The Game of Thrones (Male rea...

By Millerjack

244K 3.5K 203

Backstory: Only child of the (L/N) family loyal servants to house Stark, known for their combat skills, coura... More

(Y/N) & family
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Author note
Chapter six
Chapter seven
author note
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
possible alternative ending for chapter nineteen?
Chapter nineteen (alternate)
Chapter nineteen (alternate 2)
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter eighteen (alternate )
Chapter nineteen ( alternate 3)
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Author Note
Need Your Help
author note
Chapter Thirty
author note
Chapter Thirty One
character summaries
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two

Chapter Twenty Nine

2.1K 36 3
By Millerjack

3rd person POV

it has been months since Arya came to visit and spar against Daenerys who since then has become an expert in sword fighting she is now on par with Arya, she is also a lot stronger and more agile than she was at the beginning of her training thanks to (Y/N). It has been almost four years since the two became the King and Queen and to honour this they are currently making a trip up north to Winterfell and visit old friends and family.


I sit behind Daenerys on the back of drogon the last of the three dragons daenerys was gifted all those years ago, he has grown even bigger now and can easily cover a small city in shadow. The air grows cooler as we approach the North it has been so long that the sudden change in temperature makes me shiver even with my heavy cloak on "I thought you northerners were use to the cold" Daenerys says as she slightly glances back at me "we are but not I haven't been in the North for four years, I've grown far too use to the warmth of Kings Landing" I reply as Daenerys just smiles before looking forward as the slow outline of Winterfell begins to show as we approach closer. A loud commotion can be heard as hundreds of soldiers begin to line up drogon lands in the courtyard I jump off then I raise my hand up to help Daenerys down she holds my hand and drops down as she smiles at me we turn around too see all of the soldiers kneeling in front of us as we are greeted by the King in the North Jon Snow he walks up to us both and kneels before standing "Welcome King (Y/N), Queen Daenerys it's been a while" he says "it has been too long nephew" I say with a smile as we shake hands then hug I then turn my attention to Sansa who kneels in front of me "welcome your grace" she says "thank you Sansa" I say as Daenerys walks behind me and the two of them start to talk to each other.

I look around and smile remembering the night when the lannisters visited just before it all went to shit I look out of the gates towards where my house was I stare in that direction as Daenerys hugs onto my back "do you want to go see your old home?" she asks I smile and kiss her hand "yes" I reply as the two of us walk holding hands.

Timeskip 1 hour and 30 minutes

We arrive at my house and I'm shocked to see that it's still standing however moss is beginning to appear out of the stones and some of the trees have fallen the target is still standing but it is partly hidden by the snow, I walk to the door and slowly push it in to see nothing except the slight outline of a table and chairs I walk up to the fire and use my sword to light it a small flame shows and slowly grows until it becomes large enough to fill the house with light I look at the table and slowly I begin to imagine my parents sitting there "my father would sit right there" I say as I point to the chair that faces us "and my mother would sit on the chair to the right and I'd sit opposite her" I continue as Daenerys smiles "we'd sit there have dinner and discuss whatever was the main topic that day usually my training" I say as I look around, I grab a lantern and light it before walking up the stairs with Daenerys following behind me I gaze at my parents bed the double bed was barely off the ground with fur covering it, the books on either side and a door which leads to my room "that door there... Leads to my room" I say "then let's go" Daenerys replies as she opens the door then closes it behind me the walls are very close together as it was only built for one person so me and Daenerys are pushed against each other she puts her hands against my chest and smiles at me "it is a bit small" she says sarcastically as I hold onto her "it was only made for one person" I say smiling "we can make it work" she says with a grin as she pushes me back onto my old bed "take off your clothes" she says as she puts the lantern to the side, I quickly take my clothes off and watch as Daenerys does the same she slowly takes off her clothes whilst looking at me then throws them to the side as she crawls on top of me and rest on my chest as we kiss.  I attempt to roll her onto her back but she uses her strength to pin me to the bed so instead I put my arms on her waist as she runs her hands over my chest, the two of us are now passionately kissing like the first time we shared a bed eventually we break apart gasping for air as Daenerys sits up on my stomach and stares into my eyes as she grabs my wrists and moves my hands onto her breasts, I massage them whilst gently kissing her neck which causes her to lean her head back she then puts her arms around my neck and pulls me closer I then finally manage to get her on her back, I continue to kiss her neck until she starts letting out small moans.  I hold myself over her gently pressing my weight onto her as she gasps before pulling me into a kiss "I love you (Y/N)" she says in between moans "I love you too" I reply as we spend the rest of the night in my old bed.

The next morning

I wake up and yawn as I stare at my old room I then try to get up until I am stopped by the weight of Daenerys lying on top of me I slowly move her to the side and put the fur covering my bed over her as I put on my clothes.  I step outside and gaze at the melting snow I walk round the side and I look at the archery target I pick up a bow and a quiver of arrows as I put an arrow into place I remember the times training with my father *flashback* I draw back the arrow and aim it at the target I wait then I let the arrow loose as it flies over the target and into a tree I grit my teeth in frustration "again" my father says so I try again this time I miss and hit the corner of the house "fuck it!" I yell as I toss the bow to the ground "pick it up and try again" my father says calmly "why? Why should I? I'm much better with a sword than a bow so why can't I just practice with that?" I say "because it would make it too easy for you, on the battlefield you might not have a sword on you but there might be a bow which might buy you time to get another weapon, which is why I have you doing this" he says as kneels down to be eye level with me "so I need you to pick up that bow and try again and this time breathe steadily and get out of your own head" he says as he puts a hand on my shoulder and smiles before walking back and watches as I pick up the bow draw back the arrow I breathe in and hold my breath before letting the arrow loose and this time it hits the centre "well done son" he says *flashback over* I draw back the arrow and I aim at the target I breathe in and I let the arrow loose and it hits the target right in the centre "impressive" a voice shouts out as I quickly draw another arrow and aim at them to see Jon standing there with his hands up "don't shoot!" He shouts in surprise "you should know better than to sneak up on someone with their weapon drawn" I say as I put the bow down "I know I thought you'd both be here we were not sure if you left without saying" Jon says as he looks at the house "this was your home wasn't it?" He asks, I nod "it has been years since I stepped foot in it, honestly I didn't even think about it in all these years I was too focused on getting revenge that when I was last here I didn't take time to appreciate that I was home....and now I'm the king my home is now in Kings Landing with Daenerys my wife" I say "they would have been proud of you (Y/N) you avenged them, fought against the Night King and in the battle for Kings Landing" Jon says "but I have made many mistakes...I killed Petyr Baelish in my rage not knowing what he had done to manipulate many such as Ned, Catlyn, Lyssa and Sansa...he should have faced a trial and suffered" I say "he did suffer (Y/N) you beat him within an inch of his life then removed his head that was punishment enough" Jon says "I killed a pregnant woman" I say "an evil woman who would have happily had thousands more slaughtered so that she could remain on the iron throne" he replies "we've all made mistakes and done things we regret (Y/N)" Jon says.  Daenerys walks out of the house dressed she walks up to me and hugs me I hold onto her tightly as she rests her head on my shoulder it's been nineteen years since we met each other yet every time I hold her it's like the first the two of us continue to hold each other as Jon turns away.

Timeskip 7 hours

After spending hours at a large feast provided by the Starks, Daenerys and I are preparing to leave The two of us walk out as drogon lands waiting for us both we turn to see the soldiers standing behind us Jon and Sansa smiling as we shake hands.  I help Daenerys up before climbing on and holding onto her as drogon lifts off.  After an hour of travelling we finally arrive back in Kings Landing as the cheers of citizens can be heard as we land in the red keep where we are greeted by Tyrion who is now starting to go grey in areas showing his age he walks up to us "greetings your grace I hope you both enjoyed the visit to Winterfell" he says "thank you Tyrion, how have things been since we were gone" I ask "nothing out of the ordinary I'm afraid, there has been no riots in fact people have been singing songs about you both and how you freed them from the tyrant queen" he says as we both smile "we might need to go hear it for ourselves at some point" I say looking at Daenerys who smiles back and nods "but we have other things to do first she says....we have to pay our respects to those we lost" she says looking me in the eye as I take her hand to comfort her before slowly walking towards the crypts where the bodies of fallen family and friends we walk through the tunnels which are dimly lit by torches until we reach a wooden decorated door with the inscription "Hall hen morghe: gone yn daor forgotten, morghe yn iēdrosa existing" which is Valyrian for "hall of the dead: gone but not forgotten, dead but still existing" I slowly push the door open and walk inside.

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