Call Me Dad

By Existential_CrisisTM

110K 5.7K 6.1K

Kakashi was chaotically gay, couldn't take care of himself let alone a child, knew nothing about parenting, b... More

1. Social Services & Adoption
2. Shopping and A Few Girls
3. Hatake Family
4. Hobbies
5. Academy
6. Friends?
7. Birthday
8. TenTen..
10. Mia's Hardship
11. The Closet
12. Meetings
13. Her Graduation
400 Special Crossover Thing????
14. Adoption, the Sequel
15. Mizuki's Test
16. Sensei
17. Bonds
18. Uchiha
19. Training Skills
20. Mysteries and Missions
21. C-Rank

9. Halloween

4.9K 259 377
By Existential_CrisisTM

It's Halloween. Happy Halloween!

Sorry this is a bit late! I was really stressed out with Halloween, homework, and all that stuff that I couldn't find the time to finish it!

Did you dress up? As what?

(I went as a crappy Coraline—)

I drew them in their costumes, but be warned that all of the drawings are terrible so don't expect much.. They also weren't colored, and I forgot to draw Kiba and Ino but I just wanted to publish and finish this chapter anyways!


"I'm so excited!" Naruto grinned as he rummaged through his closet for his costume.

TenTen laughed. "This is gonna be great, and our first Halloween with all our friends."

"Okay now get out! You can't see my costume yet!" Naruto shooed his best friend out, reaching into his closet and pulling out the outfit.


TenTen hummed as she slipped on the coat, reaching for a hairbrush. A lot of her costume required the help of Kakashi, so she tried to do her best.

She hopped off of her stool and burst through the door triumphantly, racing down the stairs and skidding to a halt in front of Kakashi, who was prepping their trick or treat bags.

"Oh, you're ready?"

TenTen nodded, and she sat down on a chair that appeared out of nowhere. Kakashi strode over with the supplies in hand, which included extensions and temporary hair dye.


When Naruto finally finished adjusting his tail, he exited the room and patiently walked down the stairs. He looked up and squealed in delight.

TenTen stared at him, her face reddening.

Naruto coughed. "I-uh that wasn't a squeal."

But to be fair, TenTen looked fantastic. Her blonde-dyed hair matches perfectly with the extensions, which were then tied into two pigtails. She shrugged on the green robe-like coat and slipped a gem necklace over her head.

TenTen was going as Tsunade Senju, the infamous Slug Sannin.

She eyed her friend's costume.

"Are you sure that's okay, Naru? It certainly is quite...controversial."

Naruto shook his head and smiled despite the fear creeping up his back, whispering into his mind and slowly drowning him in self-doubt.

"I'll be fine. Who cares what the civilians think? I like it."

Kakashi made his way around the kitchen counter and smiled proudly. "That's my boy."

He handed them their bags and they were pretty much ready to go. TenTen slipped on her sandals and Naruto quickly tied the laces for his boots.

"Where are we meeting them again?" TenTen asked, glancing behind her at Kakashi.

Kakashi shrugged, but Naruto answered in place of his father.

"The corner of the Jowse Market and Kiro Street." He recited, grinning widely.

TenTen nodded, her blonde extensions bouncing with her head.

"Race you." She took off, sprinting down the street.

Naruto yelped. "H-hey that's not fair! Wait up!"

Kakashi grinned, and in a flash he was right in front of TenTen, standing on the sidewalk of the corner of Jowse Market and Kiro Street.

TenTen abruptly stopped running, allowing Naruto to catch up with her when she pouted. "No fair! We're not ninja yet and we can't do that!"

Kakashi smiled mischievously, not that anyone could see his face, and instead of replying to TenTen turned his head to the direction of running children.

"We're here! We're here!" Kiba shouted, Akamaru barking in greeting.

Ino scowled, following closely. Behind her was Neji, Sasuke, Hinata, and Sakura, all of them immersed in a conversation.

Neji looked up and nudged his cousin, who noticed everyone standing there awkwardly. "H-hello! Happy H-halloween." Hinata squeaked.

Sasuke smirked. "Happy Halloween, I guess."

Sakura pushed through the crowd and posed funnily. "I'M A MOUSE!"

Neji quietly snorted while the others looked at her.

"Is there a reason for that?" Naruto spoke up.

Sakura grinned again. "I'm adorable and I want to be a mouse. Case closed." Everyone collectively nodded. That was a good argument.

"So, uh, Ino!" TenTen asked curiously. "What are you supposed to be?"

Ino smiled mysteriously. "I'm a fortune teller."

"Wow! Does that mean you can see the future?" Kiba grinned excitedly, bouncing on his heels.

"Yes." Ino said solemnly. "And I can tell you, you won't make it far in life if you keep acting like an idiot."

Kiba took the insult as a compliment and was stricken with awe. "Woah..."

"Anyways, I'm a vampire." He showed off his glinting fangs.

"Why not a werewolf? It certainly would fit." Neji suggested.

"Eh. My entire clan always does a werewolf for Halloween. I wanted to do something different." Kiba shrugged, glancing at Naruto.

"I'm a fox." Naruto explained.


Neji's cheeks heated up as he looked down at his own costume. He was a samurai.

"I-I think you're costume is a-amazing, Neji-Nisan."

"Thank you, Hinata-sama." Neji smiled.

Sasuke grumbled something, his pale cheeks quickly becoming rosy.

"Wh-what was that?" Hinata stuttered, shuffling slightly closer.

"We have matching costumes.." Sasuke muttered, looking down at the ground.

Hinata's eyes widened, her own cheeks reddening.

He was a demon prince, and a...Hinata was an angel princess.

(It sounded a lot better in my head okay!? I was tired and felt like drawing Sasuke's costume so—)

Noticing that her head was beginning to feel light and she wanted to pass out, Hinata scurried toward Naruto, Kakashi, and Sakura.

"S-Sakura-san..." Hinata whispered.

Sakura winked. "Don't worry, I'll cause a distraction."

"Oi! Kakashi-san!" Sakura shouted.

"Hm?" Kakashi turned away from his son, his eyebrow quirked.

"What the heck are you supposed to be? A disappointment?"

Kakashi sighed. "I'm the Copy Cat Ninja." In fact, he wasn't wearing anything but his usual ANBU clothing, his dog mask tied around the waist.

"Isn't it a rule to not show your identitiy as an Anbu Black Ops, and showing off your mask and revealing your face a violation?" TenTen grinned, popping up out of nowhere.

Kakashi shrugged shamelessly. "I'm the Copy Cat Ninja. Everyone knows me."

Before anyone could argue further, Ino screeched. "Guys! It's getting dark already! We need to start trick or treating!"

Everyone grumbled agreement and took down Kiro Street.

"You guys are walking too fast!" Naruto shouted, lagging behind.

Behind him, Neji strode easily to match his pace and catch up with Naruto. He smirked. "Are you sure it's not because of your...short legs?"

Naruto muttered curses under his breath as Neji laughed.

Meanwhile, Hinata was nearing the front with Sasuke, Sakura in front of them leading the group to the first house.

"I-I like your c-costume.." It was true, Hinata thought Sasuke's costume was really cool. There was intricate stitching and the princely suit was actually—not that Hinata would ever say it out loud—adorable. Hinata thought his costume was adorable, with the devil horns poking out from his mess of hair, and the way his face shone in the moonlight, Hinata couldn't look him in the face without feeling a familiar burning in her face.

Sasuke's pale cheeks turned pink as he averted his eyes. "It's nothing.." he murmured.

"Trick or Treat!" They chorused as the door opened.

The door opened and a young man opened the door, peeking out. "Oh, hey, trick or treaters! Eager, aren't we?" He laughed, and opened the door fully with a bowl of candy held in one arm.

"Here you go!" He grabbed a handful of candy and put it in Kiba's bag, chuckling as Akamaru barked happily.

The man continued to pass out the candy until Naruto came up from the end of the line they formed.

"I-uh..Trick or Treat!" Naruto smiled nervously.

The man stopped short. Hesitating. He glanced behind him, as if to check no one was there, and dumped a large pile of candy in Naruto's bag.

"Happy Halloween!" The man smiled softly, retreating back into the house when Naruto scurried back to Neji and his dad with flushed cheeks.

The next woman wasn't as nice. As her eyes scanned over the young children, her eyes sharpened when she met Naruto's hopeful eyes. She shrieked and slammed the door closed.

Naruto shook his head miserably, ashamed and embarrassed. "I'm sorry guys, I'm ruining your Halloween.." he murmured, stepping away from the house.

Neji perked up as Ino and TenTen began shouting obscenities at the door as Kakashi hurriedly tried to calm them. "No you're not." He argued, following Naruto. "Honestly you're the best thing that's ever happened to m— us."

Naruto shook his head once more. "Liar." He whispered softly.

"Yes! You're so fun and quirky, and really inspiring! The way you're still so kind and optimistic even as the idiot villagers treat you like crap. I personally love your positivity, the way you care for plants, and—"

Neji cursed himself as his cheeks flushed. "I-I think a I'm going to stop talking now." He turned back to where the others were still shouting at the door. "Guys!" He yelled. "Come on! Next one!"

They all hurried over, and continued trick or treating, while Naruto couldn't stop the goofy smile from spreading across his face.


"Aw it's little Hatake! You and your friends are so adorable!"

"Stay away! Get out of my property, you demon!"

"Happy Halloween!"

"Oh, and what are you going as?"

"The Copy Cat Ninja? Hah! What a great costume, but I can't believe ya'."

"Oh my Kami aren't you the cutest thing! Here you go! Lots of candy! Oh what darlings!"


The rest of the night was fun, full of kind people and the occasional hater. Naruto couldn't keep the smile off of his face, surrounded by loved ones and friends.

It was a great Halloween.

Everyone slept over at the Hatake residence, and Kakashi made udon for everyone to enjoy as they shouted and traded candy.


"ShUt UP i'M tRyING tO tHiNk!"

"Does anyone want my whoppers?"


"Hah! You snooze, ya lose."


"That's a terrible deal."



"Unlike your mom giving birth! Hah get rEKT—"


"Hey, TenTen?" Naruto whispered in the dark. Everyone was fast asleep by now.

"Hm, what is it Naru? I'm trying to sleep.."

"Sorry..but..what is it?"

"What are you talking about?" TenTen finally sat up and rubbed her eyes tiredly.

"Why do my insides feel all warm when I'm around them..and my feels hot? I don't understand."

TenTen stopped short, then laughed quietly to herself.

"What is it! TenTen!" Naruto said louder, quieting when one of the figures sleeping on the floor grumbled and shuffled from the noise.

TenTen ceased her giggling and shook her head, laying back down to sleep. "I think that's a problem for another day, Naru." She murmured, already falling asleep.

"What! TenTen! It's a problem? Don't you—"

"Go to sleep, Naruto!"



ShIpS 🚢 🛳


My favorite drawing was Naruto, while my least favorite is Hinata. I was too embarrassed to even show it.

Okay next one is back to the Mia conflict so, yeah! Happy Halloween, or the day after!

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