The Clepsydra

By MJK2431

711 36 7

Life is pretty hard as a teenager, and that's not including the itsy bitsy detail of me being able to travel... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 12.5
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 - The great escape and other exciting things

Chapter 9

19 2 0
By MJK2431

Clarisse quietly exits the guest room, her steps down the stairs audible from my room because everyone around me is absorbed in their own thoughts.

James puts the pouch of dried herbs into the drawer next to my bed and goes again to sit on the lounging chair in the bay window while Evie takes a seat next to me, placing her hand on my back and quietly speaking to me.

“Did they hurt you anywhere dear?”

I simply shake my head before speaking, my voice cracking like I had been screaming for 3 hours straight. “What would have happened to me in the present if something had happened to me back then?”

“That's a bit complicated dear. You would have gotten the same injuries with the same severity but coming back from the Crossover with an injury differs between different Clepsydra. For some, it inhibits their ability to relax enough because the pain causes them to lose focus, while for others it can cause them to come back to the present without meaning to since their body triggers their brain to when you fall off a cliff or something in a dream and you wake up. Other Clepsydra could have a different reaction altogether.”

I look down at my arms, seeing the scratches from all my falls to the floor and red, raw skin around my wrists where the rope had bound them. I also feel a nice, solid bruise forming on the side of my face where ‘Red Cheeks’ had hit me.

I know they will be gone in a couple of hours due to my inhuman healing but that doesn’t make them hurt any less now.

Evie gets up, pulling me up from where I sit with Aidan. James gets up from his seat on the lounging chair too, taking the daisy blanket off the bed and giving it to Genevieve. She drapes it over my shoulders before leading me towards the door out of my room, Aidan and his dad on our heels.

Evie continues leading me down the stairs, making her way towards the lounge area from earlier tonight. “I hope Clarisse has filled the kettle to the top, think we all might need extra large mugs of tea.”

We walk through the doorway and take a seat on the couch. Evie gets me settled with the blanket covering my legs as I make myself comfortable. Aidan takes the seat next to me but Evie and James remain standing.

“I’m going to help Clarisse with the tea. James, could you get the medicine box again and Aidan, get some more of that salve on Lena that you used on her ankle.” With that she turned and left the room, James following close behind.

Aidan gets up off the seat to retrieve the tub of the nice-smelling, cold cream. He sits back down and opens the tub, making the room smell like the pine and mint mixture all over again.

The fire from earlier has died, but the burning embers glowing in the fireplace still provide enough warmth to keep away the cold which seems to be seeping into my very core.

I pull the daisy blanket closer around me, shivering slightly despite the warmth slowly returning to my body. I still can’t believe what had happened barely a half an hour ago but the skin throbbing on the side of my face makes it hard to think about anything else.

“Could you tilt your head a little bit?” Aidan asks, taking a bit of the cream with his fingers.

I do as asked, and then recoil slightly as the cold cream stings when it touches my skin. The hit from the armoured hand had been so hard that the skin had been grazed, causing the wound to burn when it made contact with the salve.

At my sharp intake of breath Aidan grimaces slightly. He opens his mouth to say something, but I cut him off.

“Aidan, stop apologising. You really can’t comprehend how grateful I am to you right now. I do admit your timing could have been a tiny bit better but you did all you could do and you seriously seemed like some superhero in there.”

He put more salve on my cheek, his hand warm compared to the cold cream and my cold face. Once he was done he applied some to my wrists. He closed the tub and put it on the coffee table.

“I wish I could have been there sooner Elena, I should have...”

I put my hand up, cutting him off again. “I don’t want to hear anymore Aidan...seriously now. Stop trying to down play what you did for me because clearly you don’t realize the enormity of how much I owe you right now so stop yapping and pass me that tub again.”

He gapes at me like a khoi fish before shutting his mouth and reaching over, taking the tub again and handing it over to me.

Everyone had been so concerned with me that they hadn’t noticed the multiple purple-black fist sized bruises all along Aidan’s arms and shoulders, either inflicted by the stampeding crowd or during the fight with the soldiers when I was semi-conscious.

I begin smearing on generous amounts of the salve on the bruises, ignoring the tiny ache in my sore wrists from doing so. I keep my eyes on what I’m doing, but attempt to bring up a new topic to dull the awkward silence which had arisen from our last one.

“As much as I enjoyed our little experience tonight, we’ve got to do something about you needing to save me all the time or figure out a way to slow down this development least for a little while. This whole damn ‘damsel in distress’ thing really doesn’t go down well with me”

Aidan doesn’t flinch as I rub in the last of the salve on the bruises before closing the tub again and putting it in its place. He then stretches out on the couch, putting both hands on the back of his head and leaning back to rest against the seat, one foot propped up on the opposite knee.

“We’ll start tomorrow with your training which will immensely improve your ability to defend yourself if I know my dad at all. With concerns to the whole slowing down your development thing, that's not possible. I think my mom might be onto something to help you out though.

With that impeccable timing, Genevieve walks into the room carrying a tray of mugs. Clarisse joins shortly carrying a plate of assorted biscuits as well as James with the infamous medicine box. All of them place their loads on the coffee table before taking a seat on the various couches around the one Aidan and I occupy.

I grab a steaming mug of tea, feeling the heat seep through my fingers. I don’t take a biscuit, feeling as if I might throw up if I attempt to do more than drink something now so I just sip slowly while Genevieve turns to address me.

“For some odd reason you’re drawn to trouble and the people who cause it...that’s including the fact that you met Aidan in the last few days...”

Clarisse and I both snicker softly while Aidan makes a disgruntled noise beside me. I’m glad Genevieve is trying to lighten the sombre mood which has settled over everyone since my awakening.

“...and so I think you may need to be cautious about when and where you go through a Crossover. We have something which will help with it for the next few weeks so that we can assure you only Crossover when one of is available to Drift with you and therefore assure your safety as well as help you along with that part of your development.”

I take another sip of my tea before saying to Evie, “Honestly, I’d be happy not to Crossover for a few nights....maybe even a few weeks worth of nights. What is this supposed ‘thing’ which will help me anyways?”

I didn’t want to say it, but with the little experience I had had Crossing Over, I wasn’t ready to try it again. Any sane person would think enough was enough for a while after nearly being killed and then almost violated in such a short time span.

Genevieve gets off her seat and kneels in front of the box where it was placed on the coffee table. She clicks open the latch and swings open the lid, revealing the contents within. Things are strewn about in ‘organised chaos’ within the box. The top pieces fold out to make multiple levels all containing various oddities.

A few things I recognize, such as a few prescription medicines for headaches and flu, or the antiseptic liquid and cotton swabs from earlier. Looking deeper into the box, things begin to change and soon I’m unable to identify the dried leaves in ziplocked bags or air-tight containers, the strangely coloured liquids in little glass bottles or creams in tiny tubs.

“What in the world?....” I begin to say, a puzzled look plastered on my face.

Evie starts moving things around, looking for something among the stranger contents of the box as she says to me “Since the Clepsydra have a different anatomy to normal people we require a few extra medicinal things. I make a few of these but a friend of ours is a great pharmacist with concerns to all our needs.”

She finally finds what she’s looking for, taking out a plastic pill case containing many maroon coloured tablets. “Ah, here it is! I have got to sort this thing out sometime, it’s a mess....”

I’m just about to take the pill case from her hovering hand when she jerks it back slightly, looking me straight in the face before opening her mouth.

“Listen carefully Elena. These are called Somnum Auxilium, roughly translated as ‘sleep aid’ in Latin. It’s important that you realize that they’re only a temporary cannot simply ignore your role as a Clepsydra. People who have tried using these to stop from going through their Crossovers have shown that they’re bodies build up an immunity to it.”

She holds out the container again and I calmly pluck it from her soft grasp while she continues.

“When they do eventually Crossover again because the drug no longer works, things don’t go well. If you sat in a chair for 5 months straight, not walking at all, the muscles in your legs would become very very weak from the inactivity and this concept can be applied here. Not going through Crossovers has detrimental effects for Clepsydra and people could become, ah, ‘rusty’ you might say with their skills.”

I nod my head, hearing what she says and knowing that although these are here to help me I must not take them lightly.

“I understand. This isn’t some small nap-time pill I can take if I need to catch a few Z’s”

She smiles at me and chuckles slightly, patting me on the shoulder after she stands up from her spot on the floor. “Well, now we need to discuss our plans for today. I would like to say that perhaps you should go to school despite what has happened. Having a sense of routine and normality will make all that is happening a lot easier to handle.”

James nods his head then says “Evie is right. You should go about your day, meet up with your friends and then we’ll see you after school.”

He looks down at his watch before glancing at all of us and announcing “It’s a bit late to go back to bed now but I’m sure we can cook up a solid breakfast with the extra time. Evie can help me in the kitchen while the rest of you get ready for the day.”

Everyone gets up and I gather the mugs on the tray, taking them to the kitchen which by now I know my way to. Aidan and Clarisse’s parents are already taking out pans and unwrapping food and it’s not hard to see the precision and co-operation they have working together.

I walk down the passage to see Clary waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs leading to the rooms. I remember that my unexpected arrival means I don’t have any clothes here for today so I join her as we planned earlier and we walk up to her room together.

She looks through her wardrobe upon entering then turns back to where I’m waiting at the door, carrying a pile of clothes in her hand neatly folded in a pile along with a pair of shoes.

“If you want to accessorize, pop into my room just before breakfast and we can bling you up.” She says as she hands me the stack of clothes.

I grin at her before turning and walking down the remainder of the corridor, flashing another smile in her direction as I turn and walk into my room. I close the door softly behind me, hearing the small click as it shuts.

I realize that I’m alone for the first time since my incident earlier this evening and the quietness tangible in my room is almost suffocating. I feel my teeth biting my cheek as I slide on my back along the length of my closed door, coming to rest on the carpeted floor with my head leaning against the white wood.

If this is my new life, I’m in for one hell of a ride.

I clutch the pile of clothes to my chest, my throat closing up as all the emotions I had been shutting out come surging back to the surface. I try to breathe in deeply, my body tensing before I force myself to get up off the ground.

Feeling sorry for myself isn’t going to get me anywhere and sitting on the floor with my pity-party of one sure won’t help my case either. With that realized I shove everything to the back of my mind.

I put the stack I had been holding on the bed, finally taking the time to look through the outfit Clary had picked out for me.  I lift up a pair of dark denim high-waist shorts with lace tipped bottoms.

Next I pick up a corset-like, thin-strapped top covered in a purple, blue and white Aztec print. Lastly I come across a soft, aged and long white lace cardigan. I see that she’s put down a pair of blue heels....I pick them up tentatively to take a closer look.

After observing them I catch the sight of my bag I had put in Aidan’s car out of the corner of my eye. He must have put it in here while me and Clary had been cleaning dishes last night and had gone unnoticed in its isolated corner of the room. I thankfully place the heels back down and fetch my bag, placing it on the bed.

I undo the buckle, reach inside the canvas bag and pull out my spare pair of sneakers I always keep in case of emergencies. Spending a whole day at school barefoot 2 years ago because the strap on my sandal broke was enough to make keeping them in here a necessity.

As pretty as those heels are, I’ve never been one to wear heels often....and by often, I mean only EXCEPTIONALLY rare occasions.

The last time I wore heels was my aunts wedding. In the middle of the bride and grooms first dance, I tripped and crashed into the sound table. They had to reconnect all the wires I had pulled out, which had taken about 30 minutes.

Super embarrassing hadn’t even covered it and therefore since that unfortunate incident, I have tried to limit my interaction with these specific types of shoes.

I get dressed into the outfit and then run my fingers through my hair to pull the knots out. I look at my reflection in a mirror mounted on the wall and notice that the bruise has faded slightly, meaning it’s on the mend and should be gone sooner than I thought. I’ve got to get myself some of that cream they keep using.

I’m just finishing off tying the laces on my sneakers when I hear a faint knocking on my white-washed door.

“Hey, ah, Elena...are you decent? Can I come in?”

I find myself brushing my hair out of my face before saying “Um, yeah, you can open the door.”

The handle on the door turns before being slowly swung open. Aidan walks in hesitantly, dressed in a pair of distressed denim jeans, a beige v-neck t-shirt and a softened black leather jacket. His Vans sneakers from the day before top off the whole ensemble, along with a leather chord strung around his neck and tucked under his shirt.

Aidan peers sheepishly between the gaps of his fingers where his hand covers his eyes, removing the hand when he sees that I wasn’t lying when I said I was...what had he said?...‘decent’. That word is a total sign that this dude has spent some time in ye ‘old England recently or can actually speak something other than ‘swag’ like most of the idiotic males in my school.

I withhold a giggle, looking at him and saying “What? Didn’t you believe me when I told you it was fine to come in?”

He gives me a disbelieving look then retorts with “I’d rather be safe than sorry...You’ve never walked in on Clary when she has one of her monthly facial mask on with her hair looking like she slept in a bush. It is Nasty.”

This time the giggle escapes me at the image in my head of what Clary would look like on the day mentioned....I can also picture the murderous look on her face when Aidan entered unexpectedly.

“Oh ok, point taken then. Thanks for bringing my bag up by the way.”

“Oh it wasn’t a problem. Thought you might need it.”

He looks me up and down before running his hand through his hair and rubbing the back of his neck. I shuffle my feet under his discreet scrutiny before he looks down at his feet sheepishly once again.

“Could you come with me quickly?”

I give him an incredulous look, my eyes narrowing before I say “If it involves me jumping from car roofs again or anything illegal, you can definitely count me out”

His face brightens up with a smile and his throat rumbles with a chuckle under his breath. “No, it’s nothing like that. Just follow me.”

He turns and walks out my door, waiting for me outside my room with his hands in his jeans pockets. I tuck the last of the loose laces dangling from the knot I tied into my shoes before slinging my bag over my shoulder and joining him.

He goes barely 3 metres, simply facing the door opposite to the one of my room and turning the brass handle on the dark cherry wood door.  I step with him inside into what must be his own room, sunlight pouring in through a bay window (which I’m beginning to realize are common throughout the house) with wooden frames.

The room is large like mine and dark wooden cupboards and shelves (containing many books) line the one side of the room. The other side holds a large, dark cherry wood writing desk with a wooden backed chair. A canopy bed, similar to the ones like the bed I slept in last night and Clarisse’s lies in the corner of the room on the side of the writing desk.

The columns holding up the canopy are also made of dark wood while the sheet is dark navy with smoky grey cushions adorning it. There’s an unlit grey stone fireplace with a stack of wood lying in a basket next to it.

The whole room has, overall, a very masculine and neat feeling to it.

Aidan strides across the grey carpet, stopping in front of one of the cupboards containing drawers. He looks around in the drawer he pulls out, hunched over a little.

“Nice pad you have here...” I say, looking around and trying to take all the details in.

They say that the way someone keeps the place they spend a lot of time in reflects on the type of person they are. If that's true, then this place is definitely a thorough representation of Aidan.

He straightens up, holding something in his fists as he walks back over to me. His face has suddenly gotten very serious as he finally reaches me, those depths of turquoise rimmed with gold looking like they are very deep wells you can never reach the bottom of.

He glances down, taking my open hand in his and turning it to face palm up to us both. He reaches over with his other hand and places something small and cold in my cupped hand. Once he removes his own hand I see something what looks like a palm length sharp piece of steel. It’s very thin and double-edged, with a T-shaped handle the length of half my smallest finger.

I look up at Aidan questioningly, not knowing what in the world I hold in my hand. “So, Aidan, why have you honoured me with this gift of a glorified tin opener?”

Aidan             looks at me sombrely, grinning widely but a serious light still clear in his eyes. “This so called tin opener is actually a small hand-knife. Its small enough that it’s easy to hide but sharp enough to do a bit of damage of you need it to.”

He picks the knife up from my hand then places the handle in the gap between his index and middle fingers, the top of the ‘T’ shape of the handle held in the palm side of his hand with the sharp side pointing up out of the knuckle side of his hand like some X-Men wolverine impression.

“You hold it like this, see?” He removes the knife, taking my hand and placing it as it had been in his own. “It’s only really useful when people are close up to you, but hopefully with my family and me around, nobody will get that near until we’ve done some training with you.”

I place it back in my palm, staring at it for a moment longer before asking “Now that I know what it’s for and how to use it, what am I supposed to do with it right now?”

Aidan closed my fingers over the weapon, careful to not do it too quickly that I would slice myself or do any sort of damage as he said “I want you to keep it on you. Clary and I both have our own weapons but I don’t think you’re ready for anything else just yet. Besides, this you can tuck into your pocket while I can’t carry my spatha around during school inconspicuously and Clary would get into serious trouble if Liberatio fell out her backpack.”

Sure, why not go around with little knives in hand and rebel against the ‘no running with sharp objects’ rule instilled in me since Pre-Primary.

I stuff the knife into my back shorts pocket, noticing that it fits perfectly and due to its thinness only makes a barely noticeable lump through the denim.

“Hold up for a second....what’s a Sparta or spate or whatever you called it and who is this ‘Liberatio’ fellow with the incredible ability to fit into a bag-sized space?”

Liberatio is not a person, it’s Clarisse’s dagger, its full name is actually Liberatio de Vitae meaning ‘Liberation from life’. The weapon is a family heirloom given to Clary by my late great-great grandmother when my sister was a baby. She carries it around with her everywhere and apparently it was the dagger used by someone part of my early family tree when they assisted in Julius Caesars assassination.”

The little piece of cold steel sitting in my pocket suddenly feels very small and insignificant after hearing that lovely story.

Aidan carries on with the explanation, saying “My sword is a spatha, the one you saw me use during our little predicament outside the ice-cream parlour. It was used by Vikings and the Roman cavalry and comes from that era but has been balanced to suit me and made with stronger materials. It was the gift my father gave me when I turned 14 and I fought my way out of an angry mob during my early crossovers...I still remember him saying ‘Aidan, if you’re going to start experiencing things a man of the Clepsydra goes through, you need a weapon suitable for a man and not a boy’...after that he handed it to me, patted me on the shoulder, then turned around and walked away. I started training with it the very next day.”

He shrugged after saying this, making it seem like being given a sword for your 14 birthday is a very casual and nonchalant thing to expect.

I blurt the question which had popped into my head, feeling my pocket again where my small weapon rested. “Why all the old weaponary? Why not use something easy and safer to use from a long distance like guns? And where does this little knife thing I have come from, I’ve never seen it mentioned in any history texts.”

Aidan turns and grabs his backpack where it had been hanging from a hook on the back of his door, responding with “Think about it Lena...we never know what period of history we’ll fall into, so we don’t exactly want to scare the wits out of local people by pulling out such advanced machinery when they might not have even discovered electricity yet. It was a good question though, the first one I asked and complained about when my dad had just begun sparring with the younger me. I ended up flat on my face everytime since I struggled to fight against him.”

He swings the bag strap over his shoulder and says “To answer your last question, the small hand-knife is actually something developed by the Clepsydra so it wasn’t very well known. Only widespread weaponry used by a famous or recognizable group of people would be put down in the record books.”

I open my mouth to ask about how bad it really was, practicing like that for the first time since that will be me soon but he cuts me off, taking me by my elbow and putting a finger to his lips.

“No more questions for now...I can smell breakfast wafting up and right now my stomach is speaking to me louder than you will be able to. Let’s see what my parents have gotten up to and we can talk when we meet everyone downstairs to eat.”

I make the ‘zipping up my lips’ gesture and nod my head before being whisked off out of Aidan’s room, his hold still on my elbow. He releases me once we’re out and closes his door behind him before we make our way to the kitchen

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