Eva Swan

By Savage_Beauty19

213K 4.1K 87

Eva Swan was serving in the military when she was honorably discharged. She decides to go live with Charlie a... More



14.6K 340 3
By Savage_Beauty19

Once we got everything straightened out. We went back to my house where Sam pulled me into a different room. "Do not ever order me infront of my pack" Sam said strictly. "Or else what Sam?" I asked him. "You werent helping Leah calm down. You were actually pissing her off. And sometimes you need a women to help another women out. If you even think about bringing this up again I swear I will go to Billy" I said. He took a few deep breaths. "I'm sorry Eva. I didnt mean what I said" He said. "I know" I said giving him a small smile. He gave me a gentle kiss. "Now come on. We have new pack members" I said happily. We walked back into the kitchen and saw Bella cold and dripping wet. Jake looked pissed. "Come on Bella. Let's get you changed" I said. She followed me through the house. I gave her an outfit and told her to go in the bathroom to dry off and change. She came back a few minutes later, dried and changed. "Why did you do it" I asked her calmly. "Jake and I saw Sam, Embry, Jarred and Paul jump off the cliffs. I thought it would be fun to do. I asked Jake and he said we would go do it at some time. He kept pushing it off to the side so I went by myself. I didnt know the water was that rough or that Victoria was close by." She explained. "Bella I love you so hear me clearly when I say, DONT EVER DO THAT AGAIN" I said sternly. "I wont I promise you. Can I leave yet? I'm sure dad is upset about Harry's passing" she said. Next thing we heard things being banged and shifted. I got up and went to check out what happened. The pack was outside. Bella followed me and gasped as what she saw. Leah was in wolf form. Leah snapped her gaze over here. She froze when her eyes met with Bella. "Did she just?" Jarred asked. "Yes, dont even think about tormenting her. You cant help who you imprint on" I said sternly. "I second that" Sam said. "Leah calm down. Go and shift and I will bring out some clothes for you" I said. Leah gave me a wolf nod and went into the forest. "What just happened." Bella asked. "We will explain later" I said. I went inside and grabbed another outfit. I went outside and in the direction of where Leah went. I found her pretty easily. She was crying. I handed her the outfit and she changed. Once she was clothed I hugged her tightly. "I know its confusing. You just became a member of the pack and now all you can think about is Bella right?" I asked. Leah nodded and sobbed harder. "Sam can and will explain to you why this is happening" I said. Hearing me say his name, he came into the forest. "Leah as wolfs we do a thing called imprinting. When it happens it's like gravity is no longer holding you down, instead its them." Sam said. "Bella is my imprint?" Leah asked shakily. "Yes. You can be her friend, lover or protector" Sam added. "What is everyone going to say?" She asked. "Dont listen to them. If anyone does anything to harm you or Bella. Or even make you upset. You come to me and I'll take care of it. I promise honey you are not alone" I said. She hugged me tightly. "Is everything ok" Bella asked. "Yeah." I said. "Leah needs to talk to you" Sam said with a small smile. We let them have their space. A few minutes later they returned. "We are starting off as friends" Bella told me. "That's good. You two can get to know each other" I said with a small smile. We went back inside where the guys were giving supportive smiles. We spent a few hours just talking and keeping the new pack members minds off of their fathers recent passing. At 8 Jake told us he was going to take Bella home. Leah and Bella hugged before Bella left. "I think she will be a great influence on you" Paul said genuinely. "I'm happy for you." Embry said. "Congrats Leah. Normally it takes awhile before you imprint" Jarred said. "Thanks guys" Leah said. "I think she will be a great sister in law. Shell definitely make things interesting" Seth finally spoke up. "A las he speaks" Paul said jokingly. We joked around for a few hours until I got a phone call. I picked the phone up and it was Jake speaking frantically. "Jake, calm down. Deep breaths" I said. "Bella took off with the pixie vamp to Italy to save Fuckward" Jake said. "I'm going to kill her" I said. "She said tell Leah I'll be back soon. She has no feelings for him anymore she just doesnt want to carry the guilt of him dying because of her" Jake said. "I'll tell her but shes not going to be happy" I said. "I know. I'm going to stay here to explain to Charlie what happened" Jake said. Then we hung up. "What was that about babe?" Sam asked me. "Your not going to like this" I said. Everyone looked at me. "Jake said my sister went with the pixie vamp to Italy to save fuckward. She said to tell Leah, she will be back soon. She doenst have any feelings for him she just doesnt want to carry the guilt of him killing himself because he thinks she is dead" I said. "Can I kill him" Leah asked. "Not yet" Sam said. "Besides I want to beat him up first" I said. "We get to see you fight? Finally" Paul said excitedly. I giggled at his excitement.

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