The Lion Guard: Kion's Return

By JaninneSudjatmiko

12.1K 132 35

It has been three years since Kion left the Pridelands, and Kiara and Kovu lived happily with their united pr... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
Chapter 6
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~

~Chapter 2~

1.6K 19 2
By JaninneSudjatmiko

The ceremony in Pride Rock was filled with the entire pride, along with the antelopes that Nala and the other lionesses have hunted down earlier with Ono's help. 

The Egret was totally exhausted, as Kion looks at the Keenest of Sight with an confused look on his face. 

"Are you ok, Ono? " The young lion asks him as Ono raises an wing, reassuring the lion, "Oh, yeah. I'm completely fine, Kion, don't worry about it. 

Vitani is quite a fast hunter than I originally thought she could be. " 

Beshte said, "Who could've blame her for being one of the best hunters in the Pridelands? She used to be trained by Zira after all. " 

Fuli nods, "Yeah, but how is she coping with living with the Pridelanders? I know that she basically acting she's fine, but I just know she wasn't the same." 

Kion was confused of his friends' concern about Vitani, the one of the Outsiders. 

He knew that Kovu and his family is not part of the Pride, and having the Outsiders is basically asking for trouble. 

"Why you guys so concern about Vitani, anyway? Don't you guys ever forget that she's our enemy?!?

 The Lion Guard was looking at each other, "Kiara didn't mentioned of how she united the Pride, but Kovu and Kiara seem happy." 

Kion was stunned of hearing his older sister being happy. He looked at his family once again as Simba and Nala cuddled together while waiting for their daughter to arrive back with Kovu. 

Kiara came back with Kovu, as all the lions sat up to hear what she has to say. 

"First of all, I want to want to welcome back my younger brother, Kion. As you all remember , Kion was the leader of the Lion Guard, and as he grew up, he decided to leave the Pridelands to help others in need. 

As your Queen, I'm grateful for all your hard work, Kion, but as your older sister, I'm very glad that you arrived back home safely. 

Mom, Daddy and I thought about you a lot during the time you went away. "

The lion was amazed of how Kiara was calmer and not in a temper attitude when they were cubs. 

In a way, Kion felt relief of how she was acting. 

"Also, Kovu and I been talking about a subject for a long time, and we decided to allow Jasiri and her Pride to live in the Pridelands for good. We'll form a pact alliance between the Hyenas and lions." 

"Poa. That is quite a surprise. " Beshte said, amazed of Kiara's declaration. 

"I wanted the Lion Guard to help escort Kovu and Vitani tomorrow morning to deliver the news to the Hyenas . " Kiara said. 

Vitani sat near Fuli, "It looks like we're traveling to the Outlands after all these years. It would be an difficult thing for me. " 

The cheetah said, "Hey, we're here. I know you'll be able to overcome it. Besides, you have Kion and Kovu along with us. " 

The Outsider said, "Asante, Fuli. " 

Vitani was in the cave, but she was having a nightmare. 

"Vitani! Help me!" 


Vitani was shaking , as she pants from the dream as she gets up from the den as she sat on the edge of Pride Rock. 

To her surprise, she sees Kion. 

The young lion notices her as Kion asks, "Vitani? What you doing up so late?"

The lioness was silent for a moment, as she took a deep breath , to calm her nerves. 

"I had a nightmare. I just awoken up from it and couldn't sleep. The dream was haunting me ever since I lived with Kiara. " She said. 

Kion felt bad for her, as he raises her chin, to comfort the young lioness. 

Vitani never felt a gentle gesture before, coming from a young lion like Kion. She never had an emotion that ever felt: Love. 

The same love that she had seen with Kiara and her brother, being happily together. 

The only people who was watching the scene was Makini and Rafiki. 

The Royal Mjuzis seem to be smiling at this, as Makini said, "Awe, this is so sweet. I never thought Vitani would get over Nuka's death." 

"Ah, Young Mjuzi, it seems like there would be a new chapter in the Great Circle of Life soon. As much I know, I spoken with the Great Kings of the Past. 

Kion's way of thinking of the Outsiders will change dramically, as Vitani and Kion's relationship grows as friends." 

"You really think Kion would accept Kovu as a Pridelander, despite of the bitter rivalry between the Outsiders and the Pridelanders?" The mandrill asks her mentor. 

The old Mjuzi smiles at his young apprentice , as he graciously touches her hair, reassuring her, "Time will tell, Makini. " 

As morning rises, Simba and Nala looked at the young group. 

"You will be safe will you, Kiara?" Simba asks his daughter with a certain look as Kovu said, "Don't worry, Simba. Kiara will be safe with me. I'll make sure nothing bad is going to happen to her." 

Vitani was silent during their talk as Kion was the only one who notices it. 

"We'll wait for your return, Kiara. Have a safe journey with Kovu and the Lion Guard!" Makani said. 

"We will, Makani. " Kiara said, reassuring her friend. 

Simba said, "And don't worry about who's watching the Pride while you're away. Tifu and Zuri will take over as temporally queens for the day." 

The young lioness step forward as Kion was enchanted by the lionesses' growth and beauty. 

Tifu said, "Like Simba said, Zuri and I can handle things here while you head to meet Jasiri and her clan. " 

Zuri said, "I can't wait to meet her. She sounds exciting person." 

Kiara nods, "I can't wait to meet her too. It's my duty as Queen to meet all the animals in the Great Circle of Life, no matter what type of species they are. We should head out before it gets dark." 

Simba nods as Kiara ran up to her father as they embrace each other .   

Kovu smiled at their hug as the gang begin their journey to the Outlands, where Jasiri and her clan live . 

It also boils Kion as he remembers all the encounters he had with the Lion Guard, defending the inhabitants who tried to destroy the Circle of Life. 

As Kion was silent due to remembering the past, he felt someone was approaching towards him, as it turns out it was Kovu . 

Kion was not really thrilled of seeing the black lion, as Kovu knew that they needed to talk . 

"Kion, I know things have been weird for you, of seeing the Outlanders here in the Pridelands, but things are different now." 

"Oh, enlighten me. How things have been changed since we encounter each other when we were cubs?!?

You , Zira and your pride tricked me and Jasiri by taking her family's watering hole, and also mentioned that Zira almost had me killed!" 

The black lion sighs, knowing that is one thing he didn't want to talk about , the past of his mother, and remising of his older brother, Nuka's death. 

"Listen, Kion, you have to trust me and Kiara. She is the one who brought me into the light, and I'm grateful of that." Kovu said to him .  

The words surprised Kion with pure emotion , as Kovu continue walking towards Kiara's side. 

The young lion looks at Fuli , "Fuli, can I ask you a question?"

The cheetah stops her tracks as she looks at the young lion, "What's the matter, Kion? Is something on your mind?"

"Was Kiara happy with Kovu? They always been together." Kion ask the cheetah, as she chuckles, "Kiara and Kovu are happy. I can see how much Kovu is by being overprotective of Kiara. You should give Kovu a chance, Kion. 

He's different than we last saw him when we were little. Just be loose ." 

The lion said, "It's easy for you to say, since you and the other members of the Lion Guard lived here in the Pridelands for so long. 

I'm still suspious of Kovu though." 

The Outlands was exactly how Kion remembered it. For Kovu and Vitani, it was their childhood home. 

"I never thought that I would be here again. Despite of what happened, I ..." Vitani said, shivering as Kiara said, "It's all right. I know it's a hard time of what happened to him. Kovu told me exactly what happened that day, it's not you or Kovu's fault. " 

Kion was unsure of his older sister's words, but he shrug it off, as Ono said, "Hey, Kiara, I found Jasiri and her clan! " 

Kiara beams with pure excitement, "Thank you so much, Ono. I knew that you would be a great help since I don't know much about the Outlands than Kovu and Vitani was." 

Both lions blushed by Kiara's statement. 

The group follow The Keenest of Sight as Jasiri notices the group. 

"Whoa. Kovu, is that you? I haven't seen you in three years! You too, Vitani!" The Hyena exclaimed as Kovu apologizes, "Samahani, Jasiri. It's been harder for us since um... you know who died." 

The Hyena looks at Vitani as she realizes whom Kovu had mentioned. "Oh. I guess I shouldn't bring it up in front of here. 

Hey, is this the Queen of the Pridelands?" 

"Yes, this is Kiara. We also brought along some familiar faces too." Kovu said, as Jasiri looks at his direction to see her old friends, The Lion Guard! " 

"You guys! It's been a long time!" 

Beshte nods, "Yeah, it sure has been a long time, and Kion is here too." 

Kion nods silently to Jasiri as she beams with pride of seeing her friend has reached adolescent just like her. 

"So, what brings you all here, to the Outlands? Is there anything the Hyena Resistance can do?" 

"Actually, it's not that, Jasiri. As the Queen of the Pridelands, I herby offer an alliance with the Hyenas to live in the Pridelands freely. Kovu and I talked it over with Rafiki some time ago and he said that when the time is right, we should make the pact. " Kiara explained. 

Jasiri said, "That's awesome! Wow, Kira, you really thought all about this for us? I'm grateful of being a Pridelander . Does this mean I'll be able to meet Simba and Nala?"

"Yeah. Everyone in Pride Rock couldn't wait to meet you, Jasiri! " 

The Lion Guard chats with the other Hyenas for the excitement for coming into the Pridelands, Kion notices Vitani has slipped away with Kovu. 

He follows the lions as they stopped at a logged hill. 

Kovu said, "It has been three years. I never thought we would be coming back to this place. Vitani, you feeling ok?"

She seems to be silent , as she looks away from seeing it. 

"Hey, sis. You're still traumatized of it, aren't you? " 

"If I stopped him, he'll still be with us, with our Pride. I'm the one who got him killed, Kovu." 

"That's not true! I didn't know Mother and the others would be there when Simba and I talked. You're not the only one suffering . I miss him too." Kovu said.   

Kion peeks out, "What you guys talking about? " 

"Kion, why you follow us? " Vitani asks. 

"I got worried. Besides, Kovu, you promised of watching over my sister. What is this place, anyway?"

Kovu sighs, "Vitani, he has to know. I know you don't want to bring up the subject, but he is curious." 

Vitani sighs as she glances of the log. 

"We were talking about Nuka." Kovu said. 

"You mean, your older brother? Isn't he supposed to be with the other Outlanders?"

"Um... Kion? Nuka... is no longer here with us." Kovu said.

Kion's eyes widen by the sudden news . 

Vitani couldn't handle it as she runs away from the lions. 

Kion said, "How did he die? And what you mean by you talking with my dad?"

"It's kind of a long story, Kion." Kovu said, but the lion said, "I'm not leaving until you tell me what is going on with Vitani." 

"Geez, you're really are stubborn like Kiara and Simba. " Kovu exclaimed as he took a deep breath to tell the tale of how he met Kiara and the truth of the bitter rivalry between the Pridelanders and the Outsiders.

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