Take Me Home

By BlueArrow19

217K 7.8K 857

When an injured German soldier washes up on a beach near Freya's home in England, she decides to help him, d... More

1. Mourning
2. Thoughts
3. Discovery
4. Waking
5. Communication
6. Dictionary
7. Chocolate
8. Hay
9. Visitors
10. Napkin Flowers
11. Saved again
12. An act of kindness
13. Discovered
14. Not an accident
15. Planning
16. Leaving
17. Crutches
18. Pie.
19. Roger
20. Nightmare
21. Memories
22. Swimming
23. Beach
24. Captured
25. Ambush
26. Figuring things out
27. Manners
28. Ace the Pilot
29. Packing
30. Anger
31. The truth
33. Turned down
34. Feelings
35. I needed to
36. A drink
37. Take Me Home
38. For a good cause
39. Lost
40. Stay with me
41. Letting go
42. Surfacing
43. Autumn
44. Death
45. Sacrifice
47. Reunited
Happy Belated New Years!
~Extra 1~
~Extra 2~

32. London

3K 122 9
By BlueArrow19

Axel's P.O.V-

Sunlight shone into Axel's eyes as he walked on the brick streets of the outskirts of London. He turned around, eyes wide as they took in the damage that had been inflicted upon the city. He resumed his focus, turning back around and picking up his pace to catch up with Freya and Roger, who were ahead of him. Freya walked a little farther behind Roger, while Roger led the way. Axel brushed his dark hair off his forehead, gently brushing the almost healed gash on his forehead. He then looked down at the splint which was still partly in good shape, the fabric a little worn but stable on his leg. He could almost walk on it, but he still limped a little. He was fine with that.

It was nearing dusk as they had arrived at London, handing the horses they had used to a stable. After a few more days at Roger's home, Freya had decided it was time to leave. Axel had listened to the plan, understanding that they would find a pilot and then go to Germany. He felt an excitement inside his chest as he continued walked, catching up to Freya. He would be able to go home soon and see his family! His emerald orbs glanced down at Freya as he walked alongside him, her blue orbs cast toward the ground. Axel frowned, wondering why she was upset.

He knew that Freya had risked a lot for him. Axel blinked, returning his gaze in front of him, watching people walk along the streets. He heard a low sigh escape from Freya as they continued walking, following Roger, who walked up ahead. Axel blinked, peering at Freya, his lips forming into a frown as he saw her saddened face. He cleared his throat, wanting to know. He remembered looking out the window as Roger and her had been talking, overhearing some of the conversation. He remembered the feeling of discomfort and jealousy as he had watched Roger hold her hand. And even then, how he had stopped it by opening the door. Axel almost chuckled out loud, realizing exactly what was happening.

It could be possible that not only Roger had feelings for Freya, but him as well.

Axel didn't exactly like the idea, with everything going on at the moment he didn't want to have to worry about that as well. But Freya was one of the strongest people he knew. She wasn't selfish. She had risked her life to save his, putting him before herself. Not to mention that alongside her personality, she was pretty and had a nice figure. Freya was also innocent, in a way, and Axel liked that about her too.

The sun reached the top of the damaged buildings and homes, leaving the street in shadow as it steadily rose to set. It was quiet as they walked, besides the occasional passing horse and carriage. Axel blinked, watching Roger as he turned his head to make sure the two were still behind him. When he saw they were, he turned back to continue walking. Axel returned his attention to Freya, watching her as she gazed around London, exploring the city with her blue eyes that still held a depth of sadness...

"Freya?" He asked softly, accented voice low as they passed some people, his eyes focused straight ahead of him. He could feel her eyes on his face as she turned to him.

"Yes?" Her voice was soft and quiet as well, but she had failed to hide the tone of nervousness in it and Axel looked at her, noticing how her soft face, pale and smooth in the shadows, was indeed an expression of worry and nerves.

He searched for the right words, flipping through his memory of English vocabulary. "Are you okay?"

Freya blinked once and then looked straight ahead of her, reaching a hand up to brush her hair, which was let loose and down aside. "I am. I'm just nervous. Mainly about us," She paused, pursing her lips.

Axel gave her a soft, reassuring smile and then he reached his hand out, taking hers and holding it as they continued walking. He saw her confused expression and he smiled, giving it a small squeeze as he looked into her eyes, watching hers fix on his.

"We are okay." He replied softly, not letting go of her hand as he turned away from her gaze, looking around and hoping that she would feel better. Her hand relaxed, holding his as much as he held hers and he smiled as he succeeded in helping her.

"And...about my grandparents." He turned back to her, raising one of his eyebrows. She looked down, studying the ground as Axel waited for her to continue.

"They were in London during the Blitz. I hope that they are okay. They weren't in this area but they were farther up, more on the opposite side we are in. I know that they are probably fine, but..." She stopped talking, raising her eyes up to his and Axel blinked, concern washing over him as he saw the amount of pain and concern on her own face. He didn't want her to feel this way.

"Freya, they are okay. Trust me..." He then tried to find a way to cheer her up, seeing her so down bothered him. "Want to know something?" He asked, keeping his voice low as he pretended to look around and make sure no one could over hear him. Freya tilted her head, narrowing her eyes, but Axel saw a faint smile in her eyes as she waited.

Axel smiled, "Axel isn't my name." He winked at her as she blinked, confusion in her face as he chuckled lowly and looked straight ahead, swinging their hands a little as they continued through the city.

"W-what? It's not? Then what is?" She asked suspiciously, as Axel just shrugged and continued, looking away and whistling softly as they walked on the brick sidewalks.

"Please tell me." She insisted, looking up at him. Axel sighed, looking down at her fondly and seeing the curiosity in her eyes, happy that he had taken her attention off of the problems in her life for the time being.

He smiled, his cheeks reddening as he whispered his name, so quietly that she wouldn't be able to hear him. In all honesty, Axel hated his real name. It was too old fashioned so he had taken his middle name instead. Only his mother refused to call him Axel. Freya blinked, frustrated in a good mannered way as she squeezed his hand, laughing softly.

"If you tell me I won't tell Roger." She encouraged, eyebrows raised as she waited. Axel snickered, green eyes looking ahead at Roger, who was walking and looking down at a map.

"I promise." She said, but Axel looked at her, wondering what that word meant. He was still unfamiliar with a lot of English words. Freya seemed to understand that he didn't understand and she searched for another word.

"I won't tell."

She won't tell? Axel grinned, peering down at her. He didn't care if she knew, he just hoped she would just nod and forget it.

"...Josef." He whispered, a little louder, keeping his focus straight ahead as he saw her smile from the corner of his eyes.

"That's not a bad name." Freya commented, looking up at him. Axel looked down at her, watching the cold breeze blow her loose strands of hair around. He shrugged, looking back in front of him.

"Axel is better." He replied, looking ahead.

Axel saw Roger stop up ahead, looking down at the map. He kept hold of Freya's hand as Roger turned around. Roger looked at the two as Axel looked away, pretending he hadn't noticed Roger had stopped. He could feel Roger's eyes on him and Axel wondered what Roger was thinking. He was most likely jealous. But Axel was holding Freya's hand to comfort her. Right?

Freya pulled her hand away and picked up her pace, stopping next to Roger as the streets began darkening even more so. Axel caught up, his pace slowing them down due to his healing leg. Roger stared down at the map intently, his hazel eyes reading over it. He looked up, expression frustrated as he looked around in confusion. Freya looked at Axel, who just shrugged back as they patiently waited for Roger.

"Aye, this doesn't make sense!" He huffed, narrowing his eyes as he did a 360 turn, looking around at the quiet city.

Most people weren't out anymore, the darkness had caused them to seek shelter in the buildings that were still available and not damaged. A few people passed them, not giving them a second glance as they stood on the sidewalk. Roger shook his head, turning and continuing the walk. They stepped onto an empty road, walking swiftly across it and then continuing onto the sidewalk on the other side. Axel felt tired from looking around at the scenery. Everyone who they had passed so far hadn't smiled or even laughed. Everyone was depressed and devastated from the attack caused by his country. Had Germany really caused all this? He wasn't sure whether the British were also destroying his home, but the thought made him shudder.

"Roger, it's getting cold. Where are we?" Freya called out, her voice almost lost as a sudden strong gust of wind appeared. Roger turned around, eyes concerned as he took another helpless glance around.

"I could've sworn that it was near here...I don't know. I wasn't here too long ago..." He replied softly.

Axel looked around, green eyes scanning the dark of the shadows as they landed on a distant figure who was watching them. Axel narrowed his eyes, watching smoke rise up from a cigarette as the man lowered it from his lips, stepping off of a few stair steps and entering the street. He headed toward the three, and Axel felt fear rise up inside his chest as he saw a United States flag on a camo jacket, with the camo uniform covering the rest of him.

"Look." Axel whispered, causing Roger and Freya's head to turn.

The man approached, standing before them so Axel and the group could make out his facial features. Dirty blond hair and a hardly visible start of a beard, the man stood a little shorter than Roger, but taller than Axel. His face was weary but young, determined in a way. It reminded him of Freya. Roger stepped forward, a grin on his face as the Soldier reached his hand out.

Speaking with an American accent, the soldier spoke.

"Roger, good to see you again. What brought you here?"

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