Destiny's Assassin

By booklovr412

80.7K 2.9K 447

Destiny is kicked out of her pack at the age of nine because she is the future alpha's mate, while also being... More

Destiny's Assassin
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 2

11.6K 486 35
By booklovr412


I hate these kinds of jobs. Agreeing to work with the council was the dumbest thing I ever did, at least I’m only stuck here for a couple more months. I’m an assassin for god’s sake, a fighter, not a law enforcer. I was sent here because there are suspicions some special child or whatever was born here, and had turned nine, when she would be able to come into her full ‘powers’ whatever those were. I was told virtually nothing. I can go, search every female kid age nine for the sign that they’re the right kid. I find her I don’t it doesn’t make a difference. This kid is supposed to drink this potion thing the council gave me in bulk, and after 24 hours, her eyes will change to become a glowing silver, and the natural tattoos will appear. Large black swirls all over their body. This kid is born with the ability to carry both werewolf and faery blood, the silver eyes represent the wolf, and the tattoos represent the faery. So she can shift like a normal wolf, and she has the elemental magic of the faeries. The kid’s wolf can be any size but the fur will be silver, and the tattoos will carry over to the fur. They are called the Filia Libatis. The Daughter of Destiny. Screwed up. We have had a tense peace with the faeries since the last Filia Libatis ended the war. That was a thousand years ago though. The girl gave her life to end the fighting, cutting her life cycle short, and each Filia Libatis is only born every thousand years. This kid is supposed to be immortal, only dying once the new Filia is born. We’ve been without our leader for centuries, and her hard earned peace is coming to a bloody end. The war will resume, and when it does, we can only hope this kid is there to stop it, without giving her life in the process. Both the wolves and the faeries have been constantly searching, that is the one thing we agree on. The Filia Libatis must be found, we don’t really care what her base origin is, because she is both equally. Honestly I think it’s a little unfair, to put all this pressure on a nine year old. She’s tossed in the deep end, because she is supposed to be born with the knowledge of all the past Filias. Bullshit. She’s a kid, she’s still learning her multiplication tables and they expect her to be able to save the supernatural world. The smart thing to do would be to take her somewhere quiet, train her, explain to her who she is, and prepare her for when she’s ready. Maybe I’ll do just that. It’s been a while since I’ve had an apprentice, and this girl is supposed to be a born fighter. I’ll find her, and bargain my way out of my last few months of servitude by promising to train the next Filia Libatis. I’m startled out of my thoughts by the sound of quiet crying near by. It sounds like a little girl, I keep walking, and there she is, curled under a tree, miles from the nearest territory. I kneel down, and she bolts up, growling at me, her eyes glowing the blue of her wolf. I put my hands up, placating her. She doesn’t move, “Why are you here miss?” she sneered at me. “I can be wherever I want now, I don’t have to listen to anyone anymore.” This little thing thinks she’s going rogue. Mommy probably got upset and yelled at her. I chuckled. “Sweetheart you’re a long way from home, farther than most kids get, but you need to go home.” She shook her head violently. “I can’t go home. They don’t want me, my alpha banished me, and gave me one day to get off the territory, or he would kill me.” My temper flared up, what the hell was he thinking, banishing a little girl? “Why did he banish you honey?” her tears started to fall again, and she sat down, and pulled her knees up to her chest. “His son was my mate, and I’m just a useless omega, he couldn’t have me ruining the family name.” I growled, that was awful, she can’t control who her mate is. I’ve heard rumors about this pack though, that their alpha’s haven’t mated their true mates for three generations. Three generations worth of rejections, and she was just the next in line. “How old are you sweetheart?” she scowled at me. “Stop calling me that. My name is Destiny.” I nodded, it would be hilarious if this girl was the Filia, she had the spirit, and the perfect name. “alright Destiny, how old are you?” “I’m nine.” I stood up, thinking, it could be, she was from the right territory, and the Filia Libatis was always the odd one out from her pack. Her pack mates could sense that she was different, though they didn’t know how, so they shunned her. I reach into my bag, grabbing one of the bottles of the potion, and hand it to her. “Here, have some water, you look thirsty, and I won’t have you dehydrating on me.” She looked skeptical, but took a long swig anyway. That should do it. I’ll know if this is the right girl in 24 hours. “I have to go to your pack on council business for a few days, but you can come with me, I won’t let the alpha touch you, and then you can come live with me, or at the council house. She looked confused. “But I was banished, you want me?” I shook my head. “What your alpha did was wrong, and yes I can take care of you, train you how to fight and shift better.” She smiled for the first time, and said, “I don’t need training on how to shift, I’ve always been the best and the fastest. I had my first shift alone, and it was easy. See?” she shifted into her wolf, all white, then shifted back in the blink of an eye, shifting back to her wolf again, then back to human. I noticed she kept her clothes on. That was extremely impressive, not just shifting that fast, but keeping control. That means she has the ability to not just shift to her wolf, but to transform completely, become her wolf. Not many can ever do that, and if they can, it takes years to learn. You have to think in sync with your wolf, to be one in the same. This girl has that naturally. There’s a very good chance she’s the next Filia. But I still have to go test everyone else. I go to pick her up, but she shakes her head, and shifts, and starts trotting along beside me. I keep walking and when I get to the edge of the territory, I tell her to stop, I take the three large containers and leave my bag, telling her I’ll be back soon. She curls up and goes to sleep. I wonder what her parents thought of her banishment. They obviously didn’t do much to stop it. I get to the pack house, and tell the alpha coldly to get all the young girls that are nine years old to come to the pack house. I give each girl a sip of the liquid and tell them to arrive here, one hour prior to when they arrived today, and to wait for me. I head back to Destiny then, and she’s eating a small deer that she took down. Impressive for one so young, and small. “I’m Axel by the way, I never told you.” She nodded, and motioned with her head if I wanted any. I shook my head no, thanked her for offering, and laid down to sleep.

Later the next day I tell Destiny that I’ll be gone for longer today, and she nods again, still in her wolf form. Seems like she’s more comfortable as an animal than human. I arrive at the pack house. All the girls have been here for half and hour, and they’re talking excitedly amongst themselves. They know why they’ve been brought here. That there’s a possibility that they are the next Filia Libatis. All these girls seem very immature, and some shallow. Destiny is a child yes, but I doubt any of these girls would’ve been able to travers the distance Destiny did in just one day. I wait until there are five minutes left. “Everyone please stand in a line here in front of me. The changes are subtle. Their eyes will slowly changed to silver, before starting to glow, ten minutes after the hour, and the tattoos will slowly begin to appear on their skin at the same rate their eyes change. I wait, then at one minute past the hour, I slowly walk down the line, peering into their eyes. None of them change, not one brown, blue, or hazel eyes shifts at all. Their skin remains pale or tan, no swirling lines on their arms or face. Nothing. I wait a whole half hour just to be sure, then when nothing happens I just leave without saying a word. My job is done, I have no further reason to be here. The alpha opens the door then. “Which girl are you taking?” I turn around. “None of them, the Filia Libatis is not among them.” He looks angry, but nods anyway and goes inside. Long before I reach Destiny I hear her yapping and howling, sounding panicked, and I smile, knowing what I will see before I do. I turn into the clearing, and there she is. Fur shining as silver as the moon, adorned with swirling, intricate black patterned tattoos. She looks up at me, and her eyes, though they are filled with confusion and panic, glow the same color as her fur. I look around, and see her shredded clothes. It makes sense, that she lost her tight mental control her she saw the tattoos appearing, saw her eyes in the reflection of the small stream bubbling through the clearing. She shifts back, not worried at all about her state of dress, and the tattoos continue all the way down her small body. She’s jumping up and down. “What’s happening?! What’s wrong with me?! What did you dooo?!!!” she howled. The poor girl was having a panic attack. She swung her arms, and suddenly a stream of water followed her. Flowing into the air, when she noticed she screamed, and flung her arm down, bring the arc slamming into the surface of the water. She sat down, and started rocking back and forth, crying into her knees. I walked over, and pulled her chin up gently. She looks up at me, fear and confusion still swirling in their silver depths. But I see trust there as well, and I give her the truth. “You’re who I was looking for.”

 so what do you think? is it worth continuing? vote comment and fan!! <333


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