Katakuri X OC

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Ch. 12

Once we got down to the harbor, we saw the chess piece soldiers starting to unload a large vessel docked at the port.

I was surprised to see none other than Charlotte Perospero, the oldest of his siblings and the Minister of Candy according to what I'd heard.

As he was directing the chess piece soldiers, he glanced to see me and Katakuri approach him.

He said, "Ah, Peroin! Katakuri, how have you been faring?"

Perospero proceeded to walk down the bridge and like his brother towered over me. He squinted, "I see the candy girl tramp was assigned to you, Kuhkuhkuh."

We were interrupted by some children who ran by us and asked Perospero, "Mister, did u bring any candy for us?"

I thought, "Oh no," looking up to see Perospero had a cynical grin. I couldn't feel a menacing aura, but I was unsure whether or not Katakuri or
Perospero would harm the children.

Perospero reached inside his pouch as if to grab a weapon, I broke into a panicked sweat.

My heart was pounding in my ears as I positioned myself to attack. Suddenly, Perospero's laugh disrupted the tension that overcame my body. "Kuhkuhkuh! Of course I brought lollipops for you all!" He unraveled from his hands three rainbow lollipops.

The children's mouths watered as they ripped the lollipops from Perospero's fingers.

They ran away saying thank you, one child was shy hiding behind a cargo box.

Perospero walked over and bent down to his height, he said, "Here, you can have one as well."
The little boy's eyes widened, grasping the lollipop and waving as he said thank you.

My face showed nothing, but inside I was flabbergasted, "Did I just witness a Big Mom pirate befriend children with candy?!"

I sighed in relief that the children were left unharmed.

My eyes were caught by Katakuri slowly starting to walk back to the castle, "Return back to Mama, I already know what she wants."

Perospero said frowning, "Peroin! Why must you always predict what others are going to say, at least let me start. I swear you have such a bad habit."

I looked up to see Katakuri's face remain unchanged.

Perospero said, "Well I doubt you're like Katakuri, so at the very least let me inform you."

He sighed, "Anyways, Mama is sending you and Katakuri to go investigate Igumok Island, apparently they've stopped producing cardamom spiced wheat bread for Mama's Elbaf Semla."

I assumed Komugi was the closest island to Igumok, but I wasn't sure, " Is Igumok Island a branch of Komugi Island?"

Perospero rolled his eyes, "Only an idiot would ask that question. Of course it's a branch of Komugi Island!" Suddenly, he pulled a candy cane striped watch from his pocket, "I'm running late, Mama wishes me to visit the other islands to ensure the production of the other sweets has not been interrupted."

He slowly bent over and narrowed his eyes at me. In a harsh whisper, he revealed his malicious demeanor, "If you ever cause trouble for my brother, I will slowly peel your throat to rip out your wind pipe, free your organs from your useless flesh, turn your bones into sticks, and feed them all to the children as lollipops."

His devilish smile awoke the fear that slumbered within me. Perospero's sadistic nature was far from the angelic persona he displayed in front of the children. As if the air had disappeared, I struggled to catch my breath as my throat became dry. He reminded me that I'm in the heart of enemy territory, I wouldn't allow myself to let my guard down again.

Calming myself, I chuckled, "Your warning means nothing, my loyalty is absolute."

I glanced at Katakuri to see him eyeing me intensely. His eyes looked for any sign of suspicion to which I responded with none.

Perospero returned to a chipper attitude, "Then I best be off! Mama expects good results."

As he boarded the ship and sailed away, Katakuri was already walking back to the castle with me right behind him. He emitted a sinister aura, but I would not falter. Once the investigation was complete, I'd set my plans into motion.

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