Gods vs The Super Warrior

By Dbzforlife16

12.8K 184 156

Inspired by the Dragon Ball Legends One Year Anniversary story in this What If story Goku and Vegeta face off... More

Enter Vegito, The Potara Fused Warrior
Super Saiyan Blue vs Super Vegito! The Real Battle Begins!
The Ultimate Team Up! Vegito Goes Beyond That Of A Super Saiyan!
Meeting The Omni Kings.
Vegito Meets Everyone. The Arena Will Be Completed in 40 Hours.
Final Fight! Vegito's Ultimate Form
Gods Vs the Super Warrior!

Goku vs Vegeta, The Eternal Rivals

2.5K 35 31
By Dbzforlife16

Hi my name is DBZforlife16 and this will be my first story here in the Wattpad. The story is a What If Battle where Goku and Vegeta are facing against Vegito from the DBZ Timeline. This is based off from Dragon Ball Legends the One Year Anniversary Story with same title as this story where Goku and Vegeta fight Vegito, But are from the Resurrection F Saga, Now this story takes place after the Tournament of Power but before Dragon Ball Super: Broly and since this is a What If story the Potara Earings One hour effect will not be referenced here. I hope you guys will like this story and leave comment, Disclaimer I do not own Dragonball/Z/GT/Super as they are owned by Toei Animation and Akira Toriyama.

(Update: This Is Me From the Future here to tell ya, all Fellow Dbz Fans who come across this story Don't take this whole Story very seriously! This Story is meant  to be fun, So I don't wanna hear any comments mentioning about the Power Scaling crap I got a few of those in the past and I get really annoyed about that so please don't be all "knowledgeable" on me. Thanks for listening and enjoy the story.)

After the Tournament of Power ended Earth is once again at peace despite Whis Resurrecting Frieza at the end of the Tournament, However Goku and Vegeta decided to put an end to their rivalry once and for all to see who is the strongest Saiyan.

In Beerus's Planet
Goku and Vegeta arrived at Beerus's planet and asked Whis if they can fight so they can find out which of the two is stronger. Whis however warned both Goku and Vegeta that Beerus was attempting to fall asleep but decided to allowed them as he's was very curious about how strong Goku and Vegeta are after the Tournament. Later on as they start fighting it became apparent that their clashes eventually wakes up Beerus who came out to find out what's going on.

Beerus: "Aargh Whis what's going out here can't you see I'm trying to take a nap!"

Whis then simply greeted the angry God of Destruction.

Whis: "Well Good Morning Lord Beerus did you sleep well, as you know sometimes you mustn't go back to sleep after 39 years."

Beerus gets irritated at Whis's sarcasm.

Beerus: "Will you stop being sarcastic for a minute and tell me what's going on?!"

Whis: "Well Goku and Vegeta came here and asked If they can settle their score here once and for all to see who's the stronger Saiyan, I know I shouldn't allow them to do that during your nap time but I couldn't help it, I'm very interested to see their fight I really want to know who's stronger."

Beerus however just only gets more upset at Whis to telling him something far worse and that's Goku and Vegeta ruining his nap time, ever since the events of the Tournament ended three weeks ago all he wants currently is to take a nap after Universe 7 barely won the tournament but now he has to deal with Goku and Vegeta fighting in his Planet.

Beerus: "Those damn Saiyans are fighting here in my Planet while I'm trying to take a nap and your excited about it?"

Whis simply nodded

Whis: "So Lord Beerus are you interested in the fight?"

Beerus of course doesn't give a damn at all

Beerus: "I honestly don't care Whis about this whole settling the score thing...Those two Saiyans fighting here in my Planet while I'm about to sleep is completely disrespectful! They shouldn't even be here to settle their rivalry Whis, the only thing I want right now is a peaceful nap without getting disturbed by anything especially those two annoying Saiyans after what happened 3 weeks ago!"

Whis: "Oh hohoho my my Lord Beerus by three weeks ago I'm assuming you mean the Tournament of Power where if our Universe were to lose then you would be erased along with the whole universe."

Beerus: "sweatdrops" "I don't want to be reminded Whis about that rule, I hate to think about what would happen if we did lose, and can't you just tell those darn Saiyans to fight somewhere else I'm trying to sleep for crying out loud!"

Whis: "Oh I'm afraid your complaining isn't going stop these two my Lord, besides this is rather interesting after the whole tournament, I'm quite intrigued in seeing how far our Saiyans came to be especially after what we had witnessed back at the tournament when Goku broke through his shell and obtained Ultra Instinct, even if it's an accident it's really astonishing for a mortal to achieve something not even the gods including you have ever achieved, while Vegeta on the other hand also breaks through his shell to Evolve his Super Saiyan Blue form into the next level, to the point he was able to defeat Toppo who had the power of a God of Destruction at that time.
So shouldn't you be excited that any of the two Saiyans would eventually become the rival you long waited for after your whole dream about the Super Saiyan God."

While it is true that Beerus had longed to have a rival it's just not the perfect time right now considering how stubborn Beerus can be when it comes to taking a nap.

Beerus: "I supposed Whis, while I do admire the fact Goku had achieved Ultra Instinct back at the Tournament along Vegeta's Evolved Super Saiyan Blue this is still really a bad time right now however! These two should have settle their score either at the Supreme Kai's Planet or back at Earth as long as it's not my Planet while I'm trying to take a nap!"

Whis simply deciding to ignore Beerus as he then notices the two Saiyans transformed into Super Saiyan Blue.

Whis: "Hush now my Lord it appears that our Saiyans had enough of their warm up, and now the real battle is about to begin."

Beerus: "WERE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO WHAT I SAID JUST NOW WHIS! Agh why did I even bother!? Let's just get this over with already."

As soon Beerus stops talking and starts Observing
Goku and Vegeta are then seen in Super Saiyan Blue as they are prepared for the fight of the century.

Goku: "hehehehe, Wow Vegeta you gotten a lot stronger since the last time we fought, I still get goosebumps every time you and I fought."

Vegeta:" Hmph same as you Kakarot, unfortunately that is all about to change as today is the day where I finally surpass you!

Goku: "What makes you so sure about that Vegeta?"

Vegeta: "After the Tournament of Power we both have broken our limits, we both grew stronger that day, but even then I still get surpassed by you, but now there will be no Kaioken or Evolving to the next level of Super Saiyan Blue, Not even Ultra Instinct none of that we are both going all out in Super Saiyan Blue to see which one of us is truly the Superior Saiyan! Prepare yourself Kakarot!" As Vegeta gets into his fighting stance while powering

Goku: "Alright then let's do this Vegeta, no holding back it's all or nothing!" As Goku gets into his fighting stance while powering up

Goku and Vegeta clashes as they then started traded back punches and kicks and both blocking each other's attacks and dodging every attack they threw, Vegeta tries to land a hard fist at Goku who manages to dodge in time before he then attempts kick Vegeta who also dodges before he starts firing multiple Ki Blasts at Goku who also starts firing back, the blasts collide causing a huge smoke in the middle, Goku uses this chance to use Instant Transmission to appear behind Vegeta who turns around before Goku finally landed an uppercut to the Saiyan Prince, a few punches, and a roundhouse kick to send him flying towards the river. Vegeta then flies back up and simply wipe off blood coming out from his lips and smirks.

Vegeta: "Not bad Kakarot you definitely improved since the last time we faced, but it will take more than just a few blows to take me out Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

As soon as Vegeta powers up he then charges at Goku firing a fiery of punches while Goku is blocking before Vegeta breaks his guard and land a hard punch to the chest before he does a double axe handle to Goku. Goku recovers and before he knew it Vegeta then raises his hand charging one of his signature techniques.

Vegeta: "Alright Kakarot let's see if you dodge this! BIG BANG ATTACK!"

Lucky Goku was able to dodge it in time before
he then decided to retaliate with his own attack, the Meteor Smash as he teleports in front of Vegeta.

Goku: "It's over!"

As Goku punches Vegeta in the stomach. Then, punches him away and flies after him to right hook kick in his face. Finally, Goku then axe kicks the side of the Saiyan Prince's head knocking him away. Vegeta recovers and is then very angry.

Vegeta: "No I'm done yet let's see if you can handle this!"

he then charges up the Galick Gun at full Power.

Vegeta: "This Time I will win and surpass you Kakarot prepare yourself! "

Goku: "We'll see about that Vegeta!" As Goku charges up his most Iconic Technique.

"KA! ME! HA! ME!"

Whis: "This might be it Lord Beerus, there's no denying that once those beams clash only one of them will be the victor."

Beerus: "Can they please just Hurry Up Already so I can finally Sleep!"

"You"ll Regret this! SUPER GALICK GUN!"

Just as the beams clashes Beerus then notices something and it wasn't good as soon he notices a crack in between the beams that could tear the fabric of reality.

Beerus: "Uh Oh Whis do you see what I'm seeing?"

Whis: "Yes my Lord I see it looks like both Goku's and Vegeta's Kamehameha wave and Galick Gun seems to have caused a crack that could potentially damage reality, possibly destroying the whole universe if they don't stop what their doing right now."

Beerus: "Do something Whis! We can't let Goku and Vegeta continue firing their beams otherwise who knows what could happen!"

Goku: "This ones mine Vegeta!"

Vegeta: "No, not this time! Not ever I will surpass you no matter what!"

Beerus: "Stop you two! Stop you'll destroy the entire Universe Stop it Right Now!"

But unfortunately it was too late as the beam struggle exploded causes a huge white flash in front of Goku, Vegeta, Beerus, and Whis.
Luckily Whis was able to rewind time, however what he didn't noticed something or someone had just entered through the blast by the time he rewinded.

After Whis rewinded Time, Goku and Vegeta reverted back to their base forms and are confused at what had happen just now.

Goku: "Uh What just happened? When Vegeta and I fired out our waves that big white flash happened so what was that anyway?"

Beerus: "You idiots do you know what could have happen if not for Whis rewinding time you two could have destroyed the entire universe with your damn Techniques!"

Vegeta: "What why didn't I even realized that, why didn't you warned us before we fire?"

Beerus: "I didn't think you fools would fire both your beams during your fight! You could have destroy us all and the whole Universe if you two weren't too careful!"

Goku:" Sorry about that Lord Beerus I guess we went overboard that when we used our full power in our techniques we didn't think we would cause something like, that, next time we'll make sure we won't be doing that ever again."

Vegeta: "Hmph Kakarot did you forget something we still have match to finish right now."

Goku: "Oh yeah I almost forgot."

Beerus: "Facepalms" "You Two are really Unbelievable, you Saiyans nearly destroyed the entire Universe and yet you still want to continue fighting I just had it with you Saiyans."

While Beerus was complaining, Whis then notices someone floating above them and observing them.

Whis: "Oh my it appears there's someone new that had been watching us for quite a while."

Goku: "Huh what do you mean Whis?"

Vegeta: " I agree there's no one here besides Kakarot, You, Lord Beerus, and I."

Then that certain newcomer speaks to alert Goku, Vegeta, and Beerus to let them know he's there.

???: "Well Well you guys sure know how to make such a interesting fight, do you mind if I join in?"

Goku and Vegeta look up and to their shock it's someone they knew while Beerus is curious about the newcomer.

Goku: "Wha? No Way!"

Vegeta: "Huh? What the hell, how is it even possible!"

Beerus: "Whis this man I sensed Goku's power in him but I also felt Vegeta's as well who is he?"

Whis simply smiles as he already knew who this was just by looking at him closely

The man has the same body type as Goku, his hair color is black. He has Goku's softer jawline and Vegeta's sharper eyes. His upper hair style stands firmly upwards like Vegeta, while having Goku's hairline and has two bangs sticking out like a downward "V" shape, and wears Goku's style of clothing with the colors reversed, reflecting Vegeta's outfit; he wears a blue gi and sash with an orange undershirt. Also from Vegeta, he wears white gloves and boots.

Vegito: "The Names Vegito!"

To Be Continued..............
Wow that took me quite a while anyways what do you guys think? Leave a Comment Below.

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Please enjoy this short DBS Oneshot book I wrote! As much as I wish I could continue it, I no longer have time. Sorry for the inconvenience. :(