Taming the Dragon - H.S. - Ha...

By Rox1968

18.3K 847 1.3K

London, England - 1820 Princess Darya's sad and troubled childhood forced her into a dangerous situation. Es... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 18

816 39 51
By Rox1968

An endless stream of visitors demanded Harry's attention during the following two weeks. Sir Roberts was there so often he might as well have had his own bedroom. Louis stopped by every afternoon, and so did Liam. Darya didn't see much of her husband during the daylight hours, but the evenings belonged to her. Harry would catch her up on all the latest developments in his investigation directly after dinner.

Stewart proved to be very helpful. He found out a policy had been taken out on Elizabeth's life just four months before her disappearance. The beneficiary named on the contract was her brother, Owen. The policy was underwritten by Morton and Sons.

Through his sources, Harry found out Owen would inherit his sister's sizable dowry, set aside on the day she was born by a distant aunt, if she didn't return to London to claim it.

Sir Roberts had joined them at the dinner table. He listened while Harry explained to Darya what he'd learned, then interjected a comment of his own. "Until a body is found he can't collect the insurance money or the inheritance. If he's the culprit and his motive was money, why would he go to such lengths to hide her body?"

"It doesn't make much sense," Harry agreed. "He has a large bank account of his own."

Sir Roberts nodded. "He might think he needed more," he said. "Darya did tell us Owen didn't particularly like his sister," he added. "There's another bit of damning evidence wagging its finger in Owen's direction, too, circumstantial though it is. You see, he offered for Constance six years ago, but she turned him down in favor of the viscount. Rumor has it, Owen continued to pursue her even after she was married. Some believe she was having an affair with him. And there, you see, is the tie-in between the two women."

"I can't imagine any woman wanting to be with Owen Pelly," Darya whispered. "He isn't at all... charming."

"Have you received any other gifts?" he asked.

She shook her head. "The gift I ordered made for Liam and Sophia arrived this morning. Harry almost destroyed the thing in a rage before he remembered I'd ordered the ship. Thankfully, he only shredded the box."

"You failed to mention you had the gift outlined with strips of gold," Harry said. "It would take five men to destroy it."

Louis interrupted the talk when he came rushing into the dining room.

"They found Elizabeth's body!"

Harry reached over and covered Darya's hand. "Where?" he asked.

"In a field about an hour's ride from here. A cropper happened upon the grave. Wolves had... " Louis stopped in midsentence. The look on Darya's face showed her anguish. Louis wasn't about to add to her heartache by going into more vivid detail.

"The authorities are certain it's Elizabeth?" she asked.

Her eyes filled with tears, but she forced herself to remain in control. She could weep for Elizabeth later. She would pray for her dear friend's soul as well... after the man who'd hurt her had been caught.

"The jewelry she wore... it helped with the identification," Louis explained.

Sir Roberts wanted to see where the body was found. He pushed his chair back and started to stand up.

"It's too dark to see anything," Louis told the director. He pulled out the chair next to Darya and sat down. "You're going to have to wait until tomorrow."

"Who owns the field where she was found?" Harry asked.

"Owen Pelly."

"How convenient," Harry said.

"It's too damned convenient," Louis agreed.

"We take what we're given," Roberts stated. "Then we pull it apart to find the truth."

"When will you have your men start digging?" Harry asked.

"Tomorrow at first light."

"Digging?" Darya asked. "Elizabeth's already been found. Why would you... "

"We want to see what else we'll find," Roberts explained.

"You believe Constance might also be buried there?"

"I do."

"So do I," Louis agreed.

"Owen wouldn't be so stupid as to bury his victims on his own land," she said.

"We believe he's probably the culprit," Louis said. "We don't believe he's clever."

She grabbed hold of Louis's hand so he would give her his full attention. "But that's just it," she argued. "He's been clever until now, hasn't he? Why would he bury either woman on his own land? It doesn't make sense. You're forgetting something else, too."

"What's that?" Louis asked.

"All of you are assuming there are only two women. There could be more."

"She's got a point, Louis," Harry agreed. "Sweetheart, let go of my brother."

She realized she was squeezing Louis's hand then and quickly let go. She turned her attention to the director. "What are your other plans?"

"Owen will certainly be charged," he announced. "It's just a start, Darya. Like you, I'm not completely convinced he's the one. I don't like conveniences."

She was satisfied with his answer. She excused herself from the table. Louis stood up and pulled her chair back for her. She turned to thank him. She was surprised when he put his hands on her shoulders and leaned down. Before she could ask him what he was doing, he kissed her on her forehead.

"Congratulations, Darya," he said. "Eleanor and I are both very happy over the news."

"What news?" Sir Roberts asked.

She let Harry tell him. She smiled up at Louis. "We're both very happy, too," she whispered.

Roberts was shaking Harry's hand when she started toward the entrance. A sudden thought made her stop. She turned around to look at Harry again. "Don't you still wonder why three women in your family were chosen? You did throw Owen out," she reminded him. "Would that make him angry enough to seek revenge?"

Harry didn't think so. She left him with Louis and Roberts to mull over the possibilities and went upstairs. Niall was waiting for her in the study. His younger sister, Megan, was waiting with him.

"Here she is," Niall announced when Darya walked inside.

"Princess Darya, this is Megan," he announced. "She's eager to see to your needs."

Niall nudged his sister in her side. She immediately stepped forward and made an awkward curtsy. "I would be happy to serve you, milady."

"Not milady," Niall instructed. "Princess."

Megan nodded. She looked very like her brother. She had the same coloring, and her smile was almost identical to Niall's. She looked up at her brother with true adoration, and such devotion warmed Darya's heart.

"We're going to get along just fine," she predicted.

"I'll teach her what she needs to know," Niall announced.

Darya nodded. "Where is Kate? I thought we had agreed she would start helping me with the correspondence tomorrow?"

"She's still packing up her things," Niall explained. "Have you mentioned my sisters to your husband yet?"

"No," Darya answered. "Don't worry so, Niall. He'll be as pleased as I am."

"I've put Megan in the last bedroom along the hallway upstairs," Niall said. "Kate can have the room next to hers if that is all right."

"Yes, of course."

"It's a fine room, milady," Megan blurted out. "And the first I've ever had all to myself."

"Princess, not milady," her brother corrected again.

Darya didn't dare laugh. She didn't want to undermine Niall's position.

"We'll start your training tomorrow, Megan. I believe I'll go along to bed now. If you need anything, ask your brother. He'll take good care of you. He certainly takes good care of Harry and me. I don't know what we would do without him."

Niall blushed at her praise. Megan looked properly impressed.

Harry laughed when she told him about the additions to their staff. He was quick to sober, however, upon hearing his ill-paid butler was the sole support of both Megan and Kate. He'd known Niall's parents were both dead. Simon had told him so when he'd implored Harry to hire his nephew, but he hadn't mentioned the two sisters. No, he hadn't known, and he was thankful Darya had taken the sisters in. He increased Niall's salary the following morning.

Flowers arrived for Darya that afternoon. Stewart had sent them with a note filled with sympathy over her tragic loss.

Darya was arranging the flowers in a white porcelain vase while Harry scowled over the note. "What's this about?" he asked.

"Uncle Edward died."

Harry burst into laughter. She smiled. "I thought you would be pleased."

"It's damned callous of you to laugh, Harry."

Louis stood in the entrance of the dining room, scowling at his brother. He turned to Darya to offer his sympathy and only then realized she was smiling.

"Isn't Edward a good friend of yours?"

"Not anymore," Harry replied dryly.

Louis shook his head. Harry laughed again. "He never existed," he explained. "Darya made him up so Stewart would take her stock orders."

"But he gave me sound advice. Damn it, I'm going to miss him. I... "

"Darya gave you her excellent advice. Ask her in future," Harry suggested.

Louis looked astonished. Darya gave her husband an I-told-you-so look before turning back to his brother.

"Stewart was far more willing to talk to me about investments because he believed I was sending the information on to Edward. Now he'll talk to Harry whenever he hears of good opportunities. He would be very upset if he found out Edward never existed, so I beg you not to say anything."

"Why bother with a middleman?" Louis asked, still not certain if he believed her or not.

"Because men like to talk to men," she patiently explained.

"Why are you here?" Harry asked, switching the topic then. "Do you have more news?"

"Yes," Louis answered, drawn back now to his reason for calling. "They found Lady Constance's body about fifty yards away from Elizabeth's grave."

"Dear God," Darya whispered.

Harry put his arm around his wife's shoulders. "Were there any others found?"

Louis shook his head. "They haven't found any so far but they're still looking. Owen's being charged with the second murder. He sent a request through his barrister to talk to Darya."

"It's out of the question."

"Harry, I think I should talk to him."


"Please be reasonable," she pleaded. "Don't you want to make certain he's the one?"

Harry sighed. "Then I'll go and talk to him."

"Owen doesn't like you," she reminded her husband.

"I don't give a damn if he likes me or not," Harry replied.

She turned to Louis. "Harry threw him out," she explained. "I can't imagine he would want to talk to him now."

"You'd be surprised how a man changes in Newgate Prison," Louis said. "I imagine he'll talk to anyone he thinks might be able to help him."

"You aren't going, Darya," Harry told her. "However," he quickly added when she tried to argue with him again, "if you write down your questions I'll ask Owen whatever it is you want to know."

"I already have a list," she replied.

"Then go and get it for me."

"Harry, I'm going with you," Louis announced.

Darya knew it was useless to continue to argue with her husband. From the look in his eyes she knew he was going to be stubborn about this. She went upstairs to get her list, added a few more questions to the sheet of paper, and then hurried downstairs again.

"We'll take my carriage,'' Louis told his brother.

Harry nodded. He took the list from his wife, put it in his pocket, and kissed her good-bye. "Stay home," he ordered. "I shouldn't be gone long."

"She can't stay home,'' Louis interjected. "I've forgotten. Liam's coming by to collect her in about an hour."

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Eleanor wants your wife to meet Sophia,'' he explained. "Mother and Catherine are at the house, too."

"Liam will be with Darya?" Harry asked.


Darya turned and started up the stairs. She was in a hurry to change her dress. She wanted to look her best when she met Sophia.

"Should I take our gift along?" she called down to her husband.

Harry was starting out the doorway. He told her that was a fine idea, but she could tell from the shrug in his answer he was barely paying attention to her.

Megan helped her change her clothes. Niall's sister was nervous, but her enthusiasm to please her mistress was most obvious.

Liam came to collect her a short while later. Darya carried the gift Niall had rewrapped for her down the stairs. She handed the box to Liam to carry for her but didn't explain what it was.

Harry's partner seemed preoccupied and barely said a word to her on the way over to Louis's town house.

She finally asked him if something was wrong.

"I've been going over the books,'' he explained, "and trying to figure out where all the entries came from. Harry's the one with a head for figures,'' he added. "I'm trying to keep the ledgers current but it's difficult."

"I entered the invoices while Harry was ill,'' she said. "Perhaps I made a mistake. Are you thinking the balances are wrong?"

Liam shook his head. "Harry told me you caught him up,'' he said. He smiled then and stretched his long legs out. She moved her skirts out of his way so he would have more room.

"I couldn't find the invoices for some of the deposits made,'' he said.

She finally understood what was bothering him. The money Harry had transferred into the company account came from payment for services rendered for the War Department.

"There aren't any receipts for four entries,'' she remarked.

"Yes, four exactly,'' Liam agreed with a nod. "Do you know where Harry got the money? It doesn't make sense. The income from the ships is accounted for and I know he doesn't have a separate income."

"Have you asked him about it?"

Liam shook his head. "I just discovered the puzzle this morning."

"Do you and Harry... share everything? I mean to ask, does either of you keep secrets?"

"We're partners, Darya. If we can't trust each other, who can we trust?" He gave her a piercing look. "You know where the money came from, don't you?"

She slowly nodded. "Harry should probably tell you-not me," she said.

"Did the money come from you?"


"Then who?"

He wasn't going to let it drop. Because Liam wasn't just Harry's partner but his best friend as well, Darya decided it wouldn't be disloyal to tell him.

"You must promise me not to say a word to Louis or anyone else in Harry's family," she began.

Liam nodded. His curiosity was piqued. "I promise."

"Harry was doing some work on the side to increase the accounts."

Liam leaned forward. "Who did he work for?"

"Sir Roberts."

His roar almost knocked her gift off the seat. Liam had appeared to be only mildly interested and his furious reaction was a bit shocking. She visibly jumped.

Liam regained his control and apologized. The look in his eyes remained chilling.

"I believe it would be best if you let Harry explain," she stammered. "He doesn't work for Roberts any longer, Liam."

"You're certain?"

She nodded. "I'm very certain."

Liam let out a long sigh and leaned back. "Thank you for telling me."

"Harry would have told you, wouldn't he?"

The worry in his voice was very apparent. Liam thought she was having second thoughts about telling him. He smiled. "Yes, he would have told me. In fact, I'll ask him about the missing invoices tonight."

He deliberately changed the topic so she would quit fretting. They arrived at Louis's town house a few minutes later.

Darya met Niall's uncle Simon when he opened the door for them. He was an extremely dour-faced gentleman, stiff as starch in his manners, but there was a sparkle in his eyes when he greeted her. Niall, it seemed, had been singing her praises, and Simon mentioned that he'd just heard both Megan and Kate were also in her household now.

The doors to the salon were wide open. Louis's daughter spotted her first and came running into the entrance. The four-year-old grabbed hold of Simon's hand so she wouldn't tumble when she executed a curtsy. Her ladylike behavior was short-lived. The second she'd finished with the bothersome formality, she let go of Simon and threw herself at her uncle Liam's legs. She let out a shriek of joy when he lifted her up and tossed her high into the air.

"Thank God for tall ceilings," Simon remarked.

Liam heard the comment and laughed. He settled his niece in his arm and followed Darya into the salon.

Eleanor and Catherine were sitting side by side on the settee. The Duchess was seated in the chair across from her daughters. All three women rushed to their feet and surrounded Darya.

"We just heard the wonderful news," the Duchess announced.

Darya laughed.

"I heard it from Catherine," said the Duchess.

"I heard it from Eleanor," Catherine interjected.

"I never... " Eleanor began to protest.

"I heard Mother giving you her speculations," Catherine admitted then.

"Where is Sophia?" Liam demanded to know.

"She's feeding Joanna," Eleanor answered. "She'll be down in a minute or two."

Liam immediately turned to go to his wife. He tried to put Olivia down, but she tightened her hold on his shoulders and announced she was going with him. Darya put the gift box down on the side table and followed her relatives over to the chairs. She sat down next to her mother-in-law. The Duchess was dabbing at her eyes with her linen square.

"I'm beside myself with joy," she announced. "Another grandchild. It's such a blessing."

Darya beamed with pleasure. The talk centered on children for several minutes. Catherine quickly became bored. Darya noticed and decided to change the topic.

"Are you angry with me for telling Harry about the flowers you received?"

"I was angry at first, but then Father explained everything. Then I became afraid. Now that Owen Pelly's been locked away, I'm not at all afraid and Father is going to let me go to all the parties again. Do you realize the season is almost over? I shall die of boredom when I have to go back to the country."

"You will do no such thing," her mother countered.

"I'm going riding in the park with Martin Adley today."

"Catherine, I thought we agreed you would decline the invitation and spend the afternoon with your family," her mother reminded her.

"It's only a short ride and everyone will notice if I don't go. Besides, I can see family anytime."

"Is Martin coming here to collect you?" Eleanor asked.

Catherine nodded. "He's so divine. Father likes him, too."

Darya was uneasy about Catherine going anywhere. Oh, she knew Martin was a friend of Harry's and would certainly watch out for Catherine, but she still wished her sister-in-law would stay home. Darya wasn't convinced Owen was the culprit. She didn't want to alarm her relatives, though. She wished Harry were here. He would know what to do.

He wouldn't let his sister leave. Darya came to that conclusion right away. But Harry was cautious to a fault, she thought to herself.

"Catherine, I believe you should stay here with us," Darya blurted out.


Why indeed? Darya's mind hunted for a reason. She turned to Eleanor, silently imploring her help.

Louis's wife was very astute. She caught the worry in Darya's eyes and immediately voiced her agreement.

"Yes, you should stay with us," she told Catherine. "Simon will be happy to send a note to Martin explaining a family matter has come up and you aren't able to keep your appointment."

"But I wish to keep my appointment," Catherine argued. "Mother, this isn't fair. Michelle Marie is going riding with the Earl of Hampton. Her sisters don't tell her what to do."

"We aren't telling you what to do," Darya countered. "We just don't want you to go."

"Why not?"

Catherine's frustration made her voice shrill. Thankfully, Darya was saved from having to come up with an answer, as Liam and his wife walked into the room, drawing everyone's attention.

Darya literally bounded to her feet. She hurried across the room to meet Sophia.

Liam's wife was a beautiful woman. She had dark brown hair, a flawless complexion, and eyes the color of a clear blue sky. Her smile was enchanting, too. It was filled with warmth.

Liam introduced her to his wife. Darya wasn't certain if she should formally curtsy or take hold of Sophia's hand. Her dilemma didn't last long. The woman was openly affectionate. She immediately walked forward and embraced Darya.

It wasn't possible to feel awkward around Sophia. She treated Darya as though she were a long-lost friend.

"Where is Joanna?" Darya asked.

"Olivia's bringing her down," Sophia explained.

"With Simon's assistance," Liam interjected. He turned to his wife then. "Sweetheart, I'm going back upstairs to finish with the ledgers."

Eleanor called out to Sophia and patted the cushion next to her. Darya didn't follow. She chased after Liam. She caught him halfway up the stairs.

"May I please speak to you in private for just a moment?"

"Certainly," Liam answered. "Will the study do?"

She nodded. She followed him up the rest of the stairs and into the study. Liam motioned to a chair, but she declined the invitation to sit.

The room was a clutter of maps and ledgers. Liam had obviously turned Louis's study into a secondary shipping office. She commented this to him as he walked across the room.

"Louis's library is downstairs," Liam explained. "He won't let me inside. He won't come inside this room, either," he added with a grin. "My brother-in-law is a fanatic about order. He can't stand the mess. Have a seat, Darya, and tell me what's on your mind."

She again declined the invitation to sit. "This will only take a minute," she explained. "Catherine wishes to go riding with Martin Adley. He's coming here to collect her. I don't think it's a good idea to let her go, Liam, but I can't come up with a suitable argument why. She's very determined."

"Why don't you want her to go?"

She could have gone into a lengthy and surely confusing explanation that wouldn't make any sense at all, but she decided not to waste Liam's time.

"I'm just uneasy about it," she said. "And I know Harry wouldn't let her go. Neither one of us is convinced Owen Pelly is the guilty man, and until we are convinced, we don't want Catherine going anywhere. Harry isn't here to tell his sister no, and her mother won't be able to sway her. Will you please handle this? I don't believe Catherine would dare argue with you."

Liam started for the door. "So Harry doesn't trust this Adley?"

"Oh, no, I didn't mean to imply that," she said. "Martin's a friend of Harry's." She lowered her voice when she added, "He's taken over Harry's position in the department under Sir Roberts's supervision."

"But you believe Harry wouldn't wish her to go. All right. I'll take care of it."

"What excuse are you going to give her?" Darya asked as she hurried after the large man.

"None," Liam answered. He gave her a devilish smile. "I don't need a reason. I'll simply tell her she's staying here."

"And if she argues?"

Liam laughed. "It isn't what I'm going to say to her, it's how I'll say it. Trust me, Darya. She won't argue. There are only two women in this world I can't intimidate. My sister and my wife. Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

"Actually, Liam, there are three. You can't intimidate Eleanor, Sophia, or me."

She smiled over the look of surprise in his eyes but didn't dare laugh.

The Duchess was waiting in the foyer to say good-bye to both Darya and Liam. She had an important dinner party to prepare for, she explained. She kissed Darya on her cheek, then made Liam lean down so she could kiss him, too.

Darya assumed Catherine was still inside the salon. She turned to go inside before Liam so she could pretend she hadn't interfered. Catherine was already a little irritated with her because she'd broken her word to her and Darya didn't want to add another sin to her list.

Sophia was sitting on the settee. Little Olivia sat next to her and was holding the baby in her lap.

"I do hope Joanna turns out to be as pretty as you are," Sophia told Olivia.

"Probably she won't," Olivia replied. "She doesn't have enough hair to be as pretty as me."

Eleanor rolled her eyes heavenward. Sophia smiled. "She's still young," she said. "She might grow more."

"Where's Catherine?" Darya asked as she crossed the room. "Liam wants to have a word with her."

"She left a few minutes ago," Eleanor answered.

Darya immediately jumped to the conclusion that Catherine had left with her mother. She sat down next to Olivia to look at the baby.

"Was she very angry we interfered with her plans? She's probably giving her mother a fit right about now. Oh, Sophia, Joanna's beautiful. She's so tiny."

"She'll get bigger," Olivia announced. "Babies do. Mama says so."

"Darya, Catherine didn't go home with her mother. She left with Martin. We did try to make her change her mind, but without a valid reason at hand her mother finally relented. Catherine can cry at the drop of a hat, and I believe her mother didn't want a scene."

The baby started fretting. Sophia took her daughter into her arms and stood up. "It's time for her nap," she announced. "I'll be right back down. Simon will snatch her out of my hands as soon as he can. The man's a wonder with infants, isn't he, Eleanor?"

"He's a wonder with four-year-old's too," Eleanor replied. She turned and spoke to her daughter. "It's time for your nap, too, Olivia."

Her daughter didn't want to leave. Eleanor insisted. She took Olivia's hand and pulled her along.

"I'm not a baby, Mama."

"I know you're not, Olivia," Eleanor answered. "And that's why you only take one nap a day. Joanna takes two."

Darya sat down on the settee and watched Eleanor drag her daughter out of the room. Liam stood in the doorway.

"Do you want me to go after Catherine?" he asked.

She shook her head. "I'm just a worrier, Liam. I'm certain it will be all right."

The front door opened just then and both Louis and Harry walked inside. Louis stood in the foyer talking to Liam, but Harry immediately went into the salon to his wife. He sat down beside her, hauled her up against him, and kissed her.

"Well?" she demanded when he began to nuzzle on the side of her neck and didn't immediately tell her what happened.

"He's probably guilty," Harry announced.

Louis and Liam walked inside to join them. Darya nudged Harry so he would quit sucking on her earlobe. Her husband let out a sigh before straightening away from her. He smiled when he saw her blush.

"He had motive and opportunity," Harry said then.

Louis heard his brother's comment. "I think we're trying to make this more complicated than it really is. I'll admit it's... convenient."

Harry nodded. He pulled out his list. "All right, sweetheart. Here are your answers. First, Owen denies that he went with his sister to meet a man calling himself her admirer. Second, he swears he didn't know anything about an insurance policy. And third, he vehemently denies being involved with Lady Constance."

"I expected those answers," Darya remarked, nodding.

"He wasn't much of a brother to Elizabeth," Louis interjected. He sat down and let out a loud yawn.

"What about my other question to Owen?"

"Which one was that?" Harry asked.

"I wanted the names of the suitors Elizabeth turned down. He mentioned there were three when he visited me and I thought those rejections might be important. Honestly, Harry, did you forget to ask him?"

"No, I didn't forget. There was Burke-he's married now so he wouldn't count-and Mazelton."

"He's getting married soon," Louis interjected.

"And?" Darya asked when Harry didn't continue. "Who was the third man?"

"Martin Adley," said Louis. Harry nodded. Darya glanced over at Liam. He was frowning. "Harry, isn't Martin a friend of yours?" he asked.

"Hell, no," Harry answered. "He probably wants to throttle me about now. I believe he blames me for a situation that developed where he messed up."

Liam leaned forward. "Would he blame you enough to come after your wife?"

Harry's expression changed. He started to shake his head, then stopped himself. "It's a possibility," he admitted. "Remote, but ... what are you thinking, Liam?"

His partner turned to look at Darya.

They said her name in unison. "Catherine."

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