we were weapons | BLACKTAN

Por ouralchemy

29.5K 1.4K 842

That night they decided they were done. YG was becoming greedy and no longer held the same goals as them. He... Mais

The Cast


1.5K 85 37
Por ouralchemy

Psy was a very interesting man. Before he settled in New York, he used to travel all over the globe. He was a big deal when it came to selling weapons under the table. He would make hundreds of thousands every few months from his business, traveling to different parts of the world, meeting up with all different types of people. That's how BLACKPINK got in contact with him. YG sent them to make a deal with him. He wasn't happy with the price Psy offered him. He wouldn't go any higher than 5,000, but Psy was asking for more than double. His stuff was good and he had no time for people who couldn't afford his prices.

Lisa and Jennie walked in to the meeting place Psy and YG and had set up. They walked right up to him and laid out the 5,000 in cash.

"Is this a joke?" Psy growled while pushing it back to them, while in shock that YG sent little girls to do his business.

"No, this is what you're getting. YG won't go any higher," Lisa said calmly, while Jennie started to walk behind him.

"Tell him to take this five grand and shove it up his ass, this on non negotiable. I don't need his business, so please take this back and tell him to not contact me again. How dare he try to disrespect me in this manor?" He said getting ready to leave, but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, but that actually won't work for us." Jennie said pushing him back down in his seat. The man laughed before turning serious again, she was stronger than she looked.

"Now I know you're messing with me, do you know who I am? I suggest you leave before those pretty faces of yours become slightly less symmetrical," Psy said pushing Jennie off of him.

"We did warn you," Lisa said while Jennie stumbled back a bit. Suddenly there were multiple beeps heard  coming from his phone, the computer on his work station started smoking, and two more girls strutted in.

"What the hell is going on? What did you just do?" Psy said pulling out his phone while running to his computer, which had all his files and client information in it. Everything that helped him run his business has been fried.

"You see your computer that is going up in flames, is toast. Rose just crashed it. But not before transferring all your files to a different location, for a little insurance for us. And you see your phone, that's buzzing like crazy. Let's just say you've just joined the lower class." Jisoo said, while Rose's eyes were glued to her laptop screen as she continued to type away.

"My, my, my who knew dangerous arms dealer Psy was such a philanthropist, donating almost all your money to various charities. That's really a good deed there." Jennie said with a smirk, while patting his shoulder.

"Now let's start over. You seem like someone who would want to screw someone who screwed you right. Let's say maybe the man who sent us here to kill you." Jisoo said taking her seat in front of the stunned man, while the other girls circled behind her.

"Who are you guys?" He asked them.

"Just a couple of girls trying to right a wrong,"  Jisoo said, looking back at the girls.

"We know this isn't your first disagreement with YG, and we also know a lot of your customers have been disappearing lately. And more and more of them will be gone too, that we know for a fact." Lisa said from behind, him not knowing they are the reason for his decline in sales.

"We have a deal for you, we spare you and we'll help you build your money back up in exchange for you to improve your business and for your help. You have no moral compass when you sell and that's where we have a problem. We also know you have enough money to live off of for the rest of your life, in that secret savings account you have in Russia." Jennie said, sending the man into anger when news of his other account was brought up. All he could do was turn his head and send the girl on the computer another death glare, only to receive a shrug in return.

"What am I supposed to do then, this is my life?" The man said finally coming around to the idea that he really doesn't have any control in this situation.

"Help us take down YG and his agency. Your part would be easy. Supply us with whatever we need, and help us build connections. The four of us will not be enough to stop his empire." Jisoo said.

"What's your business with him?"

"That answer will depend on if we have an agreement. So, deal?" Jennie said.

"How do I know I can trust you guys?" He said with speculation.

"Because we will tell you who really are, and trust me there's a long list of people who are dying to find out, probably an even longer list of people who want us dead. Why would we risk all of that if it wasn't worth it?" Rose finally said speaking up.

He sat there for a few minutes thinking it over.

"Fine. But I don't give up my business completely, not until I start seeing some income from whatever plan you guys have in store." He said holding his hand out to Jisoo, who gave it a firm shake.

"Smart choice, making a deal with BLACKPINK."


Jisoo was so excited to bring the girls to see Psy. They haven't seen him for almost 2 years, and although they had limited contact, they grew fond of each other. The girls considered him an uncle, and he thought of them like family.

"Jisoo, you didn't tell us he opened up one here," Rose said walking up to my side and latching our arms, while Lisa and Jennie did the same.

"I just found out a few weeks ago when I was checking out the area around our place," Jisoo said. They were walking down the dark alley, when they finally reached the red door.

"Oh he's gonna shit his pants," Lisa said catching up with Rose, while cackling. Although Psy was a big and intimidating man, he was so scared of Rose. He swears she can take over the White House with just a computer.

"I don't know why he thinks I'm gonna take over the world, but there is something quite satisfying about big man Psy being scared of me," Rose said opening the door for everyone.

A bell rang and he came into view.

"Welc- oh fuck," he said quickly, his eyes bulging out, then he pushed them into one of the private rooms.

"Hello to you too," Jennie said patting down her skirt.

"Oh this is bad why are you guys here, you guys can't be here?" Psy said while making sure the door was locked.

"Don't worry YG knows we are here, so chillax," Lisa said with thud as she sat down. He let out a sigh of relief before going back to his panicked mood.

"Oh no who's the target?" Psy asked in fear.

"Bangtan, the big man noticed that they were split up and took the chance to strike," Jennie said sitting next to Lisa.

"No, that can't do. Those boys have done so much to keep this area safe." Psy pleaded with a serious tone.

"We don't plan to, even though they aren't the most cleanest group. We've heard and seen photographs of what they are capable of. They aren't innocent, but neither are we so we are gonna give them the same options as you. Clean it up or loose it all. But they're on the top of YG's kill list. Taking them out will put the son of a bitch right on top. He'll be unstoppable. So next best thing is to get them to join our fight," Jisoo said.

"We just gotta gain their trust first before we ask for their alliance," Rose said looking over the menu.

"Why don't you just ask them, like the with me. Actually it was more like threatened, but I don't hold grudges clearly" Psy teased the girls, even though he still holds a tiny grudge over the computer nerd.

"Because there's only two groups that we've have come across that we trusted enough to let them in. All the others were given options to change their life style or face the consequences. This is a different situation, having these guys on our side is a game changer. Not only does Bangtan have to trust us but we gotta trust them. We don't know them, or how malicious they could be towards us. Our true identities are dangerous in the wrong hands, as you know" Jisoo said looking at the man.

"Okay, okay. I'll let you guys handle this. But just know those guys are my favorite customers," Jennie quickly flared at him.

"I mean of course right after you guys, but you should know I put you in here because Bangtan are sitting one room away from you in the main dining area. And are discussing how a certain plane has entered into the city a few nights ago, which somehow magically doesn't even exist. They are looking into who could be on that plane," he said pulling out a notepad.

"Dammit I forgot how good Sumni is," Jisoo said, feeling stupid that they didn't think to warn her they would be coming. They met her back through Psy, saying that she is the perfect ally to have. And she turned out to be just that. She kept us updated with the gangs we came into contact with. Making sure they stayed out of trouble. It's been months since they last talked, but it's no surprise she's teamed up with Bangtan. She always was very smart with what information she got a hold of.

"Okay so we just move a little faster, this is nothing ladies. I'll go talk to her tomorrow and see if she'll help us steer them away for a little bit," Jennie said, calming the girls.

"Okay now as for dinner, nobody saw us come in right ladies," Lisa said while the girls all shook their heads.

"We will stay in here then, just be discreet if they start asking where you are because we are buying you dinner so take your break and join us. It's nice seeing a familiar face in this city," Jisoo said patting the seat next to her. The man just smiled at the four girls who he sees as family now.

"Oh I really did miss my kids," Psy said with a huge smile, making us all get to our feet to hug the man.

"Okay okay, let me take your orders and I'll come join you guys after I hand them to the chief."


"Psy come join us, you gotta break coming up right? We are just about to play a few rounds of mafia." Jimin yelled at the owner.

"Sorry boys, no can do. Antonio will actually be taking over last couple of hours of business, so when you're ready just flag him down for the check. Okay?" Psy said walking back behind the wall divider. Psy is a very hands on man, he never puts anyone else in charge of his restaurant, the boys know he must be leaving for something important.

"Yo I think Psy has company, if you know what I mean. Just saw him get all smiley before entering one of those private rooms." Jungkook said while giggling. He was walking back from the bathrooms when he saw the scene unfold.

"Alright we'll leave him be, let's just leave it's getting late. Plus Jungkook you gotta be up early in the morning to meetup with your partner, right?" Yoongi asked, with Jungkook groaning and nodding his head.

"I don't know why she wants to meet so early for, who wakes up at 8 in the morning." Jungkook saying paying for their meal.

"Jimin go with him, keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't cause any trouble." Yoongi ordered.

"I also have to go out to the city, I'll come with you guys, let's make it a group trip." Taehyung said looking at the oldest.

"Ugh fine, I'll go talk to Sumni while you guys do your errands." He said as they all got up and began walking past the door.

They walked past the private room Psy was located in and heard loud laughter. But it sounds like it's coming from multiple people. Jimin leans against the door and could make out that the people were having loud and animated conversation.

"Guess he's having a party in there, yo why don't we say bye to him," Jimin was about to open the door, until Jungkook pulled him away.

"Hey! Read the sign, it's private Jimin! You're older than me your supposed to know that, stupid." He said the last part running away while Jimin chased after him.

Taehyung helped Jimin catch Jungkook, while Yoongi just walked towards their place just shaking his heads at the young ones.

Once back in their shared place, they all sat down at their table.

"Okay so tomorrow while Jungkook is busy with his partner, I'll go talk to Sumni and see what she has found out okay. Tae and Jimin I suggest you guys try and do a little digging yourself without being too obvious." Yoongi said as the boys all nodded. They all got up and walked to their separate rooms.


Jungkook sat there in the coffee shop waiting for Lalisa to show up.

"Our first meeting and she's already late," he said to himself, about to get up till a familiar figure came running through the door.

She ran right up to him, and attempted to catch her breath.

"I am so sorry! Me and my roommates were up late last night at dinner, and I overslept! Please forgive me Jeon Jungkook!" She said acting like an character in a k-drama, kneeing and grabbing his hand.

"Okay, okay just don't do it again," Jungkook said a little embarrassed, as he noticed everyone was watching them now after Lalisa's little show. He pulled his hand out from hers and cleared his throat.

"Go order and we'll talk once you're done," Lisa just laughed seeing his cheeks flush. But walks away nonetheless and orders.

She's back with her coffee, and sits down in front of him.

She takes a few sips, not minding the quietness between them. She actually felt really relaxed in the moment which is the total opposite of what Jungkook was feeling. He was nervous and anxious to get rid of the silence. He didn't know why she called him to meet, there was no way she had taken any pictures so far.

"So, what's the point of this?" He asked finally breaking the silence.

Lisa took her time answering him, taking one last sip and placing her cup back down on the table.

"Honestly, I need to hang out with people other than my sisters. And you were better then nothing," she said while teasing him.

"Aye, you do know you just wasted my morning. I could still be sleeping right now. Ugh this girl I swear," he was about to stand up and leave.

"Wait, please I literally have no one else to talk to and since word got around that I'm your partner I've pretty much been blacklisted by all the girls at school. So in reality you kind of owe me a friendship," Lisa said while shrugging her shoulders. She normally never had to beg targets to hang around her.

"I do not owe you shit, Lalisa." He was about to walk away till he saw the deflated look. He doesn't know why he says what he says next. Maybe it's because this is the first time he actually felt bad for making someone sad. But he sits back down, and she looks at him with with hope filling her eyes.

"Fine, but your buying me whatever I want to eat today." He said making the girl squeal.

"Finally! Deal, I'll buy what ever Kookie wants today! I thought I was gonna have to produce some tears, thank god I really didn't want to mess up my make-up! Oh and by the way you can just call me Lisa." She said grinning.

"Oh my god, did you just trick me," he couldn't believe the girl scammed him.

"That's an ugly word but yes. Hey, now you get free food and all I get is your company, so who's really getting scammed," She said grabbing her stuff.

"Where are you going?"

"You mean where are we going? And the answer is out of here. I heard there is a fair down the road and I wanna go so let's go mister. I'll buy you cotton candy," she said grabbing his hand and dragging him out the door.


This girls were watching Lisa work her magic from across the street, they know she succeeded once she was seen walking down the road with her hand latched onto Jungkook's wrist.

"She's so fast," Jennie said feeling proud of the girl.

"Poor boy, doesn't know what he's getting himself into," Rose said laughing.

"Alright what is everyone doing today?" Jisoo asked.

"I'm going to the fair actually, I want a snow come and whatever food they have to offer." Rose said with a smile.

"And I'm going to speak to Sumni, she'll be surprised to actually see us." Jennie said putting her mask and sunglasses on. BLACKPINK and Sumni have never actually met in person just through online chatting and coded messages.

"Okay, I'm going to go into town and learn the area. I'll probably stop for dinner later, so I'll text you when I do and I'll bring home some for you guys," Jisoo said to the girls.

"Okay, see you guys at the house okay?" Jennie said while walking backwards from us.

"Chae bring me back some cotton candy," Jisoo said before walking towards town.

"Anything for you!" The blonde yelled as she skipped towards the sounds of roller coasters.

Rose walked into the fair feeling overwhelmed with her array of options. But before she even made it to her first stop she spots Lisa pulling Jungkook by his hand, towards one of the rides.

Lisa was standing in line with Jungkook, when she began scanning the area around her, a natural instinct she developed, when she spotted her favorite person.

"Aye Park!" Lisa shouted towards the girl, Jungkook noticed that as soon as her eyes landed on her friend, her eyes lit up and wrinkled from her smile.

"That's one of my roommates," she said while waving the girl to come over. Rose runs over to Lisa, jumping on her in the process.

"Do you smell all of that, amazing." Rose said closing her eyes while leaning on Lisa.

"Did you see there's a meat skewer booth by the Ferris Wheel," Lisa said while pointing in the direction.

"I'm gonna be here for hours I can already tell," Rose said. At this point Jungkook felt like her was intruding on two best friends catching up, as they continued speaking about various things. He tapped Lisa's shoulder, intending to tell her that he'll leave them be, but she stopped him.

"Rose this is my partner, and my fourth best friend Jungkook," The girl playfully teased the now blushing boy.

"Lisa you're going to scare him away. Anyway nice to meet you, I think I might've seen you at uni," Rose said being the polite girl she was.

Jungkook was about to respond, until he heard his name being shouted.

"Jungkook! I've been looking for you, why have a phone if you aren't going to use it?" Jimin said, with Seulgi attached to his hip.

"Sorry, I was being dragged everywhere," Jungkook said sarcastically while glaring at his partner.

"Oh hi I'm Lisa, sorry about that I tend to get carried away when I get excited." Lisa said waving to the couple. Jimin smiled at the girl and Seulgi just moved an inch closer to her boyfriend, recognizing Rose from class and remembering how her boyfriend looked at her.

"Babe I gotta go meet up with Yeri for practice, so be good," she said kissing her boyfriend bye making sure to put on a show for the two girls in front of them.

"Jesus, it's like a dog marking her territory," Rose whispered to Lisa, causing her to crack up. The sound of the laughter made Seulgi annoyance rose, so she quickly detached herself. Jimin just noticed Rose was here, and found himself being pleasantly surprised by her presence. But also curious how these two girls were already hanging around Jungkook, most girls didn't make it past the first conversation with him.

"Whats so funny girls," Seulgi said staring intently at the them.

"Nothing, Rose just said something funny," Lisa said laughing again. Seulgi turned toward Rose waiting for her to share. Rose thought it was best not repeat her little joke and instead decided it was time to leave.

"Oh would look at that I also gotta go." She said glancing down at her wrist, as if a watch was there.

"Nice meeting everyone, Lisa you know where I'll be. Have fun guys!" Rose said smiling at the crew, sending Lisa one more finger heart. Jimin watched her odd behavior that can't help but interest him. Maybe the shy girl had a bigger bite than she lets on.

After Rose left and Seulgi stormed off, it was just the three of them.

"So you wanna ride, Hyung?" Jungkook said, gesturing to the ride a few feet away from them.

"Actually something just peaked my interest, but you guys go on. I'll meet you back at the house," Jimin said while letting his curiosity take over.





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