Rishabala SS : Slightly Wicked

By lazyakabookworm

16.1K 700 113

Rishabh Kundra belongs to a crime family, and he is in love with his best friend, Madhubala who thinks she is... More

Part One
Part Two

Part Three

4.7K 229 51
By lazyakabookworm

Thank you so much guys for voting and commenting on the previous part.

Madhubala gets out of the car and walks to the house determined. She had controlled her emotions. She had put her disappointment and pain in the back burner while she focused on her fury. RK was going to finally see her fury.

She was about to walk in when Malik comes in front of her.

"Madhubala..." Malik says feeling relieved as he opened his arms for her.

"Papa..." Madhubala, though hurt with what he had done, was too relieved to see her father. Madhubala hugs her.

"I missed you. Why did you take so long?"

"Don't talk to me. I'm very angry with you!" Madhubala tells him as she hugged him tight.

"I know, baby. I am sorry. I couldn't let you marry him. he wouldn't have loved you or protected you like RK."

"I know." Madhubala whispers.

"Madhubala..." Mohan says happily smiling at her from behind her father.

"Mohan Uncle." Madhubala says happily as she ran to him and hugged him happily.

"Don't ever go away like that." Mohan scolds her as he hugged her.

"I learned my lesson." Madhubala mutters irately, though feeling so overwhelmed being home finally.

Seeing Rudra behind him, Madhubala couldn't help smiling at him. She walks to him and hugs him happily.

"Finally!" Rudra says happily.

Madhubala couldn't help chuckle then she sees Om standing behind Rudra. If she didn't know better she would think they were lined up like that.

"Welcome home, Bhabhi." Om says happily smiling at her.

Feeling elated, Madhubala runs to him and hugs him and then she curses loudly. "BLOODY HELL!"

"What did I do?" Om asks chuckling.

"He made you all line up like this, right?" Madhubala asks suspiciously. "So, when I finally meet him then I am not angry but happy?"

"I don't know about that but yeah, we were asked to take positions."

Madhubala tried to be angry but as much as she tried, she just couldn't bring her anger to the foreground. She was just too happy, relieved and ecstatic to be back with her family.

"Madhu..." RK calls her as he came up next to Om.

Madhubala starts to frown at him as she tried to be angry, but then she just couldn't. It felt like a life time since she last saw him. and he was looking at her with so much love, she just couldn't even hold on to her frown. Om steps aside and RK without a word hugs her.

The moment he enveloped her in his arms, she felt home. She decided to keep her issues with him aside for a moment and hugged him.

"Who made you cry?" RK asks her.


"Who else, Madhubala?" RK asks her furiously.

"Leave it. It doesn't matter now."

"It matters! I want to know."

"I don't care what you want." Madhubala tells him angrily as she stepped away from him.

"Fine! You know what I'll do then." RK tells her in a challenging tone.

God! He was going to torture and question every single person that she interacted in the last couple of weeks. "I got a job and when they found out I am your wife, they fired me. okay?"

"How dare they?" RK asks furiously.

"I don't want you to do anything to them." Madhubala tells him in finality.

"They made you cry!"

"I forgive them. And I don't blame them. If they don't want to be associated with us then it is their choice."

"I'm going to my room." Madhubala tells RK as she stepped away from him then turning to Bittu, she gestures him to follow her.

Bittu follows her.


RK was about to enter his room when a bundle of his clothes were thrown on him. "Good catch, Chief." Bittu says impressed. "Here, catch." Bittu says as he threw few more of his clothes at RK.

"BITTU!" RK says furiously as he marched into the room.

"DON'T YOU DARE!" Madhubala steps in front of him covering Bittu.

"What the hell is this?"

"From now on, this is my room."


"Not anymore!" Madhubala tells him. "Bittuji, get his remaining stuff."

"At once, ma'm."

"What the hell?" RK looks at Bittu in shocking watching him hurrying to the dressing room to do Madhubala's bidding.

Madhubala snaps her fingers at him, "Talk to me. Don't you dare try to scare him."

"You stole him?" RK asks in shock.

"I did!" Madhubala replies smugly. "Now, get out of my room."

"I am not going anywhere!" RK declares.

"You got thrown out?" Om asks surprised.

RK turns back to see Rudra and Om walking in giggling.

"Well done, Bhabhi." Rudra says as he raises his hand for hi-fi.

Madhubala smugly hits his palm.

"Which room will you sleep now, RK?" Om asks faking a puppy face.

"This is our room and I'm staying here."

"WAS! Now, it is mine." Madhubala tells him.

"Chief, you didn't take your clothes?" Bittu asks him disappointed while he balanced RK's pile of clothes.

Realizing that he was still holding his clothes, RK drops it on the floor. "Bittu." RK furiously turns to him.

"Where should I keep these, ma'm?" Bittu asks giving his back to RK and turning to Madhubala, shocking RK.

Om's and Rudra's eyes widen seeing Bittu's turnabout.

"Put them in the furthest room from here." Madhubala tells him.

"That is the kitchen." Rudra thought it was necessary to help.

"There is outhouse too." Om points out.

"Shut up!"

"Do one thing, Bittuji. Put them in the living room." Madhubala decides. "Make sure his boxer are right on top, on display for everyone. Let the world know that the great Rishabh Kundra wears mickey mouse boxers."

RK closes his eyes in humiliation while Bittu left nodding.

"You know about his boxers?" Rudra asks surprised. "You, naughty."

"Shut up, Rudy!" RK tells him.

"Wait a minute!" Rudra says gasping. "Does that mean, bhai is not a virgin anymore? That calls for a party!"

"SHUT UP!" three different voices says in three different levels of fury.

Rudra turns to Om and tells him, "Om, now only you are left, buck up!"

"RUDRA!" Om says irately closing his eyes.

"But with the way things are with Gauri... I feel he will die a virgin." Rudra tells Madhubala in a loud whisper.

"Shut up, Rudra!" Om tells him, then before Rudra continues his nonsense Om asks Madhubala, "How did you bring about this change in Bittu?"

"Yeah, he was so loyal to bhai." Rudra says surprised.

Madhubala looks at RK and sees that even he was looking at her curiously. Madhubala smirks, "Well... I was upset and crying... Bittuji looked absolutely guilty. I used it to emotionally blackmail him."

"You manipulated him." RK says in shock. "Don't tell me you made that poor man think he was the reason for all of your pain."

Madhubala shrugs with a smug smile.

"I am impressed." RK couldn't help smile in pride. "it isn't easy to steal him from me."

"I hope he doesn't start doing any penance for Ranveer." Madhubala replies smugly.

"What does Ranveer have to do with all this?" Om asks confused.

"Wasn't it his fault that Ranveer was able to get close to me and confuse me and make me think that I love him? and wasn't it because of Bittuji's incompetence that I fell for Ranveer and never realized that I love RK? So isn't it his fault that I am miserable now? Isn't it his fault that I am continuously losing to RK?" Madhubala asks them innocently.

"You are evil." Rudra says in shock.

"I grew up with you all, the evilness was bound to rub off." Madhubala tells them and leaves the room.

"I think that is the best compliment she ever gave us." Rudra says amazed.

"Indeed." Om agrees grinning.

"I've got better from her." RK couldn't help brag.


Madhubala sleepily rolls to her side and slams against RK. She comes awake in shock seeing RK sleep next to her.

"How did you come inside?" Madhubala asks frowning sleepily. She had doubled checked the door and every window.

"I've my ways." RK replies as he turned to hug her.

"Get out." Madhubala says furiously as she pushed him away.

"I won't go, Madhubala." RK tells her stubbornly.

"I don't want you in my room."

"Our room." RK tells her then he quickly rolls over and gets on top of her. "I missed you." RK hotly whispers as he sensuously ran his finger up her arm.

"Stop it." Madhubala tells him stubbornly feeling slightly ticklish.

"I am so crazy about you, Madhu." RK whispers as he leaned down and took her lips in his.

Damn it! She had missed him terribly. Madhubala couldn't help kissing him back.

RK moves back and lovingly smiles at her.


RK rubs his cheek in shock as he stared at Madhubala.

"Don't kiss me."

"You kissed me back!"

Madhubala shrugs, "Get off me."

RK squints his eyes at her.

"I said get off."

RK leans down and takes her lips in his, kissing her hungrily. Madhubala kisses him back as she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close to her.

"I missed you, Madhu." RK lovingly tells her.


RK rubs his jaw.


"Didn't you miss me?"

"Get off."

RK leans down and starts kissing her neck. "I missed you. I missed this. I missed us. I was so lonely without you, Madhu."

Madhubala closes her eyes tight as his words and touch were affecting her.

RK again makes the mistake of leaning up to look at her and *SLAP*.

"What is wrong with you?" RK asks as he stretched his mouth.


"Dammit, Madhubala!"


"Stop it!"


RK grabs her hand and holds it over her head.

"Let go off me!"

"Say it, Madhubala! I want to hear you say it!"

"I won't!"

"I missed you."

"I don't care!"

"I love you."

"Shut up!" Madhubala says getting disturbed hearing his love declaration. His love was her undoing.

"I love you so much, Madhu. It hurts." RK whispers to her in pain.

Madhubala couldn't help react to his pain. RK takes her lips in his. Madhubala kisses him back in equal vigor as she tugged on his t-shirt to remove it.

Madhubala takes her nightshirt and wears it while RK just wore his shorts deciding to skip on his t-shirt. Madhubala turns to look at RK, he looked settled in. She was about to tell him to leave when RK turns to her.

"I am not leaving."

"I don't want you in my room."

"It is a matter of your protection, I won't take any kind of risks."

"FINE! Keep to your side." Madhubala tells him and quickly pulling her blanket over her, she crawls to the end of the bed and closes her eyes to sleep.

"Don't try to seduce me again!" Madhubala tells him with her back to him.

"I didn't tell you to never slap me again." RK points out.



RK steps out of his room in the morning to find Bittu at the door. RK glares at Bittu for his betrayal but couldn't hold on to his glare seeing Bittu squinting at him or rather at his cheek. Before RK could do anything, Bittu gasps loudly covering his mouth.

"Madhubala is still sleeping." RK tells in a dismissing tone and walks off.

RK was walking down the stairs when Mohan comes from the opposite side. RK ignoring him starts to hurry down.

"Is Madhubala still upset?" Mohan asks him, stopping midway.

"Not for long." RK replies then curses mentally seeing his father staring at his face.

RK looks everywhere other than his father in embarrassment.

Finally, unable to help himself RK looks at Mohan and sees him trying his best to not burst out laughing. Seeing RK looking at him, Mohan very proudly tips his head to the side, silently saluting Madhubala. Then turning he starts climbing the stairs.

Just as RK reached the bottom steps, he hears Mohan's voice. "Rudra... Omkara?"

"Yeah?" Om and Rudra answers curiously.

RK turns to see them already up and ready for the day.

"RK is coming down." Mohan informs them.

Om and Rudra turn to look at each other curiously.

"Get him an ice pack!" Mohan instructs them then he bursts out laughing.

RK quickly turns around to escape.

"RK!" Om spots him first.

"Wait up!" Rudra says as he hurried after him.

RK stops in humiliation as he closed his eyes.

"What's up?" Om asks as he joined RK then stops in shock seeing RK's cheek.

"What?" Rudra asks then stops as his mouth dropped open seeing RK's cheek. "Someone get me my specs!" Rudra says hurriedly.

"You've perfect sight. You have no specs!" RK tells him irately.

"Then someone get me O's specs!"

"For what?" RK snaps at him as he turned to face Rudra.

Om quickly holds his chin and turns his face to the previous position. "I am counting!!!"

"I need specs. I need to see this properly!" Rudra says frantically.

"I counted 12 inter lapping fingers... what about you?" Om asks Rudra.

"It's all smudged! SPECS! SOMEONE!" Rudra says frantically.

"6 times... okay? She slapped me six times!" RK says irately.

Om and Rudra gasps loudly as they dramatically covered their mouth in shock.

"Stop overacting. I've work."

"Bhai..." Rudra worriedly calls him.


"What do you plan to do today?" Rudra asks him.

"Why?" RK asks frowning.

Om quickly grabs RK's hand and begs him dramatically, "Please don't go out today, RK. I'm begging you. please."

"Yeah bhai... if anyone sees you like this... humari vaat lagjayengi... no one will fear us." Rudra tells him worriedly.

"The great Rishabh Kundra..." Om starts.

"Who wears mickey mouse boxers." Rudra adds.

"Yes, poor mickey mouse wearing great Rishabh Kundra, is being thrashed by his wife at home." Om says, then dramatically, "Yeh zaalim duniya!"

"Hum barbaad ho jaongi!" Rudra loudly sobs. Then Om and Rudra lost control and they burst out laughing.

"SHUT UP!" RK says.

"Good morning!" Madhubala declares as she bounced down the stairs very smug with Bittu trailing behind her.

"My sher!" Rudra says proudly.

Madhubala arrogantly chuckles as she lightly dusted her hands.

"Om, Rudy... get lost." RK says as he watched Madhubala's smug expression.

Rudra clearly didn't want to go, but Om drags him away.

RK looks at Bittu and flicks his head, ordering him to step away.

"Ma'am?" Bittu awaits Madhubala's permission.

RK gapes at his most loyal man in shock.

Madhubala smirks seeing his reaction, "Go, Bittuji."

Bittu nods and quickly leaves.

"You look rather smug." RK says as he stepped closer to her.

Madhubala flicks her eye brow in attitude.

"Bittu listening to you, instead of me. I don't see that as a defeat." RK tells her. "Bittu is not being disloyal to me when he instead of listening to me, he listens to the person who rules me."

Madhubala stops her smirk as she frowned.

"And regarding slapping me." RK says as he with a smile wrapped his arms around her waist. "Everyone can laugh at me all they want. But we did make love last night and I remember perfectly well, how you had kissed my cheek."

Madhubala frowns furiously feeling her victory slip away.

"I've got something for you."

"I don't want anything from you."

RK smiles. "You'll get the official papers later."

"What papers?" Madhubala asks confused.

"You're the proud owner of a company."

Madhubala gasps in shock, "You bought that call center that fired me?"

"Now, you'll decide who will work there and who won't."

Madhubala blinks at him in shock, not knowing what to say.

"Don't you have anything to say?"

"Thank you for not hurting them."

RK smiles at her. "Anything for you, love.... Anyway, I've to go out."

"Where?" Madhubala asks forgetting everything else and worry gripping her heart.

"Don't worry. It's all safe." RK quickly tells her.

Madhubala nods.

"I'll be careful." RK promises her.

Madhubala shakes her head feeling relieved.


Bittu comes running to Madhubala holding his ringing mobile. "It is Chief. He might be calling to find out where you are."

"Tell him I'm in some mall."Madhubala instructs him.

Bittu nods and answers the call.

"Chief, is calling. He might have reached the mall." Bittu informs her.

"Tell him, I left from there and went somewhere else."

The whole day, Madhubala had RK running around the city for her.


Two days later, Madhubala was hanging out with Rudra while Om sat nearby.

"Rudra... how do you guys sneak into a room?"

Hearing the question, Om looks up at them.

"Room... huh?" Rudra asks chuckling.

"I am serious."

"Slapping the daylights out of him is not helping?"

Madhubala bites her cheek in embarrassment.

"He is covered in fingermarks."

"He is stubborn."

"Ever tried staying up to find how he is entering the room?"

"I tried but I sleep off." Madhubala tells him sadly. "Do you know?"

"I still haven't figured it out." Rudra lies to her.

Om starts coughing hearing that.

Madhubala curiously turns to him and asks, "Do you know, Om?"


"How is he doing it?" Madhubala hurried to him and sat next to him.

Om looks at her thoughtfully then cutely smiling he tells her, "Sleeping in two rooms is not going to help your relation."

"So? Tell me!"

"Sorry, Bhabhi!" Om says shaking his head.

"Ever tried, just simply lying?" Rudra asks him exasperated.

"Why lie when I can say the truth?" Om asks him back.

"Does that mean you know?" Madhubala asks Rudra.

"No." Rudra shakes his head in negative.

"Bloody liar!" Madhubala curses him then turning to Om she asks, "Tell me."

"Sorry, Bhabhi."

"We are a team!"

"Not gonna fall for that." Om cutely smiles at her.

Madhubala furiously takes the cushion and starts hitting Om angrily. "You come to me when you have problems with Gauri, I am not going to help you then."

"Now, Bhabhi. What makes you even think that I would ever want to sleep in a separate room from Gauri?" Om asks her with a naughty smile.

Madhubala's mouth drops open in shock.

"Did O just talk dirty?" Rudra asks shocked as he joined them.

"What?" Om asks frowning. "How could you even possibly say that was dirty?"

"When you say such things, it is dirty! I really don't think, you've it in you to ask a girl for a kiss." Rudra tells him.

"ARRGGH! Why do I talk to you two?" Madhubala furiously asks and leaves.

"How long is it going to take her to realize that he had messed up the window that too the moment he realized she was coming back?" Rudra asks him curiously.

"Never." Om guesses. "Tell me this, will she ever realize that even if Bittu lies to RK where she is, RK at every second of the day, knows exactly where she is?"

"Not unless we tell her." Rudra tells him.

"What do you think?" Om asks him. "Should we?"

"Since she thinks, she is winning, we shouldn't."


Madhubala irately wrapped her arms around her stomach. Damn! These period cramps.

"You alright?"

Madhubala looks at RK and sees him watching her curiously.

"I am fine." Madhubala tells him, ignoring him by changing channels. there wasn't much pain, but the discomfort was highly irritating.

"Cramps?" RK asks as he shifted to her couch.

"I am fine." Madhubala snaps. Dammit! Periods always made her emotional and now with all the emotional stress she has been going through.

RK wraps his hand around her shoulder then gentling he moves her head to the crook of his neck. "It's okay."

"I don't like this." Madhubala tells him sniffing sadly.

"Is the pain so bad? You've never cried before?" RK asks worriedly, having been used to Madhubala's period phases.

"NO! but I am irritated."

"Awww.... It's okay, love. It usually only lasts a day for you." RK tells her as he hugged her. Leaning back on the couch, he gets into a position that is comfortable for her. "Here, you rest." RK tells her as he hugged her.

Madhubala nods as she wiped her tears on his shirt.

Few minutes later, Rudra walks in to find them like that. He smiles seeing them like that, then without disturbing them, he softly closes the door and then hurries to find Om.


"Only now I realized, he never let me tell him that I love him." Madhubala confesses to Om that day evening.

"I know."

"Why do you think he did that?"

"You do know the answer to that." Om tells her smiling.

"I am still so angry at him!"

"Are you really angry?" Om asks her smiling.

"He betrayed me." Madhubala says getting flustered.

"Bhabhi..." Om gently takes her hand in his.


"Look at me."

Madhubala hesitantly looks at him.

"Nobody is going to judge you, if you decide to forgive him."

"Forgiving him feels so wrong. And he isn't even guilty."

"If he wanted then he could have hidden everything from you." Rudra points out.

Madhubala turns to look at Rudra who was sitting on the other couch, irately. "Who asked RK's advocate for opinions?"

"Did you ever call Ranveer?" Rudra asks her instead.

"No." Madhubala whispers looking down in guilt.

"Why haven't you?" Om asks her.

"I don't know what to tell him."

"You pretty much told him whatever you had to say that day." Om consoles her.

"Still, have you apologized to him the way you want bhai to apologize to you?"

Madhubala shakes her head in negative.

"Did you tell Bittu that you didn't mean any of that you told him and you had just told him all that to emotionally blackmail him?"

Madhubala guilty looks at Bittu and sees him watching her in shock.

"You lied to me?" Bittu asks her hurt.

"Sorry, Bittuji." Madhubala tells him guiltily.

"I can't believe you lied to me like that."

"What are you complaining about?" Rudra asks Bittu irately. "This whole story, you were the only one, who was always on the winning side."

"Yeah, that is true." Bittu says smiling amazed. "I forgive you, ma'am."

Rudra turns to look at Om exasperated.

"Thank you, Bittuji." Madhubala tells him feeling relieved.

For a lack of hard surface, Rudra hits his head on the couch headrest.

"Sometimes, forgiveness is this simple, Bhabhi." Om tells her.

"In a way, what you did to Bittu, isn't it the same as what bhai did to you?" Rudra asks her.

"You are comparing what RK did and I did? If RK hadn't done all that then I wouldn't have done this." Madhubala tells him in a pissed tone.

"What is the difference? When you were backed into a corner, you fought back with the means you could. Same he did."

Madhubala scowls at Rudra.

"What I was saying is.... None of us are saints. We make mistakes. We commit crimes."

Madhubala and Om wait for a few seconds for Rudra to continue, when he looked like he was done with his speech, which he looked pretty proud of, Om asks him, "What were you exactly saying?"

"What?" Rudra asks shocked.

"Even I didn't understand." Madhubala also informs him confused.

"We are no saints." Rudra repeats.

"Yes, saints, mistakes and crimes, understood. After that?" Om asks.

"What after that?" Rudra asks confused.

"What were you trying to say?"

"We are not saints. We are criminals. We make mistakes."

"So?" Madhubala asks him confused.

"So, take it with a pinch of salt and move on!"

Madhubala gapes at Rudra for a few seconds then turn to Om and sees him shaking his head at her.

"I think you should talk to Chief, Ma'am." Bittu tells her.

"Hands down best advice of the day." Om declares.

"What was wrong with my advice?" Rudra asks confused.

"Dusting everything under the carpet is not good advice." Om tells him.

"What dusting? Just accept that he did things because of his love for you and move on."

"Will you be able to forgive a person who betrays your trust?" Madhubala asks him.

"Depends on the person and the crime." Rudra tells her. "Bhabhi sometimes, it is just not so easy to say sorry." Rudra tells her. "But bhai is making amends in his own way."

"That I agree with Rudy." Om tells her. "It would have been very easy for RK to hide the truth from you. you wouldn't have believed anyone else. But it was important for RK that you know the truth. Because betraying you hurt him more than it ever hurt you."

"I know." Madhubala softly whispers.


Madhubala looks at her period calendar on her phone. She was never late. It was always on the dot for her and now she was a full one week late. At first, she had used the excuse of her stress but then she just couldn't ignore it in the name of stress. Finally, she had called Trishna the night before and asked her to bring her a home pregnancy kit, because if she went to buy one, RK would know it that instant, and she just didn't want to give RK any false hope.

Madhubala stared at the big fat positive. Immediately after Trishna left, she had taken the test. As the joy spread through her, Madhubala realized that she and RK could no longer go on like that. She had to take the mature route and talk to him. she could no longer hide behind her anger. She had to take charge and sort out the issues with RK. As the decision was made, Madhubala felt relief rush through her. she didn't have to fight with him anymore. Now, she had a reason to forgive him, their baby. Finally, she understood, she had forgiven RK for his betrayal the moment she realized that she loved him and how much he truly loved her, she had been thankful for his deception, she couldn't imagine a life where he was not a part of, or she couldn't now think of a life in which, she share the love she had with RK, with Ranveer. The lie he told her, the way he misled her, her anger regarding that was slowly disappearing.


Madhubala was eagerly waiting for RK to get home. Hearing the brothers walking in, she sits up.

"Hey." RK says smiling at her.

"Hi." Madhubala smiles back at him.

"That's new." RK smiles in surprise as he walked towards her couch and sits next to her. "What happened?"

"We should talk." Madhubala tells him.

"Like adults?" RK asks her, smiling happily, so relieved to have her smile at him.

"Yes." Madhubala replies chuckling, feeling liberated after having decided to put their issues to the side.

"Come then." RK tells her smiling about to get up.

"SIT THERE!" Rudra orders them.

"Why?" Madhubala and RK asks confused.

"I just got home. Spend time with me."

"Rudy... my little brother..." Om lovingly calls him.

"Yes, O?"

"You are our little brother but that doesn't mean our world should revolve around you." Om tells him glaring at him.

"It should and it does." Rudra tells him sternly.

RK turns to Madhubala to see what she wanted to do. She winks at him in reply to let it go for a few minutes.

Madhubala was listening to Rudra and Om fighting over Rudra's importance in the family, when she feels RK wrap his arms around her. she turns to him and sees him smiling at her. she happily smiles back at him.

"What made you change your mind?" RK asks her in a whisper.

Madhubala happily blushes as she took his hand and kept his hand on her tummy. RK stops smiling and his mouth drops open in shock.

"What?" RK asks in a soft whisper.

"I don't know how many weeks or month, but I am." Madhubala tells him happily.

"You sure?"



"Yes, RK." Madhubala tells him chuckling then lovingly keeping her hand on his cheek, she tells him, "Smile, RK."

"You're very sure, right?" RK asks as his heart slammed against his chest.

"Yes." Madhubala couldn't help laughing.

RK smiles as suddenly his eyes filled, "I love you." RK whispers to her as he took her lips in his.

"WHAAAAAAAAT?" Rudra screeches in shock.

"YUCK! GET A ROOM!" Om freaks out.

Laughing happily Madhubala and RK turn to look at them and sees that they had jumped up from there seat and looked absolutely panicked.

"Disgusting!" Om declares.

"Bloody shameless people!"

"This is what happens when you won't let us go to our room." RK tells him.

"Please go!" Om tells him.

Laughing Madhubala and RK gets up to go to their room when Om's mobile starts ringing.

Seeing Om frowning, RK stops and asks his curiously, "Everything alright, Om?"

"It's Dandi." Om informs him as he answered the call. "Is she alright?"

Then in less than a second, Om was screaming and cursing loudly.

"What happened?" Madhubala asks RK.

"Gauri." RK answers then noticing Om walking out he quickly shouts at it. "Om, wait I am coming... Madhubala, I'll..."

Madhubala wouldn't let him complete. "I'm coming with you."

"Madhubala, I don't know what happened to Gauri. It could be dangerous."

"It is Gauri, RK. If she is in trouble, I want to be there for her."

"Bhabhi, she has no idea who you are, your presence won't matter." Rudra tells her as gently as he could. "Bhai, come fast. Om won't wait." Saying that he runs after Om.

"RK, she is my sister, I want to be there for her." Madhubala sternly tells him.

"Let me talk to Om first." RK tells her and hurries after Om.

"Someone felt her up in the bus!" Om furiously informs his brother.

"And?" Rudra asks. "Is she alright?"

"She got out of the bus. She is really upset and shaken." Om tells them.

"Okay, Madhubala. You can come." RK tells her. "But you've to do what I say."

Madhubala nods.

Om wasn't in any mood to discuss or plan, so he calls up one of his men and starts barking orders as he got in the car with the rest of them.


Om stops the car in front of the bus stop that Gauri and Dandi were waiting for the next bus. If Om was furious when he heard about what happened, then seeing Gauri looking so shaken, crying and shivering mad him see red.

"Gauri." Om runs to her.

Gauri looks up at Om in confusion. "Yes?"

"Are you alright?"

Gauri nods her head in confusion. "Who are you?"

"Omkara Kundra."

"How do you know me?" Gauri asks him confused.

Madhubala starts to walk to Gauri when RK holds her hand and pulls her back.


"Let Om handle it... for now."

Madhubala nods and remains with RK and Rudra.

"Did you see his face?" Om asks her.

"Whose?" Gauri asks him nervously. Then shaking her head, she turns to Dandi, "I should just walk home."

"Gauri, wait." Om tells her.

"Why? Who are you?" Gauri asks him worriedly and confused. Then hearing the bus approaching, she tells Dandi. "Bus is here. Let's go."

Gauri walks to the bus and then waits for the people to get out. She steps back in fear when the first man stepped out wielding a gun. Then slowly every passenger started stepping out of the bus.

"This is the same bus we were in, right?" Gauri asks Dandi in shock.


"How did it come back so fast?"

"I brought it back." Om informs her as he walked to the passengers. The female passengers were asked to move to one side while the male passengers were grouped together.

"Who was it, Gauri?" Om asks her.

"What?" Gauri asks him, shaking head to toe seeing the strange sight.

"Who touched you?" Om furiously asks her.

"Are you police? I don't want any trouble." Gauri tells him panicking.

"He is not police." Dandi informs her.

"Then? Who is he? Why is he doing all this?"

Dandi looks at Om and Om nods in reply. "He is a gangster."

Gauri gasps in shock as she quickly moved closer to Dandi in fear.

"You don't have to fear me, Gauri."

Gauri quickly shakes her head in fear.

"Who was it?" Om asks her again.

"I told you I don't want any trouble." Gauri worriedly tells him as she darted glances at the men.

Om gestures at his men. One man, pushes a man from the crowd towards Om.

"Him?" Om asks Gauri.

Gauri quickly shakes her head in negative.

Om gestures the man to move to the side. The next man was thrust forward, Om turns to Gauri. Gauri quickly shakes her head in negative. This went on for a couple more men.

"He was trying to touch me." a girl quickly tells Om.

Om frowns and turns to Gauri again, "Gauri?"

"No... no... I never saw this man. Please can stop this?"

Om turns to the man and gestures him to move to the other side where few of his men were. He gestures his men to take care of the man. Soon, that man was being bashed up by his men.

"Can you please stop it?" Gauri asks him worriedly.

Om ignores her and gestures the next man to come forward. When the fourth man stepped forward, Om turns to Gauri and sees her gulping in fear as she darted her glance between him and her assaulter. Om furiously turns to him and sees him mumble something. Even though he didn't hear, he could make out the lip movement. The man had whispered Omkara.

"You know me." Om states.

The man nods. "I didn't know she was your girl." The man says in fear as he looked at both side for an escape route. Suddenly he was surrounded from sides and back by gun wielding men and his only opening was towards Omkara Kundra.

Rudra walks towards Om and stands by his side.

"Om, not in front of Gauri." RK finally speaks.

"No, RK. Gauri has to know that she can walk anywhere at any time without any fear. No matter it is day or night, she can walk with her head held high without any fear or concern because Omkara Kundra will always protect her."

"Why are you doing this? I don't even know you!" Gauri tells him almost in tears. Now more than the man who had troubled her, this man who had come to protect her was scaring her.

"Because I love you." Om tells her. "My life resides in you, Gauri."

"A little easy on the cheesy dialogues." Rudra softly whispers to him.

Om ignores him as he turned to the man. "You touched her. you scared her. you made her cry."

Madhubala was about to hurry to Gauri seeing her panicking when RK holds her.

"RK... I'm just going to tell her everything is fine." Madhubala tells him hurriedly.

"I know." RK tells her. then without a word, he takes his hand, wrapping it around her head, he covers her eyes as he pulled her towards him.

Madhubala's heart stopped beating and she stopped breathing as she quickly hugged RK, hiding her face on his chest. If RK didn't want her to see something then she was too scared to even think about seeing it.

"What about Gauri?" Madhubala asks him worriedly.

"He wants her to see it." RK tells her as he kissed her head and held her protectively. "Be prepared."

Madhubala nods and feels his other hand protectively hold her stomach. "I am sorry, I brought you here." RK whispers to her.

Madhubala shakes her head as she hugged him tight.

Meanwhile Om had his gun drawn as he furiously looked at the man.

"Please don't kill me." the man begs Om as he shook in fear. "I will not do this again. Please."

"Please stop this." Gauri also begs at the same time.

"Please tell him." the man begs Gauri. "I am sorry. I won't do it again. I swear."

"You won't." Om vows and he pulls the trigger as he aimed it at the man's kneecap.

The man howls in pain while Gauri screams in horror. Before the man could fall down, Om had shot his other kneecap too.

More than the man's it was Gauri's horror-stricken screams that everyone heard.

Satisfied Om sighs as he looked at the man screaming in pain then turning to Gauri, he starts to walk towards her. Seeing him approach her, Gauri moves back in fear as she gripped Dandi in fear.

Om stops seeing her fear and turning to Dandi, he instructs him, "Get her home."

Dandi nods.


They were silent on their ride back home.

Once they reached home, "Bhabhi..." Om softly calls her.

Madhubala turns to Om, still in shock, his this face, she had never seen before. RK had always told her that Om was the most dangerous out of the three brothers but she had never really accepted it. Now she knew.

"I am sorry you had to see that."

"I didn't see it. Even Gauri shouldn't have." Madhubala tells him sadly.

"She had to." Om insists. "I'm sorry, Bhabhi."

Madhubala shakes her as she hugged him. Om hugs her.

"I'm going to our room. RK?" Madhubala turns to him wanting him to go with her.

RK nods in reply. "I'm coming."

Madhubala leaves. RK turns to Om and keeps his hand on Om's shoulder, "You alright?"

Om nods.

"You should have just killed him, O."

"Death would have been too easy for him." Om replies.

RK sighs loudly. "I've to go, Madhubala needs me."

"One minute, bhai." Rudra tells RK. When RK stops to listen to him, Rudra turns to Om, "I don't like Gauri."

"Rudy..." RK starts.

"Why?" Om asks him calmly.

"Did you see the way she was crying? She couldn't even fight against a creep. She is not suited for you."

"Her world is different from ours." Om tells him.

"Still, look at the way she reacted."

"Rudy... Madhubala was born and raised amidst us. Still she can't handle all that. So, what do you expect from a girl who was raised in a protective and innocent world? Cut her some slack!"

"Whatever you say, bhai. I don't think she is well suited for O."

"That is not going to change anything." Om informs Rudra.

"I know." Rudra replies.

Om nods as he kept his hand on Rudra's shoulder, then turning to RK, he tells him, "Go, Bhabhi is waiting for you."


RK walks into their room to find Madhubala sitting lost in thoughts. RK sits next to her, "You alright?"

Madhubala nods as she hugged him. "I don't want to talk, okay?"

"Okay." RK replies as he made her lie down and got in bed next to her.

"Is that what you do when you are angry?" Madhubala couldn't help asking. In spite of belonging to such a world she had been pretty blissful. She knew, they hurt people and killed them but she had accepted it as a part of her world. Seeing it had shook her.

When RK remained silent, Madhubala hugs him, "I know it is a necessity for you all. A part of our life."

"It is."

"Will Gauri ever love Om after seeing his, this face?"

"I don't know."

Madhubala looks up at him and tells him worriedly, "He loves her a lot."

"He does."

"Will he trick her like you tricked me?"

"You know him."

Madhubala nods.

"Did you forgive me because of our baby?" RK asks her, because he wanted to divert her attention and he also wanted to know.

"No. I wanted to forgive you but couldn't justify to myself why I should." Madhubala honestly replies.

RK smiles, "I love you."

"I know." Madhubala smiles at him. "But you should have just told me, RK. Do you think I would have ever chosen Ranveer over you?"

"Did you ever consider that I wanted you to choose me over him because you wanted to not because you felt pity?"

"You think I would have felt pity for you?"

"I just didn't want you to think you were sacrificing Ranveer for me. I couldn't think of you yearning for him."

Madhubala nods understanding, "Still you shouldn't have betrayed me, RK."

"I didn't want to beg you to love me." RK whispers to her. "I just wanted you to love me."

"I do love you, RK."

"I know."

"I forgive you, RK." Madhubala tells him cupping his face.

"And I forgive you for thinking yourself in love with Ranveer, Madhu."

Madhubala couldn't help chuckle at that. She leans up and kisses him lovingly. "Now, no more lies."

"No more." RK promises her.

-The End-

I do plan to write a sequel to this story with Rikara called Slightly Dangerous. Inn Shaa Allah, will write that soon.

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- Lazy

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