Supernatural: Dean one shots...

By bethyl15

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Dean Winchester one shots All mine Sometimes crossovers (depends- I dont really write them much) I dont own... More

Cuddles and kisses (DEAN AND YOU)
That thing was in our house! (DEAN)
You instead of Sam (SEASON 2- DEAN GF)
You instead of Sam p2
Dating Dean
Wendigo PART 1
Wendigo part 2
Vamps p1
Vamps p2
Vamps p3
Vamps p4
Fun day out (Jensen)
You are my sunshine (part 1)
You are my sunshine (part 2)
You are my sunshine (part 3)
You are my sunshine (part 4)
My girl
You intead of Sam p3
Wrong Dean
Hunt gone wrong p1
Fake phone call
Hunt gone wrong (2)
We got this
Sleepless nights
Fight and torture
Sunday, Monday or Always


424 10 0
By bethyl15


We arrived at the location the witch was. We had been tracking this witch for days. She's been killing animals, people or whatever she can get her hands on and we have no idea why. A few people have died from many different things, body shutting down, heart attack. You name it, it has most likely happened. We all jumped out the Impala and made our way to the front door of the creepy house. I looked over at Sam and gave him a quick nod. Dean, my sometimes idiot boyfriend, decided he would go in the back. Sam slowly opened the door and we made our way inside with our guns raised. I motioned for Sam to take the rest of the downstairs whilst I checked upstairs. "Y/N I dont think that's a good idea. She could hit you with anything. Dean would kick my ass. Let's follow the plan and stick together." Sam whispered at me whilst keeping an eye out for the bitch.  "Sam! We'll cover more ground. If she attacks me, I'll let off a shot. She might not even be here. Please Sammy. I'll be fine." I gave him my best puppy dog eyes. He sighed and motioned for me to go with his gun. I smiled and headed for the stairs and I saw Sam head towards the main room. Let's gank this bitch.

Dean PoV
I made my way slowly round the back of the house. Just small useless rooms. Nothing in the basement apart from a few spell books. But other than that nothing major and no witch to gank. I made my way to the front of the house to meet up with Sam and Y/N. We'll probably check the upstairs together. I strolled into the living room and saw Sammy looking round. Wheres Y/N? "Psst. Sammy. Find anything." I whispered to him. He spun around and his eyes winded in shock. "Oh, umm. Hey Dean. No. Nothing. Looking, um yeah. You should go to the back of the house. Check stuff. Ya know what? I will. Bye." He got out,panic in his voice and shown on his face. What the fuck was that? "We can all go look upstairs. So um yeah. Wheres Y/N gone?" I asked him, slightly panicked. Can you blame me? My girl isn't here. "She um went. Umm went. Yeah. Went." Sammy said whilst avoiding eye contact. "Sammy. Where is she?" I asked sternly. "Upstairs." He said sheepishly. My heart stopped. "Son of a bitch!" I practically yelled. "Dean! She said if the witch is there and attacks her she will let off one sh-" He was cut off by the sound of a gun shot echoing the building followed by a loud thud. I ran up the stairs calling for Y/N. We barged into the first room and the witch lay dead on the floor, Y/N laying just next to her. I ran over and put my hand on her forehead. Just as I did she shot up and started coughing. I held her close to my chest and rubbed her back. She didn't have a cough before we came here. "Are you ok?" I asked, worried. She nodded and groaned and got up. "Can we just go please? I'm tired." She said whilst standing. I helped her up and we headed back to Baby.

~time skip~
I slept pretty much the entire way back to the bunker. For some reason I was just so tired. We made it into the bunker, well, the boys made it in whilst Dean carried me. I was so weak. I dont think the witch hit me with anything. Dean brought me into our room and laid me down on my side of the bed. I sighed and tried to sit up but my arms were like jelly and I fell right back down. "Do you wanna sit up?" Dean asked. I nodded. "Yeah." My voice came out scratchy and quite. I saw a flash of worry go across his face before he picks me up and I lean against the wall. I cough again and groan, my head pounding. What the hell is happening to me? Before I can ask Dean anything I feel my eyes start to close and my head rolls to the side and I am enclosed in darkness.

Dean's PoV
I sighed and watched Y/N fall back asleep again. I put my head in my hands and felt my eyes begin to water. Something was seriously wrong here. I texted Sam to get him to look for something and I headed to bed. I laid down text to Y/N and pulled her close to me. I closed my eyes and fell asleep soon after.
~next morning~
I groaned and rolled over and put my arm out for Y/N but the bed was cold. My eyes snapped open and I sat up. I looked around and my eyes landed on the sleeping Y/N by the bin. I sighed and got up and made my way towards her. As I got to her I noticed the sick in the bin. My eyes winded and I quickly picked her up and laid her in the bed. I grabbed the bin and took it out of our room and made my way down the corridors heading to the bathroom so I could wash this out.

I groaned and opened my eyes. I slowly attempted to get up but I fell back to the floor. Just as I did Sam walked in. "Y/N? Are you alright?" He asked. I shook my head, my voice barely working. He picked me up whilst calling out to Dean. Sam took me to the medical room that the boys made. Basically the just shoved all their medical stuff in their and said it was now first aid. I heard Dean coming down the corridor as Sammy placed me down on the table and laid me down as I couldn't sit up on my own. "What the hell is going on with her Dean? That witch did something to her." Sam stated whilst looking for something in the bag. Dean sighed and took my hand. "I dont know Sammy. Obviously she did something but I dont know what! How the hell am I supposed to know? I just want her to get better." I groaned as I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. I squeezed Dean's hand as it grew worse. "Dean. Help." I croaked out. He looked down at me with wide eyes before pulling me towards him. I whimpered in pain as tears fell from my eyes. He picked me up and took me back to our room. Sammy followed with a few books in hand, clearly about to start researching. The pain was unbearable and I clung to Dean. He ran his hands through my hair. "Shh. Baby, it's ok. I've got you. Everything's gonna be just fine. I promise baby. Shh. Relax for me sweetheart." I felt myself become weaker and I completely relaxed on Dean.
~a few hours later~
I could tell I wasnt gonna survive much longer. I've been in too much pain and my body is slowly shutting down. There is no way to stop it. Sam and Dean cant get ahold of Rowena and Cas is busy. I've accepted that I'm going to die, but Dean wont hear any of it. He just tells me to hang on a little longer, that they've almost got it. But hes been saying that for the past 3 hours and nothing has happened. "Dean. Just let me go please. I love you. I'll see you again soon." I pleaded. The pain was too much. Dean shook his head. "No baby. You're gonna be fine. I gotta look after you dont I? Look after my annoying ass girlfriend." I chuckled. "You're lucky I-" I was cut off by my jaw becoming too sore and I was unable to say anything. I felt something wet drip onto my hands. I look up at Dean to see he was crying. "I know sweetheart. I love you too. Dont worry, ok? I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. I love you." He kissed my hand and Sam walked in. He smiled softly. I could see tears in his eyes but he was holding them in. "Love you shortie." He said, his voice cracking. "L-lo-" I tried to say but it hurt too much, everything did. "Its ok Y/N. I know. We all do. See you again soon." I felt tears fall from my eyes but Dean wiped them away. "No crying. You're too beautiful for that. It's not a goodbye ok. I know you hate goodbyes." He said, voice shaking. Tears were pouring out of his eyes. I nodded slightly and felt one last bit of pain before I felt nothing. "See you later baby." And a slight squeeze of my foot was the last thing I heard and felt before darkness took over and I felt nothing.

3rd person PoV
Dean watched as the light faded from his girlfriends eyes before they fluttered closed and her chest stopped rising and falling. Her heart stopped beating. He would never hear her say 'I love you again'. He would never see her smile, never eat her cooking. Never have lazy days with her. No more dates. No more happy ending. Just pain. Y/N was his happiness and now shes gone. Dean sobbed whilst clutching onto her hand. This was it. He was aware of Sam crying and standing to leave. But Dean was only aware of the fact that his dead girlfriend lie in front of him.
After a while Dean managed to stop crying and he left Y/N's side. It was now early afternoon and Y/N had died a few hours ago, but to Dean it felt like seconds. He couldn't actually believe that Y/N was gone. He made his way to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of whiskey. He broke the top of and started to down it. He didnt want to feel. He moved into the main room with Sam and they sat in silence. No more of Y/Ns jokes to make them laugh whilst researching. Silence took her place.

Cas fluttered (A/N: it was that or flapped. I went with the more graceful version.) into Y/N and Dean's bedroom as that was where Sam had said they were in his prayer. Cas was nearly a full day late and answering but he had been busy. Cas looked around and his eyes landed on Y/N. He could not sense her presence and immediately knew what had happened. He yanked open the door and called out for Sam and Dean. They came rushing around the corner seeing Cas standing there looking mortified and just upset. "What happened to Y/N? I sense that a spell was put on her." Cas stated whilst looking at the boys. Dean's eyes started to water again as he remembered her last hunt. He turned away whilst Sam answered. "Yeah Cas. That's what happened. We couldn't fix it." Sam said, his voice wavering. Cas walked forward. "I think I know what's going on. I'll be back." He said before vanishing. Dean rubbed his eyes in attempt to get rid of the tears. Sam put his hand on Dean's shoulder. "It's ok Dean. She's in a better place you know that." Sam said trying to comfort his brother. Dean let out a quiet sob and made his way back to the main room of the bunker, grabbing the bottle of whiskey and taking another big sip. One simple hunt had ruined his life.

Cas' PoV
I made my way towards the hotel I knew Rowena was staying at. As she is a witch i would assume she knew the spell and how to reverse it. I knocked on her door and a few seconds later she answered. "Rowena. I need your help." I stated. She rolled her eyes at me. "Why would I help you. You, Sam and Dean always seem to ruin my plans and how I want things to go. The only civil person is Y/N, I would happily help her, but not you." I flinched at Y/N being mentioned and she seemed to notice. "Is Y/N in trouble?" She asked, actually looking a bit upset. "Y/N. She was spelled and unfortunately Sam and Dean could not find out which spell it was or the cure in time. Y/N isnt with us." I said, feeling myself get emotional. Y/N was like a sister to me and it hurt me to know she was no longer here. Rowena  scurried back into her room and gathered things and then rushed out, me following. I transported us to Dean's room in the bunker and she began to inspect Y/N.

Cas PoV
Rowena began her spell as I stood and watched. She placed different ingredients in a bowl and cut Y/N's hand to put some of her blood in. I stood there waiting for her to finish so I could go to Sam and Dean. She chanted a spell in Latin and slowly I could feel Y/N's presence. I smiled as I saw her eyes begin to flutter and her chest rise and fall. I could hear her heartbeat, she was back. "Thank you Rowena. We owe you one. Big time." I said. "Yes you do Castiel." She said matter of factly. I quickly left the room and got Sam and Dean. "Guys! I need you both in Dean's room now. Its important." I exclaimed. Sam stood up but Dean was hesitant. "Dean. It's ok." Sam whispered to him. "She's in there Sammy." Dean whispered back to him. "Dean. It will be fine. I promise. Now it's very important so please hurry." I urged and we headed down to his room.

Dean PoV
We walked into mine and Y- my room and Rowena stood by the bed, blocking our view of Y/N which I was slightly relieved about. "Sam. Dean. Good to see you again boys." Rowena stated, looking at us. "Why is she here Cas?" I asked, staring at her. "I got her to help me with something. It hit me earlier that we didnt do anything to stop the spell on Y/N because we didnt have a witch to reverse it. I went to Rowena and she knew which spell it was and..."  Cas explained before trailing off. "And what?" Sam asked, voicing my thoughts. All of a sudden there was a groan coming from the bed. My eyes were locked on Y/N. Rowena moved out of the way and I got a better view. I saw her eyes flutter open and I felt my eyes water. For a split second I forgot how to breathe as I saw her eyes open properly and she tried to sit up. I made my way towards her. "Y/N?" I asked in disbelief. She looked over at me and smiled. "You look worried fellas." She said in a scratchy voice. That's all it took for me to lunge at her. I picked her up off the bed and sat down with her in my lap. My arms went around her waist and I buried my head in her hair. I felt tears slipping down my face but I didnt care she was back. Sam smiled at us and I stood and set her down. "Hey." I whispered, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear. She smiled up at me and connected our lips. I quickly melted into the kiss and held her closer to me. When we broke apart I gently nudged her in the direction of Sam. "Heya shortie." He said before holding her in a hug. "Rowena. I never thought I would say this, but thank you. Thank you for bringing her back. And Cas. Thank you for helping." I said whilst Y/N had a small exchange with Sam. She came back over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my chest. I kissed the top of her head and smiled. My girl was back.

A/N: This has taken me like two months. I still dont like the ending so at some point I will change it. But I hope you like it anyway. Stay home and stay safe!

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