CALZONA: Everything has chang...

By calzona_04

140K 2.4K 429

Original author: CalzonaAndDemi on A/N (CalzonaAndDemi): My new story. I just got inspired. I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chpater 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 21

3.4K 69 32
By calzona_04

After Arizona got that phone call to contact her lawyer she was only able to meet him once before she needed to go to court. Until then it was only reminded and suddenly it became a cruel reality. She needed to face him. They told her that there are a lot more victims testifying but that her words were the strongest because she had a child with him. Her biggest secret was out in the open. Luckily the case wasn't followed by news reporters so she wouldn't be on the television. She got three days off work. But Callie was working and she couldn't be there with her because Owen said he couldn't have two of his greatest surgeons away on a busy day. Only her mom was with her. They decided for Daniel to stay at Arizona's house so he could pick up Josh if the testifying would take longer than anticipated. Also Arizona was sure her dad would try to kill him.

As Arizona stepped through the main entrance of the court her stomach was already turning. She skipped breakfast in fear of throwing up. Also the very tight skirt she was wearing didn't help. She released a shaky breath. She waved slightly at her lawyer and he walked towards her. "Hi," she said.

"Are you ready for this?" he said instead.

Arizona shook her head. "No. But I'll still do it. I hope. You promised that Josh's name is not mentioned. If he ends in jail today then I won't have to fight custody with him."

He nodded. "And even if he doesn't go to jail, which he will because our case against him is very strong, he would never win custody. Not with that criminal record."

"So he just wants to mess with me? That's great," Arizona said and chewed on her bottom lip. She still didn't know his name, refusing her lawyer to tell her but now she needed to know. "Will you tell me now? His name?"

"Are you sure?"

Arizona nodded even though she wasn't sure.

"Jack Barnes."

Arizona felt another wave of nausea hitting her stomach and she took a deep breath. "Let's just get this over with." She walked in the court room, she was early because she didn't think she could handle walking in after he, Jack, would already be there. She sat down, her mom unfortunately had to stay behind. She trusted her lawyer though. She noticed other women sitting in her row, all had a lawyer. Arizona closed her eyes as the side door opened and she knew he was being brought in by two officers. Think of Callie, think of Callie, think of Callie, she chanted in her head. She stood up along with others as the judge walked in. She wasn't sure if she was suppose to be relieved that the judge was a woman but it made her feel just a little better. Arizona still hasn't looked at him and she was the second to being called to the questioning. Her case was the strongest because although her description of him wasn't very detailed they were able to connect him to Josh through the DNA and she was told that only three out of five went to the hospital to get the rape kit done. As she listened to the very detailed description of the first victim she barely managed to keep it together. Emotionally she felt numb, but she was shaking and her stomach kept turning. And then it was her turn. She slowly walked closer to the judge and sat down. She kept her eyes focused on the microphone in front of her. The questions her lawyer practiced with her went by easy, she answered them on autopilot. But then his lawyer stood up with questions on his own.

"Miss Robbins, abortion is legal in the United States," he stated. "So why did you decide to keep the baby? If what you said is true, why keep a constant reminder?"

Arizona saw his face. He smirked. Josh was Arizona's weakness and she paled the second she was asked that. She looked at her lawyer to see if he could help her.

"Objection," he said, standing up. "Your honor, my client's child has nothing to do with this."

The judge nodded. "Was that all or do you have more questions?"

His lawyer nodded. "In the report you filed my client's description is so basic, it could really be anyone. So how sure are you that it was my client that assaulted you?"

Once again Arizona's lawyer stood up. "Objection. Your honor, a rape kit was performed at Seattle Presbyterian Hospital and the DNA we found matched the defendant's."

The judge nodded. "Any more ridiculous questions or are you finished?" she asked his lawyer. She was obviously fed up too.

"No further questions," he said through gritted teeth and sat down.

Arizona's legs were shaking so hard she was barely able to stand up. Her lawyer stepped closer towards the judge and asked for a break. Arizona caught Jack's eyes on her and then she was running. Towards the bathroom. She ran to the last stall and locked it. She bent over the toilet and dry heaved as tears started running down her face. Her part was over but she didn't feel any better. She only felt worse. She heard the bathroom door open and she leaned against the stall's wall, her knees to her chest as much as it was possible in her skirt.

"Arizona, honey," Barbara's voice called out. "I saw you run in here."

Arizona reached up and unlocked the door and opened it. But she didn't have enough straight to stand up.

"Oh sweetie," Barbara whimpered. She sat down next to Arizona and pulled her sobbing grown up daughter in her arms, just like she did when Arizona was little and hurt herself, when her first girlfriend broke up with her, when Tim died.

Arizona hated crying especially in front of her mother. "Can we go home?" she whispered, her voice sounded so little.

"I'm sure we can. But I'll need to ask your lawyer," Barbara said.

"No, don't worry, I'll do it," Arizona said. "Just give me a minute." They sat there for a few more minutes until Arizona's phone vibrated. She reached inside her suit jacket's pocket and slid her finger across the screen.

Is everything going well?

It's like Callie knew whenever she was feeling terrible.

Bitter sweet. I wish you were here. But I'm also glad you're not.

She sent her reply and leaned back against the wall, taking a few deep calming breaths.

Glad I'm not there? Why? What's going on? Now you're making me nervous. Are you alone?

Before she could reply her phone started ringing with Callie's special ringtone. Ironically it was 'if you like it, you should have put a ring on it'. She quickly answered her phone, standing up and earning an odd look from her mom. "I'm okay," she said before Callie could assume anything else.

"Are you sure? Arizona, please don't lie to me," Callie almost begged.

"I'm not, Callie," Arizona breathed out. She really didn't want her mom to hear her saying Callie's name. "I did my part and I'm going home now but my lawyer's staying here. I'll keep you updated. But please don't worry. I'm okay."

Callie sighed. "Okay. I trust you. Text or call whenever you want."

Arizona smiled. "I will. Thank you for being here for me." Those were their ways of saying I love you. Arizona hung up on the phone.

"So that was Callie?" Barbara asked, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Might be," Arizona replied casually. "I'll talk to my lawyer and see if I can leave already." She found him in front of the court room, waiting for her. She talked to him and he let her leave since her part was done but he was staying to see if Arizona would have to fight for custody or not. She checked her clock and was happy to see that Josh was still in school and she'd be able to pick him up later. There was only a week left off school and Josh started taking the bus to school but still relied on Arizona or Liz or his grandparents to be picked up.

"Does might be Callie want to join for dinner?" Barbara asked. Arizona was never opened in details about her relationships but she never hid them either.

Arizona tugged on her skirt. "I don't know, mom. Callie has a daughter and she can't just leave her."

"They can both come. I bet her daughter's cute."

Arizona smiled despite herself. "She's very easy on the eyes, yeah. Beside you haven't really met Callie before and I've been relying on her a lot lately and I don't want her to meet you and dad today. Especially if my lawyer's news won't be good news."

Barbara stayed quiet and drove Arizona home. She didn't like seeing her daughter so tired, emotionless. Arizona was always a big fan of chatting. When she was little she was able to stay awake long past her bed time because she got into really heated conversations with Daniel. "Honey, why don't you go lay down? Your father can pick Josh up from the practice."

Arizona sighed. "Okay. I just need to get out of this stupid skirt and blouse." She threw her phone on the coffee table in the living room as she went upstairs in her bedroom. She undressed quickly and then threw herself on the bed, wearing just underwear and a tank top.

Barbara waited until she heard the bedroom door close. She walked to the coffee table and picked up Arizona's phone, fumbling around with it until she managed to unlock it. Arizona never password protected her belongings so she was able to access her text messages pretty quickly. "Daniel! Come here," she yelled.

"What? What's wrong?" Daniel asked as he emerged from the downstairs bathroom where he was fixing the faucet.

"Do you know how to type on this thing? It has no buttons," Barbara said, frowning.

Daniel shook his head. "It's called touch screen for a reason. What do you want to type? And why do you have Arizona's phone?"

"She wanted me to invite her girlfriend for dinner," Barbara lied.

"Girlfriend? Really? Arizona told you to do that?" He huffed, not believing a single word Barbara said as he passed her back Arizona's phone.

Barbara shrugged. "She would want her here."

Would you lke to comr over fop dinner tonught?

As she sent the message she realized the grammatical errors. "Oh boy, I think I pressed a few letters wrong." Not even a minute letter the phone was ringing both Barbara and Daniel with wide eyes.

"You answer it," he said and walked away.

Barbara sighed and managed to answer the call correctly.

"Arizona? Hello? Is everything okay? Your text sounded like you're a little drunk," Callie said. After a moment of silence she frowned. "Arizona? Do you need me to come over? I'll leave work early? Hello?"

"Callie is it?" Barbara finally asked. "I'm Barbara, Arizona's mother. I was wondering if you'd come for dinner tonight but I obviously missed a few letters on that tiny screen."

Callie gasped and stayed quiet for a few seconds. "Mrs. Robbins?" she squeaked out before clearing her throat. "Is Arizona alright?"

"Oh yes, she's okay, dear. Sleeping I think. She said she didn't want to burden you but I'm sure you wouldn't mind coming over. I assume you already know where Arizona lives. And you can bring your daughter too."

"I can come over," Callie said softly. "Do you need me to bring anything?"

"No, thank you. I expect to see you around 5," Barbara said with a wide smile. "It was nice talking to you Callie."

Callie closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead. "You too Mrs. Robbins," she mumbled awkwardly.

Arizona woke up some time later and she heard her dad chuckling and then Josh squealing. She quickly grabbed a pair of comfortable pants and a t-shirt and went downstairs. "Hey bud, how was practice and school?" she asked as she met him in the middle of the staircase and quickly ruffled his now shorter hair. She finally managed to get him to the hairdresser.

"It was good. Grandpa took me to the park," Josh replied, grinning at her. "Grandma said dinner will be ready soon."

Arizona nodded, jogging downstairs as he made his way to his bedroom. "How long was I out?"

"Enough for your father to pick up Joshua and for me to start dinner," Barbara replied casually. It was now five to five and she kept glancing towards the clock on the oven.

"Are we expecting anyone?" Arizona asked. Her mom looked suspicious and it didn't help that she couldn't keep her eyes off the damn clock.

Barbara shrugged. She fought back a smile when the door bell rang. "Go open that sweetheart."

Arizona rolled her eyes. Did her mom force the neighbor's boy again to deliver her bread again? She sighed before she opened the door and her eyes widened. One thing she didn't except to see was Callie. And the fact that she was holding a bottle of wine while her other hand was resting on Sofia's shoulder. "Hi," she said, confused.

Callie smiled. "Hey. I brought wine."

"I can see that," Arizona stated, still confused. She opened the door wider and let them inside. "Why did you bring wine?"

"For dinner," Callie replied. "I mean your mom told me not to bring anything but I couldn't really come over empty handed.. And you had no idea about this did you?" She laughed nervously after Arizona's confusion hit her.

Arizona shook her head. "I did not know anything about this but I'm still glad you're here." She took the wine. "Josh's upstairs but he should be back here any minute now," she told Sofia. "You can go wait for him upstairs." She knew how awkward it was for a child to wait next to a group of adults. As they entered the kitchen Barbara turned and sheepishly smiled at Arizona. "Oh no, you don't. Why did you invite Callie?" She quickly turned to her girlfriend. "Not that I mind you here."

Barbara sighed. "You seemed like you could use a friend."

"If you wanted to meet Callie you should just told me and I'd tell her to come over," Arizona said.

Josh took that opportunity to share something on his own just as he entered the kitchen. "Mama and doctor Callie kissed the other day. While dancing," he said and giggled, Sofia joining him.

Barbara laughed in delight. She loved her grandson. "Now did they?"

Arizona blushed, suddenly staring at the counter and tracing the pattern instead of looking at her mom while Callie awkwardly scratched her chin. "Thank you sweetie for sharing that," Arizona said.

Josh beamed back at her. "You're welcome mama. Can Sofia and I go play video games in your office?"

"How about you both help me with dinner?" Barbara offered. She didn't want them to be staring at the TV for another hour or so and she knew kids loved to feel helpful. Sofia smiled shyly, leaning against Callie while Josh nodded excitedly. "Wash your hands first please."

Arizona set the wine in the fridge. "Where did dad go?"

"Oh, he's been so angry with that faucet you have in the bathroom downstairs, he's been trying to fix it for the whole day already," Barbara replied.

Arizona laughed. "No one uses this bathroom anyway. It's a waste of time."

"Well, if you have a full house it's useful to have a working bathroom downstairs too," Barbara casually replied.

Arizona rolled her eyes. She knew what her mom was implying to. If you and Callie get married and there are two children in the house, then it's useful to have two working bathrooms. "Okay mom. We'll be in the living room."

Callie walked after Arizona. "Are you sure it's okay for me and Sof to be here?" she asked hesitantly.

"Of course it's okay! I mean, it's my house. And I love having you here. Both of you." Arizona leaned in for a quick kiss, before they settled on the couch.

Callie moved her hand to Arizona's knee. "How was today?"

"Brutal," Arizona replied honestly, making Callie wince. "But I mean I left early so I guess I should check my phone to see if my lawyer sent me anything in reply. I couldn't stay there any longer." She leaned forward to pick the phone from her coffee table. "And please, next time my mom harasses you, don't do what she says."

Callie chuckled. "Well I couldn't say no to her. And I thought you knew. Although it explains why she was so secretive and why she kind of drunk text messaged me."

Arizona groaned. "She's so embarrassing. I can't believe she invited you for dinner. I'm glad you're here though."

"I'm glad I'm here too," Callie replied and gave herself a few moments to embrace Arizona before the other woman pulled away. "So did you get anything from your lawyer yet?"

"An e-mail," Arizona breathed out. She connected with her wifi and signed in her e-mail account. The message from her lawyer was the only one left unopened. She pressed on it and shut her eyes for a second. She felt Callie's hand tighten the grip on her leg and she took a deep breath. Her eyes opened and focused on the e-mail.

Callie watched her girlfriend as her eyes scanned the words. Nothing showed on Arizona's face that would let her know if it was a good kind of letter or a bad kind. "So?" she asked impatiently after Arizona stopped reading and just started at the blank TV in front of them.

"It's.. He's.. It's over. He's in prison. I don't have to fight custody or ever have to worry about it. Again." Arizona spoke slowly, reassuring herself. But then she smiled widely and threw herself in Callie's arms, hugging her tightly. "It's over Calliope," she repeated in her ear, her voice cracking.

Callie wrapped her arms around Arizona's waist, smiling. She heard Arizona sniff but she assumed it was happy tears. "I'm so glad baby. I'm so glad." Her words were slightly muffled by Arizona's hair.

Arizona hasn't felt this relieved in years. Now she finally felt free. And she had Callie now. God, she loved here. And she really wished she was brave enough to say it.

"If you women are done making out on the couch you can help set up the table!" Barbara yelled from the kitchen.

Arizona rolled her eyes. "Do we still have to set up the table even when we haven't made out yet?" Arizona yelled back.

Callie's eyes went wide. "Arizona," she gasped.

Arizona laughed. "Don't be embarrassed. My mom's just teasing you. Come on. Let's set up the table."

After the somewhat awkward dinner Arizona shared the news with her parents and Barbara shed a few tears. "I finally have my daughter back," she whimpered as she hugged Arizona tightly.

In that moment it hit Callie just how much Arizona has lost and how much she had to go through in the past seven years. And not once had she seen Arizona look at Josh with anything but love. Suddenly she felt tears burning in her eyes.

"Is everything okay? You've been quiet since dinner," Arizona stated as Callie and she were sitting on her bed. She only lead Callie in her room to talk to her. Because her parents were staying over and Callie didn't feel comfortable with sleeping over.

"Mhm, yeah," Callie said absently.

Arizona sighed. She moved over to straddle her thighs and so that way Callie couldn't avoid her. "Calliope, what's bothering you?"

"I.. I feel like I shouldn't be upset. But Arizona, if I wouldn't break up with you, you'd be with me on that day. Safe. And happy. And you wouldn't have nightmares or be addicted to freaking sleeping pills, even though you're not anymore, but still."

Callie was now crying and Arizona was a little shocked. This was not the reaction she expected from the other woman. "If you knew that was going to happen would you break up with me?"

"Of course not," Callie cried.

"Then why did you break up with me?" Arizona softly asked. She knew the answer but now she needed Callie to understand it as well.

Callie sniffed. "Because.. We both wanted different things. If we stayed together we would probably just end up resenting each other. And I just wanted us both to be happy, even if it meant we couldn't be happy together."

Arizona nodded, a sad smile on her lips. "See, you did it for the right reason. Bad things happen. But it's over. And it doesn't matter anymore. I have you, I have Josh and I have Sofia."

Callie pulled Arizona down for a kiss. "I love you." Her words ghosted over Arizona's lips as she breathed them out.

Arizona's eyes widened. "You do?"

"I do," Callie said, her smile widening as she remembered how their first 'I love you' words were exchanged.

"I love you too."

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