No Escape, a Team Fortress 2...

By Godzilla1011

2.2K 68 25

Can the mercenaries of Mann Co survive against something out of their world, or will they go down in flames... More

Spy's worries
Forever a Mann
I'm an engineer, I solve problems, not like problems pertaining to the...
Being drunk
Medic's medical issue
Unique Urine
Eagles and Stripes
Mmph Mmph
French Finale, Part 2

French Finale

122 4 0
By Godzilla1011

It has been hours. I have seen nor heard the others in the black, and I fear they have perished. I think Merasmus wasn't bluffing when he said Scout had stolen his magic judging by how bad he looked. I have never seen Merasmus in such a poor state before. There came the sound of running water near me, and I pulled out my revolver on instinct. It was coming from a storage room nearby, and by the sounds of it, it was a water leak.  I pressed my invis watch to go invisbls and carefully opened the door. A wave of water collapsed onto me the moment the door opened. I nearly lost my footing, but grabbed onto the side of the door, and barely hanged on as tons of water rushed over me.

There laying at the center of the room and bound to an overturned chair was Pyro. I went out of invisibility and pointed my revolver around the room. The person who did this could still be present in the room right now! I ran over to Pyro when nothing threatening materialised and saw that their mask had been removed. I knew then that Pyro had drowned. This is because Miss Pauling secretly confided in me on a secret built within the mask. She said that not only was the mask built to inflict severe hallucinations on the wearer, but also a versatile filter of water, smoke, and other harmful substances present on this planet.

I wiped a tear away from my eye, and slowly placed the helmet back onto Pyro's face, strapping it back on firmly. There would be no revealing Pyro's face today, I thought to myself. It felt better to keep Pyro's identity a secret and as a way to honour their memory. I heard what sounded like small pattering footsteps and turned quickly with my gun drawn to see a child standing in the doorway. It was a young boy with brown hair and a heart-warming smile that showed a loss of one of his front teeth. There was something familiar about this particular child, something that reminded me of toys and childhood. "Pardon me, but are you lost?" I asked. The little boy pointed a finger towards me, and I saw two steel fists seeming to appear out of nowhere. The boy's eyes were shimmering with green light as he manoeuvred  the steel fists towards me. I silently pulled out my dead ringer from my pocket and gripped it tightly in my hand. I watched the boy push his arms forward like he was shoving someone over, and saw the two metal fists rush towards me. I rolled to the side as the fists crashed against the ground leaving cracks in the cement floor. I fired two shots with the revolver frantically, and pressed my invis watch. As soon as I became invisible, I slowly crept around the little boy with my revolver. I was almost out of the door when the little boy turned in my direction and grabbed my watch and crushed it in his small hand. I fell out of the air, no longer transparent. My watch had been crushed to smithereens and now lay useless on the ground in small bits.

"Who are you?" I demanded with my gun still drawn at the boy. The boy raised a hand and balled it into a fist. In a second, my revolver crumpled like paper and exploded. Bits of metal hit my face and arms, causing me to cry out in pain. The little boy laughed like he had just played a prank on me, and said "You don't remember me daddy?"

I tried to run after hearing that, after all he hadn't supposed to figure this out until he was discharged from Mann Co., where Mann Co. had arranged for his mother to tell him. This was confidential business, so how did he figure it out? Did someone tell him? If so, Why?  All these thoughts raced through my mind as I pushed past the boy and down the dark hallway. I heard the revving up of a mini gun and saw the little boy holding dear Sasha, Heavy's minigun, in his small hands. I clutched my dead ringer in my hand until my knuckles were white, and felt bullets rip into my body. The first time when I used the dead ringer, it felt like I had just split my body into two. Now, I had gotten used to that feeling and could only marvel at the dead ringer's brilliant mimicry of a second body similar to my own that now lay covered in bullets. I ran around a corner hearing nothing else behind me. There was a secret room I had asked to be built for hiding stockpiles of weapons and reserve invis watches, in case Mann Co. was ever invaded by a military force. I needed to get in there.

The room could be located through an obscure air vent that has a warning sign in front of it, where I could drop in through there. When the invisibility wore off from the dead ringer, I pulled out my knife and held it close. If Scout caught up to me, I would fight till the end. I nearly stabbed the wall when I saw a distortion in the wall that looked like a face. It looked like the face of the engineer except he was inside of the wall somehow, and he looked like he was screaming when this wall-merge thing happened. I rubbed the outline of jaw and looked away. Pyro, and now Engineer were dead. There came laughter from behind me and suddenly, I was lifted up and thrown into the wall. My head hit the wall first, and I blacked out for a second. I awoke again to find the little boy from before holding my knife up to my throat, his smile seeming much more malicious now. There came a small beep only noticeable by me, and it told me my dead ringer had recharged. I grabbed the hand holding the knife and drove it into my neck. Immediately, the dead ringer triggered and I ran out of the boy's reach.

The vent was just in front of me, and I grabbed it with my two hands, and struggled to break the covering surrounding it.  I heard the sound of metal rumbling and sneaked a quick glance behind my shoulder and saw the boy flying towards me with the two steel gloves I had seen earlier. My adrenaline levels increased and through a little bit of brute force, I finally pried the cover off the air vent. The powerful suction of air grabbed my entire body and fired me up the vent like a bullet. Suddenly, I felt the air slow as if another body was also entering the vent. I began to furiously swim up the vent as the sound of metal scraping on metal grew louder below me. I reached the top of the air vent, where a powerful fan spun and climbed over into another air duct. I glanced behind me and saw a metal fist slam into the fan, with enough force to shake the air duct and send dust around me. I coughed and dragged myself forward. An opening appeared, and I could see nothing below except for the murky darkness. I had to jump now, or else the boy would kill me. I fell through the opening and landed on solid ground. Around me in great heaps were weapons and gadgets of all kinds.

I grabbed an ambassador, another invis watch, and a diamond back looking like it was charged with many crits. A thump marking the arrival of the boy, who I knew now to be Scout, in the room with me. I whirled around and pressed the diamond back, causing bright blue particles of electricity to surround the gun. The child was gone, and instead there stood Scout. I called for Scout to surrender, and that I had crits on the gun I was holding. Crits bypass magic, no matter how powerful they are, everyone knows that. Scout didn't react and held up his hand once more, prompting me to fire. I managed to get two shots in before the diamond back exploded in a shower of metal and sparks. Scout let out an unholy wail like every single nerve in his body had been struck at once, and stumbled back. I could see the burning holes left by the crits in Scout's body, which are now leaking a green sludge.

The time to finish him was now. I held up my ambassador and fired. Sadly, Mann Co. had altered the accuracy of ambassadors prior to world war 2 to where they were pretty much a liability if you carry them. The bullet sank itself metal point into Scout's belly, where more green sludge seemed to pour out. I ran towards Scout and held him up. His eyes were no longer the vile green they once more. It seemed like the magic had finally been released and Scout was free of its chains. However, the last bit of magic left allowed for Scout to utter one final warning towards me. He said, "If you kill me, daddy, a bit of you will die as well. So, leave me be, daddy, and let me die alone." I so wanted to leave him there, to suffer in silence . However, my hand moved on its own accord, this time without any sort of outside influence. Tears slowly fell down my face as I subconsciously pulled the trigger and felt the warm blood land on my face in return. Scout was dead, and so were my friends.....

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