Becoming His

By MelanatedByNature

987K 43.7K 16.3K

Cover by: @Enny101 Christian DeLuca is a very successful businessman with little regard for anyone he doesn't... More

Chapter 1 - New Beginnings
Chapter 2 - Wrong Assumptions
Chapter 3 - Model Behavior
Chapter 4 - Good Enough
Chapter 5 - Get It. Got It. Good.
Chapter 6 - I Got You
Chapter 7 - Blended
Chapter 8 - Trust Me
Chapter 9 - Unmoving and Awkward
Chapter 10 - I Know
Chapter 11 - Meltdowns and Freakouts
Chapter 12 - The 1%
Chapter 13 - I'm Only Okay If You're Okay
Chapter 14 - Vasiliev's Army
Chapter 15 - Your World
Chapter 16 - Being Greater
Chapter 17 - Poor Dick Dunkirk
Chapter 18 - My Heart, My Life, Everything
Chapter 19 - Elephant In the Room
Chapter 20 - Ultimatums
Chapter 21 - Moving On & Passing Out
Chapter 22 - It's Stacey, Asshole
Chapter 23 - Ms Esther
Chapter 24 - Okay, Perfect
Chapter 25 - Too Perfect
Chapter 26 - Why Are You Here?
Chapter 27 - White Boy
Chapter 28 - Three
Chapter 29 - Broken Birdie
Chapter 30 - Losing Everything

Epilogue - Friends Or Enemies

26.1K 931 401
By MelanatedByNature

{1 Year Ago}


"I don't need your house or your money." The tears slipping from those deep brown irises made the look on her face even more heart wrenching. She turned away from me and headed for the bathroom, leaving me to stifle in the guilt. I had to get out. Picking up my bag, I left before the voice in my head telling me to stay got any louder.

Walking out of the house and stepping into the town-car, I try to remind myself of how better off she'd be without me. Roberto pulled away from the mansion and immediately my chest constricted at the idea of leaving her like that, but if I went back there's no doubt in my mind that she would convince me not to go; her cries, her words, her body, her touches, her kisses, those beautiful eyes. Fuck!

This is what's best for her, she'll find someone better and I'll... What the fuck am I gonna do?

My phone rang bringing my mental spiral to a halt. I sent the unknown number straight to voicemail not wanting to talk to anyone right now. Without a pause, the ringtone bled into my ears again, and again I hung up, frustrated that the caller didn't get the first fucking hint.

My mind travelled back to her sweet face and the thought of how much she'll probably hate me after this all settles down. She's gonna hate me. The woman that truly means everything to me, will hate me.

I can't shrug the feeling that this is a huge mistake. I can't do this.

I gave her my word that she's mine and I'm hers, always and I meant that. What the fuck am I doing, walking away from the best part of myself? I can't live without her. Shaking my head at how cliché this shit is, I pressed the intercom about to tell Roberto to turn around, but the phone's jingle sets off once more.

Growing annoyed with whoever was desperate enough to piss me off, I tap the green button on the screen.


"Christian?" The soft feminine voice rang out, there was something familiar about the accented voice that I couldn't quite place.

"Who is this?" I could hear the deep shaky breaths coming from the other end as the faceless caller attempted to steady herself. I don't have time for this. "Who the hell is this?" My impatience seeped through.

"Christian, it's me." It only took a second for the voice to finally click. My heart stilled as the same soft tones that told me stories and lulled me to sleep as a child were flowing through the speaker of my phone. A voice I had buried in the deepest, sweetest parts of my memories, was piercing through the walls I built years ago; knocking through the barrier faster than Alesha ever had. "Christian, can you hear me?"

My words failed to muster as all the questions and thoughts flurried around my head, only to pull one word from the cluster: "..Mom?"

{Present Day}

"Sweetheart, where are you right now?" Charlotte asked as she looked up at me, resting her chin on my shoulder and winding her arm around mine.

"She's right Chris, you seem a little out of it tonight. Are you okay?" Richard asked from across the table noticing that my mind had wandered away from here.

"I'm good, just work still on my mind." I lied taking a swig from the glass in front of me.

"You shouldn't be thinking about work when you're with family schmoopy." Her words and that infuriating name made me send her a glare that forced her to ease off of me and lean back into her chair.

Getting married to Charlotte caused a split between us and my family, she wasn't mixing into the group as effortlessly as she had always assumed she would. She didn't get our jokes and her taste was a lot more.. decadent. They were baffled as to how a grown woman could behave so entitled and spoilt, it didn't make it any easier for her with their constant comparisons to Alesha. She didn't want to be around them and they definitely didn't want her around. I can't say I care about her discomfort though, this arrangement had its purpose, just not one I expected to drag on for so long.

"Maybe we should call it a night." Lucas suggested, probably having had his fill of faking niceties and listening to Charlotte's mindless chatter. I don't blame him. "We'll go freshen up before we get going." He gave me a knowing look before taking Charlotte's hand and leading her back to where the restaurant bathrooms were.

I pulled my attention back to Richard. "Why didn't you tell me she was going to London?"

"It's only for a few months she'll be fine. Demetri's tagging along for a month or two, he sold it to your grandparents as 'work experience' so I gave him the go-ahead to shadow the Creative Director of my London branch." I couldn't help but smile at the thought of my baby brother doing nothing but hitting on models the entire time. "Dani and Raf are spending a week of their honeymoon there too," he took a breath and looked away before continuing, "KC decided to go with her."

My fists balled at the mention of him. I wasn't sure what game KC was playing but I'll put an end to it. Last I saw him, he was beating Vasiliev to death because I gave the order, now he's strutting around with my girl on his arm?! ... Seeing him with her the other night, putting his lips on hers, touching her- I wanted to kill him, I still do and it will be that simple once all my enemies stop hiding their faces.

The last year's killed me; not knowing who was really fighting for me and everyone's true motives, had me paranoid. The one person I knew I could trust and wanted near was the one person I couldn't have close to any of this. I was at odds with myself. I couldn't be with her, but I wanted her to be happy; just not without me.

"How is she?"

"She's good. There's something missing, but that might just be me." He gave me a pursed smile coated in pity. "I think she's still trying to get over what happened with the wedding, which I should beat your ass for," he said with a raised brow, "but she's better now."

"She told you about that, huh." I felt the shame and guilt of that day easing back in.

"Just be glad it was me she told and not Dani. Speaking of Dani, has she returned any of your messages?"

"Not one. We talked a little at her wedding party the other night but that was only because she was hammered. It'll pass, we're family." I looked up to see Lucas and Charlotte already heading toward us, Richard and I stood ready to leave.


In the car heading home, my mind mulled over what my life is now and what it should've been. Would she even take me back after what I've put her through? She did everything she could and I shot her down at each try. She cried for me, screamed for me, fought for me, just to watch me marry Charlotte. Maybe once I've fixed everything she'll let me explain- but the things I've said to her... I fucked up.

"You're thinking about her again, aren't you?" Charlotte scoffed next to me. I zoned in to my phone scrolling through some work emails and texts. "How fucking pathetic. You have me right here and you can't help but dote on that bitch?" I wanted to wring her neck, ignoring her was taking too much effort. "You never even tried to love me like that, did you?" Her voice came out saddened and softer than usual. "We could be so happy together, Christian. You just have to give me a chance."

I looked into her eyes and wanted to feel sorry for the girl sitting in front of me, but I knew Charlotte. I knew the person she really was, all I didn't know was how mixed up in this she was. "That's not how it works. I'm staying at a hotel tonight, I have an early meeting in the city tomorrow."

The tears began pooling in her eyes as the car came to a stop in front of the mansion. She grabbed her purse and stormed out, slamming the car door shut.

I let out a sigh relieved that our night ended there. "Roberto, take me home please."

"Got it boss."

After a 30 minute drive, looking through the new photos she'd sent to Grams, who thankfully insisted on forwarding them to me, we pulled into the gated home, isolated on its own land.

Looking at the newly built house there's no doubt in my mind that she'd love it. It wasn't as big as the mansion so she wouldn't feel that alone when I'm not here, but it was fenced in with enough space and quiet for her to feel relaxed and safe.

This is where we'd grow old together.


"Thank you for meeting with me. I know you are a busy man, however there are a few things I have yet to get off my chest." The woman's thick Russian accent was firm and directive. Her eyes darted between Dome and the armed SUV parked outside her home. "Usually I would laugh at brutes such as yourselves taking all these precautions over a little woman like me, but knowing what my husband put you through, I understand."

I sat still, eyes trained on her pale skin and dark hair contrasted by the bright red lipstick staining her thinned lips. Her skin wearily marked by age and a deep frown sketched around her mouth. "Why did you call me here Ms Vasiliev?"

"Though I am- was a dutiful wife, I know my husband was a bastard. Between his many affairs and his conceited power from his rank in the Brotherhood, there was no hiding my hatred for him." I narrowed my eyes trying to suss out what she was getting to. "I know what he tried to do to your wife and I am forever in debt to your family for what he helped Mr Howard do." I drew in a sharp breath, gesturing for her to carry on. "I want to put this feud between our families to rest. These gangs.. it's not a world I want my children growing up in."

A clang came from the kitchen and immediately Dome drew his gun in its direction, while I held mine on Anya who jumped from her seat blocking the kitchen's doorway.

"Please! It's just my children. Что делаешь?! Я сказал вам, чтобы остаться в ваших комнатах!"
(What are you doing?! I told you to stay in your rooms!)

I watched as the teen pushed in front of his mother and a much younger girl who tugged on his arm. I could see how his features favoured his father, but they both heavily resembled their mother. The sleek black hair and piercing blue eyes with the same pale white skin. The girl seemed no older than 9, but her brother looked around the same age as Demetri. I motioned to Dome to put the gun away. "Извините, мы немного на грани."
(Sorry, we're a little on edge.)

"I think my mother is done talking." He looked at me with a hard stare, ignoring his mother's pleas to watch his tone. I smirked at the scene as the women failed to pull him out of view.

"It's okay." My words made Anya stop and stare at me. She held her daughter's hands stopping her movements too. "I can respect any man protecting his family." I took a step forward, with hand outstretched. "What's your name?"

He glanced from my face to my hand before clasping it in his, "Nicolai."

I shook his hand before looking to the young girl behind him. I knelt down and motioned for her to come forward. She walked to me timidly, hand still latched to her mother's. Her brother tapped her shoulder and waited for her to look to him, he moved his hands in a precise manner signing to her, immediately after his hands fell by his side, she reached up with both arms wrapping them around my neck for a hug. She let me go with a kiss on my cheek and stepped back beside her mother. "What's your name?"

As she signed something, I glanced to her brother waiting for the translation, which he gave with a smirk. "She said "Natalya, who are you?" "

I looked back at the young girl with a chuckle. "Nice to meet you Natalya, my name is Christian."

She signed again with a wide smile before her brother translated: "She says thank you for telling our dad to go away."

"That's what you told her?" I peered at him charily.

"Yes. My father deserved whatever happened to him. He was a prick, a coward and a drunk. The Bratva made a mistake choosing him, so did my mother." The older woman slapped his arm, mumbling something under her breath. He looked me over, presumably judging if he could trust me or not. "I do too." He stated abruptly.

"You do what?"

"I respect any man protecting his family. My father's cowardice and stupidity robbed us. My mother was supposed to be happy and well taken care of for the rest of her life and my sister should be going to the best schools, even though she wants to be an artist when she grows up." He scoffed with a faint smile.

"What about you?"

"The Bratva was always my future. I'll just have to join sooner than expected."

"What would you rather be doing?"

"Anything else." He blurted out, making me laugh. His mother hit him again, knowing how dangerous it was to disrespect the Bratva especially to one of its former leaders. "I'd most likely be going to school for aeronautical engineering... or some shit like that." He shrugged away the thought.

"Следите за своим ртом." Anya snapped, warning him.
(Watch your mouth.)

"Doesn't matter, Ivan used all of our money running from you and squandered the rest on whores and drugs." The sentence earned him another slap and an eye roll from his mother.

There was a silence as I looked over the family of three. "Anya, thank you for your hospitality and kind words, but there's no debt to repay. Nicolai.. you aren't welcome in the Bratva, not now, not ever." The boy looked at me shocked, clearly angry enough to attack, but I could see the slight worry but overall relief on his mother's face. "Your mother and sister only have you. Go to school, take care of them."

"That's what the Bratva is for. I cannot provide for them without the Brotherhood."

"I didn't ask you to provide for them, I said protect them." I shifted my gaze back to Anya, "I'll wire you a sufficient amount for the life you and your children were promised." Their widened eyes flickered from me to each other in shock. "If there's anything else I can do to help, please let me know." I waved to the young girl before turning to leave with Dome on my heel.

"You're a better man than my father Mr Marino. I hope you got the American too. None of them should live after what they did to your wife and son." Nicolai called out from behind.

I looked back at him feeling the usual pounding in my head and heat on my ears which happened whenever I was reminded of that night. "Julian Howard was taken care of."

"I don't know who that is. The man that met with my father had white hair, sometimes had an older woman visiting with him, his name was Richard."

JJ x

It's officially over you guys 😩 I'm so sad to finish part one but relieved. Thank y'all for over 200k reads and 10k likes, didn't know it was gon' be like that lol

I've read all the DMs and yes there will be a sequel. When I'm back in London 'Being Hers'  will be underway ASAP xx

I know the last chapter had y'all confused af  lol but it will all come to the light. What do y'all need answers to??

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