Marvel One-Shots

By themagicofavenging

409K 13K 7.6K

A book full of Marvel One-Shots. Most of them will be about Peter Parker, as he's the most precious cinnamon... More

The Oh, So Wonderful Field Trip To Stark(Irondad)
No Bullying Allowed(Irondad)
Aunt Nat(Nat&Peter)
Phone call(Irondad)
Thank you Iro...Parker?(Irondad)
Under The Night Sky(LokixPeter)
Heir Meeting(Irondad)
Bring your parents to class day(Stony&Irondad)
Peter Stark: Missing(Irondad)
Love In Wakanda(PeterxShuri)
Another Field Trip(Irondad)
How Peter Healed The Avengers(Irondad)
Peter Parker Protection Squad
How Peter Met Loki(Loki&Peter)
A Son!?(Stony and Irondad)
Rejected *Valentines Day Special*(Irondad)
The Rumour(Spideypool)
The Rumour(Spideypool)(Part 2)
Requests (A/N)
Which ships?(A/N)
OTP 30 Days Challenge(A/N)
Your Thoughts On My Skin(Soulmate!AU)(Stony)
The Becoming Of Drax The Destroyer(Drax)
Your Tattoo(TonyxRhodey)
The (Accidental) Big Reveal(Stony)
One Night Stand(Or More)(ThorxBruce)
The Vines(Shuri&Peter)
Timer Till You(Soulmate!AU)(Ironstrange)
The Road To Freedom (Isn't Easy)(Peter)
Grumpy Morning Head(Otp Challenge)(Stony)
Picked Up(Loki&Peter)
The Cat(Irondad)
How Steve's Arc Should've Ended
Hope (Walking Dead!AU)
Car Accident(Irondad)

That Damn Cloak(Ironstrange)

4.2K 185 122
By themagicofavenging

Summary: Stephen Strange was never, ever going to tell Tony Stark about his crush on the man. His cloak, however, has other ideas


"I don't believe we've met yet, I'm docter Stephen Strange", the wizard guy said smoothly and held out his hand to Tony as he floated (actually floated!) down. Tony had been called to some alien thing in New York, but then this guy had just joined him out of nowhere, but he was quite efficient, so Tony had just let him fight with.

Tony stepped out of his armor and dusted off his suit underneath a bit before taking the hand and shaking it with a little smirk.

"Yeah, hey, I'm Tony Stark, but you your cloak sniffing me?", Tony asked the guy incredulously, his expression quickly shifting from a bit smug to surprised, and indeed it seemed to be, the cloak was hovering around Tony's legs, but not quite touching him, before going to Tony's neck where he burrowed his...nose? into Tony's neck and hair.

The wizard guy seemed to first close his eyes in mortification before beginning to try to stop the cloak.

"Stop that, cloak, stop, I said stop", the wizard guy, Stephen, turned an interesting shade of red that quite suited him and hissed at the cloak. But it didn't do much, since now the cloak was also giggling? Well, the cloak shook a bit and he held two pieces of cloak that were apparently hands (????) in front of it's mouth (???????????).

"I'm really sorry about him, Mr. Stark", Stephen said to Tony, an apologetic look on his still red face, while also trying to subtly tug the cloak away from Tony, to no avail, because it was now apparently hugging his hair.

"It''s fine?", Tony tried to reassure Stephen, but it came out a bit weird since half his face was covered by cloak.

"Yes, I'm really, really sorry, but since my cloak is in a bit of disarray today it seems", at this Stephen glared at the cloak, which just giggled again before going back to Tony's goatee, "I really must be going"

"Okay, um..bye?", Tony did a sort of awkward wave with the arm without cloak.

"Bye", Stephen waved back with a small, awkward smile, before actually doing some complicated magic thingy to get the cloak away from Tony, and tugging it away. And Tony could've sworn he muttered "we're going to have a long talk about this at home, stupid cloak" before making a portal and dissapearing in a flurry of sparks.


*one week earlier*

"So, Stephen, is there someone in your life?", Wong suddenly said and Stephen looked up sharply.


"Well, you know, a romantic partner", Wong said while shutting the heavy tome he was browsing. They were both currently in the library, researching together, and Stephen couldn't for the love of god figure out why Wong had brought this up.

"No", he snapped at Wong and continued reading.

"Really? Not even Christine? Weren't you guys together or something?", Wong pressed on.

"Nope, ended ages ago", said Christine walked into the library and answered for Stephen, "and really Stephen? Not even a crush? Some cute guy or girl?"

"Guy?", Wong asked while raising his eyebrow and smirking just a little.

"Yep", Christine said, popping the p, "our boy Stephen here is bi, or pan, don't really know, I just walked in on him one day with some guy"

"I didn't even know Stephen knew what sex was", Wong smirked and looked at Stephen, whose ears had turned red, but he was still stubbornly ignoring the two people discussing his love life and read on.

"So, Stephen, a crush?", Christine asked, sliding into the seat next to Stephen and wiggling her eyebrows.

"No", Stephen said, but his reddening cheeks betrayed him and Christine gasped.

"You do have a crush, who!?", she slammed her hands on the table in front of Stephen and got in his face, but of course Stephen didn't answer, "okay, we'll have to guess", she turned to Wong.

"Any guesses?", she asked him, and Wong stroked his chin in thought.

"Maybe a superhero, I always thought saving people would be attractive to Stephen", Wong said in thought, and Christine nodded in agreement.

"Yes, okay, Captain America?", she guessed.


"Black Widow?", Wong tried.


"Bruce Banner? He's very smart", Christine guessed again.


"Tony Stark?", Wong guessed, brow furrowed in thought.


"Oh. My. God", Christine said, eyes wide and gleaming with excitement.

"You have a crush on Tony Stark", Wong said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I..I do not", Stephen turned even redder as he glared at his book.

Then the cloak, who had been silent the whole time, decided to move. It flew from Stephens shoulder and gasped, there even was a gasping sound.

"Shut up", Stephen finally looked up, revealing his now almost as red as a tomato cheeks, and glared at the cloak.

"He didn't say anything", Christine pointed out, but Stephen chose to ignore that logical statement to glare at his cloak, who was now using his fabric as hands to make hearts in the air.

"You know what he is going to do when you finally meet Tony Stark right?", Wong asked him, smirking, and Stephen groaned and let his head thump on the book.


*end flasback*


"Okay, cloak, we are now leaving to the Avengers compound, and I want you to behave", Stephen said in a stern tone, but he knew it was futile when the cloak just giggled.

"I'm serious", Stephen pointed a stern finger at the cloak, but it just giggled harder and made a few cartweels in the air.

"Oh boy, this is going to go wrong"


Tony had not stopped thinking about Stephen Strange since he met him 2 weeks ago. He constantly thought about his high cheekbones, his smooth voice, his eyes that had seemed green at first and blue later, his long legs, but that wasn't all, also his cute blush, his grace when he fought and the cute little awkward smile he did before he dissapeared.

Tony was so, so fucked.


Stephen was currently standing in front of the door where he was supposed to meet Tony, cloak around his shoulders, currently silent as the grave. He didn't know why he was even giving the stupid thing another chance seeing the disaster of last time, but he was.

After giving the cloak one last pat to remind him to behave, Stephen knocked on the door three times, and within a second the door opened, revealing Tony Stark wearing a crisp suit, sunglasses and a billion dollar smile.

"Dr. Strange!", he said, almost too enthousiastic, "do come in"

Tony walked into the office, Stephen following him, but as soon as the door shut, Stephen knew.

This was a very, very bad idea

And not even a second later the cloak pounced. It wrapped around Tony, pulling Stephen with it in the process, and when their chests were touching the cloak wrapped all the way around them, effectively trapping them in it's hold.

"Um..hey?", Tony squeaked out, all charm suddenly dissapearing when being trapped in a cloak with the man he had a crush on.

"Hey", Stephen was already turning red as he looked at Tony, whether it was from being in such close proximity of Tony or from being humiliated in front of the man he had the biggest crush on he didn't know, probably bit of both.

"Can you..uh..get him to release us?", Tony asked Stephen, turning red too.

"I can't move my hands, and therefore can't bind him with magic", Stephen said, struggling a bit with his hands, but they were firmly plastered to his sides.

" wait here till it gets tired?", Tony shuffled a bit, unintentionally rubbing himself against Stephen, making both of them blush.

"It's the cloak of levitation, it doesn't get tired", Stephen said, voice a bit choked up.

"Oh, my bad", Tony said, "well, then if we're going to stand here for an undetermined amount of time, can I at least get these sunglasses off? They look good but they're not that comfortable"

Stephen let out a huff of laughter at that, even though he wasn't sure if it even was a joke.

"Sure, I think, um..cloak?", Stephen tried patting the cloak a bit.

The cloak huffed, as if to say you're lucky I'm so nice and picked the sunglasses off Tony's face and threw them on the couch in the corner, after which Tony wrinkled his nose adorably at the sudden absence of the heavy glasses.

But then Stephen wished he hadn't done that, because he was now faced with the full force of Tony Stark's eyes. They were a dark brown and the pupil sort of faded in the brown in the middle. And over his eyes were possibly the longest (real) lashes Stephen had ever seen.

"You have pretty eyes", he mumbled out loud, and Stephen immediately clamped his mouth shut and looked mortified. Where did his smoothness go when he was with Tony Stark?

At least a thousand responses went through Tony's head which with a wink and a charming smile would most probably result in having the man in his bed.

I know

Don't get too lost in them

They only reflect what they see

Other parts of me are pretty too

But they were all abandoned as he stared into the taller man's green blue eyes that seemed like they held the universe.

"Thanks", Tony said, and then cleared his throat, confused at how his voice had gone so hoarse, "uh..your eyes are pretty too"

"Thanks", Stephen's eyes went from Tony's eyes, to his nose, and to the lips beneath. They looked soft, how would kissing them feel?

The cloak suddenly tightened around them and Tony and Stephen were pressed even tighter together, it now bordering on being uncomfortable.

Just do it you bastard, I know you want to!, Stephen could almost hear the cloak scream at him.

"Just let us go!", Stephen hissed at the cloak, which, unfortunately but not surprisingly, didn't let them go.

No can do, my dude, just kiss him already!

(Was it weird he was imagining his cloak speak?)

"Cloak!", Stephen tried to nudge the cloak without looking too crazy to Tony, who was of course watching the whole thing with confusion.

What's the worst that can happen? Well, he could kick you off the Avengers before you even join of course, but whatever, he probably won't do that.

"Not. Helping", Stephen gritted out.

I am helping. I'm helping you get over your giant crush on this guy. So just kiss him and get it over with, some of us also have other things to do you know!

"You're with me the whole day!", Stephen hissed back.

Just do it, you oaf!

And Stephen was convinced.

"Okay, fine", Stephen muttered, and before Tony could even get out a confused "Wha..?" Stephen was kissing him.

Tony didn't even miss a beat, and began kissing back immediately. His lips felt soft and chapped at the same time, if that was logical.

It was a chaste kiss, just closed mouth and no tongue, but Stephen could feel the obvious skill that Tony had (probably from a life of practice, but he refused to let his mind go down that jealous pathway).

And slowly, they could feel the pressure of fabric subside as the cloak finally let them go, first cautiously, as if it was expecting Stephen to suddenly jump away from Tony and run off, but in time it let them go completely.

When they were finally free, one of Tony's hands immediately went to Stephen's cheek, while the other went to the back of his neck, preventing him from moving away, not that he'd ever want to.

Stephen didn't really know what to do with his hands, so he put them on Tony's waist, just pulling him a bit more towards Stephen.

But when the lack of air began to get a little pressing, Stephen let go, panting. Tony's hands both moved to his nape, playing with the small hairs there.

"So you do like me", Tony said, his voice low.

"Yeah", Stephen said, "and you like me too?"

"No, I just have mind-blowing kisses with everyone", Tony said sarcastically, and Stephen let out a snort.

"So, we're dating now?", Stephen asked.

"I mean, if you want to, I mean, I want to but you know I can really be a nuisance and...", but Stephen silenced Tony with a kiss.

"I want to", he smiled at the smaller man, who smiled back.

"Good", was all Tony said before he pulled Stephen in for another kiss.

When they finally let go, Tony said another thing.

"And all of this because of that damn cloak"

[They didn't notice said damn cloak slipping out and flying to the New York Sanctum, where Wong and Christine were currently having tea.

"So did it work?"

The cloak nodded excitedly.

"Good work team!"

"High five!"]

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