One Piece Katakuri x OC

By Winter767

10.5K 217 14

A young girl by the name of Iris the Reaper sets sail to seek revenge against Big Mom and along the way forms... More

Katakuri x OC
Katakuri x OC
Katakuri x OC
Katakuri x OC
Katakuri x OC
Katakuri x OC
Katakuri x OC
Katakuri x OC
Katakuri x OC
Katakuri x OC
Katakuri X OC
Katakuri X OC
Katakuri x OC
Katakuri x OC
Katakuri x OC
Katakuri x OC

Katakuri x OC

636 14 0
By Winter767


After Katakuri dropped me off at the infirmary he left with Brulee to report to Big Mom. I was tended to by a small child like chess piece nurse named Cinnamon. She led me to a bed and provided me with numerous sweets to snack on.

As Cinnamon was checking my pulse and bandaging my injuries she said in a stern tone, "As your caretaker, you are not allowed to leave your bed until you are fully recovered. Countless patients have tried to leave my room, but all have been unsuccessful. All I ask is that you'll be  good and stay put until you are healed, understood?"

I responded, "Yes, I understand Mrs. Cinnamon. Thank you for all your help."

Cinnamon packed up her medical equipment and headed for the door, she said, "If you need anything, ring the bell next to your bed and someone will come assist you."

Once the door had closed I sank into the bed. I decided I might as well listen to the nurse and get some rest. This was a perfect chance to regain my strength, especially after using so much haki recently.

When I closed my eyes, I dreamt of the day I lost everything. My mind went wild as I watched my family and the townspeople set ablaze by Big Mom's rage. Their corpses cries for help unheard and ignored by the world. Anguished by my helplessness to stop this tragedy I screamed.

Breathing heavy and my heartbeat racing, I awoke screaming with my right hand stretched out, "Come back!" Endless tears streaming down my face. My hands were trembling. I gasped, I knew I needed to quickly regain my composure before anyone saw me in my pitiful state. Wiping away the tears from my eyes, Mrs. Cinnamon walked in with a worried gaze.

Concerned she asked, "Iris-sama, what happened to your eyes?"

"I'm alright, it's nothing you need to worry about."

I chuckled, "I was just restless by the cries and screams of the innocent."

Mrs. Cinnamon looked wide eyed at me as she appeared shaken to her very core by my grimace of pain.

As I was about to reassure Mrs. Cinnamon once more, the door swung open.

A chess piece soldier yelled, "Iris-sama! Katakuri-sama requests your presence at once!"

Mrs. Cinnamon protested, "Oh no! She isn't going anywhere. Iris-sama has yet to be healed!"

The chess piece soldier responded, "You dare oppose an order from Katakuri-sama, YOU OBNOXIOUS PIG!"

It appeared Mrs. Cinnamon was offended as three veins popped out of her forehead.

In a stern tone and her left eye twitching she asked, "What did you just say to me? I dare you to say that again, Mr. Basil. YOU BARBARAK, INSIGNIFICANT, WEAKLING OF A SOLDIER WHO'S SO COWARDLY HE RUNS IN THE FACE OF AN ENEMY!"

Basil's face turned pale.

Mrs. Cinnamon chuckled, "Yeah, that's right. I saw you run away in terror as the monster was destroying our city. How can you even call yourself a soldier who serves under the strongest man in the world! Mr. Basil, you disgust me." She then proceeded to spit on the floor.


Mrs. Cinnamon and Basil glared at each other with a fiery intensity so fierce they seemed ready to fight at any moment. I knew I had to intervene.

Getting up from the bed and walking over to pat Mrs. Cinnamon on the shoulder, I asked, " Mrs. Cinnamon, I understand your anger. I propose a solution to our problems. Instead, why don't you come with me to the meeting with Katakuri-san? You'll be able to watch over me without having to worry. What do you say?"

Pouting, Mrs. Cinnamon said, "Well, if I can come and keep you in my sight, then I'll let you go."

I said excitedly, "Excellent!"

Turning toward the chess piece soldier I asked, " Is that alright with you, Basil-san?"

He opposed, "Of course not Iris-sama! You...."

Basil was interrupted as I released some of my Conqueror's Haki. Basil and Mrs. Cinnamon both trembled in fear as they saw my human form change into a ferocious beast ready to devour them.

I grinned, "Now then Mr. Basil, I will not ask but only tell. I am bringing Mrs. Cinnamon with me. Understand?"

In a shaky tone Basil yelled, "O...Of... C... Course Iris-sama!"

I said, "Both of you apologize, now."

"I...I'm..s..sorry, Mr. Basil."

"I...I'm...s...s...sor...sorry, Mrs. Cinnamon."

I hugged both of them, grinning I said,"Great! You've made up. Let's be on our way."

It seems my stay with Katakuri is going to be more entertaining than I'd realized. I am curious to see how he'll react when I see him again.

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