his hair back.

"Oh that's good, we were really worried" Leeroy said.

"He's ok, you guys can go, I'll take Niall home." Harry said.

"Did Niall agree to this?" Liam questioned.

"Yes, yes he did" Harry lied.

"...Ok, c'mon Lee" Liam said walking to the doors.

"Bye Harry!" Leeroy said quickly hugging Harry's waist.

Harry hugged back and watched they the two walked to Liam's car.

"Where did Liam and Leeroy go?" Niall said coming up behind Harry, wearing one of Harry's sweatshirts and some sweatpants.

"Oh, uh I don't know..guess I'll just have to take you home" Harry said smiling a little.

Niall rolled his eyes but went with Harry to the car.

[Niall's P.O.V]

Niall was so relieved that the baby was ok, but he felt so awkward with Harry.

He loves him but he was upset about what Harry said about him.

"Well thanks for the ride Harry" Niall said as they were parked in front of Niall's house.

Niall was out of the car when Harry called for him.

"Niall, we have to talk about what I said on Monday." Harry said standing in front of Niall.

"What's there to talk about? I now know what you think of me so" Niall said shrugging his shoulders and walking to his house, he noticed his mother was still at work.

"Niall!" Harry said running after him.

"Harry!" Niall said as Harry just walked right into his living room.

"I didn't mean any of those words I said! I got scared!" Harry exclaimed.

"Get out of my house Styles!" Niall yelled running up to his room.

Yet Harry followed him again.

"Harry, would you just leave!" Niall said once they got to his room.

"No! And if you'd let me talk, just so you know I was on my way to tell Luke and them about us when I got Leeroy's call." Harry explained.

"Oh so you would ruin your precious little reputation?" Niall glared.

"Yes! You wanna know why?" Harry glared back.

"Why?" Niall asked, his voice still raised.

"Because I love you God dammit!" Harry yelled.

Niall's glare fell and turned into a shocked expression.

"Y-you love me?" Niall said his voice quiet now.

"Yes, I love you, I-I love our baby...Niall you're my everything" Harry said, his face soft.

"I love you too" Niall smiled.

Harry smiled back and wrapped his arms around Niall's waist and Niall's wrapped around Harry's neck.

Their lips met, both of them mumbling, I love you's into the kiss.


Hi!! :D

Here's da new chapter! I hope you guys liked this!



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