Supernatural: Dean one shots...

By bethyl15

13.6K 281 13

Dean Winchester one shots All mine Sometimes crossovers (depends- I dont really write them much) I dont own... More

Cuddles and kisses (DEAN AND YOU)
That thing was in our house! (DEAN)
You instead of Sam (SEASON 2- DEAN GF)
You instead of Sam p2
Dating Dean
Wendigo PART 1
Wendigo part 2
Vamps p1
Vamps p2
Vamps p4
Fun day out (Jensen)
You are my sunshine (part 1)
You are my sunshine (part 2)
You are my sunshine (part 3)
You are my sunshine (part 4)
My girl
You intead of Sam p3
Wrong Dean
Hunt gone wrong p1
Fake phone call
Hunt gone wrong (2)
We got this
Sleepless nights
Fight and torture
Sunday, Monday or Always

Vamps p3

236 8 0
By bethyl15

I groaned and opened my eyes. It was pitch black and took a moment to get used to. There was a throbbing sensation at the back of my head but I tried to block it out and focus on my surroundings. As my eyes got used to the dark I could see three figures standing by the door. Aka my only way out as far as I could tell. "Well, well. Look who's up!" One of the figures suddenly exclaimed. The other two slowly inched forwards as the man who spoke turned on a tiny light. I quickly glanced around. Yep, the door is my only way out. I looked up at the man and noticed who he was. The vampire. I gave him a dirty look before turning away and looking at my feet. I wiggled in my seat and slowly moved my hands around behind my back. He must've noticed because he quickly strolled over and stared into my eyes. "Stop doing that. Or so help me God." He yelled out. I gave him another dirty look and rolled my eyes. "Eat me asshat." I retorted, which earned me a punch to the jaw. I let out a groan of pain before spitting out blood. "Hm. Thanks. Well I'm not going to be here for long. My boyfriends on his way and he's gonna kill every last one of you freaks!" I spitted out angrily staring at them. "Who us?" He chuckled and looked around. "Well sweetheart there's about 20 more of us just waiting for this 'boyfriend'of yours. Been waiting for you to show up here since I saw you the other day. Mmmhmm. You looked like one fine meal if I do say so myself. I've got you now and if you think you can get out of here human. Well darling you are damn wrong." He chucked again after his little rant and I wiggled my hands again. Damn this thing is tight. I watched him as he grabbed a knife off of the table in the corner and cut his wrist open. He made his way toward me with a wicked grin on his face. It didn't take me long to realise what he was gonna do to me. "If you think you can get out of there human. Well you are damn wrong." He's going to turn me. I'll become one of them. As he made his way towards me I quickly prayed to Castiel. I quickly shut my mouth as he put his wrist on my cheek. Cas hurry please!

Deans PoV
Pregnant. Y/N's pregnant. This is insane. I was about to ask Cas if he was joking but the look of horror on his face made me stop in my tracks. "Cas? Whats wrong buddy?" Sam asked him, voicing my thoughts. "Y/N. She's praying to me." He turned to me. "Dean she's in danger. Real danger. If we don't help her this baby, and herself could die. Or worse." He said. He put his hands on our shoulders and next thing I knew we were outside of an abandoned building. We heard muttering from inside but I couldn't focus on that. I turned to Cas. "What the hell are we gonna do now? Is she in there? Is she hurt? Is she dead? Oh god don't tell me she's dead!" I rambled in a hushed whisper. "Dean. Be quite. Listen. Y/N, she's in there. They moved the location of the nest. They knew we knew where they were. Y/N is praying to me. I'm going to allow you to hear the prayer. But you cannot start to freak out. Do you understand me?" Cas said, hushed but still loud so we could hear him. I nodded already fearing the worst. He placed his fingers on mine and Sams foreheads.
Cas! It's me. It's Y/N. They've got me. It appears to be in some barn. Please come and get me. They're gonna turn me! Please Cas hurry! He's cutting his wrist. Shit. He's coming. If I don't get out of here human tell Dean I love him. And Sam that he's my been the best friend to me for ages. And thank you Cas for always helping me.

Cas! Please hurry!

Cas took his fingers off our heads and I almost puked. No. They're gonna turn her. No, not my baby please no. I looked at Sam with horror written across my face. He put his hand on my shoulder. "It's ok Dean. We're gonna get her. We're gonna do it now." He said trying to reassure me. I nodded, trying to seem as if it was working. Sam gave me a look, knowing it wasn't working but glad that I had calmed down a tiny bit. We quickly grabbed our machetes and headed to the barn. I kicked open the door and we all ran in killing the vamps. Four came at me as i swung my machete around. The head rolled of one and i turned to the other three. Sam and Cas had almost killed the rest whilst I was dealing with these dicks. "You're here for your girl right?" One of them said. "You ain't getting her." Another one butted in. "She's ours now." The last one said. I glared at them all. "Shut your mouths. Now!" I growled at them before one lunged at me i quickly swung my machete and decapitated it. The next one flew at me and knocked me back. Sam and Cas ran over just as this bitch took a bit out of my neck. I groaned in pain just as she was ripped off me and thrown to the side. I saw Sam and Cas kill them before I managed to get up. I looked around and my stomach churned. I faced the other two, "she's not here, is she?" I chocked out. Sam gave a me a look before pointing to a door in the corner. "Dean. There's a back door. She could be-" before he could finish a loud scream came from the room. Y/N.

I screamed as the knife went into my thigh. He didn't turn me. The noises of his nest being killed distracted him enough to forget. I groaned again as he twisted the knife around, I felt it go deeper and i panted and groaned as the blood seeped from my wound. "Screw you." I muttered out, glaring at the dick who did this. He glared right back at me as he ripped the knife out. I let out another scream as he plunged it right above my knee cap. Again, he twisted the knife causing more pain to jolt through my body. I whimpered as he slapped my cheek. "Toby. Jason. Go check out there will ya?" He said to the other two vamps in the room not taking his eyes off me. The other two left the room and we were left alone. I felt so helpless and weak. Dean was right. I wasn't ready to get back into hunt- wait! This douche did jump me. I was cut out of my thoughts by another twist of the knife. I groaned again and stared at him with a horrible look on my face. "Screw. You." I said, whilst gritting my teeth. Before he could reply there were grunts and thuds from the other side of the door. The vamp, who I learnt was called David, jumped up pulling the knife with him. "Hold this for me darlin" He said to me before the knife into my other leg. I screeched and whimpered. I knew I was loosing a lot of blood. Before I could say anything the door flew open and there stood...

Dean PoV
The door opened and out stepped two blood suckers. I positioned myself ready to attack these freaks. Me and Sam ran forwards and jumped on them from behind. Cas quickly ran over and I handed him my machete before he killed the one I was holding, whilst Sam killed his own. The bodies dropped to the ground and Cas handed me my machete back. I turned to Sam and nodded at him and he nodded back. (A/N: y'all know the cute nod they do!).
Just as we wiped off the blood onto our jeans there was another scream from the back room. I tensed before slowly approaching the door. I kicked open the door and there she was. I felt relief flood through me to know she was alive, but the state she was in made me angry once again. With Sam and Cas by my side we walked in. I swung my machete around before saying, "I believe you have something of mine."

Sam, Dean and Cas. He heard my prayers. Cas gave me a slight nod before they all walked into the room. Dean swung his machete around before saying to David. "I believe you have something of mine." Sam looked over at me and slightly cringed at the sight of me. I had bruises all over my face from the punches. I had blood everywhere and it was slowly seeping through my jeans from the stab wounds. David looked over at me before looking back at the boys. "Who? Sweet cheeks over here? Well she's a fine one isn't she. But I wanna keep her. So I'm gonna and you can be on your merry way now." Well, as you can imagine Dean did not like that. His face hardened and I saw his jaw clench. All four of them slowly approached one another before Cas walked straight up to him. "We are taking her home. To be with her family." He said staring right at the vamp. This gave Dean a chance to look at me. As soon as he did I could see the guilt and heartbreak on his face. I quickly mouthed 'Its not your fault'. He nodded but I knew he didn't believe me. He turned and looked at David one more time before lunging at him. I heard Sam and Cas yell at him but he didn't listen. He was angry. Very angry. I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds feeling dizzy and sore. I opened my eyes to see David's head rolling away from his body and Dean standing about him glaring down. Everyone was silent, not knowing what to do. I shifted in my seat slightly but groaned at the pain coming from my legs and my head. Deans head snapped up he stared at me for a second before dropping his blade and making his way towards me. He dropped down next to me and put his hand on my cheek softly. I winced slightly at the pain of him touching a cut. I saw his face contort into many different emotions before I felt someone cut the ties at my hands and feet. I saw Sam and Cas stand up before I felt Deans arms around me.  He slowly pulled the knife out of my leg and I groaned into his chest. He kissed the top of my head before slowing helping me stand. "Y/N. Baby. I'm so so sorry. Baby, are you ok?" He asked, his voice cracking slightly. I grabbed onto him and pulled his head down and connected his lips to mine. He kissed back with equal passion before slowly pulling away. I looked into his eyes. "It's not your fault. Ok? It's not. I can't see how it would be. I love you. I'm with you and that's all that matters ok?" I croaked out. He slowly nodded but I could see it in his eyes. He looked away but I pulled his face back to look at me. "I'm alive and Im with you. Im not going anywhere. Ok? I love you." I said to him, staring into his eyes. He smiled softly before nodding at me. "I love you too." He said before kissing me again. When we pulled away he tossed the keys to Sam. "You drive Sammy. Cas, you're shot gun." Cas looked a bit surprised but nodded. He quickly zapped us back to the car park and we walked to baby. As we took our first steps I hissed and closed me eyes, cringing at the pain in my legs. Dean looked down at me and picked me up bridal style. He kissed my forehead and muttered "let's go home."

A/N: second update. I'm gonna do a quick part 4 so you can find out about the baby. hope you liked this and sorry it was long. the next part is gonna be fluffy af so have fun with that. either today or tomorrow it will be out.
O xxxx

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