Chapter Thirty One

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3rd person pov

"There was once two people, a man and a woman who even though they lived on the other side of the world from each other were destined to meet" a woman sitting in a chair says as three children sitting in front of her watch as she reads the two girls smile listening to the story whilst the boy sits with his head against his hand "one day the boy and his family travelled to the capital where the king lived in his large castle, when they got there the boy was amazed by the size of the castle and the city but what he didn't know was that their was an evil plan to get them out of the way whilst on the other side of the world a girl was being married to a man she didn't love" the woman says "who was planning on getting rid of the boy and his family mother?" the two girls ask simultaneously "very cruel and evil people girls" she replies before continuing with the story "when he thought that he was safe his family was taken from him by guards working for the evil queen and those who worked for her, he tried his best to fight off the men but he lost he was beaten and humiliated then sent off to a distant land to fight as a slave until he died" the mother says "did he die mother?" the boy asks as he slowly becomes interested in the story "no. he didn't. he survived for years as a fighter whilst the woman during this time was gaining power in the same city he was sent to" she says "is that how they met?" One of the girls asked "yes it was. One day she was brought to the fighting pits with the company of her friends and those who would help her obtain the throne that was taken from her family when she was there she saw a fighter that gained her interest and her advisor recognised the same boy he'd met years ago, so she ordered for him to come before her and he did that night she was shocked to hear that he wanted to fight by her side she accepted his request however she felt as if he was hiding something so that same night she confronted him and found out the truth she was so saddened by his story that she promised him revenge then" she says before the girls interrupted "did they kiss?" They ask "no she left him to be by himself but when she left she felt something she hadn't felt in a while she felt a connection to him and he felt the same" she says "they were in love" the two girls say "yes they were" their mother replies.

(Y/N) pov

I walk through the red keep looking for Daenerys and the kids "(F/N)!, (M/N), Rhaella!, Daenerys!" I shout as I walk around until finding a slightly open door with voices coming from it I slowly approach the door and I listen in "that night when she returned and reunited with him they stared into each other's eyes and they realised" she says "realised what?" the three children ask "that he loved her...and she loved him" she replies, I smile knowing that she is talking about us after listening in for a while I enter the room and immediately Daenerys looks at me and smiles the children turn around and jump in excitement "father!" They all shout before running up to me "hello you three what have you been doing since I've been gone?" I ask "we were listening to a story" (M/N) says "really are you enjoying it?" I ask "we are but it is a really sad story" Rhaella says "well you are right but it ends well in my opinion" I say the three look in shock "you've heard this story father?" They ask "of course I'm in the story after all" I say with a grin as Daenerys just smiles (F/N) and (M/N) look in confusion but Rhaella puts them out of their confusion "the story is about the two of you" she says "yes it is" Daenerys says "okay I have a job for you three" I say "what is it?" They ask "I need you to run over to see Tyrion and have him send this letter" I say as I hand the three of them a letter "we will father!" They shout before running off. I then turn to Daenerys and smile before holding her "did they enjoy the story?" I ask "they did however I did leave some details out" she replies "oh and what would those be?" I ask with a grin " we spent our nights doing things other than sleeping" Daenerys says "you mean things like this" I say as I kiss her neck and I move my hands from her back to below her waist "(Y/N) we can't knowing them the children will run all the way there and all the way back" she says as she gasps "don't worry that letter I sent to Tyrion said to keep them distracted for an hour or two" I say, Daenerys immediately grabs my face and smiles "bedchamber now!" She says.

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