Won't Give Up On Us

By inkkedd

601 63 49

The story follows Kayla Darwin and her life...her friendships.. her relationships..her family and her job. Ha... More



33 3 0
By inkkedd

Kayla's POV
Friday night😉

"Hey!" I said as soon as I picked Lynn's videocall. I propped myself on my bed happy to hear her voice because I was bored...yeah and I missed her..that too😁

"Hello boo"she answered and focused ahead. I noticed she was driving.

"Where're you going all dressed up?" I asked her.

"To pick up someone" she smiled.

I shook my head. "Someone like who..must be very special if you're all dressed up like that." I replied

"Oh don't worry, I'll tell ya later" she said stopping the car. She opened the car door with one hand and choked the door with her leg while grabbing her Gucci purse with her free hand. She got down and locked the car.

"Girlllll tell me now" I whined. 

She shook her head and kept walking and I noticed the background looked hella familiar. The doorbell rang downstairs and it hit me! She was at my door.oh gosh! Her smile was full of mischief  as she noticed I got it.

"No! No! No!" I shook my head.

"Oh come onnnn Kayla! Come down here and open the door" she whined.

"Nope you can't make me!" I said childishly.

"Kayla you know you're not gonna leave me standing on your doorstep. Besidessss it's collllddddd!" She begged. Ugghhhhh! U.n.b.e.l.i.e.v.a.b.l.e. I sighed and dragged myself downstairs to meet her smiling on my porch.

I let her in and immediately she started talking.

"Okay, I sorry I wanted to tell you I was coming but I know you woulda refused" she spilled.

"Cos it's friday night ..you'd probably want to go to a club or a friend of a friend's party and I just wanna rest" I confessed.

"Well you are right about one of them."

"Which is it then?" I asked.

"A party. I can't go alone Kay. I want you to go with me ...i'll even save you the trouble of picking a dress...I know you take forever to decide. I'll even do your makeup." She smiled.

I looked at her to check if she was joking...but sadly she was NOT.

"OH COME ONNNNN! It'll be so much fun!" She begged. Ughhhh!

"Fine I'll go" I gave in.

"YESSSSSSS!! LET'S GOOO" She said pulling me up the stairs.

So here I am...a friday night I had planned all ruined...my ideal marathon watching and relaxing all gone cos I'm getting ready to go for a party.

I'm wearing a  short black bodycon dress with hugs my curves perfectly.  I admired myself in the mirror after Lynn was done with my makeup. We took a couple of pictures and locked up before heading out. Yeah, Nathan was already out...come to think of it he never stays home on fridays.

We pulled up in front of this huge mansion with so many cars already parked.

"Who's party is this again?" I asked as Lynn found a parking spot.

"A friend of my cousin Robert ." she said turning off the car.

We made our way towards the staircase at the entrance when Lynn grabbed my hand stopping me .
"Kayla, remember...let loose you're single ..you don't have a man to return to on time at home. Have fun boo" she whispered. I nodded nervously. We walked into the house and it was already a little full with people dancing all over there place. I could smell alcohol and smoke too . The music was so loud I could barely hear Lynn tell me that we should go to the kitchen area. I followed her there were we met a couple of her friends....some which I knew too. We started some small talk and we got drinks.

We were talking when a tall handsome man with tattoos ,  walked into the kitchen. "Lynn!" He said smiling and walking towards her with wide open arms. She gladly hugged him back.
"Hey Pablo" she replied happily.
"Looking lovely as always" he said checking her out.
"Aww thanks Pablo" she said blushing. I swear I've never seen her blush this hard.

"And who's this pretty thing here?" Pablo asked turning to me. I returned his smile.

"Oh! This is Kayla, my best friend. Kayla, this is my friend Pablo and also the host of the party" Lynn made the introductions.

"Nice to meet you Kayla" Pablo said kissing my hand.

"You too Pablo. I'll leave you two together ok?" I smiled.
Lynn's face was truly priceless 😂..she looked like she wanted to beg me to stay.

I winked at her and made my was into the crowd ignoring the stares from many men openly staring  with no shame at all.

I looked at my phone. It had only been 20 minutes since we arrived. I had already turned down two offers to dance and I began feeling bad. I'll give the next one a shot. I shrugged. My phoned beeped and I checked my notifications....
Hey, you free?

I sighed and locked my phone. Yeah, I had kinda been avoiding him since our date..don't ask me why.

"Hey...I'm Dave..wanna dance?" I looked up to see a cute guy asking me. Well I did promise to dance with the 3rd guy and besides I love this song.

"Sure" I said giving him my left hand.
"What's your name pretty?" He asked as we got to the dancefloor .
"Kayla" I replied.
"Nice name ..I must confess, you're really pretty" he said.
"Thanks Dave" I replied enjoying the dance ,I gotta say, he is a pretty good dancer.

The song was almost ending when someone tapped Dave and whispered something in his ear. I couldn't really see the person because the place was kinda dark. Very soon they switched. Wait..I know this smell. Yep!People think I'm weird because I'm able to know and remember people's smells. I call it special😊😎.

Yes, I was right it was him.
"Hey beautiful. It's such a coincidence running into you here Dr. Darwin" he said taking my hand.
"Hi Mr. Carter." I replied.

"Oh so we're going last names now huh?" He said laughing a little and spinning me around.

"Just following your lead" I shrugged following his pace.

"Well, you look lovely Kayla" he said looking right into my eyes.

"Thank you Andre" I smiled surprised at the butterflies having a field day in my tummy.

"You're a great dancer too. Beauty, brains and dance? What next you're a good bowler? Singer? Poet?" He smiled turning me again.

I laughed a little at his comment.
"Well, I don't like to brag, but I am a pretty good bowler and poet. But trust me I can't sing! Even if my life depended on it"

Now he laughed. I noticed he had a dimple on his right cheek when he smiled. Cute.

"I really can't keep up with you"Andre said panting when the song ended.

"Suck it up man" I laughed at him.

"I enjoyed it though" he said as we walked to the open bar.

He made his order and asked if i wanted anything.

"Uum...just a soda" I answered and he looked at me like I was crazy.
"What?" I asked laughing.
"A soda?" He repeated.

"Yeah, playing it safe you know" I shrugged.

"Afraid you're gonna get drunk and get kidnapped?"

"Psttt nooo. Just don't want a hangover tomorrow"

"Well ,I would never ever let that happen. I promise..ok?" he said softly looking into my eyes with a certain look.  I just nodded fighting the smile on my lips.

Hhhhhhuh! Done with chapter 7.
What do you think so far? Please leave a comment...your comments really help me know if i'm doing ok. And I'm open to suggestions too😁. Thanksssss.
-love MARILYN.

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